February 18, 2025: Card(s) O' the Day: Five of Swords, reversed and Queen of Pentacles. Two cards came out together today: the Five of Swords, reversed and the Queen of Pentacles. Sometimes two cards feel like one as I draw and I wasn’t going to impose “my executive decisions” and pick just one.
We spoke of the moodiness of the King and Prince of Cups recently and their propensity for bending the truth to their own liking. Today’s reversed Five continues to warn of treachery or wrongdoing so we’re being cautioned that our ego doesn’t lead us down a blind alley. The energy present isn’t conducive to new ventures due to the underlying motivational factors or discord between the material and spiritual facets of involved parties. (Meaning, they don’t have your best interests at heart.)
Yet another court card indicates to me the problems probably lie with a particular person rather than a situation (reversed King). With the Queen of Pentacles we’re advised not to piss them off because they’re possessed of a bull-like temper when annoyed. When it comes to their wealth and power, the ends justify the means as far as they’re concerned. The Pentacle Queen can be grasping of their possessions and what they consider theirs because they don't like to cede control of anything.
February 17, 2025: Card O' the Day: King of Cups, reversed. Our previous card was the emotions-based Prince of Cups; today, we have more emotions-based energy that’s starting to slide sideways. Kinda like the “warm and fuzzies” are getting rancid.
Because king personalities are generally dominating and self-assured, when they become reversed, their normal characteristics will be pushed to the extreme ends of a spectrum. Emotions can become artificial, and one might hide behind a caring façade, publicly pretend congeniality, or fake a role to fulfill someone’s needs and gain credit for being a “good guy.” Conversely, by appearing to be upright, one may take advantage of others or indulge in embezzlement, shifty or double dealing, and dishonesty. If the card doesn’t represent an actual person, but a situation, then beware the danger of false advertising, fraud, and/or swindles.
In a group setting, the reversed leader-king can be someone who’s micro-managing, smothering, and/or moody. Any sacrifices this leader makes for the group seem to be unappreciated, so this person may want sympathy, assume a “poor me” attitude, or sink into passive-resistant self-pity. Charming. This person would do well to experiment with new approaches towards expressing their feelings more constructively. If you have to deal with someone like this, maintain a poker face and be all business.
February 15, 2025: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups. When the Prince’s “the way of love” manifests in concrete form, it could look like participating in music, dance, poetry, film, or other artistic and creative activities. The Water Prince is a great healer and protector and thus may signify involvement in counseling, catering to the needs of others, missionary work or other humanitarian undertakings, and/or varied spiritual and devotional practices. When such social activism is turned inwards, it represents a need to seek spiritual and healing solutions to problems by embarking on a difficult, but profoundly rewarding and enriching, quest of personal revelation.
Ruled by inner values with a rich emotional landscape, people influenced by this card tend to act and react according to feelings rather than what’s logical. This means their inherent “action” energy is in conflict with the passivity of the Water element, which prevents their imagination from actually producing anything. Nevertheless, the appearance of this card is an invitation to challenges or initiatives to be taken on with strength and will. Dare to jump into the unknown and experience the tremendous sense of exhilaration in the free fall!
February 14, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Tower, reversed. Whether this card is upright or reversed, receiving it is always a divine kick in the butt and it's pointless to try to stop the inevitable transformation that’s already begun.
Sometimes we're unwilling to heed warning signs, prefer to cling to established structures and the status quo, or believe ourselves to be untouchable and thus needed change is delayed or denied. You might’ve accepted collapses, setbacks, and that things aren’t right, but have lived with it for so long it no longer bothers you or you’re just unwilling to do anything about it. Alternatively, there may an opportunity to alleviate a bad situation before it explodes or bail before being taken down with the ship. Either way, you’re going to have to do some work.
Crisis and true catastrophe come if the energy of The Tower and its inevitable and obvious changes are resisted (meaning, you don’t want to do the work). Without forward motion and the required change, you can expect continued entrapment in old ways and habits that are keeping you stuck.
February 13, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. Upright, The Fool can indicate leaping before you look, taking risks with a devil-may-care attitude, and just dashing off into the wild. However, today’s reversal may indicate it is time to listen to your higher self and look at who you want to be when you grow up. Who do you admire? What do they do that you don’t? What would you do for vocation if you could pick?
Take a period of reflection to contemplate and clarify what’s going on now and what’s come to pass. If performances and events haven’t lived up to what was envisioned and you’re feeling overwhelmed or defeated, it would be well to discover why. With careful thought, you’ll come to understand how NOT acting on new ideas—with a realistic assessment of the means to implement them, of course—keeps you stuck. Only then will you have the awareness that big chances must be taken in order to be like those you admire.
The upright Fool may seem too wild but we all need a little wildness to keep moving forward and actively participating in our lives.
February 12, 2025: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups (again). In many Tarot decks, the Ten of Cups’ illustration includes a rainbow. The rainbow is representative of peace after a storm and dark clouds receding. Certainly there were many storms and dark clouds worldwide over the past year but not everyone was forced into suffering. If you personally struggled recently, be reminded for every iota of darkness there’s equal light somewhere. The fact this most fortuitous card has appeared twice in a row gives me hope for the immediate future.
The Ten indicates you can rest and recuperate in these recharging environs as you dreams new dreams. However, rainbows are illusions; what seems perfect might be an over idealization and you may end up desiring something impossible. Disruptive forces will inevitably attack perfection because nothing can be sustained for long. Therefore, beware of getting everything you wish for because overflowing cups may indicate a situation that contains more than is desired or appropriate and all the “fabulousness” might become boring and overindulging. Universe will provide just what’s needed for spiritual development and happiness.
Receiving this card tells us it’s time to give thanks for success, the fulfillment of goals, domestic happiness, or any situation, whether material or immaterial, that brings a surge of joy. Celebrate emotional ties with family and friends and feel grateful for all that’s been earned. Remember, joy shared multiplies it!
February 10, 2025: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups. Tens, numerologically, indicate endings. But as we all know, endings beget new beginnings….
Therefore, the Ten of Cups represents a time to face the next challenges, consider new ways of being true to Self according to your own timing, and move towards new beginnings with a sense of peace. You have the emotional maturity to be buoyant yet grounded and remain balanced and practical if you assimilate intuitive feelings as you take concrete actions.
Go into the psyche and look for hidden aspects or forgotten talents, nurture and guide innovative ideas and artistic inspiration, ignite the imagination, and trust abilities and your wealth of knowledge to achieve goals. May blessings and abundance be yours.
February 9, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Star, reversed. When The Star appears reversed, one is called to shed all ideas of self that falsely depend on status, appearance, and possessions. Being consumed with such indicates a loss of touch with sources of true inspiration and that the imagination (all things magical) has dried up. A bottomless pit of need for stuff and conquests keeps one grasping for more of everything through an excessive undiscerning passion for accumulation of people and things.
This card declares it’s not a time for external efforts and amassing but rather for inner contemplation to find that which is your truth in Spirit and Deed.
February 7, 2025: Card O' the Day: Ace of Pentacles, reversed. The reverse Ace of Pentacles represents the curse of the Midas Touch or the evil side of wealth. You become so focused on material gain that everything is reduced to a possession and is judged by its preciousness and price. In your avidness for more and inability for moderation, excessive occupation with capital, principal, value, or rarity is all-consuming. This card represents prosperity without happiness and all ways in which wealth corrupts: selfishness, extreme competition, mistrust, and over dependence on security and comfort. (Another warning against going for the tangible at the expense of the magical.)
Pentacles are representative of alchemic gold—Spirit in matter—so this reversed card may indicate a devastating and painful experience in which secure and dependable structures or old establishments and ideas are being destroyed and cleared away. The protection provided by these arrangements is ending and you’re on your own despite wishing to hold onto and needing this shelter.
Re-examine what you truly need, observe what you do have, and let go of the concept that possessions or opulence define your value.
February 6, 2025: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles. This card encourages you to seek the divinity present within the Self and acknowledge the beauty therein. The wild and vibrant Universe exists in the center of all that’s ordinary and you’re blessed to be experiencing it. The appearance of this card indicates it’s time to become more aware of the familial environment as all matters involving one’s clan, friends, community, domestic affairs, and relationships become more important.
One of the goals of a colorful life journey is the happy tribal home, where love resides, sanctuary is found, and you openly share and rejoice with your people. In this richness where each brings something to the whole, a circle without fear of inferiority or superiority links all in eternal creation. Such a community of support allows the birth of new things, wholehearted and unconditional love, and compassion and forgiveness for shortcomings.
However, this card CAN represent the futile, endless pursuit of wealth despite the costs as you work towards material gain and fortune but nothing beyond. Meaning, you emotionlessly develop what seems to be tangible at the expense of all that’s magical. Examine your five-year plan for excess in the “stuff” department and lack in the extraordinarily wonderful.
February 4, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Wheel, reversed. The Wheel of Fortune represents the endless cyclic phenomenon of reality as it continually changes, evolves, dies, and is reborn through reincarnation and Karma/Dharma. Receiving this card indicates the beginning, middle, or end of a cycle. If the card indicates the ending of one cycle, then pause to gain strength for the start of a new one. See: The Moon’s changes and the Ace of Cup’s new beginnings.
Reversed, this is still a beneficial card, but its energy becomes unstable, and the unpredictability of outcomes increases. This could manifest in a superabundance of change with rapid growth, expansion, and increases. It’ll all happen too fast for any kind of planning and you might fear missing opportunities, have difficulty comprehending the inevitable sudden changes in life, or feel at the mercy of circumstances beyond your control.
However, when this new cycle starts (not yet) the biggest problem will be with your attitude as negativity starts to creep in and you alternate between hope and despondency. Confusion and an irresolute emotional core will block vital action. Struggle against such events is usually doomed, so stand firm, maintain courage and stamina, and learn from past rotations of The Wheel that nothing—good or bad—lasts forever. Know that your responsible efforts will allow you to overcome the forces seemingly against you.
February 3, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Moon. Okey-dokey, then. The cards have been hinting at emotional turmoil and changes for a few days but The Moon hammers it home. It’s time to face any issues of insecurity and trust a higher consciousness. Change, growth, evolution, development, and the ever-changing way that everyone must follow to gain the peak of fulfillment and achievement are the keywords and concepts du jour. Health-wise, The Moon speaks of all forms of mental health (especially depression), sleep disorders, and/or neurasthenia (emotional disturbances), which makes sense because we’re all a bit yipsey at the moment.
The Moon’s path is to be able to detect truth from illusion and fear. It waxes, is full, and then wanes as it lights the soul’s way from darkness into light. Compassion for self during this emotional time allows you to step out of illusion and into the true meaning of your inner magic.
Fortunately, the body aspect of The Moon is your small and large intestines. They represent the energy and determination it takes to do something extraordinary…meaning you’ve got the “guts” to do this!
February 2, 2025: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups. As an Ace, this card represents new beginnings or a time of welcome change. While the powers of reason, intellect, and science give mastery of the skies and oceans, what truly propels you to explore, invent, and build is still human desire and curiosity. Therefore, be alert to nurture what’s manifesting through a new relationship, stage of life, idea, or opportunity on emotional, psychic, or familial planes. You have permission to act with determination because results will be satisfying as old restrictions slip away, you have the mental space to think things through, and all the good comes together under a favorable outlook.
That’s the good news. The bad news is this card’s the most powerful of the emotions cards and can indicate upheaval, new feelings replacing old, challenge and transformation, turnabout in emotions towards another, or a total reversal of values. You might get overwhelmed by such fickle sensations leading to insecurity and self-doubt regarding your true feelings.
However, stay calm and connected with your heart because emotions need to be harnessed for positive ends. Fear of listening to the heart or suppressing emotional needs—because they’re so all over the place!—will end replenishment and lead to rebellion. At the same time, don’t allow those passions to turn into affectations with exaggerated or dramatized feelings that become insincere or pretentious displays.
January 31, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Hanged man. The Hanged Man is taking us back to the Four of Cups. In its extreme, the number four represents stagnation and thus this card indicates—literally or figuratively—being delayed, at a standstill, in a forced break because timing isn’t right, or painted into a corner. Yesterday’s Nine of Pentacles implied forward motion but with a warning not to become obsessed with amassing stuff and wealth. Therefore, I feel the appearance of The Hanged Man is telling us to slow down, whether we like it or not.
Held back like this, there’ll be no movement without a somewhat painful sacrifice. It’s only through the process of struggle that you’re forced to make choices that release fears and create the necessary transformation. Receiving this card indicates you’re about to experience or are experiencing a period of enlightened “suffering” that will lead to a new phase, inner peace, and long-term gains following the pause.
Now, not all sacrifice need be a “bad thing” wherein you’re the “loser.” Viewed from another angle, you may give up a lesser thing for something greater and less tangible. When you’re asked to trust blindly and sacrifice, know that whatever you leave behind is ready to go anyway. This card is asking you to see something is over, has run its course, or is dying. In order to grow and find the freedom of expansion, you must first outgrow the original and then let it go.
January 30, 2025: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles. Through self-mastery, an innate sense of order, discipline, and hard work, you can create a safe, stable, productive, active, and rich life with well-earned attention, favors, or popularity. A prudent use of finances allows for self-sufficiency and a congenial home-life with said comforts being derived from a realistic appreciation of your skills. Such prosperity and affluence bodes well for good health and all forms of physical wellbeing, happiness, satisfaction, and contentment.
However, you’ll find better physical fulfillment and balance by not immersing yourself too deeply in ambition. At some point, after working hard to build a life, you have to be aware of the good things, feel satisfied and “at home”, and don’t feel the need to charge after goals or prove yourself. This time of lush abundance translates to looking beyond material accoutrements and seeing success less in the sense of worldly achievement but more in having “created” yourself out of materials given by circumstances, conditions, and magic money can’t buy. It’s up to you to embrace those things that make you happy and take pleasure in earned rewards.
The shadow side of this card is that it represents the ongoing struggle against all odds to produce benefit—regardless of cost. Shallowness, covetousness, neediness, and selfishness, lurk around the edges to tempt you into working forever in order to gain “more.” The trick is to know when you have enough and be happy with that.
January 29, 2025: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups. The last time we received the Four of Cups was shortly before Christmas. Many of us (read: me!) struggled with procrastination in getting everything prepared for the big family gatherings of Christmas /Hanukah. Today we receive it again and while we are in the middle of our winter doldrums, let’s consider it more of a well-earned rest during which we can cleanse ourselves of old emotions.
This is a time of active waiting and hibernation. An opportunity for transformation simmers in the background if you feel like taking it. While it’s still a long ways to go until spring, the new year has begun and you’d do well to lurch in the direction of doing something ultimately productive. If you need to make a major purchase or repair in the coming months, now would be a good time to research your options from the comfort of your couch. Make good on that vow of more exercise/water/better foods by taking baby steps to create new healthy habits.
While the stable, relaxed energy of the Four gives us permission to continue languishing, Nature abhors a vacuum and the “relaxation” will start morphing into restlessness. Be ready for that so you can take advantage of the renewal of animation and not stay dormant for too long lest you begin to rot.
January 14, 2025: Card O' the Day: Judgment. Interesting that we got a “beginning” card—The Fool—a couple times and now Judgment (an “ending” card) reappears after only about a week. But then again, beginnings and endings go together.
On the physical plane, Judgment reminds us to become adaptable to the changes in life. Review the mind, heart, and body to see where you’re being inflexible. Allow emotions to flow as calmness returns to life. Take note of said calmness and remember how to get there again during times of stress. Spiritually speaking, share new-found clarity and wisdom with others who’re also searching for doorways into peacefulness. As you’re communicating ideas (yesterday’s Magician), it’s your turn to be a guide and mentor to the psycho-emotional level you’ve come to understand.
The appearance of Judgment represents the end of a life chapter and the fact the reality of life has changed. Old ways of believing and thinking, old situations, and the old Self have died without being noticed and a new and more spiritual consciousness is emerging. Transformation, rebirth, and renewal is taking place and this card offers the energy and revitalization necessary for this action. In this transition between one level of existence to another, you’ll experience disruption but also physical healing, regeneration, and new insight as to the direction or changes in life. You’re being asked to go with it and embrace it.
January 13, 2025: CaardO' the Day: The Magician. While The Fool signifies infinite hopes and beginnings, The Magician is the personification of those possibilities coupled with the energy of life in its most electric forms: consciousness, creation, intuition, intellect, desire, and action. Indicative of Self on the rise, feeling confident and capable, and taking your rightful place in line, this card recognizes the awareness you have of everything unexplored.
This card is indicative of beginnings with very strong forward motion so it’s a good time to organize your thoughts and put a sense of determination and order into any plans. The Magician, master of every situation, offers great strength through information, knowledge, effort, connections, experience, talent, astuteness, and the technical skill necessary for projects or the events you’re trying to set into motion.
The Magician represents all forms of communication and receiving this card represents either learning to communicate effectively or that you already have the ability to do so. This card also represents all questions of employment, work, and profession. Because self-confidence and effective connections are parts of the process of achieving goals, you’ll be called to promote yourself, pitch a project, network or facilitate some interaction, or otherwise use persuasive tactics to open to a wider audience.
January 12, 2025: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. The other day's Star hinted at collaborations with others but the reversed Seven of Wands indicates strong interpersonal energies clash. You may feel like you’re at a disadvantage or in an inferior position and such self-conscious distress leads to indecision, vacillation about what to do next, or discouragement. In an effort to hold your ground you might overcompensate and become aggressive or unyielding. (Passive-aggression is possible if you don’t have the nerve to be overtly hostile.) For protection, you’ll set up barricades to keep people at a distance.
After all that, let’s hope you’re ready to overcome fears and objections and participate in negotiations to gain favor or popularity. You’ll have to defend your choices, ideas, and positions regarding plans. That’ll dissolve defenses, walls, and barriers between yourself and others as you discover inner resources and refuse to be intimidated.
Certain minor victories may require conforming to established procedures and protocols or seeking an otherwise more co-operative approach so don’t be shy about accepting assistance when navigating these diplomatic waters. If you can come to a clear course of action, natural self-confidence will return because you’re truly stronger than you think!
January 10, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Star. And she’s back! But upright this time! (I swear I shuffled well.)
Upright, The Star indicates good omens and bright prospects. She opens a chance for a joyful transformation of your own making as more synchronicity happens and you meet more people who think as you do and can help achieve goals. You may be feeling particularly inspired, perceiving correlations, maintaining perspective, and noting certain partnerships or relationships have good prospects. Remember the reversed Fool talked about right timing?
Energy encouraging positive changes abounds for fortuitous opportunity, which will manifest new ideas, creativity, inspiration, and a chance to start over. The future impact of these happy circumstances suddenly coming available, providential help, the influence of the macrocosm upon one, or the light of Nature will be discernible shortly. Do not miss this gift of positive energy.
January 9, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Star, reversed. When upright, The Star asks you to get in touch with your inner guiding light, emotions, and sense of Self in order to understand how the outside world affects one’s psyche. Much like the reversed Fool, The Star emphasizes your inner guidance systems. However, once The Star is reversed, you focus on how outside influences have injured you and react by holding back, having difficulty opening up emotionally, hiding feelings, or turning away from offered calm and hope.
When The Star appears reversed, you’re called to shed all ideas of self that falsely depend on status, appearance, and possessions. It’s not a time for recognition or external efforts, but rather for inner contemplation—for “being” rather than “doing.” Yesterday the reversed Fool asked you to assess your projects and look to see where—and why—some things didn’t go as planned. The reversed Star is similarly asking for contemplation rather than action.
January 8, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. Middle of December we got the Queen of Wands. Lots of encouragement and pushy fire energy. The next day, we got The Fool, reversed. A mere couple days later, The Fool showed up reversed again. And now he’s back AFTER the Queen of Wands, uh-GAIN!
However, this time around I’m not feeling the shrinking or fear of doing something stupid like on previous occasions. This time reversed Fool may indicate you’re ready to grow up, listen to your higher self, and take on adult responsibilities. Take a period of reflection to contemplate and clarify what’s going on now and what’s come to pass this last year or so. If performances and events haven’t lived up to what was envisioned and you’re feeling overwhelmed, it would be well to discover why.
With proper caution and preparation, you’ll come to understand the futility and insanity of acting on new ideas without a realistic assessment of the means to implement them. Only then will you have the awareness that big chances must be taken at the right time and when, precisely, that is.
January 7, 2025: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. The Queen of Wands has the “best version of Self” down pat with her gracious refinement and strong will. If they’re judging, they’ve deemed themselves to be rock solid and the world to be theirs as they pleases.
When the Queen of Wands appears, it signifies things “coming together” and you’re encouraged to let the abundance within overflow! With a deep inner conviction that things will turn out okay, the Queen supports intuitive faith in your own abilities and limits. This card provides a gentle force that allows changes to proceed with the least disruption.
In addition, the Fire Queen represents prophetic and intuitive creation and inspires others to reach their fullest potential. Their radiant, friendly, optimistic, and outgoing qualities instill presence, nurture confidence, and enhance inner contemplation and self-discovery. This card indicates you need to rely upon, and trust, your own judgment and power without influencing or overriding others in the process. It’s perfectly okay to know what you want and how to get it! Don’t allow yourself to be deterred!
January 6, 2025: Card O' the Day: Judgment. The astrological influence of Venus helps one to enjoy, have the ability to see, and appreciate others as they are and still love them. She also enables one to develop a caring and merciful attitude towards oneself. (WITHOUT judgment!!!)
The appearance of Judgment indicates you’ve finally arrived at a place of awareness, discernment, and adaptability where old belief systems no longer hold you rigid and inflexible thereby blocking progress. Under such conditions, you can become the truest, best version of Self. It’s good to like who you see in the mirror after working so hard! Regardless of what comes in the future, you’ll enjoy the fruition and maturity of earthly knowledge and experience the benefits from the past season of nurturing, tending, and pruning.
By not dwelling on the past or wasting time pining for the future and really waking up and living in the present, you can see things more objectively and without judgment. Embrace the final dark secrets within and bring them to light to be faced with engagement and honesty. (And NO judgment!) Determine whether decisions were beneficial or detrimental to growth and spiritual peace, examine how opportunities were used, or evaluate the end of a long cycle or lengthy project. Doing so will help you complete some psychological work and then move forward to live life to the fullest exercising mercy and forgiveness and understanding the more you give, the more you receive.
January 3, 2025: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles, reversed. When the “apprentice’s card” (Eight of Pentacles) is reversed, all work efforts sour. And I don’t mean just the work happening at your job. Expand the meaning of this card to your entire physical life…the work you do to maintain your home, car, family/tribe schedules, and your own health.
Tedious and boring tasks, which didn’t used to bother you so much, have become deadening resulting in impatience, frustration, unfulfilled ambition, shoddy work product, and cutting corners. Lack of concentration, focus, or a sense of purpose leads to meaningless, “busy work” or unsatisfying labor that calls for no skill, personal involvement, or pride. The whole attitude surrounding your work is about gains or success and not the actual labor needed to get there. Read: you’re too bent on the end result rather than the journey.
Concentrating solely on the “endings” in your life (graduations, marriage, retirement, etc.) means you’re no paying attention to the parties and school dances before graduation, the joys/horrors of dating, the paying your dues and climbing the ladder of success in your field, etc. The actual LIVING part. No, don’t stay stuck in one place with zero changes but also don’t zoom so fast through those changes you don’t get to experience your life.
January 2, 2025: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords, reversed. Sometimes I just have to laugh at how the Tarot cards can nail things right where it hurts the most! Oy!
The mental energy of the upright Swords is being stymied in this reversed card thereby making you resistant to new perspectives, stuck mentally, and clinging to prejudices for the security of the “known.” (Is there an echo coming from yesterday’s card?) You may over intellectualize problems making them bigger than they are or under estimate a situation and get trapped in fear and indecision regarding it. By perceiving everything subjectively from within, with no external verification of the facts, it’s easy to misunderstand other points of view. In truth, all this stems from a lack of self-confidence and only makes your journey that much harder and emotionally difficult.
One could say (any professional psychologist out there want to weigh in?) that 90% of our problems come from our feelings of not being “enough” in some way, failing, and looking like an idiot. But here’s the kicker: EVERYone feels inadequate and NObody has time to judge YOU! They’re all too busy trying not to fail themselves! Do your best today and congratulate yourself for getting out of bed and giving the day a whack.
January 1, 2025: Card O' the Day: The World, reversed. The World represents that inner moment of perfection in which you release what holds you back from participating in the divine dance of creation. When reversed, such “letting go” may call for sacrifice but any made will likely rise from wisdom and compassion. Remember yesterday’s reversed Three of Cups….
You may feel “stuck in your shell” or inertia, fixity, and stagnation keep you from going forward. Conversely, you might be content to have things remain just as they are because it feels familiar, permanent, stable, and secure. Being so tightly leashed results in frustration and the sense that something is missing as movement and growth slow to a stop. Such a narrow existence will lead to a lack of perspective and difficulties in making a future for yourself.
The World is one of the “endings/beginnings” cards of the Tarot deck and as the last of the Major Arcana, it carries weight in this concept. When reversed, however, it signifies difficult beginnings or that too much is expected of a small beginning. You’re demanding substantial achievement right away or even before action has started. This pressure will only doom you to failure so just take one day at a time and live in what today brings.
December 31, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups, reversed. The reversed Three of Cups is actually an appropriate card for today, this last day of the year. As you read the following, remember these concepts can pertain to anything in life, not just people.
When this card is upright, there’s heavy emphasis on all the people and activities you love within your community, family, and/or tribe. Reversed, it indicates life has gone in a different direction and you have less time for hanging out with friends or hobbies. If time isn’t at issue, it could be you’ve become disenchanted with comrades or events and thus are cutting back and no longer doing what you used to. The usual pleasures seem empty and unfulfilling. Your own interests and values may have shifted and those of your associates haven’t paralleled yours. Regardless of the reason you’ve separated from your group, the reversed Three signifies the end of some things and the need to look at hard realities.
All this is COMPLETELY normal as you grow and change on your Life Path. I mean, do you still wear the same jeans you did in high school? Just as your tastes in fashion change, so does your tastes in people, ideas of fun, and spiritual needs change. No blame, no shame…just reality. Go into 2025 embracing the changes and allow the stuff that’s not coming with you to end.
December 30, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Lovers, reversed. Recent activities may have suppressed your individuality or created a need for personal space that wasn’t/isn’t available or granted. A request for such will bring out darker emotions such as resentment by others or from yourself that you even have to “ask.” (Notice a “resentment” theme here if we don’t fill our own cups adequately? And, no, wine doesn’t count.)
Another facet of this card is a choice or decisions need to be made. However, the reversal of the card indicates you might experience a dilemma or have trouble making a decision due to over-thinking. Perhaps the tough choice is between devotion to other people or your own higher Self. (Oh, HELLO!!!!!) Bad choices made with lack of discrimination, determination, impulsivity, or lack of analysis to a situation can lead to regrets, friction, and guilt (!!!!!!).
December 29, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords, reversed. Oof! SOMEbody didn’t get what they wanted for Christmas….
The normally sharp intellect of the Sword Prince slides into the fanatical or ridiculous when reversed and one appears to be in an out of control temper-tantrum that seeks to deliberately cause pain, injury, or physical damage. Ruthless, tyrannical, and vengeful, one blames mistakes on others or uses cruel logic to destroy in a destructive rebellion. One might become unprincipled, crafty, or deceitful as one tries to pursue goals and thereby swindle or con others in an attempt to get what they want at all costs.
If this is you or you’re merely thinking such awful thoughts and are resentful of all that happened during the Christmas gatherings you attended, here are some questions to ask yourself: Where do you draw the line between being determined to get what you want and being selfish at another’s expense? How can you be more considerate in your actions? What do you want to be remembered for?
While it’s important to maintain an energetic balance with others, one doesn’t want to become an emotional score-keeper who gets snippy when feeling shorted. If you feel like you’re giving more than receiving, it’s perfectly okay to dial back on the quantity and quality of your giving lest you get resentful.
December 19, 2025: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. The reversed Fool is back and is in the wake of encouragement from the Four of Cups and allowances from the reversed King. Last week, the reversed Fool followed the lively and optimistic Queen of Wands. So, again, one and a half steps forward and one step back. *Sigh* Looks like the only thing keeping us moving is the daily rising of the sun. Thank goodness for that!
Anyway, today’s Fool’s normally bright energy is lost in apathy, laziness, indecision, confusion, and hesitation when the card is reversed. For those receiving it, this could be a signal of negligence, absence, distraction, and feelings of emptiness, uselessness, ineptitude, or unable to produce anything of value. With no idea where to begin, you’re adrift in restlessness and unfocused energy. As resources are wasted, you may be criticized or hounded by others for the lack of productivity.
To those pundits with a pole up their butts, I remind you of yesterday’s reversed King of Cups and his advice to “experiment with new approaches towards expressing your inner life.” Take a period of reflection to contemplate and clarify what’s going on now and what’s come to pass. If performances and events haven’t lived up to what you envisioned and you’re feeling overwhelmed, look at what DID go right. Congratulate yourself for that much. You’ll have successes like that again, trust me.
December 18, 2024: Card O' the Day: King of Cups, reversed. Why is it that whenever a hearty motivational card comes along (Four of Cups) reminding us to be our strongest and best selves, the next day we get a card that’s the equivalent of a temper tantrum? Today we have another Cup showing us how volatile our emotions can be and how many of us struggle with feelings of inferiority.
Because king personalities are generally dominating and self-assured, when they become reversed, their normal characteristics will be pushed to the extreme ends of a spectrum. At one end, to avoid being perceived as wimpy, weak, or ineffectual, a person may act full of bravado or resort to bullying. Emotions can become artificial and you might hide behind a caring façade, publicly pretend congeniality, or fake a role to fulfill someone’s needs and gain credit for being a “good guy.” (At this time of year, you’d be Santa’s BEST elf scurrying to and fro baking, cleaning, wrapping, and decorating everything within an inch of death to make up for all your perceived failings of the past year.)
How about we do our level best and then sit down with a cuppa when we need to? Or—this is TRULY radical—say no? The reversed King of Cups invites us to experiment with new approaches towards expressing your inner life…like cutting yourself some slack, looking after YOU, and being emotionally more honest.
December 17, 2025: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups. Anybody else withdrawing, stuck in a fallow or stationary period, stagnating, disengaged, dissatisfied with reality, anxious as things that once gave joy no longer interest or please, and all creative energy is gone? Ready for distance…to watch the “show” rather than be caught up in the drama? Or is it just me?
Fortunately, Nature abhors the vacuum of stagnation and many opportunities are within grasp. It’s time to shake things up, challenge previous assumptions and fantasies, and start something new to get moving again. You may hesitate, but growth requires change. Little appears to be happening on the outside, but creative leaps and new ideas can arise out of certain states of relaxation if you pay attention. While it’s not easy to decide what to do, especially if you’re unsure, don’t get stuck procrastinating like me.
Let’s consider this a goodly ass-kicking and MOVE IT!!!
December 15, 2024: Card O' the Day: Justice. The notion of judicious or prudent intelligence applies to the Justice card in that it represents the power of the intellect and mental alertness to make choices based upon dispassionate, impersonal evaluation and fighting battles with art, strategy, and skill rather than brute force. Conceptual thinking, fairness, and intellect become the arbiters between opposing ideas rather than desire.
Justice represents thinking clearly and cultivating the faculty of a balanced mind. Through lucid thinking, objective planning, and weighing all factors, you transform the untamed and nebulous to reach fully informed and aware decisions using logic, reasoning, and evidence. Cognition, analytical thought, and all the workings of the mind give you access to the full force of the collective mental body. By using these mental faculties responsibly and constructively, you’ll develop clear ideas when facing reality.
The appearance this card may indicate you’re struggling with something unfair at the moment. Regardless of the form injustice in your life takes, when the situation isn’t up to snuff, understand some situations are simply out of your control and must be endured until the energy shifts.
December 14, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Wheel. The Wheel heralds the beginning/end of a cycle during which you may see a change of luck that brings unusual gain/loss. The good news—and perhaps most important aspect of this card—is the inherent impermanence of the cycles in our lives. We’re reminded to make a decision about an upcoming change. It may feel risky and like a leap of faith, but trust in the universe to help with adjustments. Without adaptation to change, we can’t survive.
The principle factor coming change is movement uninterrupted with an ease of shifting your direction and orientation even though the outcome is unknown. By embracing change and being at peace with it as it inevitably comes, you’re acting in harmony with the laws of Nature and the requirements of the seasons. The new cycle may be good or bad, but all change indicates forward motion and transition. Therefore, if the shift made is a “failure”, it's not the ending of everything but rather a chance to change paths, redirect efforts, and see the shift was needed and good in the end because it’ll influence the resolution of current problems.
The most important part of all the changes The Wheel portends is your REACTION to the changes and not the actual changes themselves. The True Self is represented by the hub of The Wheel, so while external circumstances shift around you, the center remains the same. Accept the changes outside of yourself and consider this a time of cleansing and renewal. You may need assistance to do this and The Wheel encourages getting help.
December 13, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. Yesterday’s Fire Queen is a huge cheerleader of taking the lead and making bold decisions. But today’s reversed Fool represents the fear of taking a risk at a critical time because of fear or dependence upon plans or advice of others. The reversal indicates an aversion to taking any risks at all for fear of looking foolish, making a mistake, or excessive concern of doing something stupid and suffering embarrassment (the Queen is very proud, after all). Therefore, you stick to conventional and safe approaches, accept limits as absolutes, are careful, and do anything to avoid the possibility of a misstep.
Alternatively, the reversed Fool—backed by the powerful queen—can be apt to dive in without really looking first. But with proper caution and preparation, you’ll come to understand the futility and insanity of acting on new ideas without a realistic assessment of the means to implement them. Only then will you have the awareness that big chances must be taken at the right time and when, precisely, that is.
Find a happy middle ground between fear of forward movement and reckless abandon. Trust yourself and if you flub up a little, as long as there’s no BFD (blood, fire, or death), it can be fixed.
December 12, 2025: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. This queen represents prophetic and intuitive creation and inspires others to reach their fullest potential. Her radiant, friendly, optimistic, and outgoing qualities instill presence, nurture confidence, and enhance inner contemplation and self-discovery. This card indicates your need to rely upon, and trust, your own judgment and power without influencing or overriding others in the process.
However, always use this ambition and passion inventively while offering courteous understanding to others. Be careful of holding grudges or undermining the plans of colleagues. Avoid confrontation, pettiness, or opposition to restraint.
Receiving this card may signify hosting or attending a party, social gathering, business opportunity, chairing a committee, or overseeing a big project. It could also be a calling to volunteer or engage in charitable work or to work with the power of the land. Regardless of the form such connecting takes, it’s an opportunity to share your wisdom, strength, and care for others.
December 9, 2025: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords, reversed. Oppressed by troubles, feeling unfairly treated, and fearing loss of individuality and propriety, one hides from “villainous” acquaintances and avoids public view or facing others. Such shrinking from perceived dangers is reaction to something that weighs heavily on the mind and heart rather than an actual tragedy on the physical plane.
On the other hand, one’s anxieties could be justified, fears legitimate, and suspicions warranted thereby leaving one sad. One’s state of crisis may be due to political oppression or being vilified by one’s family or co-workers. However, even though the the problem is indeed real, one can’t directly attack it, which makes one want to hide within, keep anger and resentment, and fall into depression and despondency.
However, it may be time to begin the process of climbing out of despair, come out of a depressive episode, or pull oneself out of the rut of self-pity. Living in such a condition for the foreseeable future, after all, does nothing constructive. Do what you can to alleviate trouble and accept what you can’t. Have hope because nothing lasts forever.
December 8, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Magician. People strongly influenced by The Magician demand respect and have a tendency to be argumentative, expounding, wordy, and will rarely admit to being wrong. They’re intellectually dextrous enough to change their mind quickly and make things up as they go along. Lying when useful or amusing, using guile, cunning, and trickery to foster an illusion, manipulate the truth to serve private ends, or transform a situation to be more favorable to their needs isn’t out of bounds to get what they want.
Therefore, you must watch out for such types and discern the difference between positive and negative influencers because they seem to have a tricky ability to act “magically” and do the “impossible” in crisis and times of change. However, they merely have mastery and skill in persuasion, astuteness at maximum level, and the art of convincing with which they manipulate the terrestrial universe.
Remain attuned and aware to see what’s hiding in plain sight or is tucked away under the table. If you begin to feel the world is “out to get you” or that someone else’s power is affecting you, it may be time for a break from the situation or the person.
December 7, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Wands, reversed. The tendency to be careless, overly confident, and allowing pride to interfere with goals could lead to problems from this over-ambitiousness, arrogance, or obstinacy. Delusions of grandeur, abuse of power, and/or gratuitous performances are other presentations of excessive pride. Because one imagines oneself to be so impossibly fabulous, one may distrust others and fear deceit.
When reversed, the fiery energy of this card may cause one to become overly speculative and indulge in impractical schemes that suffer from scattered energy and lack of attention to important details. Lack of foresight, characterized by rash activity, will bring on exhaustion, mishaps, and difficulty putting plans into action.
Be careful of holding unconscious assumptions or unrealistic expectations that will cause problems if someone you rely upon—and is influenced by this card—fails to meet them or does the wrong thing. Such volatility and negligence can actually cause things to grind to a halt as situations become static, nothing started is finished or discontinued, and the result is that which was once so promising is terminated.
December 6, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups, reversed. The reversed Five of Cups can impart quite a hopeful outlook indicating recovery, charity, kindness, and renewal as you move away from loss and get on with life. You become aware that what remains after the recent losses is important and permanent even in the face of sorrow. The fallen Cups represent something less significant than what you originally thought and those still standing form a solid base that’s not easily knocked over.
After making some very hard decisions, there might be a change in lifestyle but you’ll still have the ability to share abundance. As you transform resistance or disappointment into something better, you develop emotional stability, coping skills, determination, and fortitude to conquer any misfortune or anxiety. Now, move on; it's time. (Note to self….)
December 5, 2024: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles. This card can be summed up in one word: reciprocity. It’s representative of the action of giving/receiving, never mind who’s the beneficiary or the benefactor. The rewards of such action—without regard for keeping score—connects society and uplifts all its members.
The reciprocity can be of a spiritual nature as one acts with compassion and shows respect to others. Such soul-based exchanges that flow from love embody true generosity, Spirit in all life, and strength through gentleness. Even though one is grounded in the material/physical world, how one values and handles these sacred exchanges determines one’s future.
In some cases, balance is not ideal yet is very stable. A hierarchy may not indicate a dominant person but is rather a situation in which you’re submissive. These circumstances offer just enough to keep you from looking for something better and you’re too passive or apathetic to endanger the little bit of security you think you have. Such situations won’t get better until you do something about it.
December 4, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Chariot. Backed by a powerful will, The Chariot has you feeling the energy and power of ego. This allows for building self-esteem through achieving goals. You’re ready to conquer the world, provided you don’t completely fuck it all up.
However, danger lies in your assertive instincts and the appearance of this card may signify too aggressive self-interest. Driven by the will of consciousness, you tend to overcome problems rather than solve them. Contradictions aren’t brought together but merely controlled. When your mind subordinates all things to a conscious will, it runs the risk of becoming rigid. An abrupt departure from traditional ideas, lack of refinement, and loss of personal values could leave you isolated.
It’s vitally important to understand the power of your words. When you’re true to your word, you gain the belief and trust of others. The Chariot teaches you to stand up for what you believe and let your voice be a catalyst for what’s important.
December 2, 2024: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords, reversed. The mental energy of the upright Swords is being stymied in the reversed card thereby making some of us resistant to new perspectives, stuck mentally, and clinging to prejudices for the security of the “known.” Those under the influence of this card and its energies may project theoretical narcissism, conceit, and/or overcompensate through an aloof and indifferent manner regarding commitments made to others.
By perceiving everything subjectively from within, with no external verification of the facts, it's easy to misunderstand another’s point of view or even reality. In truth, all this stems from a lack of self-confidence and only makes one’s journey that much harder and emotionally difficult.
If you must deal with such a person on a daily basis or that person has a certain power over you, maintain your integrity and staunch adherence to the truth at all costs.
December 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Devil. Just as The Devil represents the shadows of the psyche, this card also embodies the most negative and inferior qualities of personality and behavior such as lying, ignorance and wanting to stay ignorant, doubt, pessimism, greed, pride, seeing only the surface, acting without discernment, and being superficial, materialistic, and overly dogmatic. This card can show what tends to halt, limit, or constrict creative energy.
The Devil forces you to look at aspects you don’t like about yourself and tests the darkness of the unconscious mind. The Devil is present when power becomes a temptation for personal gain. Egomania causes bondage to physical cravings, addictions, bad habits, and the forgetting of one’s spirit.
I believe this card has come to us today to prepare us for what may come. It’s up to each of us to prevent—or at least mitigate—as much awfulness as possible. Practice random acts of kindness every day to keep your corner of the world bright and shiny. Love will conquer all.
November 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles, reversed. This happens rarely—a recently appearing card showing up again very shortly after, only its reversal takes on a wholly different vibe.
Through vanity, meanness, avarice, hoarding, downright greed, and/or a desire for money, some may engage in reckless and imprudent schemes or usury where income is short-term, short-lived, and benefits only the “chosen few.” Further rot in personality can be seen when one uses flattery, hypocrisy, and intrigue to get ahead quickly. The whole attitude surrounding one’s work is gains or success and not the how one gets there—honestly and with integrity, or…not.
Wasted efforts, poor investments, and lack of enterprise drain resources thereby further wasting time and assets. Commissioned work may never get done because of procrastination, attempted “perfection” that prevents change and growth, too much attention on minutiae, or problems because hasty decisions or bad advice slow everything down.
I remind you external energy sources can wreak havoc in your life. Do what you can to mitigate that energy.
October 31, 2024: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles, reversed. As with all reversed cards, the extremes of this card are present.
You may be hanging on to your personal reality excessively tightly because of fear, prejudice, greed, and/or defensiveness. Materialism (that’s MINE!!!) and the lack of enterprise or originality has you trapped in all aspects of stagnation. The reversed Four can also signify a family or group that’s sealed within itself and has taken on cult-like properties.
It’s time to reconsider what you really needed to feel secure. Find where the center of your power lies and be patient because despite perceived opposition, you can still work towards your goals and achievements for the collective good.
October 30, 2024: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles. The Eight of Pentacles represents an ideal situation of harmonious balance of accumulation, wealth, and prosperity wherein all needs of the mind and body’s health are met. This steadiness extends to one’s home environment in which all have found their place and the community is in full understanding of each other.
The appearance of this card indicates it's a good time to have equal persistence and patience while you work together with your environment and improvise when necessary to build a strong foundation. Use all available resources with an eye for durability, conservation, and incorporating artistry with function as you meld inner vision with technical knowledge thereby applying your intelligence to material matters. In addition to the obvious material rewards, such endeavors will create happiness and satisfaction within while bettering the world.
As an 8, this card signifies coming to the end of a cycle from which new paths and leadership will grow
October 29, 2024: Card O' the Day: Temperance. The crux of Temperance is finding a healthy balance between two opposites or extremes. Meaning, a place NOT in the “extreme.”
The ambivalence and shifting of feelings to preserve a relationship or idea leaves no room for separateness or individuality because weight given to any one feeling over another injures them all and can give rise to conflicting needs. There’s a need for continual flow of feeling and communication to prevent stagnation, even when those feelings are volatile, changeable, and not always gentle. One must learn to observe without emotional or intellectual judgment and shift perspective from instinctual reaction to the pursuit of higher knowledge and ethics.
True Temperance is a dance between dualities as forces work together to create a unified whole with each side containing a seed of the other. This requires the mystical union of alchemy to blend elements, factions, activities, feelings, and seemingly opposing energies to produce the desired harmony, peace, and natural flow with the “other” side.
October 25, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles, reversed. When reversed, the Queen of Pentacles is absolutely not a homebody. Under her influence, one could be looking to buck the traditional patriarchal system, abjure security and family values, and seek to enjoy a more carefree, adventurous existence. Rather than being the “queen of the castle”, the reversed Queen wants to become more involved with people, social structures, and communal activities outside the limited scope of her home.
Such leadership encourages women to seek executive positions within their jobs, at school, and in their communities. The reversed Queen also encourages traditionally minded men to view others based on competence and ideas rather than only on gender identification.
While some of us do well in a sheltered and secure environment, others need outside stimulation, relating to others, brainstorming ideas, and finding solutions to social problems. If you’d, personally, rather keep things low-key, then offer your support to those who want to make waves and bring change where change is needed.
October 24, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Moon. The Moon’s path is to be able to detect truth from illusion and fear. Once we’ve discerned the difference, face the things most feared. Are fears real or created to keep you “safe”? Do you perceive yourself as unhappy, depressed, a victim, or stuck? Again, is your perception real or are you pitying yourself? Like the maiden, mother, and crone, the Moon waxes, is full, and then wanes as she lights the soul’s way from darkness into light and clarity.
Pisces, the sign of Mysticism and Compassion, governs the Moon. Compassion allows you to step out of illusion and into the true meaning of your inner magic. Change, growth, evolution, and development are the ever-changing ways we all must follow to gain the peaks of what fulfillment and achievement look like to each of us. Surrender and trust your gut; you’re stronger than you realize.
October 22, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands. The Ace of Wands represents the forceful initial energy that denotes Spirit set into motion. As a symbol of healing, restoration, and spiritual awakening, the kundalini, or root chakra, is being aroused. All the elemental qualities of Fire—enthusiasm, vitality, and intuition—are enhanced at this time.
As the guardian of sacred spaces, this Ace assists in exploring the deepest parts of your Self to show truth and an authentic new perspective. This primordial energy is manifesting into matter to make something extraordinary out of the ordinary. It’s the basic life force energy of spontaneous generation that drives the flower to bloom or the soul to animate the physical body. As the spark behind all beginnings, it’s vital energy in the state of potential.
Something’s waiting within. What’re you going to do with it?
October 18, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Interesting that we should have this “work” card come up reversed following the reversed Prince who’s all about taking the easy way out. Today’s card represents complications and problems in your work (literally or figurative personal “work”) along with imprudent actions and an unwillingness to work toward a goal.
You might be suffering pervasive dissatisfaction and feelings of entrapment that come from unfulfilling jobs or commitments. This quagmire leads to increasing anxiety, an unspecified sense of uneasiness, bitterness, worry, or melancholy. It’s common to become impatient, restless, or inert in procrastination when faced with such emotions.
What you consider minute profits or compensation don’t feel like enough of a reward compared to the expenditure of time and effort, the amount of work, or financial outlay. You feel there’s always more to do to the point of exhaustion and overwhelm so it’s difficult to rest. Despite such delays and poor prognoses, there WILL be growth. Your efforts aren’t wasted.
October 17, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups, reversed. My first thoughts when I turned over the reversed Prince of Cups was he’s a “fake it ‘til you make it” kind of guy. With heavy emphasis on “fake.”
People influenced by (or in a mood like) the reversed Prince don’t want to actually do the work necessary to make positive and substantive changes in their lives. They don’t want to be honest about their feelings and just tell people what they want to hear just so the Prince can get his way in the easiest manner possible. He’s basically really lazy…with his emotions, actions, and values. This speaks to an emotionally immature person who’s out of touch with reality. The Prince’s concept of his reality is all that matters and he’ll manipulate it and you to serve his purposes.
If the Prince doesn’t represent an actual person in your life (and remember, no gender defined here), then it’s a situation you had very high hopes for that simply isn’t delivering what you’d hoped. An example: you’ve snagged a plum internship but you’re only allowed to fetch coffee and empty the trash bins. Therefore, use the power of the Queen of Wands and The Tower to remove yourself from any disappointing situations and step back from people who’re acting like the reversed Prince. (If it’s YOU, you’ve got some soul-searching to do. Or at least hide until the mood passes.)
October 16, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Tower. The Tower predicts an event or series of events that cause upheaval that’s beyond your control. You’re asked not to try to force things back the way they once were but to consider how to adapt to the changes.
The cycle of change can improve as well as alter the rhythm of life. Thus, fear of big changes is because you’re not sure of what life is going to look like afterwards. As you take responsibility for past actions, one may face loss of standing or position. But Universe asks you to trust there aren’t circumstances which can’t be changed or problems that can’t be solved.
The Tower points out the difficulty of resisting the process and signifies the need to ask for help. Assess what’s been destroyed and let it go but more importantly, see what survived, recognize the value of those things, and reincorporate them into your new, better life. You’re being set back on the right track with peace and clarity, fear will evaporate, evolution will occur, and from adversity comes wonderful new opportunities and adventures.
October 15, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. Ha! The last card that appeared reminded us to receive as much as we give. Today’s Queen of Wands will certainly give us the cojones to do just that. I’m not saying she’s* selfish, she just knows what she deserves and goes after it without shame. (*Remember, Court cards are genderless.)
When you receive the Queen of Wands in a reading, it signifies things “coming together.” With a deep inner conviction that things will turn out okay, she supports intuitive faith in her own abilities and limits. This card provides a gentle force that allows changes to proceed with the least disruption.
You’re reminded to stir passions and assert your enterprising spirit to inspire whatever you do and to master personal boldness, courage, and power by embracing and exploring life wholeheartedly. Be intent on desires and expressing your passionate nature with boldness and confidently communicating creative visions and original ideas. However, draw personal boundaries carefully to prevent being backed into a corner by others or a situation.
October 9, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Empress. One must be as open to receiving as much as giving to retain one’s psycho-emotional and Karmic equilibrium. Self-love and acceptance creates the balance between the cognitive and visionary aspects of the mind. Too often the adage “’tis better to give than receive” is hammered into us to the point we give to our own detriment.
At this time, something requires vulnerability or emotionality and it’s necessary to make decisions based upon those emotions. This may lead to satisfaction and understanding gained, emotional well being, and the ability to embrace life in hard times to trust that love will transcend suffering. However, if analysis is necessary, it can mean a stubborn emotional approach that’s reactionary and irresponsible with the refusal to consider facts or self-indulgent pleasure where restraint is needed.
The shadow aspects of this card include missed opportunities or dangers ignored through thoughtless actions or errors in thinking. So, strong personal boundaries and head that’s as well engaged as your heart are the keys for today.
October 8, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles, reversed. When this ultimate “family” card is reversed, it can indicate disruptions, quarrels, feuds, marital difficulties, or problems within one’s community, an organization, or institution. When loyalties become conflicted, you’re apt to turn away from the tribe or reject its rules, traditions, and basic tenets. As you become estranged from clan beliefs and heritage, you’ll feel like an outsider and unwelcome.
You also could be too involved in a group’s drama and are cautioned against becoming involved in something that’s none of your business. Discussions regarding disputes can quickly escalate into argument, so remain logical and objective to prevent further increases in intensity.
A good question to ask yourself is why this division occurred? Are you being willfully ignorant about something? Have your tribe’s values shifted in a direction you’re not comfortable with? The answer to the first question would indicate you’re being pushed away while the answer to the second indicates you’re stepping away. Be certain about your choices before you permanently burn any bridges
October 7, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups, reversed. The Queen of Cups, when reversed, reduces one’s personal force as it lurches out of control. One is oblivious to time considerations, regulations, and denies reality. People influenced by the reversed Queen may reject beliefs that aren’t their own.
If the reversed Queen influences you, there could be a tendency to merge psychically with the someone you admire to the point that it can leave your body untenanted and subject to possession by “evil” entities. After losing your sense of service to Self, you may become vapid, weak willed, unreliable, clinging, or frivolous.
A perceived rivalry could make people under the influence of this card jealous, envious, possessive, vindictive, or bitter. They may create trouble, misunderstandings, and scandal with their powerful and dangerous ambition. A person such as this might drink up the psychic energy of others for their own sustenance.
Steer clear.
October 6, 2024: Card O' the Day: Temperance, reversed. Due to all the unease, unrest, and uncertainty, you may be refraining from committing to anything to avoid tackling a problem, which only leads to procrastination and time wasted. However, because your judgment becomes impaired by lack of organization, adjustments don’t work. If you receive this card in its reversed position, consider it a warning that life has become fragmented and is sliding from one extreme to another.
Sometimes this card can represent anything to do with belief systems, a charismatic public figure, or sects. If not significant of that in general, it could be you’re slipping under the treacherous influence of a specific cult or overbearing leader-type person. You can recognize a cult or its leader by the narrow-mindedness and corruption present.
October 5, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords. Two important human functions, thinking and communication, often determine whether you perceive a situation as a problem. The Swords represent truth, reason, and knowledge and allow you to make decisions with confidence once the challenges have been clearly identified. The Ace of this suit represents clarity of purpose that results from having a goal and making a plan to achieve it. With your heart, mind, and spirit in alignment, you’re prepared to face challenges and make necessary sacrifices.
Upon receiving the Ace of Swords, you have an opportunity to discover a new solution to a problem or entanglement and gain much-needed understanding. It allows you to apply new ways of thinking or cut through hazy analysis since all judgments and decisions are based on reason, logic, and scientific method. Replace old anxieties with a new belief and determination in yourself as you use the power of the intellect to conceive ideas and triumph over obstacles through the application of sound judgment, careful planning, and mental agility.
October 3, 2024: Thought O' the Day. Yesterday I noted the “unsettled” energy of the repeated reversed cards we’ve been receiving. This morning I’m hit with a resounding “YA THINK!!!?!?!?!”
This page and my posts on it aren’t meant to be commentary on current events but are more to be an invitation to look beyond what we, as insignificant specks in the vastness of Universe, feel and do. Allowing the mysteries of Universe’s energies into our lives and seeing things from a perspective beyond our own noses is the main objective here. Perhaps you agree with my readings, perhaps a few resonate with your current situation, or perhaps you just read my posts to see what nonsense I’m posting for a good laugh.
That said, today I'm going to narrow the view to Earth and her inhabitants. Personal reports about hurricane Helene’s absolute DEVASTATION in numerous states are flooding social media. War is amping up in the Middle East and grinds on in Ukraine. Other skirmishes flare elsewhere. Climate caused crises wreak havoc around the world. In other words, there’s Hella suffering—which, quite frankly, is nothing new. But today, just today (other days, too, if you’d like) I ask everyone to think good thoughts, pray according to your beliefs, or perform random acts of kindness. Even if the energy signature of the entire world isn’t raised by much, at least YOUR energy signature will be raised for a minute. And that’s better than nothing. Shalom, namaste, peace be with you, aloha, aquene.
October 2, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. This is the fourth card in a row we’ve received that’s reversed. My interpretation of lots of inverted cards is that energy is “unsettled.” This disruption can be feelings of excitement or anxiety about something new. You may be experiencing a lot of changes all at once. Right now, I think, many of us are grappling with that awful word “should.”
The Chariot contains high and directed energy. Once it's reversed, that energy becomes scattered, surges out of control, or restricted as you’re caught in the doldrums uselessly spinning your wheels. Forward motion stops and you’re defeated through inaction, indecisions, impatience, or lack of energy or stamina. (And paralyzed by the notion of “I should….”) Perhaps your own hubris (or a legit neurodivergence) is at fault and unrealistic goals, uncontrolled ambition, rash actions, or insufficient expertise or experience cause you to be easily deflected from the course resulting in incomplete work and loss at the last moment.
Regardless of the reason for current flailing, cut yourself some slack. “Should-ing” yourself to death won’t make you go any faster or be more efficient. Sit down and wait for the energy to shift and settle.
October 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: Two of Pentacles, reversed. The Two of Pentacles heralds changes on your material plane. When reversed, it indicates the changes are disharmonious, introduce inconsistency into your schedule, or bring negative results. Because you lack enthusiasm for these shifts, others can too easily sway you to leave it for another day.
Something inside is fighting with the reversed Tower’s shift in mindset towards the reversed Prince’s yen for play. This idea that you are allowed to “take the day off” and just do nothing “useful” somehow makes you off-balance, disorganized, and unstable. The conflicting messages from the rational mind and child-like heart are causing some uncomfortable mood swings as you battle between “I don’t wanna” and “but you SHOULD.”
Do the absolutely “must-do” important stuff like feed the children, walk the dog, and show up to work. Let the rest go for a day or two. If there’s no blood, fire, or death looming unless you do Chore A, then it’s not a BFD to let it slide.
September 30, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles, reversed. You might be overturning materialist obsessions and focusing on inner worth, value, and security of spirit. This shift in mindset (THANK you The Tower!!!) has you questioning your commitment to a cause, duty, or career and seeking something new as you awaken to other concepts besides work and practicality. (What!?!?! IS there such a thing!?!?)
In any case, work’s done now and it’s time to play. My great-grandmother used to yell at my mother when she was curled up with a good book. “Do something USEFUL!” she’d say. To this day Mom feels guilt when she’s simply doing something pleasant that she likes to do. It might have an outcome like gardening or cooking but not always…sometimes she’s just playing on her phone. You can focus on inner worth and value reading a trashy novel just as easily as running a 5K for breast cancer awareness.
Play is defined as engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. Remember that the next time you take a minute to do something “useless."
September 29, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Tower, reversed. You may be feeling pressure intensifying but have no means of escaping impending trouble and are filled with panic, apprehension, inner turmoil, or anger. But actually it’s only confusion, discomfort, and fear of change rather than actual emergency. The appearance of this card in the reversed orientation could also indicate there’s a way to alleviate a bad situation before it explodes or for you to bail before being taken down with the ship.
The reversed Tower is a strong directive to adjust and not to cling to situations that aren’t good anymore. In many depictions of The Tower, lightening is striking the top of a structure. I view this as a bolt of realization hitting you in the head and the overthrow of your current thinking that brings enlightenment or at least a “I finally get it” moment.
Trust that what’s solid and worthwhile will withstand the destruction of The Tower.
September 27, 2024: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands. More good news! The Six of Wands offers us rest from troubles and hope for a more balanced energy cycle.
While this card speaks of “leadership”, this may not mean a public leadership role but an internal process that develops self-leadership, marshals skills, and achieves success according to your definition of it. This could be achieving harmony and cooperation within the family, improving relationships, or walking alone in the pursuit of personal choices that you know are right for yourself.
Expect a breakthrough, spiritual insight, or expansion wherein you realize you can actually come to like challenges that enhance strength and spontaneity. You’re ready and willing for a new adventure, cause for which to fight, to accept the challenges of life, or use passions to make the world a better place for all. Go get ‘em!
September 26, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Emperor. We seem to be struggling these last few days but The Emperor has appeared to bolster our confidence and remind us of our power.
Aries is the astrological ruler of this card and he supports movement and gives the energy to claim your personal power, individual responsibility, and truth. The Emperor’s stone also stepped forward; it’s unusual but may be worth having in your crystal collection. Purpurite is said to intensify visualization of new plans and provides the resolution required to put them into action. It also promotes spiritual development and imparts clear and lucid thoughts, thereby bringing order to the mind.
We’re being asked to feel the support of Earth as we direct our lives with balance and integrity. The path is not if we have power, but what’s done with it. We’re being urged to accept challenges that allow growth, to stand up for what’s right, and hold true to values and beliefs
September 25, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. The Chariot contains high and directed energy. Once it’s reversed, that energy becomes scattered, surges out of control, or restricted as you’re caught in the doldrums uselessly spinning your wheels. Forward motion is halted and you’re defeated through inaction, indecisions, impatience, or lack of energy or stamina.
Perhaps your own hubris is at fault and unrealistic goals, uncontrolled ambition, rash actions, or insufficient expertise or experience results in incomplete work and loss at the last moment. At any rate, under this card you’re riding for a fall and defeat.
If you’re not self-sabotaging, you might be mired in a situation from which extraction is difficult. Nothing’s working as originally planned and expected and life seems uphill with an obstacle at every turn. Firstly, you must come to understand the “will power” approach isn’t and won’t be successful. You need to find another way to SOLVE the problems rather than simply try to overpower them. Everything needs to change, so get busy and do what must be done to correct the many faults present.
September 20, 2024: CardO' the Day: The Wheel of Fortune, reversed. Mostly, the current difficulties stem from your attitude as negativity starts to creep in and you alternate between hope and despondency. Confusion, resistance to Fate, and an irresolute emotional core blocks vital action. On the physical plane, you might experience delays, petty annoyances, setbacks, or unavoidable consequences.
Struggle against events is usually doomed, so stand firm, maintain courage and stamina, and learn from past rotations of The Wheel that nothing—good or bad—lasts forever. Know that your individual responsible efforts will allow you to overcome the forces seemingly against you.
September 19, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups, reversed. You feel like times have turned against you, unhappiness has been brought about by not recognizing what life offers, and/or by reacting violently when calm is needed. Be prepared to suffer a few problems.
Limits, barriers, or boundaries have been set on emotional or intuitive experiences because you don’t believe them trustworthy or have lost faith in them. (Your guts can speak volumes!!!) Perhaps you’re in denial about your feelings or messages received from Universe. (This would be your “rational brain” trying to talk you out of what your guts are saying.)
Clinging to old sentiments or melancholy will leave you unable to shake off deeply held grudges or with a neediness that smothers anyone who comes near. When being so unwelcoming to change and unwilling to let go of past emotional pain, you risk delays and loss of forward energy…among other things.
September 18, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords. The most prevalent energy behind the Seven of Swords is sneakiness. This'll most likely be malevolent, but sometimes we're forced into omissions and white lies for the greater good.
Tactical skills, treachery, behind-the-scenes sneaking,
evasiveness, creative “borrowing”, trickery, flattery, and opportunism are being used to surmount obstacles. Espionage, deceit, or escapism is inherent in tricksters who are able walk the knife edge between clean—albeit highly competitive—and dirty dealings. Such people have intelligence, a quick wit, cunning, stealth, mental deftness, and skillful guile that enables them to meet challenges with strategy and to manipulate an outcome to their advantage. Hel-LO Queen of Swords.
If this card indicates YOU are the one being consciously and willfully dishonest and untrustworthy, you’re actually lying to yourself the most. In addition to your own lying, chances are you’re also being lied to. This will manifest in broken trust and uncomfortably sidestepping issues that need to be addressed. In any case, it’s pointless to deny the situation or sneak behind backs because everyone already knows anyway. Karma’s fun that way.
September 17, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Wands, reversed. Excessive hubris can easily go hand in hand with the mental energy of yesterday’s reversed Sword Queen. Today’s reversed Three warns of the tendency to be careless, overly confident, the belief one is impossibly fabulous, and allowing pride to interfere with goals. Delusions of grandeur, abuse of power, and/or gratuitous performances are other presentations of excessive pride.
When reversed, the fiery energy of this card may tempt you to become overly speculative and indulge in impractical schemes that suffer from scattered energy and lack of attention to important details. Lack of foresight, characterized by rash activity, will bring on mishaps and/or difficulty putting plans into action.
Swell, not only are you in a situation or dealing with a malicious sad sack, but a ginormous ego is also in the mix!
September 16, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords, reversed. Oh dear….
When reversed, the Sword Queen’s cool reserve devolves into downright bitchiness. Her* appearance may indicate the use of deceit and trickery to gain fanatical ends and is representative of a human being with a fatal flaw. Her cruelty, narrow-mindedness, and intolerance are not usually truly malicious (though they can be), but rather arise from deep disappointments, heartbreak, pain, pressure, and self-deception. The ill-temper and negative behavior connected with this card comes out of frustrated ambitions, ideals that have turned sour, or abilities that have been sacrificed or unused.
*The Tarot doesn’t assign genders. This person can of any gender or it may be a situation or dynamics within a group.
You might be putting an overemphasis on sorrow or despair. Life is made to seem vastly worse than it actually is by ignoring all the good things with which you’re blessed. This excess of gloom and egoism indicates a lost commitment to truth and reality.
September 15: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands. As we learn to appreciate the small victories attained during the long haul to the “big goal”, we can begin to enjoy the journey more rather than fixating on The Goal and seeing nothing else.
Take pleasure in and welcome every moment of the gladness so that you may take the future as it comes, without regret. The triumph inherent in this card comes from loving who you are, being happy in your skin, and doing work that’s joyful creation rather than stultifying labor.
This card is sometimes seen as messages or prophecies of imminent good news from Spirit or to herald the realization of hopes and desires. Signifying the manifestation of Ki/Chi/Qi, you’re asked to align with Nature, Earth, and Spirit and share the sudden illumination and brilliance while remaining grounded.
September 9, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups. I must admit I had some stray thoughts about long-marinating projects lurking about in my head as I was drawing this card. Recently, there’ve been some new ideas about these projects and this card may be appearing to give me the confidence to go forward with my projects.
Key words for this card include wish fulfillment, joy, return to self, achievement, realization of dreams, difficulties surmounted, and personal satisfaction. Other keywords CAN be success, abundance, and material well-being. However, I’m not including them in my interpretation today because I’m wondering if wishes really NEED to be lucrative. Could we not be thrilled with a wish coming true that doesn’t make us a ton of money but nevertheless brings us great joy and personal satisfaction for having made that thing come true?
In my studies of many decks and authors, I’ve learned that receiving this card in a spread can indicate you’ve found the secret to emotional happiness by taking full responsibility for and control of it and realizing others can’t fill all your needs. By cultivating your inner harmony, you’ll experience true joy, liberation, and a readiness to understand being “you” is enough.
September 6, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups. Another Ace…as we all know, Aces signify new beginnings but they also indicate a big influx of their purest form of energy. The other day we had mental energy; today we’re receiving a swell of heart energy…as in love, feeling, and an invitation to know Self better. And once you get to know something, you’re more apt to accept it and—dare I say—love it.
As the most auspicious card of the Minor Arcana, the Ace represents idealistic love, a gift of blessings, and spiritual nurturing. It’s the receiving and expression of the truest feelings of the heart through a relationship with the Divine. The resulting outpouring of the heart feeds the spiritual enlightenment of everyone and this universal quest for love is a driving force that makes life worthwhile.
This card signifies the buoyancy and depth you feel as you attune to Spirit and pursue heart-based meaning and purpose in life. Through love, deeper compassion, and ever-flowing spiritual and material favors, you achieve unity with Universe and sow the sacred seeds that represent your purpose. Receiving this card is a call to more deeply explore the nature of your emotional landscape and spiritual experiences and initiate a search within the soul for your true purpose and desires.
September 5, 2024: Card O' the Day: Strength. This is such an excellent card to follow yesterday’s reversed Ace of Swords! The reversed Ace was making us blow mole hills into mountains and believe we were incapable of persevering. Today, we’re reminded of the true meaning of Strength: The inner power to face outer challenges.
Strength signifies the ability to grow where nothing has before as you overcome obstacles, shatter old patterns, and throw off burdens and limitations that cripple life energies. It’s the ability to face life—particularly during adversity—with hope and eagerness all while learning and gaining strength from the experience. When this card appears, you’ll find the fortitude and patience to begin or continue some difficult project despite fear and emotional strain.
It’s at this point that you move forward because you want to and not because you “should.” True strength means overcoming the illusion that it’s possible to “win” by sheer force. When using time, resources, and attention correctly, you learn to handle tough situations without fighting the challenge.
September 4, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords, reversed. Ain’t it funny how certain cards repeat—or return reversed—during a certain time? The Ace of Swords came to us a couple days ago and it’s now back but upside down. Yesterday’s The World was trying to tell you how fabulous you are, but true to form for many of us, you aren’t buying it.
Swords represent the air element and mental energies. When Swords are reversed, it indicates mental balance is under stress and may manifest in inaction, self-destruction, mental pain, denial of disturbing thoughts, or difficulty in thinking clearly. (You’re resistant to the truth of The World!) Without a clear sense of reality, you fall prey to mistakes created by your emotions. The suit of Swords also governs the heart because the darkness existing in the mind can easily break your heart. Thus, nervous conditions may manifest in pessimism, lack of confidence, fear of condemnation and punishment, or overpowering or confused emotions.
When everything appears more important that it actually is (check to determine the BFD [blood? fire? death?]), current problems could lie in how you react to them more than anything else. If plans are hindered, limits set, spheres of influence defined, and projects delayed, it’s time for reevaluation and attention to details that have been ignored. Do NOT give up!
September 3, 2024: Card O' the Day: The World. Ooooh! I’m so encouraged! The World appeared not quite two weeks ago and it’s back. This card is fairly fortuitous so I’m delighted to see it again so soon. The World speaks of being really good with yourself but I don’t know that any of us get there. We’re always finding fault. But even if it's just for today, recognize your perfection.
Something earthy, practical, and sustaining in your divine play and cosmic dance is at work as you whisper to the stars, “may I come to the knowledge of my own radiant truth!” This connection to Source gives you the capacity to perceive with the imagination, have knowledge animated by enthusiasm, and hold obedience graced by joyous acceptance. This place of inner perception is home.
As a soul fulfilled, you stand in your True Self in a time of transition, affirming your simultaneous reality in flesh and spirit, and of being exactly in the right place and having everything needed. Your consciousness no longer needs the old beliefs or prejudices as you enjoy liberation from the bondage of negative thinking and the ability to see eternal meaning beyond concrete reality. You’re truly and finally satisfied with who you’ve become through healing and resolution that has brought peace.
September 2, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles. “I didn’t fail. I just found 10,000 ways that didn’t work.”—Thomas Edison
The Seven of Pentacles represents the tendency to endure tough times in pursuit of a goal and the willingness to work hard for it (including the actual labor itself). By tending cultivations with care, you can expect modest improvements that will enable future planning. During the journey, take time to assess and concretely evaluate growth (one should appreciate any!) and methods. Small adjustments may be necessary, and making minor tweaks now will save huge corrections later.
This card represents the most unfavorable aspect of the earth element and you might feel your dreams are unobtainable. However, don’t slack off, even if you want to quit. Be grateful for all needs being met and don't waste a drop of resources. The project at hand is meant to be long-term, and though there has been some progress with slight and isolated gains, there’s still much work to be done.
September 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords is a dynamic card aligned with high ideals, pursuing truth, maintaining balance, making clean breaks, and forming a new purpose. The Archangel Michael, the Angel of Truth, Clarity, and Protection, is trying to assist you in finding that honest and fact-based reality.
The Ace of Swords heralds a new way of thinking, understanding, and perceiving your world using your mind for positive thinking, constructive ideas, and affirmations. The clarity of the mind, detached and rooted in deep stillness at the core of your being, is able to pierce the fog to give a crystalline understanding of the real facts that allow you to let go of anxious, angry thoughts.
Focus attention and reason impartially to find the way, clear any confusion, or deliver an opportunity to cut free from attachments to beliefs that no longer serve. Liberate energies for action, inspired ideas, and new perspectives as “aha” moments or epiphanies push aside outworn views. New patterns of thought, more viable principles, new directions, or different approaches will emerge as the old ones are being questioned. These inevitable, irrevocable, yet positive changes and new strategies will allow for simple, clear communication and a progressive way of understanding.
August 30, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles. As we sort ourselves out, take this period of isolation and exclusion (recent Eight of Swords, The Hanged Man) and channel energies towards what’s most meaningful. Remember that feelings and circumstances are always temporary so get discouraged if you’re currently trying to find your way out of a funk. Pay no mind to those who don’t support you or tell you what you “should” do as long as your work really matters to you.
This card is indicating a transitory period in your life during which there’s a positive evolution towards the future. But it’s a process; one that takes time. Expect new interests on the material plane to open up or you find new solutions for current problems.
Patience and endurance is called for as change is indeed coming and you’re actually closer to goals than you realize.
August 29, 2024: Card O' the Day: Eight of Swords, reversed. Just a week ago the Eight of Swords showed up…now it’s back but reversed. I’m also curious about “8” energy since this is the third “8” in a week.
Eights are about gathering the necessary resources to better pursue your goals. They’re also about cycles of life and the resulting changes that naturally occur during the year. However, two of those three eights have appeared reversed and reversals indicate unsettled energies. This leads me to believe that some of you may be struggling with changes that are happening to you or that you need to make but don’t want to.
When the Eight of Wands was reversed, it created all sorts of hindrances. When the Eight of Swords is reversed, ingenuity and improvisation in removing obstacles are greatly increased and therefore, it’s possible to find release from past concerns. But don’t pile on too much as freedom begins, you start to see things clearly, and then take the first steps towards liberation from your oppression. While breaking through the constraints, including socially imposed ones, reevaluate how you got into the current situation, consider it all as a learning process, and progress forward without making the same mistakes. I mean, do you really want to go there again?
August 28, 2024: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands, reversed. The ego dominates in yesterday’s The Magician. Coupled with today’s reversed Six of Wands, I think we’re being cautioned against getting too big for our britches.
The reversed Six indicates our perceived coming victory may be merely a quickie rather than being something lasting upon which we can build for future successes. If you’re not careful, pride, arrogance, and a condescending attitude towards subordinates could cause an embarrassing fall from a pinnacle of achievement. Vanity, excessive narcissism, or self-complacency allow you to overestimate your abilities, thereby making any true victories elusive.
Such exceedingly high expectations for yourself will leave you running in circles, so you’d do well to consider plans and input from others. A second opinion is always a good idea! Now isn’t a time for self-pity, ego-centricity, superficiality, or to let self-importance get in the way lest you blow your wad with nothing to show for it.
August 27, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Magician. The Magician represents all forms of communication and receiving this card represents learning to communicate effectively. Language skills such as writing or speaking or the use of new technologies may be required. This card also represents all questions of employment, work, and profession and combined with the recent “new phases and growth energy”, you might be cultivating, preparing, or refining materials in the first stage of a larger enterprise.
This endeavor may relate to your studies towards a professional goal or the renewal or enhancement of knowledge in your chosen field. Regardless of how you use this energy, this is the type of creativity that produces something valuable outside of ourselves.
With the appearance of The Magician, we’re being assured we’re in possession of the endurance and knowledge to realize aspirations fully. Trust in your talents and use them to change your life direction as you overcome social expectations, physical limits, and personal fears to become what you want.
August 26, 2024: Card O' the Day: Eight of Wands, reversed. The Eight of Wands is a “speedy events” card but when it’s reversed, it slows things down. Little things go wrong and/or you experience tensions with others. However, I don’t feel this is necessarily a “bad thing.” We’re trying to sort some stuff here and taking time will make it less traumatic and give you space to get good with the decisions.
If you try to press ahead despite the roadblocks, you’ll waste energy and effort and make wrong choices just for the sake of making “any choice” to get it done. Also, you’ll simply frazzle yourself emotionally as you push forward. Who needs that?
Sit. Chill. Think about things. Mourn where necessary.
August 25, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Hanged Man. Recently, we received the Eight of Swords, which pointed out a BELIEF we’re trapped in some way. Then came the encouragement of The World followed by the “woe is me” mindset of the Three of Swords. Today’s The Hanged Man is a bit of both the trapped feeling of the Eight and the victimhood of the Three.
Receiving this card indicates you’re about to experience or are experiencing a period of enlightened “suffering” that’ll lead to a new phase, inner peace, and long-term gains following the pause. Those gains will require you to trust blindly and make some hard choices but know that whatever you have to leave behind is READY to go. The Hanged Man is asking you to see something is over, has run its course, or is dying. In order to grow and find the freedom of expansion, you must first outgrow the original and let it end.
The choice lies between what your mind wants—security and stability—or growth and expansion that’s good for the soul. Making a choice at this time, even a difficult one, is necessary. If you resist the ever-necessary inner process of growth, you’ll stay stuck in the Eight and Three of Swords and feel victimized.
August 23, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords. The Tarot places sadness as a mental condition rather than an emotional one. Self-doubt is an internal dialogue of the mind that causes depressive thoughts that fuel suffering and sorrow, which come when the mind can’t let go of a perspective, belief, or something that’s happened. The appearance of this card is letting you know it’s time to take your mind off the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” train and stop reworking old issues and clinging to pain and anguish of the past.
Maybe you’ve lost focus regarding, have difficulty making, or are agonizing over a decision that’s really a matter of personal choice. Certain ideas and strategies (ex. what others think), which work against you, might cause conflict, remorse, or distancing but it shouldn’t cloud the ultimate choice to proceed or back away. Evaluate all the possibilities that go with the resolution and then do what’s best for YOU.
While this card may indicates an uncomfortable time, it’s ultimately a valuable experience in life. Suffering leads to greater wisdom and you should approach experiences like this with determination in order to benefit from them. Out of frustration/heartache can come healing, liberation, growth, and the maturity of your emotions.
August 22, 2024: Card O' the Day: The World. Experience the joy in life as you recognize yourself as a multidimensional being at its highest state of spiritual unity. In such a condition, you have the determination, confidence, and clarity of vision to face all challenges. True, it could feel like you’re blocked by unsolvable problems or impossible tasks but ignore the naysayers and charge forward because the challenges before you aren't as insurmountable as you think.
Receiving The World in a spread is proof of a life filled with even more potential for a major realization and culmination of goals. It represents the power of the will to manifest results, attain all that’s good or desirable in being, living, and behaving and the practical use of knowledge and learning to take control of life and determine your destiny.
You’re in charge. Act like it!
August 21, 2024: Card O' the Day: Eight of Swords. Eights signify completion and manifestation and Swords signify the mind. Together, this card suggests the completion or the ending of a current problem exists in the correct use of the mind.
When you perceive you’re in a bind, thoughts are stifled or short-circuited and the self-sabotaging, critical mind hampers every move as self-imposed beliefs, rather than objective circumstances. Feeling trapped by said conditions indicates you’re allowing destructive emotions to dictate actions rather than cogent thought processes. This means uncontrolled or intense emotions form a barrier against rational thought and the intellect can’t see a clear path. While you can’t always control what life brings, you CAN control how you feel, think, and react.
The way you’re looking at current problems exacerbates them. Meaning, you’re not being kept down by direct force but your BELIEF that you’re helpless. Understanding whether a limit is perceived or real is the first step towards true knowledge and finding a way beyond it. Bring forth any internalized discord, leave emotions out of it, and calmly think things through as you plumb the depths of past experience and wisdom to gain courage in the face of this particular dilemma.
August 15, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Lovers, reversed. You might be involved in an inharmonious, challenging, or unhealthy relationship/situation. The warning signs are constant disagreement, mistrust, deception, quarrels, incompatibility, or struggle for power. A union, group, or merger may suppress your individuality or create a need for personal space that’s not available or granted.
Another facet of this card is a choice or decisions need to be made. However, the reversal of the card indicates you’re experiencing a dilemma, having trouble making a decision due to over-thinking, or delaying the next move thereby ruining opportunities. Bad choices made with lack of discrimination, determination, impulsivity, or lack of analysis to a situation can lead to regrets, friction, and guilt.
In any case, opposing energies are present. Take a hint from the appearance of this card because it represents a time to act alone rather than be part of a bad relationship of any type.
August 14, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Swords, reversed. When the Sword Ten is reversed, some shadows lift and you can gain relief from the stress that’s been plaguing you. Keep looking forward to liberation and exciting breakthroughs that are forthcoming because it’s time for recovery and rebirth now that you’ve turned the corner and things are looking up.
However, unless you take advantage of the reprieve in difficulty and makes REAL changes to prevent the situation from repeating, all gains and success will be fleeting. During the sweeping alterations required by this card, your emotional reactions to the previous unhappiness or any disputes will hamper true progress and make new gains precarious or impermanent. Therefore, it’s vital to let go of the past, release the need to intellectualize what all went wrong, and concentrate on repairing any weak spots in projects or defenses.
I remind you tens represent endings and as we all know, endings make space for new beginnings. Since this ten is reversed, I feel like the “new beginnings” aspect of the number are being highlighted. Keep that in mind.
August 13, 2024: Card O' the Day: Strength (again). Strength wasn’t done with us and reappears today….
The concept of Strength signifies a turning point between our instinctive physical energy (id) and our higher spiritual energy (super ego). To achieve this, we must learn to deal with our egoism that’s the beginning of our unique individuality (which can be highly dangerous and destructive if allowed free rein). With the emergence of a personal “governor” and its expression—thinking/speaking for ourselves—we develop a nuanced self mastery where higher and lower Self aren’t in conflict with wants and needs. In this psychological transformation, energy of the unconscious is released and calmed by conscious understanding through self-examination and strength of will to face ourselves honestly.
The key to unlocking this personal strength and power is by releasing any fear of criticism for being different or vulnerable and gather your courage to grow by breaking from the safety pod. While encountering these unknown powers can be confusing, genuine strength is never ending, gentle, and has no need to be proven. When this individual strength is combined with that of others, the unity of desires and aspirations of that group creates such power that all forces are subdued
August 10, 2024: Card O' the Day: Strength. Strength signifies the ability to grow where nothing has before as you overcome obstacles, shatter old patterns, and throw off burdens and limitations that cripple life energies. It’s the ability to face life—particularly during adversity—with hope and eagerness all while learning and gaining strength from the experience. When this card appears, you’ll find the fortitude and patience to begin or continue some difficult project despite fear and emotional strain. True strength means overcoming the illusion that it’s possible to “win” by sheer force.
Once integrity and responsibility have been fine-tuned, rely on conscience to make the necessary decisions, and then trust those decisions made. Weigh all pros and cons, analyze, evaluate, make lists, and assess values before choosing. Those decisions may require severity, such as saying no or removing something toxic, or mercy and acceptance.
Strength gives one the capability to perceive temptation and avoid evil. Always remember you’re responsible for your actions because they create the situation you’re in.
August 9, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles, reversed. Threes indicate a product from a “union”, and Pentacles, of the physical plane, most often represent money and work. But today, I feel this card is broader than just an individual having struggles in their career. I feel the reversed Three represents the worldwide difficulty we suffer when we work against each other and for ourselves individually rather than for the collective good of all.
Examples could include unfair monopolies, cabals, conspiracies, or planned sabotage to undermine a foundation or serve to crash major projects. Selfishness and greed leads to problems, incapability, or disagreement. Something is damaged or broken or support is withdrawn or lacking.
Those who should be working together aren’t
August 8, 2024: Card O' the Day: Justice. The Karmic laws of cause and effect, action v. equal and opposite reaction, and what goes around comes around are prevalent in this card.
Justice represents thinking clearly and cultivating the faculty of a balanced mind. Through lucid thinking, objective planning, and weighing all factors, you transform the untamed and nebulous to reach fully informed and aware decisions using logic, reasoning, and evidence. Cognition, analytical thought, and all the workings of the mind give you access to the full force of the collective mental body. By using these mental faculties responsibly and constructively, you’ll develop clear ideas when facing reality.
Because truth and justice always prevail—whether moral, ethical, or legal—everyone eventually gets what they earn or deserve. Therefore, you’re being asked to keep your own house in order with calm authority, accountability, and responsibility and never mind about others’ transgressions.
August 7, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups, reversed. We received the reversed Ace of Cups a couple of weeks ago and today it has returned as we continue to suffer unfortunate mental and emotional oppression and disharmony. I’ll remind you all the negative energy we’ve been experiencing can come from internal turmoil, interactions with other people, belief systems, or dynamics at home/work/church. It doesn’t have to come from a specific person. Look to see where the trouble lies because times have turned against you, unhappiness has been brought about by not recognizing what life offers, or by reacting violently when calm is needed.
To receive love, good favor, and/or companionship, you must be willing to give the same. You might feel like you’re lacking support because you’re not sufficiently interested in others’ perspectives, are dissatisfied with anything offered, or appear inconsistent, cold, or frivolous. Further indications of a false heart include insincere flattery used to manipulate others, expressing care and concern you don't actually feel, or bartering courtesies for money, security, or status.
It all goes back to you get what you give. Give more and you’ll get more.
August 6, 2024: Card O' the Day: Temperance, reversed. When the card of balance and harmony is reversed, the most obvious definition is that something’s out of balance, in conflict, or excessive and thereby creating stress. If it’s your emotions that are imbalanced and you’re overreacting, over compensating, or believing a situation has to be all or nothing, such turmoil could lead to quarrels, discord, and disagreements within your circles.
You might have an intuitive sense about the right combination of elements that’re necessary to a situation but are unable to put this into words or to convince others. Because of this, they may seem uncooperative and uncompromising and that your interests and needs are competing or conflicting with everyone else’s. Such inability to effectively communicate may lead to hostility or dissension within a group.
Sometimes this card can represent anything to do with churches, religions, or sects. If not significant of that, it could speak to someone—or you—being under the treacherous influence of a cult or overbearing member of the public.
August 5, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups, reversed. Occasionally this card’s reversal can indicate emotional immaturity, imbalance, or fragility. You might convert any disappointment, bitterness, or lack of spiritual faith you feel into fanaticism or the blind trust of a guide, teacher, guru, or other dynamic advisor.
Because of your misplaced faith, you might be denying mistakes, sorrow, or loss and are insisting on portraying a false brightness that everything’s okay. However, keeping mistakes a secret or not accepting loss only entrenches you further in your errors and victimhood.
You can’t move through something or begin to make repairs if you don’t acknowledge any miscalculations. Now would be a good time to consider alternatives and ask for help before taking the next step. You won’t be the first person—or last—to have taken a wrong turn.
August 2, 2024: Card O' the Day: King of Swords, reversed. Whoo-Nelly! Just a few days ago the King of Swords appeared to warn us against ruthless, egotistic, and deceitful people or situations. He’s baaaaaaack! But this time reversed and twice as cranky.
Just as with other reversed cards, this king is all or nothing. Thus, the reversed Sword King will take their version of order and discipline to extremes through anger or by becoming inhumane, unsympathetic, cold, unfeeling, and unwavering in their actions. Their forms of authoritarian power are excessively severe, harsh, cruel, and without mercy. Persons under the influence of this card may hurt someone intentionally without looking back and just because they can. Hypercritical, sarcastic, unrelenting, and unforgiving are other qualities or behavior.
The sheer willfulness and arrogance of the reversed King represents a powerful mind turned in on itself that recognizes only the desire for control. Such a crippled mind isn’t able to clearly and concisely assert beliefs or express feelings and is often totally oblivious to others and/or completely lacks any intellectual ability. This faulty thinking leads them to accept prejudice as fact. They imagine themselves to be the most “interesting man in the room” but actually they’re just a vicious bully.
August 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles. The Ten of Pentacles can represent an isolated figure of authority, a kingpin, or a strong individual uniquely alone in exercise of tremendous power and control in social, business, political, or other situations. Such a person’s ambitions and desires are very structured as all importance is placed on gaining money and position. Such apparent strength may actually hide insecurities, loneliness, and an unfulfilled desire for personal interaction and to fit in.
This card signifies the futile, endless pursuit of wealth despite the costs as you chase material gain and fortune but nothing beyond. Meaning, you emotionlessly develop what seems to be practical at the expense of all that’s magical. This accumulation affords you every luxury and creature comfort but it’s poisoned by greed. (Greed being the delusional belief one can benefit at the expense of others.)
But being steeped in riches and material wealth soon loses importance when the comforts and security become a gilded cage from which you can’t see the surrounding wonder called life. You can expect boredom and stifled growth unless you go beyond the pursuit of prosperity and actively work to bring abundance to other corners of the world besides your own.
July 30, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups, reversed. The current dishonest and manipulative energy continues. While the recent reversed Sword Princess and King represented language and/or fairness concepts, today’s reversed Prince of Cups takes the same attributes into the emotional realm. And just like the previous court cards, this card can represent a specific person or a situation or dynamic you have to deal with.
Like an enchanting shadow on the water, the reversed Prince of Cups is constantly moving with, and adapting to, any situation in a pliant, liquid way, making him/her hard to define or grasp. Just when you think you have them figured out, they’ll tell you you misunderstood their intent. (Gaslighting!)
Such people are emotionally dishonest, disingenuous, duplicitous, insincere, and can be quite the lying, conniving, deceitful schemers who use emotional strings and flattery to achieve their opportunistic, fraudulent ends. The more secretive aspects of this reversal include cheating, manipulation, deception, and could indicate a situation isn’t as it seems. Trickery, mischief, baseness, idleness, hypocrisy, and artifice are other keywords associated with the reversed Prince.
July 29, 2024: Card O' the Day: King of Swords. Swords energy returns in the leadership card of a king. Typical traits for this personality (which could also be a situation or dynamic between several people): aggressive, rigid, harsh, unsympathetic, mean, manipulating, controlling, judgmental, arrogant, selfish, ridiculing, egotistic, thoughtless, tactless, ruthless, deceitful, inconsistent, and unreflective.
People influenced by this card are often the personification of perfection that’s not fully alive. He/she’s incapable of looking at their own issues and reluctant to look at past behavior. They’re intentionally deceptive and run away and/or create avoidance mechanisms rather than facing problems. There’s an inner “homelessness” present with a lack of connectedness to others because they have no real empathy for people or animals and can’t respond spontaneously to an emotion. Their disassociation from feelings make him seem shallow and untrustworthy.
Is this the type of person you want as a friend, lover, partner, or leader in your circles? How about such traits at a job, in a club, or at your church? Eyes open and listen to your gut. The people being excluded today could be you tomorrow.
July 28, 2024: Card O' the Day: Princess of Swords, reversed. The intellectual and language oriented energy of Swords can be very caustic, vituperative, and scathing when reversed. Under the influence of this card, people are apt to lash out unexpectedly, derive immature satisfaction from hurting and belittling others, seek revenge, or enjoy argument or verbal aggression for its own sake. Tale bearing and gossip is malicious or has a slanderous intent. Spying, cunning, and deceit are used for personal gain. Such diminishment, derision, deprecation, and shame may be directed at you, which leaves you feeling vulnerable, at a loss for words, tongue-tied, or lacking confidence.
On the physical plane, expect oral or written misunderstandings, stalemates, frivolous changes of plans, or the inability to form commitments. A project or process at work could lack logic or planning, fall into disagreement and thus remain unfinished, corners are cut, or there’s a buildup of tensions between coworkers. You might feel unprepared or lacking in some mental or technical ability. (And with all the external—or possibly internal—snarking, it’s no wonder you feel like that.)
July 27, 2024: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands, reversed. Two’s can signify conflict and when connected to the energy of Wands, the conflict prevents energy from flowing smoothly and with purpose much like the jerky motions a car makes when its gears slip. When the gears are grinding uselessly, energies and resources may be limited or prohibitions weigh on instinctive powers preventing their growth. Previous decisions that seemed good at the time now leave you feeling hemmed in or frustrate.
Someone may be restricting you through their dominant personality, dictatorial attitude, obstinacy, or for revenge. Look to see where you may have been gullible or fooled. Or it could be any restrictions aren’t coming from outside circumstances but from within your own blocked intellect. Your conflicted energy lacks direction thereby leaving you longing for something unattainable or failing to carry on with responsibilities.
Such insufficient efforts or unfocused plans cause stalemate, lack of growth, smaller gains than desired, and/or dissatisfaction with work results. A series of events may fizzle into disappointment or discontent when the outcome is less than what was anticipated.
July 24, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups, reversed. If the previous days’ cards have been resonating with you, here’s another that fits well in the progression. Earlier, the cards have been speaking of basically having our crown chakras firmly embedded in our root chakras (the reversed Queen of Pentacles, Six of Swords, and Ace of Cups). We get into such unfortunate positions when we listen to only one source of information or person (The Hermit). Fortunately, there are signs we’re starting to seek light rather than more darkness (Judgment).
Today’s reversed Queen of Cups offers more hope because healthy aspects to the reversed Queen are of being sharp and competent, letting no one take advantage, overcoming illusions, and refusing to be swept away by conflicting emotions or succumbing to feigning maneuvers (The Hermit). Because this keenness and clarity is all fairly new, it might be best to keep feelings and opinions private rather than engage in petty contests of “who’s right” at the moment.
Sit back and think about why and how you became confused and allowed yourself to be “sold a bill of goods.” Then observe the sellers of those goods to see what they gain by your gullibility. The answers will tell you a lot about yourself and the sellers. Go from there.
July 23, 2024: Card O' the Day: Judgment. The appearance of this card signifies a disturbing confrontation with old evasions, unhealed wounds, bad habits, and betrayals of your highest Self as you awaken to an inescapable truth. Judgement reflects a time of accountability for actions taken, choices made, and opportunities ignored as well as a need to repent and forgive as it offers the chance to atone for past sins or errors in perception.
By accepting responsibility for and understanding the consequences of past actions, you end toxic patterns and purge Karmic residue to allow for heightened perspectives of experiences and a detachment that can grow into wisdom. Once you’re aware of how decisions and actions affect others as well as impact your own life, changes for the better become necessary.
The card of Judgment indicates you’ve finally arrived at a place of awareness, discernment, and adaptability where old belief systems no longer hold you rigid and inflexible thereby blocking progress.
July 22, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups, reversed. Limits, barriers, or boundaries may have been set on intuitive experiences because you don’t believe them trustworthy or have lost faith in them. Admiration and affection formerly felt may have eroded, deteriorated, or dissipated over time leaving you feeling drained and empty. Perhaps you were deceived into believing the support you crave was available when it wasn’t and now you’re suffering.
That’s unfortunate but continued preoccupation with your past emotions can leave you adrift, gullible, and unable to focus or commit to one direction. Unpleasant memories of old disappointments or upsets make you resistant to new ideas or possibilities. Clinging to old sentiments or melancholy leave you unable to shake off deeply held grudges. When being so unwelcoming to change and unwilling to let go of past emotional pain, you risk delays and loss of forward energy.
July 21, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Hermit. The Hermit may represent a guru, mentor, elder, or role model who may add to one’s education or enlightenment. Because this card can also pertain to a politician, this elder-like person may be running for elected position. But often times elders or politicians become corrupt and one must be on guard against decay, degeneration, treason, betrayal, deceit, hypocrisy, fraud, and trickery.
Under certain circumstances The Hermit may represent a profound crisis that brings change which cannot be avoided and that must be accepted and confronted. It must be dealt with and relinquished to and become an experience that teaches one about oneself. There may be recession and regression, but trust oneself to adjust, adapt, and grow through life’s challenges as one gains wisdom, evolution of thought, and understanding from this event.
True spiritual discipline is understanding one has been given all that one needs to make one’s way through life. One must develop the ability to use one’s complementary gifts of logic and intuition and make one’s own way. Be a light unto oneself.
July 20, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles, reversed. Under the influence of this card, you might not follow through with responsibilities because you want a more carefree or adventurous existence. This kind of refusing to “adult” signifies psycho-emotional weakness in the form of phobias or suspicions regarding the motives of others. This causes the type of cognitive dissonance wherein you stubbornly believe one thing even though all evidence points to something else. (Recall yesterday’s Six of Swords, reversed: “…perceiving everything subjectively from within, with no external verification of the facts (or willful ignorance thereof)….”)
In addition to emotional weakness, dissatisfaction with the environment (i.e. reality) or the inability to appreciate what it has to offer causes you to cut yourself off from the connection to earth so vital to humans. Reversed, this “prosperity card” represents becoming egotistical and susceptible to avarice, greed, narrow-mindedness and stubbornness. In this mindset you’re completely “right” and you won’t accept anything else. Because you’re so covetous and possessive of security and social status, if someone threatens to take this away, you might seek revenge or determine to get it back no matter what.
July 19, 2024: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords, reversed. The mental energy of the upright Swords is being stymied in the reversed card thereby making you resistant to new perspectives, stuck mentally, and clinging to prejudices for the security of the “known.” You may project theoretical narcissism, conceit, intellectualize non-scientific issues, overcompensate through an aloof and indifferent manner, or under compensate and get trapped in fear and indecision. By perceiving everything subjectively from within, with no external verification of the facts (or willful ignorance thereof), it’s easy to misunderstand another’s point of view.
Breaking your silence about this long-standing problem that’s been accepted as the norm will cause agitation. But what seems to be a setback now, eventually proves to be an advantage. Explanations, admissions, public notices, or recognition of issues may be painful but it’ll begin the healing process. Refuse to give in to the negative thoughts and release the past to begin again.
July 18, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of pentacles. The Ace of Pentacles represents a major influx of its purest form of elemental energy and truth. It orients you in relationships with family life, the home, money, and health and directs all existential questions to the concrete aspects of life. Significant of all that’s solid, Pentacles are an active principle operating upon tangible aspects of existence that bring happiness and triumph. It’s through the work of civilization that humanity shapes these raw materials of nature into a safe, comfortable environment for all.
This particular Ace also points to a need of deep nourishment, unsatisfied desires, cravings, or yearnings. Just as this card points out all that “is” in your life, it points out all that “isn’t.” Therefore, its appearance is a signal it’s time to get your hands dirty and work for what you want. Goals and plans should be far-reaching because they’re supported by material and physical resources forming a solid foundation.
July 17, 2024: Card O' the Day: Death. Enormous power and energy is being used to preserve an illusion that will keep you at a standstill with ever-increasing limits. An attachment to an old way of thinking maintains lies and pretense as one struggles to ignore truths that absolutely must come to light. However, there’s always time to change your mindset and release the chains that hold you stagnant. If you’re struggling, forgive yourself for not being perfect and ask for help.
Spiritually speaking, you’re being smothered by an ego that wants to stay put. You may have invested time and energy into something that has cost you dearly. But your spiritual growth is prevented by clinging to your “investment” and hoping against hope the “something” will prove fruitful despite all signs indicating it won’t. Allow your spirit to guide you on the path of greater good for all.
Rarely, the appearance of Death represents martyrdom. Are you being a false martyr by caving into a self-made pity party or buying into someone else’s personal pity party?
July 16, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. When the Queen of Wands appears, it signifies things “coming together” and we’re encouraged to let the abundance within overflow! With a deep inner conviction that things will turn out okay, she supports intuitive faith in our abilities. This card provides a gentle force that allows changes to proceed with the least disruption.
This queen represents prophetic and intuitive creation and inspires others to reach their fullest potential. Her radiant, friendly, optimistic, and outgoing qualities instill presence, nurture confidence, and enhance inner contemplation and self-discovery. This card encourages you to rely upon, and trust, your own judgment and power without overriding others in the process.
The Fire Queen is indicative of leadership ability, self-possession, practicality, and fierce determination to make decisions. However, always use this ambition and passion inventively while offering courteous understanding to others.
July 15, 2024: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords, reversed. The stability of the Four of Swords allows for a stilling of the mind to think carefully and with adequate time to organize thoughts regarding what’s coming next. Upon reversal, this recent period of thoughtful peace and tranquility comes to an end as concerns are resolved and you awaken from a literal or metaphorical sleep with more clarity or a different perspective.
If you’ve been having health concerns, you may have needed to rest to allow physical symptoms to heal or mental turmoil to settle. After recovering, you exit isolation and reenter the world, begin to feel like your old self, and are again capable of feeling sympathy or caring for others.
However, that’s not to say you must now leap up and resume all your old responsibilities and activities. The fact that you needed a period of rest in the first place indicates you might have been burning the candle at both ends. Take your time and come back slowly.
July 3, 2024: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. Kings are considered the yang or active expression of a suit in its full maturation with a physical presence that commands attention. They symbolize wisdom, power, and outward manifestations. King-types can be bossy, dominating, and controlling and represent people with socially minded authority who will affect the outcome of a situation. When not denoting a person, Kings represent the areas of your life over which you have no control. When Kings are reversed, their benevolent energy becomes weak and their authoritative tendencies skew tyrannical. This second reversed King in a row signifies very unsettled energy.
In particular, the reversed Fire King unwisely abuses power by self-righteously insisting on absolute authority even though such people are apt to make imprudent decisions under the influence of this card. Just because they can, they’ll aggressively oppose others simply as a display of one-upmanship. A big bully on a small playground, they’ll focus all energies on dominating a tiny niche and will seek to overthrow any other leader or idea that’s not their own. Like all dictatorial autocrats, they demand unquestioning obedience from those around him/her.
If this card represents a set of circumstances more than any one person and you’re feeling dissatisfied or uneasy about such a situation, then continuing under those conditions is pointless as insignificant matters can become magnified.
July 2, 2024: Card O' the Day: King of Cups, reversed. Interesting…recently we had the reversed Queen of Cups; today it’s the reversed King. Reversals indicate unsettled energy and the suit of Cups represent our emotions and the way we feel about things. Current world politics certainly carries a LOT of unsettled energy and these reversed Cups cards may be reflecting your feelings about the state of affairs large and small.
Because the King of Cups represents a leader/authority figure—as do all kings—in the realm of emotions, the reversal of this card may indicate you’re trying, or need, to experiment with new approaches towards expressing your inner life and how you feel about it. This can be manifested by breaking through societal or personal concepts about yang energy in care-giving to others, friendships with yang-type people, and what it looks like when you express YOUR yang energy.
More than anything else, remember no one feels EXACTLY as you do. Have patience, understanding, and keep an open mind regarding others and their feelings. Expressing tolerant emotions will mean you’re much more likely to receive acceptance back. Or at least broad-mindedness and a gentle agreement to disagree.
June 27, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles. With the natural joyful flow of material energy inherent in this card, we’re encouraged to cultivate generosity, share blessings, and pay it forward with a heart open to love. Understand that love for Self equals love for all beings just as healing Self equals healing others. This natural motivation and readiness to share riches originates in the internal being.
Sometimes we become so used to the luxuries enjoyed in our personal lives, we get caught up in the paradox of protection v. entrapment. Our need for security prevents us from exploring outside our comfort zone because we like how things are for ourselves. However, we’re being asked to move beyond limiting belief systems, break free from societal conventions that have been adopted to the detriment of the greater good, and take a more global view of happiness for humanity.
June 26, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords, reversed. The suit of Swords represent mental energies, but when the card is reversed, those energies go awry. One may experience errors in judgment, mental alienation, or disillusionment. Despite fanaticism and/or obstinacy about something, one still lacks follow through on ideas.
One may have difficulty accepting an unpleasant truth or is denying jealousy about something. By not addressing the issue, expect escalating disaster; the situation declining into chaos, disorder, and misrule; or quarrels multiplying into violence. Under such circumstances, nothing more can be gained by anyone. If one fights acceptance, the healing process becomes blocked, which then keeps the pain within and increases its hold. One must let go of the hurt and begin the process of recovery before it creates an entirely different picture.
Typically, persons under the influence of the reversed Queen of Cups (yesterday) and the reversed Three of Swords tend to blame others for troubles and refuse to acknowledge their own role. This continues a conflict between those who should be supporting each other through difficulties. Also, it exacerbates never-healing wounds as such people incessantly dwell on quarrels that caused alienation and the breakdown of relationships but refuse to own their parts in such events.
June 25, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups, reversed. The Queen of Cups is already close to the spiritual world and when the card appears reversed, all those qualities are taken to the extremes as creative force lurches out of control. Such people may seem so ethereal and angelic they’re not “of this world”, are oblivious to time considerations and regulations, or have such a deep mystical connection or devotion to God or Spirit that it may involve denial of the senses.
They may reject beliefs that are not their own. With a tendency to merge psychically with the object of their desire or one they follow blindly, they can become lost in emotions and be so seduced by admiration, that it can leave their bodies untenanted and subject to “possession” by this object of their adoration. Under the thrall of an imagined guru, people may become vapid, enervated, weak willed, unreliable, clinging, grasping, or frivolous.
While the reversed Queen of Cups may indicate an unhealthy level of love for another, it can also indicate blind infatuation with and the following of a charismatic religious person, teacher, or politician. The word “cult” comes to mind. Tread lightly.
June 7, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant, reversed. Yesterday I got a comment about the reversed Seven of Pentacles and its call to return to service for Mother Earth. It was suggested my reading should go viral; I’m guessing this person agreed with my assessment and wanted all to heed the warnings about our fragile ecosystem. I think the reversed Hierophant of today is seconding that motion.
The Hierophant, reversed, indicates some beliefs and societal systems have become too rigid, dogmatic, or adhere to outdated ideas or inappropriate principles. This shows ruts in thinking and rusty intellectual habits. Beware of being dominated and manipulated by others just because it’s that way things have “always” been done.
Also, this card’s reversal represents questioning convention, “standard practices”, and disobeying rules. It may be time to reject traditional “authority” and go one’s own way rather than just accept the dictates of the “powers that be.” On the other hand, one may be past mere unorthodox expression and is ready for confrontation with the establishment and moves further into civil disobedience or outright rebellion. However, one must realize that excessive individuality can be dangerous, uncontrollable, and disruptive to the order of life. I caution you to protest things that upset you in legal and safe manners. When such advocation is within the bounds of laws and ethics, prosperity and results come to pass.
June 6, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Because the suit of Pentacles represents the spiritualization of matter and sevens are imbued with serious magic, when the Seven of Pentacles is reversed, it brings out the worst in both symbols.
This reversed card indicates a fracture between body and spirit and slavery to economic voraciousness. Destruction of the environment and its exploitation on a global scale, drug cartels, and war are a few examples of rampant scorn of Spirit and the overvaluation of material life. It’s beyond time to return to work in being of service to Mother Earth.
On a personal level, you might find there’s an overdevelopment of resources and unused surpluses clogging up your own works. Therefore, clean out closets, clear spaces of dust-collectors, and give unwanted excesses to charity. With this expanded physical space, you’ll see your mental space clearing as well. Release old ideas along with the clutter and start fresh.
June 5, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups. This is the second 3 in a row we’ve received. This tells me three energy is important, numerologically speaking. The very first thing that leaps forward in signifying this number is a “creative explosion without experience or purpose.” Yep, we got that from the Three of Wands, reversed. But how does that relate to today’s 3?
The Three of Cups takes the impracticality and scattered energy of the reversed Wands Three and stirs your sentiments into the mix. This can manifest into extravagance, excessiveness, and overabundance of feeling and behavior. The emotions represented in this Three are more volatile than those represented in the more stable Two of Cups.
The Three signifies the intoxication love can bring whether it’s the birth of first love (consummated or not) with all its freshness and inexperience or the fervent rediscovery of love at any age. The Three points to a vast romantic explosion, that if it disappoints, could cause deep wounds. One should proceed with caution. (I’m going to expand this definition and include friendships or business partnerships that come about very quickly and seem “perfect” at the beginning. Again, do your homework and take a breath before going all in.)
June 4, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Wands, reversed. When reversed, the fiery energy of this card may cause you to become overly speculative and indulge in impractical schemes that suffer from scattered energy and lack of attention to important details. Lack of foresight, characterized by rash activity, will bring on exhaustion, mishaps, difficulty putting plans into action, or creative blocks. At the same time, you might feel like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew, tasks could appear overwhelming, you don’t know where to begin, or you’re afraid to take risk. (Kind of like going to a fabulous buffet where you pile your plate too high and then can’t begin to finish.)
Initial explorations of daydreams, hopes, and wishes may present problems greater than expected or hoped for and you become disappointed that such aspirations will never get off the ground. Therefore, be careful of holding unconscious assumptions or unrealistic expectations that’ll cause problems if someone you’re relying on fails to meet them or does the wrong thing. Such volatility and negligence can actually cause things to grind to a halt as situations become static, nothing started is finished or discontinued, and the result is that which was once so promising is terminated.
Do your homework, people, before jumping in with both feet. (Ask me how I know.)
May 29, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups (again!). Yesterday’s mention of celebrating emotional ties with family and friends also includes your community, tribe, network that you’re connected to through invisible bonds, or any other social pod. You may be welcoming honored guests (or are the guest) into one of those groups. This card indicates hometown “glory”, a good reputation, strong social standing, or high repute will keeping you living in harmony within your circles.
Being such an effective and productive member of a society brings a sense of communal joy which can be shared and used to motivate others. No greater act of fellowship can be achieved than showing the way to opening the heart to the possibility of happiness. Embrace such emotional support with sincerity, appreciation, and honor and reciprocate by giving the same support to others.
May 28, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups. Receiving this card indicates it’s time to give thanks for any successes, the fulfillment of goals, the completion of projects about which you’ve been passionate, or any situation—material or immaterial—that has brought joy. Celebrate emotional ties with family and friends and feel grateful for all that’s been earned no matter how small.
The rainbow often depicted on the Ten of Cups is representative of peace after a storm and dark clouds receding. You can rest and recuperate in these loving, recharging environs as you dream new dreams. However, rainbows are illusions; what seems perfect might be an over idealization and you might end up desiring something impossible. Disruptive forces inevitably attack perfection but Universe will provide just what you need for spiritual development and happiness.
Tens, numerologically, indicate endings. Therefore, this 10 represents a time to face the next challenges, consider new ways of being according to your own timing, and move towards new beginnings with a sense of purpose and optimism.
May 27, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands, reversed. This energetic card, when reversed, suggests there isn’t enough substance to make ideas work, insufficient or impractical preparation negates an issue, or you may have to overcome someone else’s resistance. Seemingly constant adversity, hurdles, inconvenience, uncertainties, or delays will feel very vexing as you try to attain goals. With so many blockages, defenses fail and you might reconsider commitments or shirk responsibility simply because you’re annoyed beyond caring. However, even though problems feel insurmountable, don’t give up fighting and look for a different approach or solutions.
Maybe you already have come to understand the quagmire you’re in and have discovered an inner knowledge or experience that’s going to get you restarted on a less blocked path. Receiving this card is a suggestion to let go of any defensiveness and reconsider the situation without shame for having to redo something. Even though this period of cleansing, complications, and protracted evaluations slow the process of expansion, a good harvest will come in the end
May 16, 2024: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles, reversed. Sometimes those in need are so purse-proud, they deny the needs of self, or those in their care, by refusing financial or other assistance. You might not be putting yourself in a position to receive or are in danger of missing a practical opportunity through arrogance.
Not asking for help with your basic needs also cuts you off spiritually from your community and Universe. In order to keep energetic and Karmic balance in your world, you MUST receive as much as you give. If you’re not in a position to give at this time, it means you’re not in full abundance…which means you’re in lack in some way and need to receive.
Even accepting a cup of coffee from a friend is the “reception” of loving energy. Don’t be shy.
May 15, 2024: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands. Sometimes this card can signify a vague melancholy or discontent, which I don’t think is unusual considering all that’s going on in the world right now. Political unrest, violence, and natural disasters plague the planet. It’s very easy to become numb to all the awfulness and give up because what could any of us possibly do? Efforts feel like a drop in the ocean.
You may be in search of personal adventures and greatness but feel your creative genius is without support or point. Responsibilities, security, safety, and fear of others’ reactions as you attempt to manifest dreams hold you back. This emotional slump may be due to closing some doors on things that no longer served or past events that were too fleeting rather than a reaction to current events. But you’ve made choices and now doubt whether they were correct. Should you protect what you have or go forth into the new and unknown? Preserve security or seek meaningful experiences?
This card suggests that while you may have everyTHING you need, you want more and are seeking deeper spiritual meaning, integration, and instinctual knowledge. By expanding vision to collective consciousness and allowing yourself to align with Spirit, you'll find a relationship between the Divine and earthly natures that isn’t affected by the petty machinations of humankind. Relaxed, at ease, and in tune with your own vibration, your potential crystallizes. In appreciation of your manifested powers and capacity, creative dualities are brought together to reflect and animate each other to ground emotions and balance dreams with reality. You’ll come to recognize possibilities and see Self as part of the Whole.
May 14, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Emperor, reversed. Following the rule of all reversals in that two extremes are present, the reversed Emperor is the personification of a weak-willed, lily-livered, submissive coward, or your snotty hubris. (The other extreme being an ultra-macho example of toxic masculinity but I digress….)
You may feel so overburdened, overwhelmed, and insecure that you’re prevented from asserting control, vacillating over a decision, have difficulty exerting your authority, can’t enforce rules or bring structure to a situation, or backing away from a challenge. It’s also indicative of undermined confidence, lack of self-worth or strength, or ineffectiveness.However, all this apparent weakness really stems from a loss of direction. Therefore, don’t not take on any more responsibility at this time because a possible loss of control or freezing into rigid, petty, bullying may occur.
The numerological counterpart of this card is Death. Meaning, it’s time to make some serious changes about how you view—and wield—your personal power. If you need help with that, don’t be too embarrassed to ask for it.
May 11, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Hanged Man, reversed. When upright, The Hanged Man indicates a moment of pause and contemplation; when reversed, it indicates you’re on the verge of becoming unstuck and at a spiritual turning point. However, having just woken up to your situation, you’re not yet aware of options, are unsure where to start, and thus are looking for directions and waiting for signs or omens.
There’s a readiness for action with nothing to do or a sense of moving quickly yet going nowhere. You want things to go right and are impatient to get going but are still tied to minor inconveniences and obligations that prevent the desired forward motion. Once a decision has been made regarding next steps, however, slow down and take inventory, avoid leaning on unreliable sources, and establish a realistic plan. (Remember The Fool’s warning to stay grounded.)
May 10, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Fool. The a certain extent, The Fool is similar to yesterday’s Princess of Wands and reiterates her message of creating, growth, and fullness of life. The Fool represents our soul at the beginning of its journey in life. It contains a guiding light, indicates new experiences, ideas, and adventures, and urges us to step out of what’s known.
When this card appears, we’re to prepare for a change in environment, evaluate the tangible steps necessary to make any changes, acknowledge lessons learned from past failures and use them for future success. (Yep, wisdom learned from the past…check.) Don’t fear change and taking risks, change is good (woo-HOO, ADVENTURE!) and yet stay grounded and aware throughout the process and look forward for any pitfalls (ugh, practical….).
Spiritually speaking, The Fool represents expansion of awareness to new ideas as you look forward to the limitless opportunities before you. In the process, present beliefs and values may be challenged so go forward with a wide open mind (no rigid thinking, please).
May 9, 2024: Card O' the Day: Princess (Page) of Wands. All four of the Princesses (Pages) signify potential in their elemental spheres. Our good Fire Princess represents the birth of Fire and Nature bursting at the seams with growth, potential, light and warmth, innocence, fullness of life, and abundant creativity, artistic talent, and flair! She represents action for the sake of action, adventure, single-mindedness, and one gear: forward.
She also indicates the hesitation between doing and not doing, creating or not, obeying or not heeding a desire. While the Princess represents young energy that by definition doesn’t have extensive experience upon which to draw, what little wisdom of the past she does have is brought froward in just the right mix of playful innocence and clarity when attacking new challenges/opportunities. Experience, knowledge, or skill are not required, only openness and desire is needed as you take on life’s problems without worry about the likelihood of success. This lack of hands-on training is more than made up for in grit, intuition, and stubbornness.
This card signifies the imagination at its most creative, but also most fragile beginning, that’s at odds with the demands and responsibilities of the mundane world. This undifferentiated energy needs to be channeled and refined. Therefore, the appearance of this card is a reminder to be realistic in goals and remain authentic while reaching to attain them. Wisdom must be balanced with wonder as creative, passionate energy is expressed in a grounded, practical manner.
May 8, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. When the Seven of Wands is reversed, you may be ready to overcome fears and objections and participate in negotiations to gain favor or at least an agreement to disagree. Defenses, walls, and barriers between yourself and others come down as you discover inner resources and refuse to be intimidated.
Certain minor victories may require conforming to established procedures and protocols or seeking an otherwise more co-operative approach so don't be shy about accepting assistance when navigating these diplomatic waters. If you can come to a clear course of action, natural self-confidence will return because you’re truly stronger than you might think!
May 7, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Star, reversed. When upright, The Star asks you to get in touch with your inner guiding light, emotions, and sense of Self in order to understand how the outside world affects your psyche. Once reversed, you recognize how the outside influences have injured you and react by holding back, having difficulty opening up emotionally, hiding feelings, or turning away from offered calm and hope. Tired and depressed, one sinks into sadness or melancholy nostalgia.
Yep, yep, and yep. Outside negative energy can really do a number on us! Protect yourself as much as you can from other people’s drama and darkness. Keep reminding yourself their problems are not your own and it’s not your responsibility to fix things for them or break yourself trying to “make them feel better.” (You can’t “make” anyone feel anything. They decide on their own how to react to events in their lives. You CAN offer tea and sympathy but be careful you don’t drain yourself with your offers.)
May 6, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups. We received the Five of Cups about two weeks ago; it was reversed at the time but it’s now upright. The reversal emphasized what remained after losses and to concentrate on that. However, today’s upright version is pointing out that some are still hanging on to those losses.
Letting go of what once was and accepting what is now is our big take-away from this card. While it’s very tempting to cling to past emotions, old upsets, or wallow in regret and melancholy over lost opportunities or departed serenity, it’ll only prevent you from making new and necessary starts. Continued denial of what’s passed or been lost translates into self-pity, self-blame, misery, and depression as you remain in the trench of “if only…” or stays on the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” train.
Also, focusing too much on losses or dwelling on what went “wrong” prevents you from seeing what remains and moving on with that or keeps you unavailable to appreciate any pleasures which offer themselves at this moment. Therefore, shift attention from the past (loss) to the future (new gifts) and resist suffering for the sake of suffering. Otherwise you become so preoccupied with the loss, you can’t recognize assets and powers you still have.
May 5, 2024: Cards O' the Day: Temperance, reversed. When the card of balance and harmony is reversed, the most obvious definition is that something's out of balance, in conflict, or excessive and thereby creates stress and/or ill health. If your emotions are imbalanced and you’re overreacting, such emotional turmoil could lead to confusion, inner discord, and disagreements. Also, you might lack the inner awareness to know what’s appropriate for a situation and feel disconnected from your sense of self as energy dissipates. And when the harmony between different parts of Self are disrupted, this leads to lack of moderation or self-restraint, excess or deficiency, or personal disorder. Therefore, you’re encouraged to avoid all extremes.
Due to all the unease, unrest, uncertainty, distractions, and inefficiency, you might be avoiding taking on a problem, which only leads to procrastination and time wasted. If you receive this card in its reversed position, consider it a warning that life has become fragmented and is sliding from one extreme to another. Therefore, change isn’t recommended right now and you shouldn’t rush into any decisions until you feel more in control of yourself.
May 3, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords. It’s time to begin the process of climbing out of despair, come out of a depressive episode, or pull yourself out of a rut of self-pity. Heavy guilt and self-blame has lifted and you’re motivated to restore yourself with patience and unselfishness. Look forward to resolved pain, improved sleep, and emotional stability.
As with all painful periods in our lives, this card signifies learning awkward lessons, psychological shadow work, or spiritual soul searching involving the willing exploration of personal darkness and self-hatred. Take this opportunity to face fears and make them allies instead of enemies because deep hidden shame will remain unless changes and action are taken against the oppression. By using the forced stasis well, new wisdom and self-nourishment enables rebirth.
There is light at the end of the tunnel….
May 2, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. Just a couple weeks ago (April 10) we also received the Ace of Wands, reversed. The intervening cards haven’t been all that “gang-busters” so I’m still feeling the not-quite-yet energy of this reversed Ace.
It may be that poor timing or inopportunity isn't the problem but outright failure is. You may not have evaluated something correctly, a situation turns against you, or you ruin things through too much undirected energy. The chaotic force behind this card is impossible to hang onto and use constructively causing well-laid plans to fall apart. Therefore, put the idea back on the shelf until you can get your ducks in a row and pointing all in the same direction.
On a completely different note, some of you might be planting ideas in the realm of spiritual potential without any expectation of concrete, physical plane results. As in, trying to simply be a better person.
May 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Chariot. In receiving this card, we’re called to prove our mastery and be stalwart warriors who succeed through will and perseverance—triumphant leaders overcoming all obstacles, struggles, and divergent paths!
Backed by such a powerful will, you may be feeling the energy and power of ego. This allows for building self-esteem through achieving goals and you’re ready to conquer the world…provided you don’t completely f*ck it all up. Through singularity of purpose and a strong will, you face anger and conflict, survive humiliation and failures, but emerge stronger for it.
However, danger lies in your assertive instincts and the appearance of this card may signify too aggressive self-interest. Driven by the will of consciousness, you tend to overcome problems rather than solve them. Contradictions are not brought together but merely controlled. A mind that subordinates all things to a conscious will runs the risk of becoming a toddler having a tantrum.
April 30, 2024: Card O' the Day: Two of Pentacles, reversed. Upright, this card represents the intricacies and balancing act life requires. Reversed, that act become a treacherous, plate-spinning hamster wheel. Numerous obligations make it difficult to establish a routine, and it feels as though you can’t catch a break. Your actions become frenetic as you try to pretend everything’s under control.
Such a situation is disharmonious, introduces inconsistency into your schedule, and/or brings negative results. Because you lack enthusiasm for these shifts, others can too easily convince you to procrastinate. The consequences of that include lack of focus in efforts, laziness, or psycho-emotional paralysis
Unfortunately, this juggling is likely to fail.The current difficult situation requires careful balance, so consider how to lighten the load and live within means and resources. To achieve goals, the order of things must be changed and the whole schedule reorganized.
April 25, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Emperor. To make things happen, you must be responsible for personal choices. If you fail, take responsibility for failures and learn from them. It’s time to become responsible and understand there are consequences for all your choices.
Strength of will and self-determination is also represented by this card. But to be truly powerful, you don’t have to be a bully and it’s not weakness to ask for help if you need it. Balance your emotions with logic, consistency, honesty, and awareness.
The power and responsibility signified here are learned and earned. When you have knowledge and power, it’s your responsibility to teach and guide others as a father figure or group leader. The Emperor teaches the rules of fairness and honesty and his appearance reminds all that as a global family, we must learn to work as a cohesive unit.
April 24, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles. While this card bodes well for matters of the material plane, the number 9 suggests depth, which signals maturity, spiritual awareness, and accomplishment grounded to earth yet sensitive to spirit. When you begin to want more from life (beyond what the Joneses have), you’ll find the ability to build your own abundance through expansion of ideas and accepting all that life has to offer for growth and the seeds of possibility.
Your natural motivation and readiness to share riches originates in the internal being. It doesn’t come from lack or scarcity once you’ve recognized scarcity and lack are mere illusions. With the joyful flow of material energy inherent in this card, you’re encouraged to cultivate generosity, share blessings, and pay it forward with a heart open to love.
April 22, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. The Chariot contains high and directed energy. Once it’s reversed, that energy becomes scattered or surges out of control. Forward motion is halted and you’re defeated through inaction or impatience. Perhaps your own hubris is at fault and unrealistic goals or insufficient expertise or experience cause you to be easily deflected from the course. Under this card, you’re riding for a fall and defeat unless you can get a grip on your emotions and take responsibility for your part in the events behind yesterday’s Ten of Swords events.
This card asks at what cost is this journey of self-discovery, overcoming obstacles, and/or achieving “victory”? Your dangerously inflated ego may believe that any means justify the ends and you’re being inconsiderate, disregard the rights of others, have an unreasonable attitude, or don't adhere to the rules of fairness. Such inflexible arrogance means you harbor no doubts about the validity of your actions and take no responsibility for them.
Remember, even when the world and every person you’ve ever met seems to be against you, you had a hand in your fate. Again, repair any weak spots in your personal defenses and behavior towards others.
April 21, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Swords, reversed. The “recovery” theme introduced by yesterday’s Five of Cups, reversed, continues in the reversed Ten of Swords. When the Ten is reversed, some shadows lift and you can start gaining relief from stress. Keep looking forward to liberation and exciting breakthroughs that are forthcoming because it’s time for recovery and rebirth now that you’ve turned the corner and things are looking up.
After an extreme situation has cleared the way, the change in your cycle can provide a new outlook. However, unless you take advantage of the reprieve in difficulty and make real changes to prevent the situation from repeating, all gains and success will be fleeting.
During the sweeping alterations required by this card, your emotional reactions to the previous unhappiness or any disputes, ingratitude, doubts, and/or low self-esteem will hamper true progress and make new gains precarious or impermanent. Therefore, it’s important to let go of the past, release the need to intellectualize what all went wrong, and concentrate on repairing any weak spots in your personal defenses.
April 20, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups, reversed. The reversed Five of Cups can impart quite a hopeful outlook indicating recovery, charity, kindness, and renewal as you move away from loss and get on with life. You become aware that what remains after the recent losses is important and permanent even in the face of sorrow. The fallen* Cups represent something less significant than what you originally thought and those still standing form a solid base that’s not easily knocked over.
After making some very hard decisions, understand difficulties will be overcome, there’ll be a change in lifestyle, and the ability to share abundance. As you transform resistance, disappointment, or prudence into something better, you’ll develop emotional stability, coping skills, determination, and fortitude to conquer any misfortune or anxiety. You’re urged to take control lest others take control for you; expect rewards when you do. Now, move on; it’s time.
*Many Tarot decks depict the Five of Cups with five vessels of some nature. Three of these vessels have been knocked over while two remain standing. The standing vessels are emphasized in the reversed position of the card.
April 19, 2024: Card O' the Day: Two of Pentacles. I’m guessing this card is for me and my mother. Last week she needed to go to the hospital. This was a huge challenge for both of us in that I had to then juggle my life to be present for her and help her maintain balance with all her different caregivers and her life at home. Now that she’s back home recuperating, we both shall need physical rest to recover from the fraught psycho-emotional experience.
In a nutshell, this past week has been a perfect example of the Two of Pentacles: being flexible, ready to adapt easily, and available to what comes in order to facilitate surprise alterations. Therefore, drop judgment and preferences to the details of long-term plans and consider all options—even if not patently “better”—with an open mind.
Along with all the “should and must do’s” in life, there needs to be play, too. You’d do well to emphasize gaiety, recreation, and exercise a little more. Live in the moment and be present to it without ambition for it to be more than it is. Find appropriate balance in all of life, seek the hidden magic in ordinary pleasures, and remember to celebrate simple joys along the way because you never know when you’ll have nothing to celebrate.
April, 12, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups. After a couple weeks of diving deep into the shadow work, we’re coming out the other side having done some serious soul-searching and re-thinking about who we are and want to be.
The Ten of Cups represents culmination of the Way of the Heart wherein you’ve truly connected with your heart and move into the world with intelligence. Allowing yourself to be softer and more receptive to the inexpressible joy already present deep inside means discovering that solid, grounded happiness doesn’t come from possessions or accomplishments. At this apex of divine yin power, you finally bears witness to your own inner radiance and magnetism, understand personal value, and are secure enough to ask for what you need.
Under the influence of this card, the conscious and subconscious join to create a well balanced state of being where you have the ability to go into emotions and rise out of them without getting caught up in blame, guilt, fantasy, or lethargy. This life force connects all living creatures in ultimate purity and perfection through a heart that has attained fullness. Emotional realization has taken place and you recognize the valuable qualities of the situation. Trust in your feelings with confidence.
April 11, 2024: card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. Another Wands card…this time the strong, powerful, invincible Queen! She’s here to remind us to persevere and never give up.
The Queen of Wands denotes strength of character, a likable person who gets along well with others, and someone who’s interested in spiritual growth, philanthropic works, and inspirational philosophies. As in, she looks beyond her own nose because she understands how helping others helps herself.
When the Queen of Wands appears, it signifies things “coming together” and you’re encouraged to let the abundance within overflow! With a deep inner conviction that things will turn out okay, she supports intuitive faith in your own abilities and limits. This card provides a gentle force that allows changes to proceed with the least disruption so let’s lurch in the direction of putting on our boots and get busy.
April 10, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. Okay, we have an ACE! And it’s of WANDS! Meaning, movement and new beginnings are just around the corner. Which is a good thing since we’ve been stuck for so long in our Hermit phase. Even when reversed, the Ace indicates new beginnings are afoot and you’re starting to feel ready, desiring, and yearning for change. That’s the good news.
The bad news is the reversal relegates all this into the “not yet” category. The right opportunity has yet to come, a situation may be premature, or you’re not energized or prepared enough to move forward. This card also speaks of personal authority that’s turned sour. Emotionally, you suffer frustration, rejection, weakness, doubt, hesitation, powerlessness, etc., which leaves you resistant, reluctant, or without interest to take on more and useful work.
The problem with the lingering inertia means you’ll not see what IS indeed going well. Take heart at this Ace showing up, at all, and practice gratitude for everything that’s not completely sh*tty. As in, be grateful you can read this because to do so you took advantage of your computer/phone, electricity, the availability of the Internet, you’re not dead, and a whole lot of other blessings you haven’t noticed in a while.
April 9, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands. According to the Seven of Wands, there are times when one must find the courage to defend one’s position, principles, beliefs, or ideals using natural instincts and past experience. Perhaps you took a stand against opposing views in a speech, discussion, or on the Internet. And now your “stand taking” has you on the outs with your people (thus all the alone time in the last couple weeks).
Now, you DO develop confidence in self-worth and valor by handling problems, rivalry, competition, confrontation, or disapproval with persistence. However, this card also demands honest self-reflection regarding your personal tenets; it’s fine to remain steadfast, but be open-minded, too. If you find yourself standing alone too often, maybe it’s time to reevaluate what you believe
April 8, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles, reversed. Wow. The “I vant to be alone!” trend continues. It’s probably for a good reason, though. Just as we clean out closets and refrigerators, one does need to clean out one’s friend/acquaintance/tribe circle occasionally too.
When this card is upright, there’s heavy emphasis on celebrations with your community, family, and/or tribe. Reversed, it indicates you’ve indulged in too much of society and have wearied of the popular rounds of activity or you’ve become disenchanted with comrades/associates and no longer socialize with the old crowd. The usual pleasures seem empty and unfulfilling as one eats, drinks, and plays when there’s work to be done. Your own mores may have shifted and those of your usual associates haven't as they continue to ignore deeper world values and events.
The situation could be the other way around in that you aren’t the one leaving but rather have been left. Support networks have withdrawn as you’re excluded or separated from a clique or inner circle, blackballed, or are merely unappreciated. This results in disillusionment and the friendship or group falls apart. Regardless of the reason you’ve separated from one’s group, the reversed Three signifies the end of celebrations and the need to look at some hard realities.
April 7, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Suffering pervasive dissatisfaction and feelings of entrapment often come from unfulfilling jobs or commitments. This quagmire leads to increasing anxiety about money, an unspecified sense of uneasiness, bitterness, worry, or melancholy. You tend to become impatient, restless, or inert in procrastination when faced with such emotions. Keywords such as obscurity and lack of achievement associated with this card—coupled with the above feelings—lead me to believe some of you self-isolate (a running theme for the past week-10 days) because you think your work and/or contributions at your place of employment are pointless.
Such a pit of negative emotions and beliefs about Self are destructive and a waste of your time if you allow this state to continue. You can ease the stuck-ness by taking the tiniest step forward by just looking at the job opportunities in your area. You’re probably doodling around on your phone anyway so just detour over to the job sites for giggles. No need to get up from your chair or make any commitments. Merely take a peek.
Now dream a little of what having a better job might look like for you…. Keep dreaming…. Your dreams will get you motivated to actually DO something!
April 5, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords, reversed. Oppressed by troubles, feeling unfairly treated, and fearing loss of individuality and propriety, you continue to hide from acquaintances and avoid public view or facing others. Such shrinking from perceived dangers is probably a reaction to something that weighs heavily on the mind and heart rather than an actual tragedy on the physical plane.
But to be fair, your anxieties could be justified, fears legitimate, and suspicions warranted thereby leaving you virtually imprisoned and sad. However, even though the the problem is indeed real, you can’t directly attack it—which makes you want to hide within, keep anger and resentment, and fall into depression and despondency.
However, this card’s appearance signals it’s time to begin the process of climbing out of despair, come out of a depressive episode, and/or pull yourself out of the rut of self-pity. Welcome resolved pain, improved sleep, and emotional stability when you take charge of your psycho-emotional health.
April 4, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups. Interactions with others haven’t been going well. In the arena of friendships, partnerships, family, and intimate relationships, you may have endured the “death” of a friendship or partnership that ended unhappily. A marriage may be filled with bitterness or frustration as the “cup” of the relationship is viewed as half-empty. Old fears of abandonment are realized through said endings and you’re struggling with this difficult and painful experience.
However, valuable lessons often come from such experiences and failure or loss is more easily endured if it’s accepted as part of growth and change. After all, nothing is created without mistakes. There’s always hope for better things to come and you need to find the courage to continue. Therefore, view the current unfortunate situation as a turn in the road that ultimately brings good because the “loss”—however painful— has created space for something new in your life.
April 3, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. Internalized fires radiate from within as this queen controls her impulses, creativity, passions, and strength without suppressing any of it. This type is unwilling to censor themselves or conform to societal norms, they cannot take criticism, are emotionally demanding, and can be harsh and unforgiving of anyone else’s weakness or inability to keep up. Not only do some of you want to remain alone but some are actively pushing others away with the Queen of Wands’ assistance.
On the other hand, receiving this card is an indication of leadership ability, independence, self-possession, practicality, and fierce determination to make decisions, get your own way, or pursue your interests. However, always use this ambition and passion inventively while offering courteous understanding to others. Be careful of holding grudges or undermining the plans of colleagues. Avoid burnout, confrontation, pettiness, or opposition to restraint. If a peace offering is extended, be open to negotiations. The feng shui of this card suggests being open to lending help and good advice as you draw others near.
Your choice.
April 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Star, reversed. When upright, The Star asks us to get in touch with our inner guiding light, emotions, and sense of Self in order to understand how the outside world affects our psyche. Once reversed, we recognize how the outside influences have injured us and react by holding back, having difficulty opening up emotionally, hiding feelings, or turning away from offered calm and hope. You may have the sense of being dammed or bottled up inside. Tired and depressed, you just want to be left alone. (The reversed Hermit anyone?)
When this card appears upside down, self-esteem is low and you’re unable to see yourself as a star. Uncertain and thinking you lack talent, grace, or beauty, you deny your true gifts and just want to disappear.
March 30, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Hermit, reversed (again). We just had The Hermit, reversed, on the 28th. And while I felt it signifies a period of deep journeying, it’s important to still be present in this life. (As was pointed out in the Three of Pentacles yesterday.),
Withdrawing into yourself may not have been to take time for personal reflection but is because you’re feeling antisocial, unable to communicate, or wish to avoid close relationships altogether because you perceive you’re deserted, alone, and misunderstood. (You might actually be the one who walked away and has no one to blame but yourself.) Whether you’re staying isolated out of stubbornness or are paranoid of interacting with others, the end effect of hiding slows or disables the development of latent talents and mires you in a state of stasis and abnegation.
A disapproving attitude is also inherent in The Hermit, reversed, and it’s possible you’re so preoccupied with how others perceive you that you’re holding yourself and others to excessive perfectionism and impossible standards. Are you?
March 29, 2024: Crd O' the Day: Three of Pentacles. First and foremost, you must establish foundational skill, abilities, and knowledge by making the effort to learn something new via study, concentrated focus, deep understanding, or self-improvement. This is equally true when embarking on a spiritual journey. Rest assured Universe is offering material and spiritual support in this endeavor.
This card is showing you the important, if invisible, link between the physical world and fantastical realms and is an indication you must work steadily to manifest your purpose. You’re directed to synthesize the workings of your imagination with external reality as you tune out the noise of the physical world and listen to your instincts and spiritual guidance.
When this card appears, it indicates initial fruits of labor, early success, and that a goal appears well on the way. However, know the real work begins after the first blush of success and powerful expansion and positive outcomes only follow perseverance, hard work, and dedication. As in, after your enlightenment, you still have to “chop wood and carry water.”
March 28, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Hermit, reversed. The upright Hermit represents alone time during which you may be healing, in a creative cycle, or just feeling a little antisocial. When this card is reversed, it can indicate you’re gong into a deep state of personal reflection and journeying.
In a state of stillness that’s NOT stagnation, you float in almost pure yin energy. Your aloneness is an organic natural state, not an avoidance of others due to a pathology such as narcissism, paranoia, or anger. Rather, you’re exploring the absence of light, society, or interaction with other beings through your instincts and psycho-emotional sensations.
March 27, 2024: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles. The reciprocity and charity inherent in this card may be of a spiritual nature as you act with compassion and show respect to others. The makers of and believers in magic understand giving to those in need returns spiritual benefits. Such soul-based exchanges that flow from love embody true generosity, Spirit in all life, and strength through gentleness. Even though you’re grounded in the material/physical world, how you value and handle these sacred exchanges determines your future.
Possibly you’re not working towards reciprocity with others but are pursuing equilibrium between your own material, spiritual, and social lives and the restoration thereof. Such balance within your whole environment—vital to yourself and society—would provide a happy, relaxed atmosphere in which you may enjoy the fruits of your labor.
March 26, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Princess of Cups. The Princess of Cups is indicative of youthful energy, being emotionally vulnerable, and/or lighthearted. Her appearance is a reminder to let life flow as you enter into a phase of learning to accept and incorporate feelings into reactions, contemplate things with a tender heart, trust, and serve with love. As you stand on the threshold of emotional maturation through relationships or struggles, you’ll discover new feelings and attachments starting with those of self-love and respect.
It might be time to explore your inner world with no outside demands, responsibilities, or desires to disturb your quiet contemplation. Take a breather to renew yourself, listen to your heart, and discover your worthiness of being loved. Remember to take time to enjoy simple pleasures in life, enjoy being human, and that it’s okay to pamper yourself once in a while. Create your own situation of happiness, loving relationships, and success. Following a little self-care, you’ll be more energized, inspired, refreshed physically and spiritually, and have the inner confidence to serve those in need.
March 22, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Devil. Brandon, if you’re watching, this one’s for you.
The Devil epitomizes the shadow aspects that are denied, unacknowledged, or hidden. This includes all the emotions rejected, repressed, deemed “bad”, and separated from Self such as fear, anger, shame, or self loathing. Obsessions, negative thoughts, and/or secret physical pleasures can also hold you hostage in your own mind. Self-punishing behavior, any form of misery or depression, feeling chained or imprisoned and believing the illusion there are no alternatives, cravings and worries that fill the consciousness and interfere with peace, wounds you were born with or were inflicted early and often, or any other negative aspects of the ego are all examples of the shadow side of the psyche.
However, your inner shadow aspects aren’t “bad” per se and need to be integrated into the whole being because there can’t be light without dark. You can choose to remain tied to a negative situation, way of life, or attitude. Or you can accept the Self (warts and all) and act freely and joyfully by engaging in conscious deliberation and decision to find satisfaction in life. The first step is to confront the inner psyche to face fears and inhibitions, release guilt and judgment, and face personal “shame.” Therefore, break out of whatever you’ve been conditioned by others to believe about yourself because the moment you stop believing you’re helpless, limited, or “not enough”, you become free.
March 21, 2024: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles. The Queen of Pentacles represents thriving in all areas that call for creativity, physical connection to others or the world, and elemental understanding. In the process of finding what’s really desired from life, develop truthfulness, overcome any conceit, and be innovative with solving unexpected problems. You’ll find happiness in achieving goals and everything to which you aspire but also you’re asked to find satisfaction and contentment with those achievements and not be desperate for more.
Because the Queen is such a stable, motherly, homebody sort, her appearance in a spread indicates you’re interested in community and protective of others. This card breaks down all distinction between giver and receiver and understands to help others is actually helping yourself. The Earth Queen implies a developing sense of security and confidence in this moment of deserving life’s rewards and when you’re so showered with blessings from all directions, you’re encouraged to celebrate this abundance and spread joy for all to share.
March 20, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Wands, reversed. Okay, this is the third Prince in just a few days. What’s up with the Princes? They lack the sureness and stability of the Kings or Queens but have a strong sense of commitment, responsibility to others, and huge amounts of energy directed in outward action. Princes denote a state of constant movement that’s only moderately experienced and still in development. They indicate warnings, swift changes, bold action, fast moving events, and are incredibly focused on a goal, which can render them headstrong, brash, and belligerent.
As for the Fire prince, reversed, this indicates you’re ready to rein in all the fiery impulses of the recent Princes and to stop and enjoy the present, rather than perpetually focusing on future progress. This slower pace could make you more effective and allow for deeper experiences all around.
March 19, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords. Oh, BOY! This is a great card to follow the reversed Seven of Cups that had told us to clear out the cobwebs from our noodle. The Sword Prince is direct and incisive and indicative of revolutionizing energies, quicksilver ideas, sudden shifts in perspective, rapid thoughts, quick answers, brisk insightful commentary, and a penetrating wit with clarity that cuts to the chase. Therefore, prepare for “a-HA!” moments that blow up your world. This is the very essence of the mind cleansed of all parasitical concepts that weigh you down and prevent you from going beyond mere thought.
At the same time, the Prince reminds you to ground ideas in reality and be responsible for what’s created because he represents the struggle to sustain the plodding grunt work some projects require. Use subtlety in endeavors to grasp opportunities with the help of sharp vision, controlled momentum, and precise timing. Maintain vigilance while proceeding with a plan, and don’t allow impulsiveness to revolt against ideological compliance. Lastly, consider carefully whether you’re willing to see a project through to its end, otherwise time and resources will be wasted.
March 14, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Cups, reversed. We’ve had several Cups of late; let’s explore that suit’s energy. The primary attribute of Cups is the experience that covers the general range of the emotional landscape where, at its completion, is total fulfillment and satiety. The suit invites you to know the Self better by going within the inner being to take stock and using your intuition to understand or determine how a situation developed/is developing and how/where it’s going from here. You’re then able to connect more authentically with others and relax into the communal experience feeling safe and nurtured. But beware: negative emotions can cause great problems when coupled with a negative mind.
As for the reversed Seven of Cups, when it’s upright it can indicate confused feelings and thoughts. But reversed, the card stresses clear and logical thinking, making realistic plans, setting priorities and intentions, and finding solutions that are well-conceived. With resoluteness of purpose, determination, and premeditation, break through the fog of confusion and illusion to focus on a goal. Don't reject fantasies, designs, or outlines but actually DO something to make them real because this card bodes well for achieving aspirations or intentions.
March 13, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups. People influenced by the Prince of Cups are great with others, have a subtle, sparkling, diplomatic wit, and are wonderful friends. They’re especially caring, calm, gentle, gallant, amicable, and sensitive to others’ emotional states because they adapt to suit the needs of everyone else. Receiving this card in a reading could indicate you’re initiating social contacts or extending invitations to a welcoming event in your efforts to collaborate in accordance with yesterday’s Two of Cups.
You may take on the role of helping others to promote harmony, compliance, or an accord. Such meaningful “socializing” could actually be valuable networking, and therefore you’re encouraged to participate and listen to the ideas and opinions of others when they’re presented. The Water Prince is also a great healer and protector and thus may signify involvement in counseling, catering to the needs of others, missionary work or other humanitarian undertakings.
Ruled by inner values with a rich emotional landscape, people influenced by this card are very loving but they tend to act and react according to their feelings rather than what’s logical. Capricious and elusive in relationships, they may use adoration and flattery as tools to achieve ends. Conquest becomes the goal and honest love slips into worship as the Prince becomes depressive, moody, and retreats into fantasy. Such emotional swings can mean a roller coaster of highs and lows when dealing with, or acting like, such a person.
March 12, 2024: Card O' the Day: Two of Cups. Cooperation and teamwork are the keywords for the day. The focus of this card is the meeting of hearts and the blessings that come of it. These blessings include a creative and fertile working relationship, a close and fruitful friendship, or any situation where there’s a meeting of the minds, hearts, and souls. The essence of true friends who are mature, natural, and easy with each other mean there’s no urgency about the connection, no neediness, and no desire to change the other into something else. People are simply joining together to create something new. This influence of mutual respect and affection is a fundamental motivator for cooperation with others about choices, innovative ideas, or seeing eye-to-eye on a collaborative venture. There is a strong bond of trust, dependability and goodwill, and the good communication that two halves of a whole enjoy as minds and hearts with the same intent are able to combine ideas and plans. Expect congenial, satisfying, and agreeable partnerships in business, friendship, or social situations that bring comfort and security.
The Two can also be seen as an adventure card with a wide range of situations and conditions outside of your ordinary existence, routine, or control. Escapades may be planned including exhilarating challenges or unpredictable surprises and experiences in travel, customs, or foods. While there's no security or certainty about what happens next or how it turns out, awaken to the magnificence and thrill of inhabiting a physical body.
March 11, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles. This card sometimes indicates a transitory period in your life during which there's a positive evolution towards the future. New interests on the material plane open up or you find new solutions for current problems. Because the suit of Pentacles represents the physical body and its health, the new interests could move in the direction of alternative healing, dietary changes, and/or beginning a practice that goes beyond simple physical exercise. The transitions may also include moving to a new place; if that’s the case, be patient with yourself as you settle into a new space and routine.
As you dive into this new avenue, you could gain a position of prominence and authority earned through hard work, the acceptance of responsibility, and the triumph of matter over spirit. An executive position, handled with discipline and thoughtfulness, will bring good results.
Double bonus: New avenues and success at it!
March 8, 2024: Card O' the Day: King of Wands. Okay, this is the third King to show up in just a few days. What’s up with the Kings you ask? Kings are considered the yang expression of a suit in its full maturation with a physical presence that commands attention. They symbolize wisdom, power, outward manifestations, stabilization, accomplishment, and success. But Kings can be bossy, dominating, and controlling, and represent people with socially minded authority who will affect the outcome of a situation. They make decisions, delegate tasks, and take responsibility for society on a whole. Kings represent the areas of your life over which you have no control.
The other day we had the reversed King of Pentacles indicating loss of control over your physical plane. Yesterday, we received the reversed Sword King representing loss of control of what you consider right and wrong. Today, we have the Fire King. Though he’s not reversed, this King can still be a bulldozer and make you feel like you’re in the backseat of your life.
On a good day, such people can be forceful, charismatic, bold, and intelligent. But they also have a despotic nature and are arrogant, difficult, and impatient. In general, such people become leaders but not out of an urge to serve the greater good. More than likely they just like the power being in leadership roles gives them. If that’s you, just be careful power is used appropriately and self-confidence doesn’t turn into arrogance. While you may firmly believe you’re absolutely “right”, that may not always be true. Therefore, cooperation, “political correctness”, and diplomacy, rather than steamrolling, will achieve the best results.
March 7, 2024: Card O' the Day: King of Swords, reversed. Okay then, some of you are feeling really demoralized and the “cooperative” or "diplomatic” route seems impossible at the moment.
The suit of Swords represents, in part, legal matters and when reversed it can mean you have to deal with unscrupulous, malicious, plotting, sadistic, spiteful, or otherwise tricky persons while trying to sort personal legal obligations or opportunities. Judgments or decisions may not go the way you had hoped and unfairness, favoritism, and legal errors are possible.
On a larger scale, the entire world may appear unjust and corrupt and you’ve become disillusioned by the justice system, politics/politicians, or business affairs. In general, this card represents the power of verbal aggression and totalitarian views. It could feel that you’re the only one left with any principles as you attempt to disallow an inhumane or unfair ruling, try to overturn a legal case, countermand the boss, or recall elected officials.
March 6, 2024: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. This card offers you the power to overcome fears and objections and participate in negotiations to gain favor and get yourself sorted out. You might defend your choice of job or lover to your family or friends in your quest to fill your life with worthy people and beliefs. Defenses, walls, and barriers between yourself and others come down as you discover inner resources and refuse to be intimidated.
Certain minor victories may require conforming to established procedures and protocols or seeking an otherwise more co-operative approach so don’t be shy about accepting assistance when navigating these diplomatic waters. If you can come to a clear course of action, natural self-confidence will bloom because you’re truly stronger than you think!
March 5, 2024: Card O' the Day: King of Pentacles, reversed. The short answer is there are money troubles present when this card appears reversed. Those worries may be slight such as frustration at not balancing the checkbook, suffering an inability to fathom finances or taxes, or feeling overwhelmed and unsure about managing or taking care of a home, real estate, insurance, stocks, or other valuables. Your finances could be sluggish or normally sharp business acumen is off.
But also the ordinarily materialistic Earth King, when reversed, may be actively working to oppose misuse of resources and life. Thus the financial portion of your life feels in disarray because you’re completely revamping what you consider important and worth your attention.
There’ll be a period of inner security, contentment, and wellbeing as you reconsider whether amassing money is the only goal worth having. You’ll discover what’s truly valuable by overthrowing materialistic tenets or stepping away from long-held beliefs learned as a child.
February 29, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands. This card represents driven and dynamic energy with a stronger and increased light. It’s your own choice whether to accept it and the clarity that comes. However, these gifts can be fiery, unstable, and are potentially very dangerous.
While it is natural to brace for a storm, adopting a wary or suspicious posture in anticipation of being attacked by someone or something that’s not directly apparent can be a mistake. Through remaining flexible and not allowing defensive habits to become ingrained, you’re more likely to resolve any challenges that do arise peacefully.
Honor the conscious mind and unconscious soul, which are working in harmony and giving you clear direction for the future. Through self-examination, you’ll see beneath the surface lies and deceptions (including your own) and the resulting mature, advanced wisdom could possibly indicate stepping into a guardianship or leadership role. When asked for advice, be attentive and respectful, and fine-tune knowing when to listen v. speak.
February 28, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Swords, reversed. When the Ten is reversed, some shadows lift and you can gain relief from stress. Keep looking forward to liberation and exciting breakthroughs that are forthcoming because it’s time for recovery and rebirth now that you’ve turned the corner and things are looking up.
After an extreme situation has cleared the way, the change in your cycle provides a new outlook and rightly has you on pins and needles about the future. Power, authority, cleverness, eloquence, advantage, favor, and beneficial improvement are the keywords to bear in mind. However, unless you take full advantage of the reprieve in difficulty and make real changes to prevent the situation from repeating, all gains and success will be fleeting.
During the sweeping alterations required by this card, your emotional reactions to the previous unhappiness or any disputes, ingratitude, doubts, and low self-esteem will hamper true progress and make new gains precarious or impermanent. Therefore, it’s important to let go of the past, release the need to intellectualize what all went wrong, and concentrate on repairing any weak spots in projects or defenses.
February 27, 2024: Card O' the Day: Justice, reversed. Oddly, Justice comes right back to us but reversed.
This reversal indicates something stable, ordered, or normally unvarying has been disturbed or disrupted and you find yourself having to adjust to imbalances in life and relationships. Yet you’re resistant to these changes or adjustments and are attempting a “perfection” so rigid it hampers realization of dreams or goals—which safely prohibits, in advance, any mistakes. People who have such a run of snags and inconveniences will develop the attitude that “life’s unfair and I’m always the underdog.”
This attitude displays an unwillingness to see the meaning of events, dishonesty with yourself and others, and missing an opportunity for a greater understanding of life and Cosmic Lessons. So, keep chugging away and take any bumps in the road in stride. Remember all the times you had good luck and smooth sailing…those times will come to you again.
February 22, 2024: Card O' the Day: Justice. The fact that Justice comes to us right after The Tower, reversed, makes a bunch of sense in that The Tower was about changes coming about in your mind. (Read: new intellectual processing.) The notion of judicious or prudent intelligence applies to the Justice card in that it represents the power of the intellect and mental alertness to make choices based upon dispassionate, impersonal evaluation and fighting battles with art, strategy, and skill rather than brute force. Conceptual thinking, fairness, and intellect become the arbiters between opposing ideas rather than desire.
Justice represents thinking clearly and cultivating the faculty of a balanced mind. Through lucid thinking, objective planning, and weighing all factors, you transform the untamed and nebulous to reach fully informed and aware decisions using logic, reasoning, and evidence. Cognition, analytical thought, and all the workings of the mind give you access to the full force of the collective mental body. By using these mental faculties responsibly and constructively, you’ll develop clear ideas when facing reality.
Justice may seem to be the embodiment of integrity and perfection, but also with a harsh, unyielding, critical, and totally impassive intellect that shuts out compassion and mercy. While there’s definitely a positive need for a balanced mind, true justice isn’t devoid of sentiment, but integrates passion, ethics, logic, and experience that’s all used to gauge a situation. You’re directed to have faith in the efficacy of your mind and soundness of judgment. Consider Justice to be the meeting place of emotional intelligence and critical thought.
February 20, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Tower, reversed. Much like Death, The Tower is a grand equalizer—it can hit anyone regardless of status. I see Death as a physical “big change” (endings of relationships, jobs, housing, etc.) whereas The Tower is a “big change” in your mind and psyche. It signifies the downfall of hubris, self-inflation, megalomania, and self-aggrandizement. Ego is annihilated in an inner quake that’s both necessary and important because your true values are emancipated in a revolutionary way.
The reversal of The Tower can lessen the degree and impact of the upright meanings or increase them. Regardless, receiving this card is always a divine kick in the butt and it’s pointless to try to stop the inevitable transformation that has already begun. Crisis and true catastrophe come if the energy of The Tower and its inescapable and obvious changes are resisted. Without forward motion and the required change, you can expect continued psycho-emotional oppression or entrapment in old ways or habits.
In an effort to lessen that pain, you might try to keep tight control over your reactions, but that doesn't release all the repressed “stuff.” One simply must let go, make a clean break, and allow the full release The Tower promises.
February 19, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups, reversed. The upright version of this card warned of the pitfalls of complacency; when reversed, the danger is real. With every wish granted, self-indulgence and a tendency to excess dominates and thereby leads to poor choices, selfish desires, all states of emotional crisis, irresponsibility, shallowness, and stagnation. Resting on past laurels negatively impacts current methods as you get left behind in a fast changing world.
Your boldness or audacity leads to arguments or other difficulties when trying to interact with others because who likes holier-than-thou bragging? Fortunately, someone is going to call you out and the corner of the rug will be lifted to show what has been swept under it: mistakes, errors, imperfections, faults, and everything unpleasant that has been hidden from sight. This exposure, while possibly embarrassing at first, will provide you with a feeling of liberation as you’re released from superficial or false attachments and former attitudes of smugness and entitlement.
Through such release, you’ll find inner—rather than outer—happiness and will forsake trivial material pleasures and surface values for spiritual ones. It’ll no longer be necessary to maintain a façade if you reconsider what you really want. Your quest for something deeper and more meaningful isn't over but you’re coming to greater personal awareness and learning to stay true to Self and your higher purpose.
February 17, 2024: Card O' the Day: Eight of Swords, reversed. Ingenuity and improvisation in removing obstacles are greatly increased by the reversal of this card, and therefore, it’s possible to find release from past concerns. Don't overburden yourself as freedom begins, you start to see things clearly, and then take the first steps towards liberation from your oppression (situation, thoughts, habits, mindsets, etc.). While breaking through constraints, including socially imposed ones, reevaluate how you got into the current situation, consider it all as a learning process, and progress forward.
This card can also mean magic or adventure abounds or an unexpected fortuitous event is coming. The power to transcend all human limitations and remove the confines of common experience is available. You’re now ready to meet, or go beyond, your fate, destiny, or any preordained events.
February 16, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups, reversed. A couple days ago we received the Three of Pentacles, reversed, and today we have the Three of Cups, reversed. With the Pentacles, we saw job-related difficulties followed by The Lovers where we were cautioned about making the right choices for ourselves. The next day’s reversed Two of Pentacles indicated some uncomfortable changes and today’s reversed Three of Cups suggests the changes and focus on self means there are people in our lives that aren’t best for us.
The Three of Cups is all about comrades, close friends, homies, tribe members, and besties. Some of those people may have been in your lives since elementary school and are thus part of your history. However, the reversal indicates you’re not quite so close to those people anymore. After all, you’ve long outgrown your mullet (haven’t you?!?!?) and acid-washed jeans so it follows that you’ve probably outgrown some friends, too. And that’s normal and perfectly okay if not a little painful.
How you separate from those friends doesn’t matter…you could leave the group or be left behind as THEY move on. In the end, you’re being forced to reevaluate relationships and ultimately pick YOU as the best and dearest friend you protect through thick and thin. No, this doesn’t mean you become a self-centered asshole. Instead you develop strong personal boundaries and uphold them even when your urge to people-please threatens to throw you under the bus.
February 15, 2024: Card O' the Day: Two of Pentacles, reversed. The Two of Pentacles heralds changes on your physical plane. When reversed, it indicates the changes are disharmonious, introduce inconsistency into your schedule, or bring negative results. Because you lack enthusiasm for these shifts, others can too easily sway you to revert back to the old and familiar regardless of how uncomfortable THAT was. The consequences of that include psycho-emotional paralysis, refusal to eat, or *suicidal tendencies.
The current difficult situation requires careful balance, so consider how to lighten the load and live within means and resources. To achieve goals, the order of things must be changed and your whole situation reorganized.
While you may believe you’ve shifted perspective, it’s not yet evident externally and inflexibility and challenge to adjustment still remains. Ask for help getting sorted by contacting professionals i.e. therapists, job coaches, housing authorities, spiritual advisors, etc. because there’s no problem that can’t be solved.
*Except dead. Dead can’t be fixed so don’t you dare.
February 14, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Lovers. The Lovers is a rational card that heralds the beginning of a social life and the appearance of this card and may indicate you’re entering a new sphere of deeper understanding, emotional ties, and loyal camaraderie. This card occasionally appears when you become conscious of the fear of being alone and are giving too much of yourself away in order to feel accepted. Therefore, as you’re making connections, be mindful of your personal boundaries lest you “people please” just to feel popular. It’s a prompt to question your emotional state and learn the first and foremost lesson of love: to love thyself. Express feelings freely, be true to yourself, follow the heart, and be accepted for who you truly are as you come “home” to Self.
On occasion, the appearance of The Lovers can indicate someone near is trying to influence your thinking or decisions, so if an unusual offer seems to good to be true, then it probably is. Don’t force the issue, make any changes or breaks from the normal working/career pattern, and ignore temptations to cause unnecessary upset right now. The crux of this card is making the right decision regarding one of life’s greatest challenges/choices.
February 13, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles, reversed. Threes indicate a product from a “union”, and Pentacles, of the physical plane, most often represent money and work. Thus, the reversal of this card means trouble in this realm.
Expect job-related problems such as criticism, interviews and presentations going poorly, trouble with coworkers or superiors, plans and diagrams that contain mistakes, or having insufficient data or information. Inexperience or lack of skills can lead to preoccupation, sloppiness, delays that result in losses, and the unwillingness to ask questions and get help. The refusal of advice or additional training results in mediocrity or even abject inferiority as you struggle to generate fresh creative ideas. You may be stuck in a boring job for which you’re over- or under-qualified and in which you under value your own work and that of others. Hate or immaturity in management means you’re asked to do the impossible, something dishonest, or hazardous or has you constantly looking over your shoulder. (These listed difficulties could be directly your fault or be the general environment in which you must work.)
Consider the intangible value of your livelihood and whether you’re doing what you love. To go further requires more effort to refine already good ideas. Look at the whole picture and then focus on the basics before moving forward or on.
February 10, 2024: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles. It’s sometimes said that work is love in action. Meaning, it’s the work that matters, not the result. Attention to detail and dedication to craft engages the soul through work and you’re being called to apply skill and talents to a vocation that’ll lead to some specific end. Labor that brings spiritual reward can be found in simple and ordinary things. Mundane tasks take on a sacred quality when performed with total involvement, love, and for their own sake.
But sometimes work can seem like a giant gerbil’s wheel and even new skills can become tedious, repetitive, and boring. Nevertheless, along with persistence, diligence, and step-by-step development, daily progress will occur. Using skills and talents ensures work never becomes boring because each day is a chance to work at a secure and understood job with assured “I know what I’m doing” confidence.
TLDR: If you’re still drifting and can’t think of—or face—what’s next, do something ridiculously simple. Congratulate yourself for doing that one thing. Look for another ridiculously simple thing you can do….
February 9, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. This card represents not taking a chance at a critical time because of fear or dependence upon plans or advice of others. The aversion to taking any risks at all stems from a fear of looking foolish, making a mistake, or excessive concern of doing something stupid and suffering embarrassment. Therefore, you tend to be sticking to conventional and safe approaches, accepting limits as absolutes, being careful, and doing anything to avoid the possibility of a misstep.
This restriction or denial of your innate free-spiritedness indicates a rather low sense of self worth and esteem. The normally bright energy of The Fool gets lost in indecision, confusion, and hesitation to trust. There’s a feeling of emptiness, uselessness, ineptitude, or being unable to produce anything of value. With no idea where to begin, you’re adrift in restlessness and unfocused energy.
AND THAT’S OKAY!! We all feel adrift from time to time. Allow yourself time to sort things out and get back on track. However, if it takes more than a couple weeks, ask for help because the longer you drift…the longer you will continue to drift.
February 8, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups, reversed. Lots of “feels” coming up lately…. The other day we had the Six of Cups, reversed, and we discussed looking back on emotional experiences.
Today’s card signifies possible denial about your feelings or preoccupation with past emotions. Unpleasant memories of old disappointments or upsets make you resistant to new ideas or relationships (Aces are all about new starts, if you recall). Clinging to old sentiments or melancholy leaves you unable to shake off deeply held grudges or with a neediness that smothers anyone who comes near. When being so unwelcoming to change and unwilling to let go of past emotional pain, you risk delays and loss of forward energy.
Bad memories of your past then lead to limits, barriers, or boundaries on emotional, experiences because you don’t believe them trustworthy or have lost faith in them. However, to receive love, you must be willing to give love, especially to yourself (Ten of Cups, anyone?).
If you’re struggling with past emotionally fraught experiences that prevent you from forging healthy connections, which feel good and enhance your life, perhaps it’s time to give yourself the gift of a little therapy. Take out the garbage, hand it over to a professional listener, and feel better.
February 7, 204: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups. The Ten of Cups represents culmination of the Way of the Heart wherein you’ve truly connected with your heart and move into the world with playfulness and intelligence. Allowing yourself to be softer and more receptive to the inexpressible joy already present deep inside means discovering that solid, grounded happiness doesn’t come from possessions.
Under the influence of this card, the conscious and subconscious join to create a well balanced state of being where you have the ability to go into emotions and rise out of them without getting caught up in blame, guilt, fantasy, or lethargy. This life force connects all living creatures in ultimate purity and perfection through a heart that has attained fullness.
Welcome yourself home to whom you truly are…an imperfect human who nevertheless has infinite value
February 6, 2024: Card O' the Day: Six of Cups. The message of this card is to be content and find pleasure in simple joys. Choose peace.
As the “nostalgia” card of the deck, it signifies looking back to our past to reminisce about happy times. But unfortunately, we can get trapped in wishing for what was as we perceive “then” was somehow better than “now.” Then we begin to dwell on the shoulds and oughts that we didn’t do to keep us in that happy state of being.
But here’s the deal, time passes. The sun comes up and goes down. You cannot slow or stop the march of time and the inevitable changes that come with it. And you really don’t want to stay in one place forever! Certainly some changes are for the better. Some reduce your conditions. And sometimes change happens around you but nothing really shifts all that much for you, personally.
Which brings us back to the message: Choose internal peace. Be content with whatever you have in the moment. And find pleasure and joy in the smallest things because the sun WILL set on what “is” today. Be sure to give thanks for it before it goes.
February 4, 2024: card O' the Day: Ace of Wands. The Ace energy has ignited restlessness and dissatisfaction within but they may not yet have a home or direction. As the first card of its suit, there’s not enough evidence available to determine the pros/cons of everything. Therefore, go to Source for inspiration and purpose and allow firm action to come forward out any confusion uncomplicated by emotions, ideas, or momentary practical consideration.
The fire spark seeks what it needs to change your situation, so allow that spark fuel by following impulses. But remember that with all aces, this moment is fleeting. You must prepare well for this willfulness that’s ready to be put to use. Be clear of your intent because that, more than anything, determines the direction events take.
Receiving this Ace indicates it’s time to try new things and change your responses to the world. New opportunities, potential, or seeds of passion await. This is a time to take first step without over analysis, calculations, worry, or agonizing.
February 3, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles, reversed. The arguing and interpersonal strife continue with the reversed Ten of Pentacles. However, this card points towards closer relationships than the Five of Wands had alluded to.
When this ultimate “family” card is reversed, it can indicate family disruptions, quarrels, feuds, marital difficulties, or problems within one’s community. When loyalties become conflicted, you’re apt to turn away from the tribe or reject its rules and traditions. You could be too involved in a group’s drama and are cautioned against becoming involved in something that’s none of your concern. Discussions regarding disputes can quickly escalate into argument, so remain logical and objective to prevent being subject to criticism.
As you become estranged from clan beliefs and loyalties, you’ll start to feel like an outsider and unwelcome. Perhaps this is your cue to distance yourself from this group. If all they offer is drama, do you really want that in your life?
February 2, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Wands. Fives have inherently chaotic energy wherein creative vision collides with earthly reality. When the Fire element of Wands is added, things can get unpredictable. This is a card of action, assertiveness, and a bit of combativeness. This card indicates a great deal of tension, anxiety, conflict, volcanic eruption in personal life, strife, sparring, and contests. An unfocused superficial conflict, arguing, chaos, and anger that has no base or use has one spoiling for a fight that will lead to a lot of negative energy. This is pure drama for the sake of drama and being right doesn’t matter.
However, in this unimpeded flow of volatile energy energy, there's a new spark of desire to go beyond what’s been known. While these are the optimistic and enthusiastic first steps at rebuilding the “world”, they’re yet clumsy and without direction. Blaze forth into this new adventure and activity because something unexpected and positive will bring evolution towards success.
Looks like our cards are following Nature’s path to Spring: gray, cold days followed by sunshine and milder temperatures followed by a blizzard. This push-pull quality in the weather can drive you nuts. Hold onto your temper, breathe through the trials, and remember the groundhog did NOT see its shadow and is predicting an early spring!
February, 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles, reversed. Prosperity still reigns in the reversed Nine of Pentacles but values seem false or cover up a certain disquiet because you can’t recognize what the concept of “enough” means to yourself. In denial of personal wellbeing or good fortune, the good life seems just out of reach. Threats to contentment and safety, regardless of the source and real or imagined, make it difficult to relax, take time for a vacation, enjoy hobbies, or even exercise regularly or sufficiently.
All is not well and you’ve a desire for freedom and to roam as feelings of entrapment grow. When not knowing what you want or what really matters in your life, you might lack self-awareness or discipline, not be able to channel energy into useful purpose, or take up projects only to abandon them thus suffering failure through faithlessness to Self and others.
TLDR: The winter doldrums continue. I’m guessing the groundhog will see its shadow and go back to bed for another six weeks. Me, too.
January 31, 2024: Card O' the Day: Strength, reversed. Welp, the Prince of Wands got us all fired up and then the ever-so-fragile ego raised its hand and whimpered.
This card, reversed, denotes a fear of personal passions or goals, which results in timidity and procrastination in the face of any adversity. Fear of failure, doubt, and insecurity are also be manifestations of this reversal. Sometimes you’re unable to control the energy of Strength which can make you pessimistic about an upcoming matter. Whatever you have in the works is rather overwhelming and so you tend to dance around the edges without really getting going.
Since the “thing” can’t be pushed, rushed, or MADE to happen, it’s best not to beat yourself up about it. Let it grow organically.
January 30, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Wands. Finally, we’ve been given some inspiration we can sink our teeth into!
The Prince of Wands represents the spark of enthusiasm, pure dynamic energies of all Fire signs, and spirit of enterprise that gives vigor, hope, optimism, and a positive boost of self-confidence—all the things necessary to jump-start internal engines and achieve great things. The appearance of this card indicates leaving old ways behind (our recent winter slump?) or a chance for action and to shake things up. You’re encouraged to seek movement and new experiences; follow passions to find new flavors, textures, sights, and sounds; to pounce on any opportunity to explore new realms, and rebel against stodgy or old-fashioned beliefs, mindsets, habits, or physical stuff.
January is coming to a close and I am certainly ready for some fire and vigor! How about you?
January 26, 2024: Card O' the Day: Princess/Page of Swords, reversed. Universe!! Cut us some slack already!
The intellectual and language oriented energy of Swords can be very caustic, vituperative, and scathing when reversed. Diminishment, derision, deprecation, and shame may be directed at yourself, which leaves you feeling vulnerable, at a loss for words, tongue-tied, or lacking confidence. Because of this, you could avoid social or interpersonal contact, refuse to communicate, hesitate to speak before a group or share ideas, or be secretive and withholding of personal information. One may have become obsessed with problems and feel too weak, ill, or intellectually confused to do anything about them.
Yep. Yep, and…yep. Sigh…. Try really hard to not trash-talk yourself today. You’re not a waste of space!
January 25, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands, reversed. Blechhh. Still. Matching the gray, drippy weather? In tune with the feet of mud in my horse paddock? Winter doldrums?
The emotion-based obstacles and difficulties of the upright card become more extreme in the reversal. Rage or otherwise raw uncontrollable force directed in impulsive and negative manners continue to waste energy or force. AND! fury isn’t the only way you can waste vitality! You could go “off duty” and become bored and tired of waiting for something that never seems to come or despairs of ever getting going.
Swell. I sincerely hope this card does NOT pertain to most of you out there. (Meanwhile, I’m still parked in front of my fireplace.)
January 23, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles, reversed. Conflict inherent in the number five manifests on the physical plane when accompanied by the suit of Pentacles. Considering the mental and emotional upset of late, material losses will probably come through disorder at work or home. Your mood of obstinacy, impatience, confusion, or irritability certainly doesn’t help.
However, everything getting worse may lead to an improvement as total collapse acts as a form of relief/release. Now, “total collapse” doesn’t mean you’re going to lose everything and live under a bridge. I feel it’s more like a mental shake up where your mood comes to a head, you either have a screaming argument with someone or you break down into uncontrolled sobbing. Either way, it’ll blow off the steam that’s been building in you.
If your own actions or mood aren’t at issue, you may be the victim of another who’s ready to explode. Duck and cover until it all passes like an ugly storm.
January 22, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords, reversed. We just had the Sword Ace, reversed, six days ago. Coupled with the other Swords (upright and reversed), I think we’re still in a place of mental imbalance, inaction, self-destruction, mental pain, denial of disturbing thoughts, and difficulty in thinking clearly. I spoke with a friend yesterday and she was remarking about her sluggishness and then I read an article about whether humans should hibernate.
Therefore, if you’re feeling slow mentally and physically, I think it’s just your body reacting to winter. Cut yourself some slack about not getting everything on your to-do list accomplished. Listen to your body and rest. Allow the fog in your brain to clear before attempting anything major.
January 21, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Swords, reversed. The recent Swords cards urged you to think clearly and set your ego aside. However, ego butted in (The Emperor) and kept insisting you were right (reversed Four of Swords). Today, we’re asked to continue holding ego in check lest we make things that much worse and we shouldn’t go ahead with certain endeavors until all is straightened out.
The good news is the reversal of the Five of Swords offers glimmers of hope as bothersome issues, conflicts, or disagreements are resolved. As rifts are repaired, amends are made, and the air is cleared, look beyond losses and see what can be salvaged from the situation. Each person involved must determine their obligations and liability to the unfortunate events and own them (ahem). Correct any misunderstandings to avoid emotional upsets and recognize the potential for spiritual growth after such strife.
Important key words/concepts to bear in mind: forgiveness and acceptance of others
January 20, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Emperor. The body part associated with The Emperor is the limbic or primal brain, which governs the reactive and fighting aspects of the mind. The feng shui of this card asks you to create balance through intellect and diligence as you maintain your strength and control. Notice how the feng shui speaks to the limbic brain and asks for control over reactions and the urge to fight.
To make things happen, you must be responsible for your personal choices. Remember, there’s always more than one way to reach goals; try something new if the first avenue isn’t working. And then, after that first avenue didn’t work, take responsibility for failure and learn from it.
The path is not IF you have power, but what’s done with it. The Emperor reminds all that as a tribe, you need to work with others to create a cohesive unit. Each has something valuable to contribute.
January 19, 2024: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords, reversed. Color me astonished. I shuffled, really!
When this card is reversed, it can represent wrestling with a dilemma and being mired in a stalemate, forced compromise, or temporary truce. Upright, the Four of Swords allows for deep intellectual activity and productive thought processes that can help with that dilemma. But reversed it means you’re stuck in obtuse rationalism, fixed notions, and tyrannical intellect. The mind becomes a blind prisoner of its concepts and refuses to recognize and/or heed the intuition that whispers “you’re wrong.”
Take advantage of the stalemate or momentary truce to do some in-depth soul searching to find the way to turn things to your benefit and truly solve the problem rather than simply mulishly sticking to your guns
January 18, 2024: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords. This card signifies calm, order, and the experience of things coming back to center to integrate and create a state of tolerance and serenity. Therefore, it’s not a good time for forward motion or quick action.
Quiet the mind for reflection, perspective, and contemplation of your world; by doing so, you’re more likely to understand perceived problems aren’t as dire as you think. You already have the inner knowledge, so pay attention as it's revealed through intuition, visions, and dreams. As your unconscious mind opens, align with the feeling of the truth of your value that resonates within.
Balanced introspection involves contemplation, a safe foundation of solidly positioned thought, a practical mind capable of acting usefully upon reality, and an intellect that’s organized and stable. Take time to rest, retreat to an inner state, and find refuge from mental chaos and emotional upheaval. This withdrawal leads to healing and renewed strength wherein you leave thoughts and feelings behind to find a place of peace beyond hopes and fears.
January 17, 2024: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles, reversed. The pervading energy of this card—living in lack, whether real or imagined—allows nothing to be accomplished. Broodiness and pessimism take over as your anxieties and fear keep you off-balance and in danger of losing your way on the Path. Feelings of alienation, loneliness, not being supported, scorn, self-consciousness about perceived flaws, or that you’re a “loser” cripples the spirit and erodes self-esteem. Allowing such fears to control your life will affect how others will want to interact or communicate with you.
Being paralyzed by your worries prevents making the necessary changes to solve them. You must remain flexible, adaptable, and go with the flow as real problems come up lest they become ever more serious. Stop wallowing in self-pity, release victim mentality, deal with issues, and discern the true cause of troubles. Find and recognize the roots of painful feelings in your past, face uncomfortable or shameful history, and then let go of that old suffering.
And lastly, find the clarity and mercy to quit tormenting yourself with the idea that you’re not “enough.” Because you are. Everyone is.
January 16, 2024: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords, reversed. Swords represent the air element and mental energies. When Swords are reversed, it indicates mental balance is under stress and may manifest in inaction, self-destruction, mental pain, denial of disturbing thoughts, difficulty in thinking clearly, or other types of mental impotency. You may be resistant to a truth, caught up in fanaticism or illusion, or suffer confused ideas. (Much like the resistance in reversed Death.)
Without a clear sense of reality, you’ll fall prey to mistakes created by your emotions because the suit of Swords also governs the heart…and the darkness existing in the mind can easily break your heart. Thus nervous conditions may manifest in pessimism, lack of confidence, fear of condemnation and punishment, or overpowering or confused emotions. As more violent feelings overcome benevolence, tempers become quick and volatile and problems become more exaggerated.
When everything appears more important that it actually is, current problems could lie in how you’re reacting to them more than anything else. Therefore, set your feelings aside and get super logical. Write them down if you have to so you can see clearly the reality of problems, how they truly affects you, and what you can do about them (if anything).
January 15, 2024: Card O' the Day: Death, reversed. When Death appears upright, it indicates unavoidable, inevitable change. When it’s reversed, it indicates a great struggle with, resistance to, or worry and distress about said change. This may put you in a “death-in-life” condition such as inertia, excess sleep, depression, lethargy, weariness, boredom, stagnation, immobility, petrification, or constipation. Such feelings conceal inner fears or mask the battle of the ego to avoid change.
Conversely, you might be so eager or desperate to change that you try to force something to happen faster than planned or is possible, thereby resulting in unnecessary waste or failure. Prince of Swords, anyone? (See Card O’ the Day for January 14.)
However, by delaying, avoiding, or refusing to accept the ending of something and engaging in self delusion, you only prolong pain, distress, or other strong emotions and prevent necessary new growth. You’ll be unable to actually solve anything unless you’re willing to initiate the process of recouping what can be saved and letting go of the rest.
January 14, 2024: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords. Okay, so being “strong” and tapping into your determination and willpower is a good thing but the process must be done with tact and forethought!
Under the influence of the impatient, impetuous, and headstrong Prince of Swords, you may charge ahead without clear intent, not look where you’re going, and speed towards a goal or go for the quick fix all in an effort to prove your “strength.” New ideas, relationships, or interests can suddenly supplant what was there before without thought for the ensuing disruption as you abandon responsibilities for your quest for personal clarity. Your singularity in focus, urgency in mission, and tendency toward wildness and fanaticism becomes unlimited. This Prince is closed minded and considers themselves always “right”, which gives them the tendency to be a forceful “know it all” and not listen to anyone else’s perspective.
There’s such a delicate balance between strong expression and a bull in a china shop. Yes, self-advocate, share ideas, and dance to the beat of your own drum. Just don’t be obnoxious about it. Respect that others are also following their own paths.
January 13, 2024: Card O' the Day: Strength. Much like The Star, Strength asks you to dig deep into your psycho/emotional closet to reclaim life from fears, look to see where you’re blocked, and seek out your shadows with consciousness and clarity. The key to unlocking your personal strength and power is by letting go of caring about outside criticism for being different or vulnerable and gathering your courage to grow by breaking from the safety pod.
While encountering these unknown powers can be freeing, genuine strength is never ending, gentle, and has no need to be proven. [Read: real strength doesn’t need to be flaunted.] Wisely use the power within and share it with the world.
Strength is also required to find balance between fear and temerity, handle emotions, and face difficult and dark feelings that can devour you whole. Develop self-confidence by discovering how to express your unique, creative, and vital abilities as you tap into your bottomless well of willpower, determination, and self-control to overcome the greatest difficulties.
January 12, 2024: Card O' the Day: The Star. This card is for Applejack. I asked him to help me pick and he chose The Star. For those herbally minded, the herb for this card stepped forward. Skullcap is said to calm the mind and heart, act as a nerve tonic, and is used for looking inward to find inner peace.
The Star heralds a revolutionary way of being after a time of turmoil or suppression. Universal lore and the cycle of Nature are at work and a web of circumstances will bring profound change and new spiritual hope and revitalization. Allow her to guide you and illuminate your inner darkness whenever feeling lost.
Unfortunately, you must go into the darkness to see the light of The Star. The transition from ideal to real is difficult and harmony is only reached in a moment of extreme pain or profound despair. Following the reconciliation of adverse circumstances, you’ll feel lighter and cleaner, problems and questions won’t seem so huge, and you’ll experience openness after the crisis.
January 2, 2024: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords, reversed. Swords are most often shadow cards, but all have a few redeeming qualities especially when reversed. In this case, the reversed Three may bring relief after a narrowly averted disaster or old wounds heal and pain lessens. You might offer a pledge of support and accept your responsibilities to clear the air after a quarrel rather than accusing the other party of wrong doing. (VERY mature!)
However, more typically you blame others for troubles and refuse to acknowledge your own role to try to save face. Alternatively, it exacerbates a never-healing wound as you incessantly dwell on a quarrel that caused alienation and then refuse to believe that the relationship has gone sour. This continues a conflict between those who should be supporting each other through difficulties.
By not addressing the issue, expect escalating disaster; the situation declining into chaos, disorder, and misrule; or quarrels multiplying into violence. Under such circumstances, nothing more can be gained by anyone. If you fight acceptance, the healing process becomes blocked, which then keeps the pain within and increases its hold on everyone involved. You got to let go of your wounded ego and begin the process of recovery before it creates an entirely different picture.
January 1, 2024: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands, reversed. Being the first day of the new year, it occurred to me this card might be something we want to live by all year but my pendulum assured me it’s just the card for today. Not that our cards are something to consider one day and ignore the next. Let’s just not bite off more than we can chew at once. Kinda like those “New Year, New Me” expectations….
The emotion-based obstacles and difficulties of the upright Nine of Wands become more extreme in the reversal. This energetic card, when reversed, suggests there isn’t enough substance to make ideas work, insufficient or impractical preparation negates an issue, or you may have to overcome someone else’s resistance. Seemingly constant adversity, hurdles, delays, or disasters may feel like your personal “cross” to bear as you try to reach goals. However, even though problems feel insurmountable, don't give up fighting and look for a different approach or solutions.
Perhaps you’ve already come to understand the quagmire you’re in and have discovered an inner knowledge or experience that’s not shared or shareable with others. You realize it’s time to tear down protections and break through self-confinement to look for a way out. Receiving this card is a suggestion to let go of defensiveness and redo or reconsider the situation. And look! It’s the beginning of the month! Perfect timing!
December 31, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords. Yesterday’s reversed Four of Pentacles suggested releasing responsibilities and protections that have you bunged up and held in tight control. Today, we’re dealing with the feelings of sadness and loss that things didn't work as hoped. (At the same time, though, there’ll be relief.) Leave all old worries and upsets behind and let prevailing negative thoughts and self-consciousness go.
The lesson here is about disarming the ability of the Swords to cause pain. Release all expectations you assume others project upon you since they probably don’t presume anything about you. They’re honestly too busy worrying about themselves! Understand the bonds that held you are now broken and you may drop them altogether.
In your journey, find light in the darkness and allow protection from harm, illness, and obstacles to come from a higher power.
December 30, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles, reversed. As with all reversed cards, the extremes of this card are present. On one hand, material stability is eschewed as you release earth energies, become more generous, and risk change. (But be mindful of your motives behind loosening your purse strings lest you’re simply indulging in rash spending, risky speculation, gambling, or other imprudent extravagances.)
In the manner of an ascetic, you let go of certain levels of authority and possessions, divest responsibilities that’ve been all-consuming, or strip away defenses, shields, and protections to express feelings honestly. You could resist or overturn some consolidation of power or break a monopoly of some kind in an effort to seek another way to allow greater freedom for everyone involved.
It’s time to reconsider what’s really needed to feel secure. Find where the center of your power lies, establish a realistic budget, and be patient because despite perceived opposition, you can still work towards goals.
December 28, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine Of Pentacles. I hope everyone had a happy holiday; let’s get back to our cards!
Through self-mastery, an innate sense of order, discipline, and hard work, you’ve created a safe, stable, productive, active, and rich life with well-earned attention, favors, and popularity. A prudent use of finances allows for self-sufficiency and a congenial home-life with said comforts being derived from a realistic appreciation of your skills. Such prosperity and affluence bodes well for good health and all forms of physical wellbeing, happiness, satisfaction, and contentment.
However, you’ll find better physical fulfillment and balance by not immersing yourself too deeply in ambition. At some point, after working hard to build a life, you become aware of the good things, feel content and “at home”, and no longer feel the need to charge after goals or prove yourself. This time of lush abundance translates to looking beyond material accoutrements and seeing success less in the sense of worldly achievement but more in having “created” yourself out of materials given by circumstances, conditions, and magic, which money can’t buy.
December 22, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups. The Ace of Cups signifies the buoyancy and depth you feel as you attune to Spirit and pursue heart-based meaning and purpose in life upon recognizing this gift of spiritual healing. Through love, deeper compassion, and ever-flowing spiritual and material favors, you can achieve unity with Universe and sew the sacred seeds that represent your being.
Receiving this card is a call to more deeply explore the nature of your emotional landscape and spiritual experiences and initiate a search within the soul for your true motivations or desire. In actions radiating out from the hidden center of the soul, you’ll create a more spiritually alive new world after the breakdown of the old.
With this gift of joy, you have an opportunity to experience an unexpected offering of love or other deep emotional connection, an unspecified upsurge or swelling of sentiment, or new emotional balance or way of feeling. While it’s true that by opening the heart, you risk rejection and hurt but love is always worth it and you shouldn’t miss any opportunity to love—even if fleeting.
December 21, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Magician, reversed. The past few days have offered very optimistic, “rah-rah”, “you can do this” type of inspiration…if you’d only work harder. Some of us are doing the best we can and too much enthusiastic cheering can feel like a demand that we get off our butts and cure cancer already!
When The Magician is reversed, hesitation or vacillating certainty make “starting new” more difficult than anticipated or necessary. Personal communication or expression may be blocked or misdirected and you feel “unheard” thereby draining the confidence needed to initiate anything. Under such conditions, feelings of pessimism, cynicism, lethargy, apathy, depression, or fear of other mental illness might creep in.
Therefore, I now give you permission to do only the best you can even if your “best” is taking a nap. Look around and find a project you can do—like a load of laundry or bathing yourself—and then feel supremely proud for having done that! I know what over-encouragement does to a person who’s barely treading water. Be kind to yourself; say NO to “should.”
December 20, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands. The number 2 suggests a conflict, decision, or union. The suit of Wands signifies fiery action and determination. While energy is passive and contained, it is nevertheless quite intense and in need of direction. Once energies have been effectively harnessed and responsibly managed, new possibilities or brilliant original ideas can be released or current projects given new meaning. In the process, you might need to fashion a new mental discipline or return to a previously effective one after applying lessons learned and skills honed.
With the self-willed focus on new experiences and outgoing activities, creative inventiveness may be expressed boldly or rashly as a product of a tremendously free, independent, and intelligent mind. If there’s any uncertainty when deciding about the next project, it'll be cleared by careful deliberation, strategic planning, and evaluation. While you need to take a decisive step across a threshold and take control in a positive, proactive manner at this time, you still need to be careful with resources.
This card may also suggest that while you have everyTHING you need, you want more and are seeking deeper spiritual meaning, integration, or instinctual knowledge. By expanding vision to collective consciousness and allowing yourself to align with Spirit, you’ll find a relationship between the Divine and earthly natures. And such a connected and relaxed position will go a long way to help sort energy and make plans.
December 19, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Star. The Star is the epitome of Dorothy learning from Glinda she had the power to go “home” at any time. It represents the unknown part of Self in which you can have faith and provides the light and incentive to achieve your purpose. As you become aware there’s a greater destiny or providence working through your being, you come to understand all power, peace, love, joy, prosperity, etc. are found within your own spirit. This magical side of human spirit that never gives up hope doesn't arise from the will to live or intention but is the link between the benign activated unconsciousness and the outer reality of the physical world.
You’re encouraged to connect with Spirit to help release self-judgment, acknowledge your perfection, reclaim inner beauty, and embrace the uniqueness that is Self. The Star signifies the place where all roads meet, reality shifts, and a deep connection to the Divine occurs. This card represents the stages necessary and the opportunity for an ascent to a higher state of consciousness. Rest inside to plumb the depths of your silence and bring it to a vibrational match with that of Universe.
Having learned to accept responsibility for actions and make the necessary changes to get back on the correct and true path, you’ll feel more awake and open to all the options of life. Finally, you’ll see the infinite avenues available….
December 18, 2023:Card O' the Day: The Chariot. Much like The Wheel of Fortune and its indications of cyclic change, The Chariot also represents movement forward. Strong movement forward energized by your will to make positive changes in life.
This card also suggests good health; strength of mind, body, and spirit; and the everyday physical realm of life with the energy to control it. The Chariot is pulling you to a fresh new start as misunderstandings are left behind and after you’ve learned the lesson of how important it is to maintain a steady flow of effort. You’re now ready for travel, conquering, and spreading influence and inspiration!
Now, all this “forward motion” may actually be more figurative. The Chariot signifies the materialization of spirit and spiritualization of matter and thus the process of growth may be happening more on a spiritual or psycho-emotional level. When overcoming mental obstacles and understanding psychic mobility triumphs over inertia and fixation, you’re encouraged to release all stress related to the journey as you’re much more powerful than one thinks. Seek every dimension of the journey through Spirit worlds, but stay aware of the physical plane and remain grounded.
December 17, 2023: Card O' the day: The Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune represents the Universal Wheel of the Laws of Nature set in motion by Divine Providence or Cosmic Action. This is the endless cyclic phenomenon of all reality as it continually changes, evolves, dies, and is reborn through reincarnation and Karma/Dharma. Receiving this card indicates the beginning, middle, or end of a cycle in your life. If the card indicates the ending of a cycle for you, then pause to gain strength for the start of a new one.
The ascent and descent inherent in life manifests in changes and fluctuations. However, when The Wheel appears, indications are those changes will be fortunate albeit unexpected, unusual, and sudden yet tangible and exhilarating! You probably won’t understand what’s caused the evolution because there seems to be no direct catalyst for it. Yet there’s an orderly and intelligent plan behind every “random” change that’s actually started when you declare yourself ready to choose new experiences.
While things may seem unpredictable and a little frightening, this is an opportunity for a major shift in your life. Which one could say it’s high time because one of the shadow aspects of The Wheel is being stuck in a rut. So, whether the shifts are made to increase productivity and joy or just bust loose from the doldrums, it’s a good idea to make some changes.
December 16, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups. The previous couple days’ cards talked about the benefits of love of Self and others and that bringing more love into your life would be a good thing. Today’s dreamy Queen of Cups combines that tendency for love and unites it with the subconscious/intuitive leanings of yesterday’s Ace of Swords.
This Queen is able to unite hopes, imagination, love, and creativity with vision, valuable action, and social usefulness so the appearance of this card may denote a profession in the arts where dreams are turned into creative endeavors. It also refers to professions in counseling and healing. However, regardless of the form your endeavors take, this card indicates they’ll give lasting pleasure.
This card is a catalyst for the emergence of deep feelings and deepening development of the inner life and generosity of love. Representative of favorable emotional energy, you’re encouraged to make something whole and alive out of opportunities and elements given by life including your emotional goals. Caveat: The Queen of Cups identifies herself by caring for others and setting personal boundaries is hardest for her of all the court cards. By being so emotionally involved—and evolved—with everyone, it can be difficult to know yourself. Therefore, protect personal sensitivity.
December 15, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords. The appearance of this card is indicative of the need to resolve a pressing issue or commit to a new direction or specific action. Such issues or endeavors may appear in dreams because you’re not paying attention while awake. Therefore, allow the mind to open to all possibilities of consciousness that are influenced by emotion or desire and give your dreams a voice.
While paying attention to dreams, replace old anxieties with a new belief and determination in yourself as you use the power of the intellect (AND subconscious) to conceive ideas and triumph over obstacles through the application of sound judgment, careful planning, and mental agility. Don’t be afraid to use a little assertive action, bold attitude, and your quick mind to bring projects to satisfying conclusions. However, expect conflict before a final resolution, so keep a calm mind in the face of difficulties.
Receiving this Ace today indicates you’re in the right place at the right time and all is in alignment for you to make swift and accurate decisions. You have time, though, so don’t panic. The most opportune timing will be during the spring months of March, April, and May; plan ahead.
December 14, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Wands, reversed. The reversed Wands prince indicates you’re ready to rein in fiery impulses and desires to stop and enjoy the present, rather than perpetually focusing on future progress. This slower pace could make you more effective and allow for deeper experiences all around. Couple the willingness to slow down and experience things more fully with yesterday’s Two of Cups, this bodes well for communicating with others honestly, holding personal boundaries gently but firmly, and generally enjoying life without so much stress.
See where you can slow your roll and make a practice of being chill. It takes a pointed effort to change habits. If you’re stuck in a habit of chronic panic—and are unhappy about it—now’s a good time to start chipping away at it. (Notice I didn’t say “break” because doing anything cold turkey just stresses you even more.)
December 13, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Cups. Just as with Two of Wands, the energy of the 2 creates the possibilities of conflict, decision, or union. However, the suit of Cups means those dynamics are explored within relationships with Self or others. By learning to let love from others into your life and to allow that intimacy to heal, uplift, and open your heart, you learn to love Self. Having received this card in a reading, Universe reassures you’re now ready to follow impulses to reach out to others or opportunities that feel very right at this time.
Because contraries actually need the other to elicit the fullest expression of each, when you engage two different aspects of the Self in a harmonious interplay of give and take, there’s a sense of balanced wellbeing within. When respectful give and take occurs with another, the parties enjoy a strong connection of reciprocal respect, affection, complementarity, comprehension, and mutual benefit as each gains equally from the exchange. Each wants to give to the other so there are no insecurity-inducing games or excuses. By uniting separate qualities and abilities through love, both parties have something to offer that’s different but equal in value. They’re then able to produce something beyond what either could have done alone.
December 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups, reversed. Court cards often represent people in our lives who’s behavior and energy impact and influence us either on a daily basis or just occasionally but very strongly. Today is the third court card in four days so I’m wondering who’s in your sphere. Do the upcoming holidays and increased social contact have anything to do with it with regards to you and your moods?
As a “mother” figure (i.e. office managers can fall into this category), the reversed Queen of Cups can be withdrawn, resentful, self-serving, blame others for their unhappiness, and show a lack of love for those closest to them. (Conversely, she could smother others and limit them emotionally with their neediness or codependency.) An ordinarily kind and gentle person could become a royal bitch. Once the unity of vision and action has been broken, dishonesty, deception, untrustworthiness, immorality, and inconsistency of honor become the norm. A perceived rivalry could make could make people under the influence of this card jealous, envious, possessive, vindictive, or bitter. They may create trouble, misunderstandings, and scandal with their powerful and dangerous ambition. A person such as this might drink up the psychic energy of others for their own sustenance. TLDR: a seriously unpleasant person.
The obvious answer is to avoid such a person but when you can’t, temper your knee-jerk reaction to be nasty right back with empathy and the realization that unpleasant people are really very unhappy! What can you do to be nice and perhaps give that person a tiny lift?
December 9, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords. Numerologically, threes generally mean fruition, harvest, and fulfillment, but Swords signify conflict. The “harvest” of a conflict can act as a catalyst for change, true growth, and transformation. Swords also indicate mental activity is present and today’s Three continues the bright ideas of yesterday’s Sword Prince. This card’s energy gives enthusiasm to your thoughts that easily combines with a passion for studying, reading, and desire for intellectual development.
In such an excited state, you might conclude certain old belief systems no longer serve and are ready for the scrap heap. However, the still immature and unrealized reasoning and intuition act spontaneously and discern no difference between believing and knowing as fanatic primary ideas, lightning realizations, or first opinions rocket out your mouth. While the ideas and plans to be implemented are good, pay attention and make corrections when given the opportunity to do so.
December 8, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles. If the Queen of Pentacles inspired you to “prepare food and create a warm environment”, The Prince of Swords wants to remind you to ground ideas in reality and be responsible for what’s created because he represents the struggle to sustain the plodding grunt work some projects require. Use subtlety in endeavors to grasp opportunities with the help of sharp vision, controlled momentum, and precise timing. Maintain vigilance while proceeding with a plan and don’t allow impulsiveness to revolt against ideological compliance. Lastly, consider carefully whether you’re willing to see a project through to its end, otherwise time and resources will be wasted.
Translation: instead of renting a venue to have the Christmas bash of all bashes, have 10 or 15 of your closest friends over for spiced cider and cookies. Even better, make it pot-luck so everyone gets to show off their holiday recipes. Resist the urge to have a complicated drinks menu. Review your budget before you send invitations!
That said, sometimes you can over think things. Some situations call for minimal planning, proceeding without deliberation or preparation, and just taking a leap of faith without hesitation. It’s often better to take action than get stuck thinking through all possibilities. Just make your tribe feel comfortable and the rest will fall into place.
December 7, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles. Pfft. My thoughts intruded and my subconscious chose our Card O’ the Day. I was thinking about a friend who’s having surgery this week and as much as I tried to keep my thoughts on Universe to find a card all can relate to, my “patron saint” popped up.
The Queen of Pentacles is excellent at healing, nursing, and care-taking. Her skills also extend to preparing food and creating a warm and comfortable environment for others and her family. She implies a developing sense of security and confidence in this moment of life and when you’re so showered with blessings from all directions, you’re encouraged to celebrate this abundance and spread joy for all to share.
As we get closer to year end celebrations, some of you may revel in your preparations and others of you dread the whole fuss. Either way, maintain personal boundaries so you don’t do more than you’re capable of. Not only will you flame out too early but you’ll set a dangerous precedent for expectations next year!
December 5, 2023: Card O' the Day: Justice. The appearance of Justice may indicate you’re struggling with something unfair at the moment. It may be time to deal “justice” to yourself and give yourself permission to receive what you’re worthy of and not settle for anything less. To do so, you’re being asked to use your own innate equilibrium as a guiding principle or matter of great central importance for your own balanced spirituality and stability on all planes.
Because truth and justice always prevail—whether moral, ethical, or legal—and everyone gets what they earn or deserve, keep your own house in order with calm authority, accountability, and responsibility and never mind about others’ transgressions. (Karma and natural law will take care of it.)
December 3, 2023: Card O'' the Day: Five of Swords. There’s dishonor within relationships as jaded, angry, and hard members of a group attempt to unify it through suffering (misery loves company, remember?). Someone may be acting with a sense of righteousness, but instead of approaching the volatile situation with humility and compassion, they cut you and those around deeply with cruelty, abuse, or malicious gossip. Recognize the futility of the games being played. But if it seems you can’t avoid a fight, seek a new point of view to undermine this negative and cranky person.
This card can also be a symbol of truth, clarity, and vision that teaches the proper use of power, enlightened perceptions, and far-sightedness. Collect ideas and plans for good use later because such information may bring you new ways of viewing your world and the people in it. If you’re called to defend a higher principle, avoid becoming defensive or doubtful and simply be true to yourself as the heart of the matter is explored honestly and without judgment. Check your moral compass for responsibility, sincerity, and fairness and review how you accept boundaries or limitations. Finally, stop comparing yourself to others. Rather, try to fulfill your best potential, in the best way you can because each incomparably unique person is needed and everything fits its purpose in Universe.
That all said, if something simply cannot be overcome, accept defeat and hold your head high as you walk away without shame.
December 2, 2023: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups. The Princess of Cups signifies that your heart hasn’t completely turned to stone and you’re not going all “bah, humbug” about life. Nevertheless, the past daily cards have indicated a certain weariness and being all “peopled” out.
Under the influence of this card, there’s an impulse to explore your inner world through meditation with no outside demands, responsibilities, or desires to disturb that quiet contemplation. During that peaceful break, take a breather to renew yourself, listen to your heart, and rediscover your worthiness of being loved. Take time to enjoy simple pleasures in life, enjoy being human, and remind yourself it’s okay to pamper yourself once in a while
Following a little self-care, you’ll be more energized, inspired, refreshed physically and spiritually, and have the inner confidence to rejoin the population.
December 1, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of pentacles, reversed. Threes indicate a product from a “union”, but reversed Threes always indicate a problem within your community, tribe, or said “union.” Pentacles means it’s on the material plane, which most often represents money and/or work. However, I’m not feeling a limit to JUST work situations…you could have lent money to a friend and that friendship is now on the rocks.
At any rate, something is damaged or broken and support is withdrawn or lacking. Selfishness or greed leads to problems, incapability, and disagreement. If the problems are at work, look into finding new employment. If you lent money to a friend who’s trying to skip on the debt, consider whether you can afford to lose that money forever. Otherwise there’s small claims court.
Haven’t we been talking about “divorce” or “losing something on purpose” for the last couple days? Seriously, you’ll be better off without all the drama.
November 30, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups. You’re in the position of finally seeing things for what they truly are and you might feel a loss of balance in this blast of blinding truth. This card is an emblem of truth and signifies the acceptance of responsibility in the face of challenges.
Receiving this card is also an indication of grief or hurt that was never properly processed until you acknowledged said truth. Unquestionably, you should spend some time grieving to facilitate getting through such an emotional reaction to loss in order to move on. (Professional help sometimes makes that process go faster.) After losses are fully mourned, you can see the opportunities at hand, which might not have been considered before.
Once energy is flowing again, retrieval and repair to a certain extent are possible. Maybe cutting losses and making big changes are called for as you consciously let go of the old to clear the path for new possibilities. Sometimes “losing” something on purpose and disrupting your comfortable patterns are what’s needed to foster and encourage new growth.
November 29, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant, reversed. The Hierophant, reversed, indicates you’re being too rigid, dogmatic, or are clinging to outdated ideas or principles. By adhering to unproved or improvable tenets with sheer blind faith, you show ruts in your thinking and rusty intellectual habits. In others, this card represents the concepts of hypocrisy, fanaticism, false knowledge, or mistaken beliefs that interfere with the resolution of an issue. Those making firm pronouncements with pompous, arrogant, righteous, and absolute assurance they’re correct are in reality showing their weaknesses in the form of obnoxious hubris.
Sometimes people aren’t the oppressors but circumstances or ideas create the prison of incompetent thinking. A path to a new venture, which looks exciting, might prove to be limited and restrictive and you’re cautioned not to get locked into a commitment. Listen to the whole story before making a decision because extra time and concentration is needed.
Concretely, divorce may be indicated by the reversed Hierophant. I add this tidbit to give you permission to put space—literal and figurative—between you and any people in your life whose arrogant righteousness is…erm…”misguided.”
November 25, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Wands, reversed. While my own family gatherings proved to be delightfully benign, the reversed Five of Wands*, indicates some of you didn’t get off as easily as I.
When parties argue, insist each is “right”, quibble, and contradict at every turn, it only locks them in an energy-wasting battle that rapidly dissipates cooperating energies and leads to exhaustion. Said battles can take on a more serious, nastier tone as the bitterness causes people to seek to actually hurt or ruin each other as rules of fair play are abandoned and competition becomes more aggressive. Trickery at your expense, acting behind someone’s back, or sabotage in negotiations will keep a situation up in the air or unstable thus narrowing options rather than opening them for discussion.
It’s such a shame when family or tribe members get so locked into their own opinions they can’t even acknowledge that different viewpoints may exist…and that others can be equally passionate about those! Since we still have lots of gatherings and celebrations to attend before the end of holiday season, breathe deeply and practice the phrase “How interesting!” until you can say it with complete sincerity during conversations. (Have an equally sincere exit line handy to make your escape immediately thereafter.)
*All about pointless arguing that gets you nowhere.
November 22, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Pentacles, reversed. Upright, this card represents the intricacies and balancing act life requires. Reversed, that act become a treacherous, plate-spinning hamster wheel. Numerous obligations make it difficult to establish a routine and it feels as though you can’t catch a break. Actions become frenetic as you try to pretend everything is under control. The current difficult situation requires careful balance, so consider how to lighten the load and live within resources. To achieve goals, the order of things must be changed and the whole schedule reorganized.
The Two of Pentacles heralds changes on your material plane. When reversed, it indicates the changes are disharmonious and introduce inconsistency into your schedule. Because you lack enthusiasm for these shifts, others can too easily sway you to leave it for another day. The consequences of that include lack of focus in efforts, laziness, or psycho-emotional paralysis.
Excuse me while I laugh myself to tears. This is so my day today as I’m faced with the final preparations for hosting my in-laws for the holiday. I have 1000 things to do and don’t really want to do any of them but for the sake of good impressions and entertaining my guests, I must get off my procrastinating butt and get work. The good news is it’ll all be over by Saturday!
November 21, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords, reversed. In the previous card (Nine of Cups) we were urged to listen to our intuition and be self-directed. But insecurity, lack of confidence, and fear-based problems come with the reversal of the Seven of Swords. Meaning, you’re struggling to trust yourself and are relying on the input from others—those “others” who appear to have more success than you. However, becoming overdependent upon outside suggestions and advice from those you’re enviously watching from afar only puts you at risk as they take advantage of you in your weaker moments.
Trust me on this: they may be having slightly more success than you right this minute, but what goes up eventually comes back down. Those “lucky bastards” will have a string of failures soon enough since they’re just as vulnerable to life’s cycles as you are. Therefore, don’t bother begging for advice. Listen to your own gut about what to do next and make your own path.
November 17, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups.You’re called to listen to your accurate and strong intuition, learn to trust instincts, rely on inner strength, persist with courage and determination, and do what light up your life. Take control of desires, observe what makes you happy, and find what it is that drives you forward.
Also, be aware of your thoughts and behaviors…are they directed from the outside or controlled by the feelings/suggestions of others? Meditation* may be a useful tool when trying to find a sense of Self as opposed to who others say you are. To do so, allow a free flow of ideas, emotions, thoughts, and inner pictures as you experience a mystical and meaningful decline of focus on the ego and follow a spiritual journey.
*Meditation does not have to be done in a quiet room, seated on a pillow, with your eyes closed as you desperately try to empty your mind of all thoughts. I did my best meditating while bicycling and talking out loud to myself! Hiking, running, gardening, knitting, cleaning, etc. can all be perfect settings for your meditation session.
November 16, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups. This card is the most powerful of the emotions cards and can indicate upheaval, new feelings replacing old, challenge and transformation, turnabout in emotions towards another, or a total reversal of values. When sentiments become so overwhelming, it’s easy to be a little hypersensitive, unstable, and insecure. But fear of listening to your heart or suppressing emotional needs will end self-replenishment and lead to rebellion.
Stay calm and connected with your heart because your emotions need to be harnessed for positive ends and not get scattered to the winds. Don’t allow your feelings to turn into affectations with exaggerated or dramatic reactions thereby morphing into insincere or pretentious displays. Be honest about your feelings with yourself and others.
November 15, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Tower, reversed. You may be feeling pressure intensifying but have no means of escaping impending trouble, and filled with panic, apprehension, inner turmoil, chaos, or anger, you have the feeling that disaster is imminent. On the other hand, you might have an opportunity to alleviate the bad situation before it explodes or bail before being taken down with the ship. I suggest you take it. Fixing or avoiding altogether is the better option.
But actually, your feeling of doom is only confusion and discomfort rather than actual emergency. Receiving this card is a strong directive to adjust and not to cling to situations that are no longer good. Trust that what’s solid and worthwhile will withstand the destruction of the Tower.
November 13, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups. The Prince of Cups represents fulfilling and manifesting dreams that are aligned with your heart—if only you dared. While there’s plenty of natural flowing talent, dreams, imagination, and creative force, all are less powerful because they’re not realistically directed. The Prince’s inherent “action” energy is in conflict with the passivity of his Water element, which prevents his imagination from actually producing anything. Too caught up in daydreams, he simply obeys and makes no courageous leaps beyond his abilities or limits because that would require effort.
Nevertheless, the Prince offers the gift of absolute trust in moving on to the next thing without any reservations. His appearance is an invitation to challenges or initiatives to be taken on with strength and will. You don’t need elaborate plans or preparations; just dare to jump into the unknown and experience the tremendous sense of exhilaration in the free fall!
November 11, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Cups, reversed. Okay, I just got this new deck (Our Tarot by Sarah Shipman) that assigns significant women of history to each of the cards in the deck. I’m reading the book that comes with it in which she gives a brief biography of the women that blends into the definition of the card. So far, she’s absolutely dead-on with her interpretations (well, according to me and my humble opinion).
Anyway, I’ve got her deck on my brain and it was present as I pulled today’s card. Very interesting that I drew the REVERSED Six of Cups, seeing as how that’s the “history” card of the Tarot and being reversed, it directs us learn from our pasts and get good with it.
You’re called to work on releasing old emotional ties and destructive unconscious patterns in an effort to develop a healthy relationship with your personal history. When taking a more honest look at the past, be aware that idealized (or devalued) recollections can disintegrate in the face of harsh reality, which result in rude awakenings when you find the actual truth isn’t what you remembered. Consider this an invitation to liberate yourself from former obligations and responsibilities, overcome past disappointments, and embrace new trust regarding the future and your active participation in it.
November 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: Eight of Wands. While this card is primarily one of high energy and action, don’t underestimate the power of a well-placed pause. Receiving the Eight of Wand indicates you might be in danger of overdoing it with regards to your passion and are in danger of turning a loved activity into drudgery.
Take a breath, see the beauty of life, and edit your life to make use of what’s already at hand. Expand your awareness of Divine presence, attune to subtle energy shifts, and trust spiritual gifts such as telepathic insight or intuition. Bring your circle of family and friends close to help celebrate this lovely time because you endure, survive, thrive, and grow with their support.
November 9, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Wheel of Fortune. This card is about expansion and abundance that comes when you’re aligned within and understand you can be a vehicle for far more than previously thought. Embodying the spirit and spiritualizing of matter, The Wheel offers revolutionary potential if you’re willing to take control of your future and dare to act upon unexpected opportunities as they arise. Strive for a centralized view of the whole and/or seek a higher perspective as you take a long-range view to find stability and truth in the midst of changes.
Results or outcomes are difficult to predict. As you begin to feel the internal shift, insecurity may make you hesitant and immobile while awaiting the force which will set everything in motion. Allow closure with the past, have high expectations for the future, and allow Universe to work.
November 8, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Hermit. We (humanity) seem to have entered into a phase of true ugliness with around the world trauma, disaster, war, fighting, privation, and the lot. While we can’t control natural disasters, we can control ego driven trouble. The Hermit is pointing to that ego-control of your physical plane and indicates it’s time to merge that ego with your soul in the effort to know your Highest Self well and deeply.
This card acts as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, a ligament uniting body and psyche, and the link between the mind and spiritual awareness. You’re being asked to find your inner truth and identify with the Divine Cosmic Self. Put more bluntly, put your dick back in your pants (those without, I’m speaking figuratively here) and reach towards enlightenment, wisdom, self-knowledge, and divine inspiration. Learn the power of love and forsake the love of power.
Spiritual discipline is understanding you’ve been given all you need to make your way through life and that there’s enough for everyone. You won’t be short-changed. This blessed divine inner light can’t be taken as it was never given; it dwells within and awaits your discovery.
November 3, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. The brashness of the King of Wands is being reiterated by the reversed Fool. You may be tempted to engage in crazy, reckless schemes that come from a reluctance to listen to advice and a failure to act from your innate wisdom or to follow instincts. Bad decisions and the ensuing irresponsibility for your foolish—or downright idiotic—actions result in disorder and chaos and a scramble to “CYA” to avoid getting caught in a mistake.
When this card appears, it could be a signal of negligence, distraction, ineptitude, or feeling unable to produce anything of value. With no idea where to begin, you get lost in restlessness and unfocused energy. As resources are wasted, you’ll be hounded by others for the lack of productivity.
The reversed Fool indicates it’s time to grow up, listen to your higher self, and take on adult responsibilities. Take a period of reflection to contemplate and clarify what’s going on now and what has come to pass. If performances and events haven't lived up to your expectations, it’d be wise to discover why. With proper caution and preparation, you’ll come to understand the futility and insanity of acting on new ideas without a realistic assessment of the means to implement them. Only then will you have the awareness that big chances must be taken at the right time and when, precisely, that is.
November 2, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Wands. The personality qualities of the King of Wands indicate people like him/her are extroverts who use intuition, reasoning capacities, and rely solely on their own judgment when making decisions. Because of that, he/she can be bossy, dominating, and controlling and represent people who will affect the outcome of a situation. They’re concerned with maintaining the status quo and, therefore, can get rather stuck in their ways. Kings are most difficult to influence because they believe so strongly in their own opinions and view of the world. Governed by Aries, this King is very action oriented and determined. He/she is much like the Prince of Pentacles in wanting gain but has 100 times more competence, dramatic brilliance, and cajones to take risks.
You may be feeling like you’re on the slow boat to wherever you’re trying to go but the King has shown up to warn you about getting too fired up or cutting corners in your haste. As a result, you might try to do it all yourself as you have a strong desire to express yourself and ideas in a constant quest for new adventure/challenges/goals. Being intolerant of limits, unquestionably a bad loser, and allowing little or no discussion about those goals can be exhausting for those who work with you.
November 1, 2023: Card O' The Day: Eight of Pentacles. Despite my hiatus between cards of the day, the Prince of Pentacles energy has persisted. The Eight of Pentacles continues the Prince’s messages and offers encouragement to work carefully with diligence and attention to detail to achieve steady progress. Plan ahead and prepare for the future with perseverance.
But much like the stodgy Prince, the Eight reiterates often ordinary approaches to situations bring far better results that attempts to be “brilliant”, clever, or otherwise “dazzling.” Using skills and talents ensures work never becomes boring because each day is a chance to work at a secure and understood job with assured “I know what I’m doing” confidence.
Don’t lose sight of the intent of the labor because you’re onto something good and whatever you’re working on or waiting for—promotion, raise, or bonus—will occur in Spring. Regardless of the type of your plans, the outcome you’ve asked for is getting closer.
October 26, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles. This prince, motivated by the physical world, harnesses the energy of the mind and puts it to practical application by putting energy into the mundane aspects of life. Because he will (if he must) to do the boring work required to make things actually happen, he signifies the unglamorous reality between the conception and manifestation of dreams. Therefore, receiving this card indicates completing tasks slowly, patiently, practically, methodically, and persistently. It’s not fun but at least you’re getting somewhere.
Look to protecting and conducting wise distribution of your financial and personal resources and investments because rapid and dynamic gain is indicated by this card. See? Hard work does pay off.
Worth is often based upon your word. Therefore, be true to what you say and complete tasks as promised. Be useful, conscientious, reliable, and the responsible friend who quietly protects others. Stay until the job is done so you can be counted upon and trusted…and possibly promoted. Because that’s what you really want, right?
October 24, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands, reversed. While I did encourage you to be assertive and courageous as you put plans to work, you don’t have to be an ass about it. Perceived victory or success may end up being transitory as your pride, arrogance, and condescending attitude towards subordinates causes an embarrassing fall from what could have been a pinnacle of achievement. Don’t allow vanity, excessive narcissism, or self-complacency to overestimate your abilities, thereby making true victory elusive.
Such high expectations for yourself may have you running in circles, so you’d do well to consider plans and input from others or risk being all show with no substance. Now isn’t a time for self-pity, ego-centricity, superficiality, or to let self-importance get in the way.
October 23, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands. Barely a week later and we get a repeat of the Seven of Wands. Let’s see what sticks out this time…. With conviction, you overcome obstacles or opposition and maintain your confidence and composure. Ooo, sounds very good so far.
Leaders must have courage and persistence in the face of adversity or in negotiations. Present yourself during trials with assertiveness, composure, and confidence and learn the art of the façade or bluff. To win your battles, it’ll require change, evolution, and trimming of the fat. This may mean doing things differently than your established way, but trust your innovations.
October 20, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups. The current material scarcity also comes with negative emotions. At this time, hopes have been overturned, plans go awry, and it seems nothing is going right. It may feel like you’re enduring a death-like ending when you’re hit with trouble or disturbances from unexpected or unsuspected sources.
However, failure or loss is more easily endured if it’s accepted as part of growth and change and you realize nothing is created without mistakes. There’s always hope for better things to come and you need to find the courage to continue. Therefore, view the current unfortunate situation as a turn in the road that ultimately brings good. Let go of what once was and accept what is now.
Continued denial of what’s passed or been lost will translate into self-pity, self-blame, misery and depression as you remain in the trench of “if only…” or stay on the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” train. So, don’t. Shift attention from the past (loss) to the future (new gifts) and resist suffering for the sake of suffering, otherwise you become so preoccupied with the loss, you can’t recognize assets and powers that you do have.
October 19, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles, reversed. The upright Six of Pentacle represents flowing material energy but when reversed, that energy flows less smoothly. Financial expectations fail to materialize but unfortunately, there’s no fast fix. On the other hand, actual money difficulties may not be the case and this card signifies feeling shortchanged, denied, or overlooked instead. High hopes have been let down and disappointments color the entire situation.
Time must pass, evolution must be endured, and only then will obstacles be overcome. While you wait for fortunes to shift, spend time reconsidering how resources are spent and how conditions might be upgraded to meet renewed, higher standards.
Sometimes those in need deny the needs of self—or those in their care—by refusing assistance. You may not be putting yourself in a position to receive, be cutting yourself off spiritually, or are in danger of missing a practical opportunity through arrogance or suspicion. We all need help on occasion; don’t be too proud to ask.
October 17, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands. The astrological significance of this card has Mars (planet of war, drive, desire, courage) opposing Leo (sign of authority and power). This opposition indicates you’re struggling against yourself or forces in the external world. (Ego driven to succeed in the “rat race.”) Conflict, then, lies between a desire for supremacy and the tendency to scatter, or diversify, interests.
Feng Shui-wise, your current location isn't optimally suited for seeking the wisdom and success in business that’s desired. You need to relocate to find a situation that’s more conducive to a fortunate outcome.
Looks like some of you need to look for a different job. Remain calm, resourceful, and take definitive action like getting your resume refreshed. Get onto the Internet’s search engines for jobs and recruiters to see what’s out there for you. Only you can make your career soar!
October 12, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups. It looks like taking a minute for yourself and getting organized has proven fortuitous!
Receiving this card indicates you’ve found the secret to emotional happiness by taking full responsibility for and control of it and realize others cannot fill all needs. You’ve entered a period of gratifying emotional fulfillment and satisfaction as the weight of the past has been lifted, you let go of what has already been lived, and proceed with confidence.
By continuing to cultivate inner harmony, energy will increase, physical health will glow, and you’ll experience true joy, liberation, and a readiness to give of yourself as you’ve come to understand being “you” is enough. Circumstances and your good decision making brings hope, pleasure, success, improvement, abundance, wisdom, and spiritual awakening.
October 11, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed (again). The repeat of the reversed Ace tells me we’re still firmly situated in The Hermit’s “cave” of introspection and personal consideration. This isn’t stagnation, but quiet time to get your ducks in a row. Also, it’s good to be quiet and gather your strength before the upcoming holiday season (just sayin’).
While in this quiet period, the more active people may suffer frustration, vexation, ineffectiveness, or powerlessness. Which then leaves you resistant, reluctant, or without interest to take on the important work at hand.
As you chafe at the bit, know this: the right opportunity has yet to come, a situation may be premature, or you’re not energized or prepared enough to move forward. Blasting onwards despite all the obstacles will only set you up for failure. You’d do well to reconsider plans and goals or set something aside for the time being because impatience isn’t the answer.
October 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. While the upright Ace is full of forward impulses, reversed, this card is a “thumbs down”, “no”, or “not now” and counsels inaction. The reversed Ace also speaks of personal authority that has turned sour. Therefore, stay sheltered in your Hermit’s cocoon for a bit longer.
Even when reversed, the Ace indicates new beginnings are afoot and you may feel ready, desiring, and yearning for change. However, those changes might not be “of this world” but more along the lines of spiritual potential without any expectation of concrete results.
October 6, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Hermit. It looks as though tackling—and banishing— the idea that you’re not “enough” requires some alone time to sort things through. Therefore, in order to understand who you are and where you fit in the “big picture”, discover your own path, what truly draws you forward, and initiate the inner work. You’ll need to search the dark corners of the self that are currently being avoided but there’s a fear of (self-)discovery, a failure to face facts, and avoidance of the next step.
The appearance of The Hermit today signifies the beginning a journey alone to find hidden talents and abilities…to figure out just how “enough” you actually are. Others may question your path but the one you’ve been dashing down isn’t working for you. Time for another approach.
Get to really know Self—including all faults—then connect as your True Self with others. If you need help, don’t be shy about asking.
October 5, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles. The pervasive quality of this card is conflict and concerns which evokes the emotion of fear. But fortunately courage, perseverance, and determination are also present. So, while you may feel down, you ain’t out. The stone associated with this card is citrine. It’s said to help you feel secure and more trusting and achieve objectives. You don’t need a big fancy piece of this stuff; a small pebble will do to bring you this healing energy.
Allowing yourself to become paralyzed by your worries prevents you from making the necessary changes to solve them. Remain flexible, adaptable, and go with the flow as real problems come up lest they become ever more serious. Stop wallowing in self-pity and release victim mentality because the “woe is me” act only wastes energy without actually doing something about the problem.
Discern the true cause of troubles in order to deal with them effectively. Find and recognize the roots of painful feelings in your past, face uncomfortable or shameful history, and then let go of that old suffering. Find the clarity and mercy to quit tormenting oneself with the idea that you’re not “enough.”
October 4, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Star, reversed. Yeah, well, a new month didn’t help with all the planets in retrograde.
When The Star is reversed, clarity of vision is lacking, thereby making decisions scattered, unfocused, or delayed. Aspirations may not seem worthwhile or possible and efforts can seem futile or overwhelming during the continuing challenges. Subtlety, trickery, or groundless scandal may be employed as an artificial smoke screen to hide behind. Or, if you’re the one who’s gullible or naive, you could be the victim of deception. Either way, you’re wishing to just disappear from your perceived doubts, insecurity, weakness, and impotence.
However, you need to understand all the puffery used is meant to mask deep insecurity (yours or “theirs”) and indicates an unwillingness to examine yourself and behavior due to fear of what may be found or need to be confronted. When The Star appears reversed, you’re called to shed all ideas of self that falsely depend on status, appearance, and possessions. It’s not a time for recognition or external efforts but for serious truth seeking.
October 1, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince/Knight of Cups, reversed. About ten days ago, we received this reversed Prince. He’s back today and I’m cautiously optimistic! Dare I say “new month, new ‘tude”?
As opposed to his previous appearance—full of himself, emotional manipulation, and passive/aggressiveness—his energy today is swinging around to more prudence. After all the tricks, deception, and cheating, this reversed Prince is cautioning one to look upon new propositions with suitable suspicion and restraint and to be wary of swindles and fraud. (He should know, after all.)
Obstacles and unpleasant events are also forecast but if you’re prepared for trouble, you won’t get blind-sided and completely devastated. No, you don’t have to encase yourself in armor…just keep your eyes open.
September 30, 2023: Card O' the Day: Page/Princess of Pentacles, reversed. Just over half the cards I’ve pulled for this month have been reversed. I tell my clients that a plethora of reversals indicates volatile or unsettled energy. (Could it be because we have SIX planets in retrograde right now? Venus went direct on September 3rd so at the beginning of the month we had seven.) “Volatile” or “unsettled” can be good or not…I mean, planning a wedding is a good thing but still pretty stressful. Think choppy waters on the surface of a lake rather than glassy smoothness.
The clarity of thinking and practicality of the Princess suffers when this card is reversed. You may lose focus, stop being studious, or have difficulty learning something new or grasping necessary information or facts (as was offered by the Nine of Wands). When so easily distracted, practical matters and issues become lost in confusion or daily trivia. Due to that, career possibilities won’t actualize, you’ll lose patience/interest, or expectations don’t happen. The messages typically heralded by the appearance of the reversed Earth Princess include cancellation of plans or bad news.
What to do? Take yourself by the scruff, give a good shake, and put your ego in a time-out. Even if the wind changes direction every hour, don’t blow with it. Remember your power (The Empress) without being an ass about it and focus your attention. Break down tasks into small jobs and start plowing through. Congratulate yourself for every completion but keep going forward.
September, 29, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. The Chariot contains high and directed energy. Once it’s reversed, that energy becomes scattered and surges out of control. (Obviously the reversed Sword Prince is still with us.)
Hubris is at fault here and unrealistic goals, uncontrolled ambition, rash actions, or insufficient expertise or experience cause one to be easily deflected from the course resulting in incomplete work and loss at the last moment. Sometimes conflicts and problems will arise due to opposing ideas and aims or counterproductive efforts. At any rate, under this card one is riding for a fall and defeat. (Let’s hope this is outside energy!)
If it’s NOT outside energy, The Chariot, reversed, asks at what cost is this journey of self-discovery, overcoming obstacles, and/or achieving victory? The dangerously inflated ego may believe that any means justify the ends and you’re being inconsiderate, disregard the rights of others, are overly aggressive, or have an unreasonable attitude. Such inflexible arrogance means you harbor no doubts about the validity of your actions. It also means you’ve become deaf to anyone’s voice but your own. SMH
September 28, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince/Knight of Swords, reversed. Embracing the power of The Empress and getting YOUR ducks in a row has obviously pissed somebody off. But that can’t be helped, actually, when you suddenly stop allowing yourself to be treated like a doormat. Those who were used to wiping their feet on you are going to be upset by the shift in power dynamics.
The reversed Prince can represent an out of control temper-tantrum that seeks to deliberately cause pain, injury, or physical damage. Ruthless, tyrannical, and vengeful, he/she blames mistakes on others or uses cruel logic to destroy in a destructive rebellion. He/she might become unprincipled, crafty, or deceitful as he/she tries to pursue goals and thereby swindle or con others in an attempt to get away with something fraudulent.
On a more conscious level, (if this reversed Prince energy is coming from within [YIKES!!]) you may be trying to overcome impulsiveness and are deliberately becoming more thoughtful, careful, and less hurried as you wait for opposition to move out of the way. Recall those “adjustments” and “pruning” The Empress advised.
TLDR: avoid the outside negative energy and concentrate on cleaning up your own act.
September 27, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands. Well then! We’ve seemed to embrace the personal power of The Empress and are ready for bear. This card represents driven and dynamic energy with a stronger and increased light. It’s your choice whether to accept it and the clarity that comes.
This card indicates achievements through hard work, determination, independence, force, or great power intensified with direction but you’re having trouble accepting such accomplishments and feel as though you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. You can’t see the next steps necessary or feel uncertain or unstable about any possible avenues. In moments of weakness, you cling to safe but unnatural routines that keep the chaos at bay in an effort to keep things familiar.
However, training, development, and discipline result in moral and spiritual character and courage in the convictions that will aid in handling any hardships. (And make the “new” less frightening.) Caution, judgment, and wisdom suggest the need for careful assessment, reevaluation, and attentive pruning to determine what's blocking the good as well as the bad. It may be necessary to make adjustments or overcome objections before completion and success can occur after boldly meeting opposition.
September 26, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Empress. Gee, we seem to be having a lot of repeats lately. The Empress appeared at the end of August and now she’s back. Her recurrence is a request that we be generous with care of self, forgiving of your humanity and needs for Self, and to give yourself permission to be rich, abundant, and even a little decadent. She’s telling you it’s okay to be selfish with your time, energy, and emotional commitments.
Recent cards have indicated some of you are dealing with emotional drama caused by coworkers, friends, or relatives. I acknowledge it’s hard to function optimally when there’s so much going on but you can change your reactions to unfortunate events by creating your own reality of strength and calm.
Therefore, employ your best social skills and practice what you preach. To do so, express your personal power and authority by promoting harmony, safe interactions, and your psycho-emotional and physical wellbeing. Know when to step in and offer help or to back off and let someone’s failure become a teaching moment for them. Not your circus or monkeys.
September 25, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords, reversed. On the 4th and 7th of this month, the Two of Swords appeared first upright and then reversed. Upright, it indicated there was a problem you needed to address but weren’t too sure how to go about it. The reversal shoved you off the fence and forced you to do something. The ensuing emotional drama (all those reversed Cups we’ve been having) has made you wonder if you came down on the “right” side of the fence.
So, you finally took action to end complacency and superficial accord and tore off the blindfold to look at disturbing issues that required decisions. Deeper truths came out as you finally opened your eyes to reality. Due to your realizations and revelations of the rottenness that’s been hidden, loyalties within a group may become divided (not everyone likes to be faced with truth). This can result, intentionally or not, in lies, duplicity, treachery, superficiality, malice, or misrepresentation among false “friends.” Oh, nice! MORE interpersonal nastiness.
If disagreeable opposites are confined too rigidly without integration, those opposites become treacherous and irreconcilable. The ensuing indecision and frustrated efforts may force you to take sides. However, either side may be equally toxic for you and there’s no possibility of resolution to the current problem. It might just be time to walk away after all this nonsense.
September 24, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant. Whereas The Emperor represents a person who hands down traditional laws and norms within the family unit, The Hierophant does so on the societal level and upholds the laws of organizations. Ruled by Taurus, the sign that teaches steadiness and consistency, The Hierophant acts as the internal judge or parent and prevailing cultural morality. We’re asked to live life from personal values, align the physical self around moral codes, and feel the truth for ourselves rather than mouthing the words of others without feeling or understanding.
The Hierophant encourages the strong determination to adhere to spiritual foundations of culture and civilization, dependability, and practicality as opposed to the freewheeling nihilism of the reversed Prince of Cups and the vapid daydreaming of the reversed Water Princess. He’s the power of structure that creates comfort and security, the familiarity of the routine, and the conformity to the social norms that imbue a sense of peace and equality for all in the community.
Just like The Star appearing after the reversed Princess of Cups reminding us to guide our energy in positive directions, The Hierophant is here to lay down the law and say enough with the shenanigans of the reversed Prince.
September 23, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups, reversed. It’s entirely possible YOU have been behaving or feeling like the recent reversed Princess and/or Prince of Cups rather than having to merely deal with someone like that. Today’s reversed Nine of Cups is here to reprimand you.
When being a spoiled brat with every wish granted, self-indulgence and a tendency to excess dominates and thereby leads to reckless hedonism, debauchery, poor choices, selfish desires, all states of emotional crisis, irresponsibility, and shallowness. Your petty audacity leads to arguments or other difficulties when trying to interact with others. The upright version of this Nine warned of the pitfalls of complacency; when reversed, the danger is real.
Fortunately, someone is going to call you to account and the corner of the rug will be lifted to show what’s been swept under it: poor conduct, picking fights, shirking duties, and everything unpleasant that you’ve attempted to hide from sight. This intervention isn’t made through cruelty but rather sincerity, honesty, loyalty, and the good faith of others to show the error of your ways. This exposure, while possibly embarrassing at first, will provide you with a feeling of liberation as you’re released from superficial or false attachments and former attitudes of smugness and entitlement.
September 21, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince/Knight of Cups, reversed. We very recently had the reversed Princess of Cups appear, and today we have her reversed cohort, the Prince of Cups. Now, the Princess is an introvert, so she keeps her emotional instability more or less contained and will appear withdrawn. However, the reversed Prince, as an extrovert, will foist his emotional instability on all around him. Swell.
Like an enchanting shadow on the water, this reversed Prince is constantly moving with, and adapting to, any situation in a pliant, liquid way, making him hard to define or grasp. He’s emotionally dishonest, disingenuous, duplicitous, insincere, and can be quite the lying, conniving, deceitful schemer who uses “love”, his own sensuality, and flattery to achieve his opportunistic, fraudulent ends. The more secretive aspects of this reversal include cheating, manipulation, deception, and could indicate a situation isn’t as it seems. Trickery, mischief, baseness, idleness, hypocrisy, and artifice are other keywords associated with the reversed Prince. Oh boy.
Unable to honestly give to anyone else at this time, such people avoid commitments and “move away” from emotional involvement (expect to be ghosted). The reversed Prince could also represent a passive/aggressive person who doesn’t like being pushed toward commitment or action and is resentful of those impositions. Read: they’re impossible to work with, too.
September 20, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Cups. The appearance of this card is an indication it is time for one to get real, grounded, and maintain perspective in this strongly idealistic energy. When faced with so many possibilities and opportunities, you should be cautious of relying too heavily on others for life direction because you’re choosing your OWN happiness. Ask within as to what it is you truly want for yourself, then reach for it, and ask for the best and most for and from yourself.
Some people aren’t what they seem and others may try to influence you in the wrong direction. Thus, stand firm in the face of others’ advice based upon THEIR perceptions and values.
In the end, a single path will stand out from the rest as being the best choice to live up to your destiny. you’ll know it’s the best because it’ll be cohesive, aligned with your inner purpose, made outside of egotism, and feel good. Even though you experience a gut-level sensation of love, appreciation, and affection for this new direction, don’t take yourself too seriously or forget to live in the moment.
September 19, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Star. The Star is an excellent antidote to the reversed Princess of Cups because it warns against blind beliefs that ignore the necessary work and action to build upon them, wasting energy on the past, misusing words, and giving up control for the need for security. You’re asked to understand the duality of actions or relationships (give and take), polarize inwardly (personal boundaries), and reposition energies towards positive prospectives.
The Star indicates good omens and bright prospects. She opens a chance for a joyful personal transformation as more synchronicity happens and you meet more people who can help achieve collective goals. Energy encouraging positive changes abounds for fortuitous opportunity, which will manifest new ideas, creativity, inspiration, and a chance to start over.
The future impact of these happy circumstances suddenly coming available, providential help, the influence of the macrocosm upon you, or the light of Nature will be discernible shortly. Don’t miss this gift of positive energy.
September 14, 2023: Card O' the Day: Princess/Page of Cups, reversed. When reversed, the very emotionally charged Princess of Cups loses touch with true feelings and can signal emotional immaturity and the propensity for holding grudges. Timid and fearful of having sensibilities wounded, the reversed Princess no longer trusts life and relationships and represents a decision to “never be vulnerable again.”
People influenced by this card have nothing to motivate them in the real world, so they withdraw into daydreams or a private kingdom filled with imaginary friends and cohorts. Collectively, no one listens to news or sage advice preferring to stay blind to reality. If outside information is received, it speaks to emotions and rigid beliefs rather than reason and logic.
If any action is taken, it only involves make-believe dreamy inclinations, promises that won't be kept, and/or commitments that mean nothing. Being in such a protected space with equally immature and wounded people as oneself keeps everyone present stifled emotionally and intellectually…much like a cult.
September 12, 2023: card O' the Day: Five of Wands. Fives have inherently chaotic energy wherein creative vision collides with earthly reality (as in, how do we make this actually happen?). When the Fire element of Wands is added, things can get unpredictable and dangerous. This is a card of action, assertiveness, candor, and clearly expressed decisions—and perhaps a bit of combativeness. It’s not one of results or the thought processes that lead to outcomes but rather the physical progress itself.
Under the influence of this card, what may have started out as a collaborative effort, with differing methods, styles, and approaches to the common goal, has become tangled as strong personalities vie for leadership. Comparisons and opinions grow heated, assertive people become downright aggressive as they jockey for position, engage in power struggles, or compete for contracts. All constructive impetus is lost as cohesion and organization falls apart.
However, such conflicts aren’t always serious and can be quite playful. Therefore, lighten up and don’t take disputes so seriously or allow them to escalate into angry fighting, animosity, or destructive criticism. The current conflicts are there to help you question your position, strengthen convictions, and test ideas through divergence and differences of opinions with others. This competition isn’t meant to destroy but to create an energetic atmosphere at work or within a group. Enjoy the chaos, revel in the fast-paced action, and view it all with excitement.
September 11, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ten of Wands, reversed. The most obvious interpretation of the reversal of this card is you lay down your burdens, walk away from difficulties, get relief from the pressure, and generally get out from under oppressive situations. Once you realize you can use energies for a better purpose, it opens a clear path to a new start or lease on life. Most literally, this card can represent clearing out debris, cleaning closets, or getting rid of household clutter.
However, Mercury is in retrograde for a few more days and some of you may be getting even more buried in your burdens. This makes you feel trapped in obstacles, difficulties, inconvenience, petty squabbling, or complaints. Oppressive feelings of despair, hopelessness, bitterness, loss of energy, or failure can keep you preoccupied with self-interest, indecision, and doubt leading to lack of faith in your life. In such a condition, chores and important tasks won’t get done and the smallest stumbling block will be incapacitating.
See if you can’t shoo away the negative energy of Mercury retrograde by doing something mindless yet useful like getting started on a cluttered spot in your home. One small step in that direction will help you feel better and accomplished.
September 8, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Swords. Wands and Swords, Swords and Wands…. Lots of energy and whirling thoughts. Not all of which are linear or directed. …And I just checked and we ARE indeed in Mercury retrograde since August 23rd. No wonder!!! Mercury retrogrades commonly affect things like communication, travel, and technology, and these effects can be annoying. But they're not without purpose. Planetary retrogrades give you the opportunity to clear out things in your life that no longer serve you. (lovetoknow.com)
Today’s extra-special Five of Swords can have you fearful of re-experiencing pain so you keep a smile on your face and tell everyone you “FINE!” However, you’ll eventually experience the energy depletion that comes from such posturing not to mention the effect posing has on those around you. A complicated façade is wearying to maintain and endure.
This need for declaring yourself “all good” is probably coming from psychic attack or negative mental energy from outside sources in one’s home, workplace, or community. On the other hand, the negativity may not be from an outside source but is coming from within (because we all know how we beat ourselves up over the slightest thing). Fear of failure, not having the right tools, self-doubt, self-defeat, disappointment, and humiliation all stem from feelings of inadequacy and being less-than.
Reach out for help if the negativity is internal. If it’s coming from the outside, find out the problem, acknowledge any fault of your own, and try to actually solve the problem rather than just gossiping about it.
September 7, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords, reversed. I promise, I really am shuffling the deck well before I draw a card, but sometimes lingering energy kicks out the same cards. This time, the previous “fence sitting” energy has shifted and you’re beginning to move out of the doldrums.
There was an uneasy balance of power you were resisting but with the reversal of the Two of Swords, you break the peace, take action to end complacency and superficial accord, and tear off the blindfold to look at disturbing issues that require decisions. When you’re figuratively knocked over and the balance between the intellectual/emotional forces is disturbed, deeper truths will be revealed as you opens your eyes to reality. You may discover you’ve been living a lie but at least now you can get on with seeing the truth and begin the process of authentic communication.
That said, there are such things as lost causes, and there may be no possibility of resolution to the current problem. This reversed Two could indicate the failure of a friendship, marriage, or important business partnership or relationship or financial loss due to bad speculation. Such suffering can be very emotionally taxing, even shattering. However, recognizing the problem for what it truly is will help you make decisions going forward.
September 6, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands, reversed. The Four of Wands is a very balanced and benevolent energy, but when reversed that energy can be a little disconcerted. (We seem to be having difficulty getting on a smooth path. One day all systems are go, the next we’re beset with interferences.)
On occasion the reversed Four signifies becoming too attached to material concerns or allowing complacency to slow one’s progress as one falls into a boring routine. Artistic creativity is reduced to commercial manufacturing or intimacy with one’s partner becomes mere gymnastics. Such monotony leads to dissatisfaction and ennui.
A-HA! The reversed Four is reiterating the Eight’s advice to remember “eat, sleep, and play” lest your current projects, relationships, or hobbies become soul-less rote activities.
September 5, 2023: Card O' the Day: Eight of Wands. Three days ago we had the Eight of Wands, but it was reversed. That reversal indicated a lot of little things could go wrong and miscommunication would be an issue. When upright, the card assures us something is being set in motion during an exciting and all-consuming period of activity and change projected for the future.
With the inevitability of this card, you’ll get a lot done in a short time, so strike now and take advantage of this smoothly flowing energy because it won’t last forever. This type of dynamic swiftness demands quick reactions. Fortunately, the power inherent in this card is non-violent, meaning any conflicts won’t be combative or cause strife with others. The appearance of this high energy and action card means you’ve probably made a decision regarding whatever you were sitting on the fence about with yesterday’s Two of Swords.
Now, just because things have hit high gear, don’t underestimate the power of a well-placed pause. Don’t over-do it with “the big thing” and turn a loved activity into drudgery. Remember to care for your body (eat well, sleep enough, play) so you have the stamina to ride the wave all the way.
September 4, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords. Feeling unable to take action or make a decision, you deliberately avoid the problem through procrastination, ambivalence, vacillation, and a reluctance to commit to a choice. You feel stuck between two equally unappealing options and so sit on the fence out of fear of upsetting the fragile balance you’re desperate to maintain (better to stick with the devil that you DO know, right?).
While a temporary, uneasy peace may be reached, to truly resolve the issue, the status quo must be broken before energy can move forward again. Waiting for the circumstances to change before taking action is pointless because the unresolved issues have to be dealt with eventually. You’ll need to face some fears or admit some ugly truths to break through the stalemate, confusion, and opposing forces.
Therefore, stop flailing and grinding gears, decide where you want to go, and then figure out how to get there. It’ll take less work than your current avoidance and floundering.
September 3, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords. The Six of Swords is governed by Mercury (the planet of communication, reason, skill, intelligence, and verbal expression [soooo fortunate after the reversed Eight’s muddled messages]) aligned with Aquarius (sign of free spirit and hope). This alignment creates a balance because the mind is communicating with the soul.
This card also speaks of endings much like the Death card of a couple days ago. We’re advised not to just passively allow unfortunate cycles to pass but to set our sights on the future and actively leave unpleasantness behind. Move beyond mental boundaries and deploy new methods of reasoning to actively resolve issues as you face changes and move towards new ideas and possibilities.
Certainly, there may be some feelings of sadness and loss that things didn’t work as hoped but at the same time there’ll be relief and freedom that “THAT’s” over. Take along only what belongs in the new life, leave all old worries and upsets behind, and let prevailing negative thoughts and self-consciousness go. This transition (physical, material, emotional, or intellectual) will be positive and ultimately soothing and you can hope for steady progress as the difficult times recede both temporally and spatially.
September 2, 2023: Card O' the Day: Eight of Wands, reversed. This card is primarily one of high energy and action but when reversed, the Eight can indicate troubles barring the way or that you’ll run headlong into problems during a moderately adverse period. A burst of little things go wrong all at once causing delays, cancellations, and postponements.
On the other hand, said troubles may be more emotional in nature as agreements fall into dispute causing quarrels and friction. Creative tensions may cause stings of conscience, rivalry, or jealousy that makes working together extremely difficult.
Traditionally, this card is one of “receiving messages.” But its reversal means messages are murky or you’re struggling to receive them. This will result in communications going awry, which then leads to perceived deceptions.
September 1, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ten of Wands. Like Death, 10s speak of endings, which of course then allow new beginnings!
The current situation of severe force and destructive energy is a call to look at how you got to be in a situation of being overloaded. Did you piled on obligations through an obsessive pursuit of power, achievement, status, or recognition? Have you become overbearing to those around you because of the overwhelming need for continued success? Regardless whether the pressures and burdens are coming from the outside or are self-created, eventually you’ll react with anger and resentment against those who rely upon you or who you serve.
What started as a good idea has proliferated through overconfidence into too many projects or iterations of a single concept. Betrayed by your ambitions and caught in a self-created or unplanned quagmire of problems and challenges, the responsibility and obligations of maintaining all that’s needed to keep things running smoothly depletes your virility and represses innate vitality. These unnecessary and distracting expectations from family, your boss, or the government will kill your enthusiasm and creativity for the original project. This card indicates it’s clearly time to release current burdens and responsibilities because Force has become detached from its spiritual source.
August 31, 2023: Card O' the Day: Death. I’ll remind you the Death card in the Tarot deck doesn’t mean anyone’s dying. No need to panic. The body aspect of Death is exhaling lungs. When you’re afraid, you tend not to breathe fully. Breathe to be present and be present to make the necessary changes Death is advising.
Physically (which includes, jobs, living arrangements, people in your life, and anything tangible) Death in dictates a major transformation is coming. “Death” is coming to an old way of being. You’re being asked to totally transform everything you believe yourself to be when they’re based on material trappings like your house, car, the clothes you wear, your friends circle, and the stuff you rely on for your status. Surrender yourself to the changes and release the “keeping up with the Kardashians” ego.
Emotionally this card indicates you’re attached to an old way of thinking but you can’t lie to yourself and pretend it’s all good anymore. The truth of your pain must come out. This is where you forgive Self for not being perfect and ask for help.
Spiritually speaking, Death is pointing out that your spirit self is being overridden by ego and the desire for stuff and status. Your spirit wishes to grow but ego wants to stay put. Allow your spirit guide you through changes that’ll ultimately prove to be good.
August 30, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Empress. Nobody looks after herself the way The Empress does. I believe she’s appeared today to give us permission to stand up for ourselves and needs. The Ten of Swords came the other day to help you release old mind-sets and beliefs (’tis better to give than receive, give until it hurts, think of the “other guy” first) and for once put on your OWN mask first (like they tell us on airplanes if the oxygen drops from the overhead).
And WHY must we be as open to receiving as much as giving? To retain our psycho-emotional and Karmic equilibrium! If you give more than you receive day in and day out, you’ll start getting cranky and resentful.
The Empress is masterful at self-care, appreciates the simple pleasures of daily existence, allows herself to “eat cake” without guilt, and thus is never depleted because she accepts as well as she gives. Her appearance is a request that we be generous with care of self and others, forgiving of our own humanity, and to be abundant and even a little decadent. Tap into the area of the psyche where the self is nurtured and where you receive inspiration and self-aware intelligence.
August 28, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Star. Well durned if’n we’re not gittin’ all the heavy hittin’ cards all in a pile! The High Priestess encouraged us to listen to our instincts, The Magician gave us a goodly shove forward, and yesterday’s Ten urged us to cleanse ourselves of unnecessary negative energy.
Today, The Star casts a cool, clear light of creative imagination and inspiration and encourages the free spread and exchange of all ideas within our tribes. Therefore, the timing is right for you to become involved in a good cause or dedicate yourself to a long-range vision that’s ahead of its time.
The Star indicates good omens and bright prospects. She opens a chance for a joyful transformation as more synchronicity happens and you meet more people who think like you and can help achieve collective goals. Energy encouraging positive changes abounds for fortuitous opportunity, which will manifest new ideas, creativity, inspiration, and a chance to start over. The future impact of these happy circumstances suddenly coming available, providential help, the influence of the macrocosm, or the light of Nature will be discernible shortly. Don’t miss this gift of positive energy!
August 27, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ten of Swords. Okay, stop panicking. Many people associate this card with disaster much like the Death and Tower cards. However, I’m asking you to release the judgment of “good” or “bad” in order to better recognize the beauty and necessity of endings and grasp the harmony of the whole. (“Endings” because this is a 10 and tens indicate endings.) Find and choose positive thoughts, surrender to what is, live life in joy, and don’t allow yourself to feel like a “victim” just because something is over.
This is your chance to remove what’s not working well such as old beliefs, thought patterns, or ways of thinking that no longer serve your highest good. Once the old Self dies, along with accumulated anger and internal anguish, love and forgive yourself enough to set free all associated negativity, find closure, and heal. As the unpredictable winds of change help clear the horizon, you’ll be able to see the future direction to take.
What may feel disastrous in the moment is actually a gift as you separate from those who no longer allow you to be authentic, problems gets solved, or an extremely stressful situation passes. But that leaves room for new beginnings and a chance at evolution! With transformation imminent, you’re ready to grab opportunities, entertain productive ideas, and see the end as a way to create a melding of dark and light.
August 26, 2023: Card O' the Day: The High Priestess (again). Well then! I guess the High Priestess DOES want me to get into her metaphysical definitions. Never mind the enteric neurons of your gut….
The appearance of this card signifies you have a heightened awareness of secret or hidden information or are learning to see the light of a truth you haven’t been ready to see. (That’s what happens when you start listening to your gut!) You're encouraged to be open to all sides of yourself and look upon the things of which you’re afraid. (Like, maybe you’ll fail.) This unconscious “knowing” will be expressed in symbols within your intuition, dreams, inner wisdom, or visions and you’ll enhance your Whole Self through incorporating it into your conscious, rational Self. (As in, you’ll finally get the message and start doing something about it.)
Couple this “knowing” with the dynamic forward force of the recent Magician and I feel like some of you are getting ready to launch a “big thing.” This will be something you’ve thought about for a while but never quite dared to do because you feared you couldn’t do it or the timing wasn’t quite right. A few days ago we received the Six and Seven of Wands; this Fire energy tells me the timing is good so go ahead and risk it.
August 24, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Magician. This card is indicative of beginnings with very strong forward motion so it’s a good time to organize your thoughts and put a sense of determination and order into any plans. You might have already taken a step closer towards a goal as the power of inspiration to start a project or life phase rises. If nothing concrete has yet taken place, you’re impelled with the type of excitement that sustains you to reach goals during a period of rapid-fire, maniacal receiving opens doors all at once and nothing is opposed to a new action or beginning.
The Magician also represents all questions of employment, work, and profession. Combined with the “new projects” energy, you might be cultivating, preparing, or refining materials as the first stage of a larger enterprise. This endeavor may relate to your studies towards a professional goal or the renewal or enhancement of knowledge in your chosen field. (But don’t allow your new “book learning” or concrete reasoning to interfere with the purity of your vision.)
August 23, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups. Expect profound healing and oracular wisdom as one ruminates, daydreams, and organizes things in the imagination. As sensitivity is enhanced, permit dreams and intuition free rein to help expand perspective and renew a desires.
Nature abhors the vacuum of stagnation and many opportunities are within grasp. It’s time to shake things up, challenge previous assumptions and fantasies, and start something new. You may hesitate when faced with fortuitous openings, but growth requires change and a little daring. Don’t stay stuck in place out of fear or apathy.
August 22, 2023: Card O' the Day: The High Priestess. The High Priestess reminds us to listen to subtle messages. Your intuition can only happen when you slow down and pay close attention to life’s nuances. This card’s appearance today allows me to share something I read recently about our “gut feelings/reactions/instincts” that has nothing to do with “woo-woo” or anything metaphysical. It’s pure science and anatomy.
The enteric nervous system or intrinsic nervous system is one of the main divisions of the autonomic nervous system and consists of a mesh-like system of neurons that governs the function of the gastrointestinal tract. (Wikipedia) (There are MORE sensory neurons in this system than there are in your brain!) This extensive network uses the same chemicals and cells as the brain to help us digest and to alert the brain when something is amiss (your famous “gut” instinct to nope out of a situation). (https://hms.harvard.edu › publications-archive › gut-brain)
Isn’t it amazing that what so many ignore or poo-poo as nonsense is actually scientific fact? So the next time your gut whispers a little something to you, listen and don’t let your head talk you out of it. The gut never lies….
August 17, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands. Fire energy continues to build with the Seven today. The Six helped us feel more able but you may be feeling a wee nervous about the strong push forward. Kind of like standing on your surf board when catching a wave…you’re pretty sure you’ve got this but the immense weight and power of the water under your board gives you butterflies in your stomach.
This card may indicate a crisis of your own judgment or a feeling of being completely overloaded as external influences don’t seem to support your intentions. This is normal but you must have courage and persistence in the face of adversity. Present yourself during trials with assertiveness, composure, and confidence and learn the art of the façade or bluff. (The old “fake it until you make it.”)
To win this inner or external battle, it’ll require change, evolution, and trimming of the fat. This may mean doing things differently than the established way, but trust your innovations and gut. You can do this…and if you can’t, embrace the valuable lessons from the failure and try again.
August 16, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands. Personal epiphany time; I’m sorry to be injecting my own thoughts and journey into what’s supposed to be for everyone. Earlier this summer I required surgery YET AGAIN on my right arm. The recovery time and necessary limited activity kinda sorta p*ssed me off and dimmed my personal “spiritual light” in the process. Here’s the epiphany: I can’t be spiritually connected and open when my physical body is not whole.
A couple days ago we had the Six of Wands reversed, which indicated muddy communication that would throw a wrench in our plans. I see now this INCLUDES muddy communication within yourself! The reversed Six was followed by Strength, which gave us encouragement and a little ass-kicking. Now we’re back to the UPRIGHT Six and all its magic:
Signifying the manifestation of Ki/Chi/Qi, we’re asked to align with Nature, Earth, and Spirit and share the sudden illumination and brilliance while remaining grounded. With drama over, the sense of self is fortified for having had an experience in which our moxie was tested. Reflect upon and appreciate your goodness and strength at doing right by yourself despite everything!
August 15, 2023: Card O' the Day: Strength. Strength signifies a turning point between your instinctive physical energy (ego) and your higher spiritual energy. Your ego, which can be highly dangerous and destructive if allowed free rein (think sociopaths), is at the same time the beginning of your unique individuality. Therefore, you must learn to steer the selfish impulses coming from your lizard brain towards acting in concert with your divine conscience.
With the emergence of a personal “governor” and its expression—thinking/speaking for yourself—you develop a nuanced self mastery where higher and lower Self are not in conflict with desires (because you’re still allowed to have desires!). In this psychological transformation, energy of the unconscious is released and tamed by conscious understanding through self-examination. Intuitive insight allows you to feel your inner permanence, firmness of character, assertion, maturity, quiet fortitude, and strength of will to face yourself honestly.
Genuine strength doesn’t need to be an asshole or one-up anyone else. Genuine strength is quietly confident, caring, generous, and doesn’t need to prove a thing as you move forward in your life.
August 14, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands, reversed. Now that we’re lurching towards collaborative actions and projects again, clear communication among the group members is vital but the upright Six of Wands’ messages devolve into miscommunications when reversed. Said crossed wires will stymie your actions, thus causing delays, deceleration, and/or abandonment of projects.
As important news or deliveries are waylaid, you may feel like your hot plans will be claimed by adversaries because you couldn’t get your ducks in a row first. You may be tempted to backpedal and try to resist or reject a commitment to reduce damages or save face.
However, forward motion, trust in your decisions, and prudent planning must be allowed to move through this troubling situation. Meaning, don’t give up at the first sign of trouble.
August 11, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles (again). WHUT!?!?! I swear I shuffled…. So what’d we miss. Earlier this spring and summer, a lot of the cards were suggesting trouble with groups and that it might be a good idea to work/live a little more independently. Group think, traditions, “this is the way we’ve always done it”, etc. got stale and you were looking for ways to express yourself closer to what really resonated with you, never mind what others said or thought. Then we spent some time understanding those personal tenets and getting really comfortable in our own skins. The Three’s appearance two days in a row suggests it’s time for collaborations and possibly joining a group of like minded seekers.
This card can indicate collegiate teamwork, the value of working with others, or that it’s time to build a group to achieve a common goal. But it’s also metaphoric and may represent the ideal of people working together to create, getting or seeking help from others, harmonizing all factors, the exuberance combined with industry that fosters inspiration and enthusiasm within a group work or play environment, or celebrating the joy of joint adventures.
Everybody in the group has a vital role, is connected, and brings their ideas to the successful effort. This requires you to honestly recognize personal strengths/weaknesses and work with others who complement your own skills to create something no single person could've successfully done alone. Therefore, be open to giving/receiving guidance, assistance, or critique and communicate effectively with the others in the group to build efficiency. All the friendly cooperation and the utilization of group skills will lead to works of beauty, meaning, and inventive purpose.
August 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles. When you combine resources, inspiration, knowledge, and experience, you create your best work. But true wellbeing comes from knowing your Self and walking through open doors rather than pushing too hard on those that are closed. Therefore, if you tie your personal worth to seeking the impossible, receiving this card may be a reminder to use a balanced approach to projects.
This card represents the material establishment of the idea of “Universe” and work as spiritual development. The best work combines technical skill, practicality, and spiritual understanding with energy and desire, raises you to higher levels, and serves as a vehicle for self development. After you’ve laid a solid foundation—the most critical part of any endeavor—the rest of the work will follow with less effort.
August 9, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Empress. The creative energy of yesterday’s Nine of Wands has no direction or focus…yet. Nevertheless, thanks to The Empress of today, this vital impulse of growth represents great intelligent activity, the capacity to adapt, and enormous potential for exceptional regeneration.
The Empress is significant of life renewed and enriched by spiritual awareness, beauty, sensitivity, creative projects bearing fruit, a project nearing completion, or other material benefits, as well as practicality, and a concern with the details of everyday life. She’s shrewd, authoritarian, forceful, open-minded, and opportunistic, with her decisions based on facts. She represents all that’s possible and the richness you deserve, inspires you to bring faith and beliefs into the physical realm, and to take what’s been learned and make it real.
With the Nine’s energy and The Empress’s brains and creativity, I suspect you can make your plans real!
August 8, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands. This card represents driven and dynamic energy with a stronger and increased light. However, these gifts can be fiery, unstable, and are potentially very dangerous.
It’s a great strength to know your weaknesses, learn to accept, and love them anyway. This card indicates achievements through hard work, determination, independence, force, or great power intensified with direction but you’re having trouble accepting such accomplishments and feel as though you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. Without a map, you can’t see the next steps necessary or feel uncertain or unstable about any of the possible avenues. (Welcome to life! NO ONE knows for sure what they’re doing but give it a whack!)
However, training, development, and discipline result in moral and spiritual character and courage in the convictions that’ll aid in handling any hardships. Caution, judgment, and wisdom suggest the need for careful assessment, reevaluation, and attentive pruning to determine whether walls are blocking the good as well as the bad. It may be necessary to make adjustments or overcome objections before completion and success can occur after boldly meeting opposition. Have faith, pay heed, protect oneself, and persevere, because one will come out on the other side both internally and externally accomplished. (Which can’t happen if you don’t even TRY!)
August 7, 2023: Card O' the Day: Judgment. Judgment is the courage to look at yourself and recognize what’s lacking. BOO-ya! Spank! Talk about getting down to the nitty-gritty and doing the really hard work. The other “hard work” is actually doing something about those lacks in character but as they say, recognizing there IS problem is most of the effort. Then, as consciousness moves from ego to the heart and spirit, compassion can be felt for others as well as the Self. Old judgments fall away and anger and hatred fade into the past.
The appearance of Judgment indicates you’ve arrived at a place of awareness, discernment, good health, and adaptability where old belief systems no longer hold you rigid and inflexible thereby blocking any progress. Confident but humble, driven but not rushed, grounded but also divinely guided by sound judgment, and ego satisfied with the needs of lower self met, you’re on the way to becoming the truest, best version of Self.
Share this new-found clarity and wisdom with others who’re also searching for doorways into peacefulness. It’s now your turn to be a guide and mentor to the level you’ve come to understand. Take pride in your accomplishment but remember there’s always another’s soul more evolved so don’t get too cocky.
August 6, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups, reversed. After receiving yesterday’s dodgy Five of Swords, reversed, and all the recent urging to treat yourself well, live your own dreams, don’t let others dictate your life, etc., it’s very tempting to hide your love or deny emotions altogether and alienate yourself from others like the reversed water Queen. Her influence can make you rigid, lack empathy, appear moody, and be hypersensitive to criticism.
However, this isn’t good either. You need to find balance between looking out for Number 1 and becoming an asshole who ONLY looks out for Number 1.
A healthy aspect to the reversed Queen is being sharp and competent, letting no one take advantage, overcoming illusions about others and yourself, and refusing to be swept away by conflicting emotions or succumbing to feigning maneuvers. Rather than engaging in petty contests of “who’s right”, be direct, honest, and above all kind. (Remember Patrick Swayze in “Roadhouse”? Be nice even as you’re throwing the drunk yahoos out the door.)
August 5, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Swords, reversed. You’ll notice the focus of the last few days is about getting ourselves sorted out and getting good with who we are so that we can be strong, fulfilled, and independent beings who can live well despite rough patches. Those who’re too concerned with what others think or do and measure themselves against the “Joneses” will suffer more acutely than those who have more self-assurance.
Today’s reversed Five represents the ability to cognitively focus on what’s good and true for you despite the feelings of others. An extreme example of this may be you deciding you have to leave your family/church/community to embrace a partner/career/lifestyle that’s “unacceptable” in their eyes. With this realization of Truth, you can leave a toxic (to you) environment.
While you may experience despair after bitter defeat or losses, the reversal of this card represents the recovery and aftermath of the situation. It’s possible for rifts to be repaired, amends made, and the air cleared, so look beyond painful facts and see what can be salvaged from the situation. Correct any misunderstandings to avoid emotional upsets and recognize the potential for spiritual growth after such strife.
August 4, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Lovers. The Lovers returns to us after a week of exploring emotions-based cards. This card takes a more rational approach to feelings and the concept of love. While reason controls and contains, passion breaks down all limits. Therefore, the appearance of this card indicates you’re entering a new sphere of deeper understanding about yourself and emotions.
The Lovers is a prompt to question your emotional state and learn the first and foremost lesson of love: to love thyself. Express feelings freely, be true to yourself, follow the heart, and be accepted for who you truly are as you come “home” to Self. Others will be drawn near when you’re fulfilled and so you’re urged to do what YOU’re passionate about. (This’ll make you the most interesting person in the room and vastly attractive).
August 2, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Empress. In alignment with yesterday’s Ace of Cups and its new emotional directions, The Empress’s raw feelings combined with earthy sensuality make for an intensely passionate approach to life. Her presence signals a time of diving into life through feeling and pleasure rather than intellectual or moral consideration.
This leads to satisfaction and understanding gained, emotional well being, and the ability to embrace life in hard times to trust that love will transcend suffering. However, if analysis IS necessary, it can mean a stubborn emotional approach that’s reactionary and irresponsible with self-indulgent pleasure or the refusal to consider facts where restraint is needed.
August 1, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups. The Ace of Cups represents a gift of physical healing through love’s curative waters. Thus the appearance of the card in a reading may represent the need for self-care and that it’s an appropriate time to consult a healer, therapist, or support system.
As an Ace, this card represents new beginnings or a time of welcome change. This card is the most powerful of the emotions cards and can indicate upheaval, new feelings replacing old, challenge and transformation, turnabout in emotions towards another, or a total reversal of values.
Therefore, be alert to nurture what’s being manifested through a new stage of life, idea, or opportunity on emotional, psychic, or familial planes. You’re permission to act with determination because results will be satisfying as old restrictions slip away, you have the mental space to think things through, and all the good comes together.
July 31, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords. The Six of Swords represents having adapted to troubles, which can be a good thing. However, if your difficult situation has carried on for so long that you don’t even feel the pain anymore and you function without ever attacking the problem, then we’ve got issues. These circumstances will NOT change for the better by themselves and your only option is to move on. It’s necessary to change your viewpoint to avoid solutions that only bring dissatisfaction, stagnation, or instability. Deploy new methods of reasoning to actively resolve what’s going on.
Leaving your comfort zone can be unsettling—especially if it’s involuntary—but change is necessary for evolution. Accept help to overcome adversity and escape danger to seek safety and refuge with dignity and calmly made decisions. (A covert plan might be called for.) It’s now time to understand the wisdom of giving up because you can’t stay in this environment without suffering serious harm.
There’ll be feelings of sadness and loss that things didn’t work as hoped but at the same time there’ll be relief and freedom. Take along only that which belongs in the new life, leave all old worries and upsets behind, and let prevailing negative thoughts and self-consciousness go.
July 29, 2023: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups. The mood of self-reflection and self-improvement continues as we’re being advised to engage in a little self-care to become more energized, inspired, and refreshed physically and spiritually. Explore your inner world through meditation with no outside demands, responsibilities, or desires to disturb that quiet contemplation. All this will help you to create your own situation of happiness, loving relationships, and success.
As a Princess/Page of the Tarot, this card signifies a timid beginning destined to evolve positively and therefore you’re encouraged to be more vulnerable and to embrace something of which you’re a little unsure. This includes love or friendship. What with the recent Lovers and today’s emotionally pure Princess, it hints that interactions with others are going to become more important in the coming weeks.
As you stand on the threshold of spiritual maturation through connections, struggles, or contemplation, you’ll discover new feelings and attachments starting with those of self-love and respect.
July 27, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Lovers. Yeah, yeah, yeah The Lovers portends of mad romances and living happily ever after, right? Sometimes…. But more deeply and in alignment with the recent reassessments of our values, today The Lovers represent the moral responsibilities taught by The Hierophant as they’re applied to human interactions. Having explored the tenets of established society with the innocence and idealism of childhood, it’s now time for self-examination to define your individual values originating in the depths of your consciousness.
Once the superconscious is free from ego, desire, and attachment, it suggests a path of moral integrity where you begin to make choices from a spiritual level. This can help you experience your higher Self once you get past the gender-role stereotypes and fantasies presented in your local culture or religion.
By looking beyond surface social conformities, you’re able to see the hand of Spirit in everything and feel blessed by the divine experience of being human.
July 25, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords. Many associate the Three of Swords with emotional agony, betrayal, or heartache. While this is often true—because our hearts and minds are very closely intertwined—today I’m not feeling the “typical definition” for this card.
As with all the Swords cards, intellectual activity is present. The Three’s numerological energy gives enthusiasm to said intellect that easily combines with a passion for studying, reading, and desire for intellectual development. In such an excited state, you might conclude certain old belief systems no longer serve and are ready for the scrap heap (hello, reversed King of Pentacles anyone?).
However, the still immature and unrealized intellect and intuition act spontaneously and discern no difference between believing and knowing as fanatic primary ideas, lightning realizations, or first opinions rocket around in your head and come flying out your mouth. While the ideas and plans to be implemented are good, pay attention and make corrections when given the opportunity to do so.
July 24, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Pentacles, reversed. Yesterday’s reversed Seven of Pentacles indicated plans weren’t going well and— because we’re talking “physical world” here—that means money is also affected. The discontent over your money situation continues with the reversed Earth King.
Those worries may be slight such as frustration at not balancing the checkbook, suffering an inability to fathom finances or taxes, or feeling overwhelmed and unsure about managing or taking care of your valuables. Finances could be sluggish or normally sharp business acumen is off. (Which jibes fully with the “meh” attitude of the reversed Seven.)
The good news is the ordinarily materialistic King of Pentacles, when reversed, starts to actively work to oppose misuse of resources, life, and spiritual energy. Meaning, the lethargy is lifting and you’re ready to start figuring things out. This will lead to inner security, contentment, and wellbeing as you reconsider whether amassing money is the only goal worth having. You may do that by overthrowing materialistic tenets or stepping away from long-held beliefs you learned as a child.
July 23, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles, reversed. As July drags on and the oppressive heat and humidity make everyone cranky, you might also suffer pervasive dissatisfaction and feelings of entrapment that come from unfulfilling projects or commitments. You become increasingly impatient, restless, or inert in procrastination because you just don’t wanna!
With such unwillingness to work toward goals, things don’t go as planned and you feel like there’s always more to do to the point of exhaustion and overwhelm. However, despite such delays and poor prognoses, there WILL be growth, just perhaps not as fast or impressive as you’d like.
This cranky mood indicates a fracture between body and spirit and slavery to an arbitrary list of “must do’s.” It’s beyond time to return to being of service to Spirit and Self. (Translation from woo-speak: Take a day or two off and ignore the “list.” Reconnect with your soul, have a cheat day on your diet, binge-watch your favorite series, or take a nap. The point is to cut yourself some slack, rest, and start again tomorrow.)
July 21, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands. Because of the lingering injury to my arm, I must admit to having let the housekeeping go… ({{{CRINGE!}}}). I finally gave in, hired a service, and asked for a deep clean. The results were very much less than I had hoped for and I called the company to follow up. I could have thrown an absolute fit and left a scathing review, but I chose to speak to the manager and make it a “learning” moment for the company and crew. With drama over, the sense of my Self was fortified for having had an experience in which I could prove my integrity by taking the high road.
And that’s the point of the Six of Wands: it signifies the manifestation of Ki/Chi/Qi, to align you with Nature, Earth, and Spirit and share illumination and brilliance while remaining grounded and kind.
While the company offered to send someone back to “fix the problem”, I declined and achieved victory due to my own skill. Following the successful completion of my quest for a clean house comes glory! I’ve earned a healthy boost in self-esteem due to feelings of aptitude and ability after working very hard.
July 20, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands, reversed. Maybe some of you’ve noticed I haven’t been posting a Card O’ the Day recently…I’ve been very far from my spiritual center and have been wallowing in a fit of crankiness after having yet another operation on my arm. The resulting pain and disability—while no means permanent nor truly gawd awful—pushed me into a royal self pity party that I’m only just finding my way out of. Therefore, today’s reversed Four of Wands is completely appropriate and reflects what I’ve been struggling with.
When upright, the Four is a very balanced and benevolent energy, but when reversed that energy can be a little (ahem, or a LOT) disconcerted, thus allowing inhibitions and insecurities to surface (Oh! Ask me how I know!). This might manifest as getting dissatisfied, disorganized, or there are delays to the completion of a project (yep). Anxiety over incompletion because of unreliability, imbalance, or unreadiness has you rushing the work to be done. Or you don’t do it at all and guilt trip yourself to death over what an incompetent slob you are.
What to do? If you can afford it, hire someone to do the thing you simply can’t bring yourself to do. Or bribe a friend to help you. Or set a date one week from today and ignore the thing until then. (The down side to that is you DO have to do it in a week.) In the end, give yourself permission to wallow, guilt free, for a bit because we all need to throw the occasional temper tantrum after a big disappointment. But then pull up your Big Kid pants and get on with life.
July 11, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Star. Trust in Self and learn to be hopeful that at some point you’ll break through blockages and have the fulfillment and clarity that you want and need. When you can trust Self to make it through all challenges, then you’re truly free.
The Star represents hope, trust, freedom from pain, a ritual of cleansing and self-healing, and love. She is the light of the Higher Self.
Under the guidance of this card, you’ll feel more awake and open to all the options of life. You’ll learned to accept responsibility for actions and make the necessary changes to get back on the correct and true path. Finally, you can see the infinite avenues available.
July 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: Temperance (again). Temperance is back, but the message is in an entirely different vein as it was the other day. It’s speaking of how to find life-long feelings of security and peace to compliment yesterday’s Queen of Pentacles and her financial independence.
The body aspect of this card is the inhaling lungs. (The body aspect of the Tarot’s Death card is exhaling lungs; you forget to breathe when you’re scared.) Temperance follows Death in the order of the Major Arcana and encourages you to breathe deeply to create a new sense of energy and life force. This will help your meditative Feng Shui wherein you commit to tranquility, balance, harmony, moderation, and patience in order to maintain a feeling of security. You’re reminded to find joy in small accomplishments along your way because the journey is the actual goal where you learn about yourself.
The stones associated with this card stepped forward so feel free to get a couple small pieces to meditate upon and/or tap into their frequencies. Sapphire is said to focus and calm the mind as it brings prosperity and attracts gifts. Topaz is also a stone of good fortune that’s supportive of affirmations and manifestations.
July 9, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles. In addition to all the nurturing aspects of the Queen of Pentacles, she also copes quite well in the material world. While representative of having material abundance, that doesn’t mean she's materialistic. This card is indicative of prosperity, wealth, luxury, and opulence, but also economic caution and thrift—this queen loves to hunt for and find a good bargain. Take care to look after finances, possessions, land, property, and conservation of nature, natural resources, and animals.
The appearance of this card indicates it’s time to safeguard or improve your standard of living, start a prolonged effort to guarantee material security, and become concerned about your own economic safety and material wellbeing. Therefore, you’re reminded to manage personal resources wisely and preserve things of value. Included in creative resource management is knowing when to weed out what’s no longer serving and to consider new directions to take for revitalized growth.
If you have no clue as how to plan for your financial future, make an appointment with a investment planner. Best money you’ll ever spend on yourself.
July 8, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups. When hopes have been overturned, plans go awry, and it seems nothing is going right, it may feel like you’re enduring a death-like ending when you’re hit with trouble or disturbances from unexpected sources. However, valuable lessons often come from such experiences if you’re willing to own your part in the circumstances. Failure or loss is more easily endured if it’s accepted as part of growth and change and you realize nothing is created without mistakes. Therefore, view the current unfortunate situation as a turn in the road that ultimately brings good.
While it’s very tempting to wallow in regret and melancholy over lost opportunities or departed serenity, it’ll only prevent you from making new and necessary starts. Continued denial of what’s passed or been lost translates into self-pity, self-blame, misery, and depression as you remain in the trench of “if only…” or stay on the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” train.
Focusing too much on losses or dwelling on what went “wrong” prevents you from seeing what remains and moving on with that or keeps you unavailable to appreciate any pleasures which do offer themselves at this moment. Therefore, shift attention from the past (loss) to the future (new gifts) and resist suffering for the sake of suffering.
July 7, 2023, Card O' the Day: Temperance. Sorry, folks, I try to keep my own energies separate from my cards when I do the Card O’ the Day but it looks like Temperance is a reminder for me today. I invite you to come along for the ride. For a bit of context, I’ll tell you I broke my arm rather badly last summer. The reparative process required plates to hold the bones of my forearm in place while it healed. Talented lass that I am, I managed to break the plate in my radius. This necessitated having that plate replaced last week. I feel as though my healing journey has been set back many months…. Which brings us to today’s lesson:
You may be managing, doing your PT, product testing, or making links and connections for facilitating a merger or combining resources to accomplish a particular purpose or goal (like, coming back from a broken arm). Changes and accommodations must be made as the big picture is more important than fine details. Keep the emphasis on balance: think “moderation” rather than “force” as you work with others (doctors and therapists) to create a unified whole. Consider the resulting stress as a creative challenge and errors as a blessing as one achieves success after elaborate maneuvers (LMAO!!!!!).
After all that effort, take heart and a deep breath, because the goal has not yet been reached (sh*t), although what’s required to continue is in sight. The appearance of this card is asking you to dig deep, find the energy for the final push, and acknowledges you’ve passed the first shadows in what you’re trying to master. Access hidden abilities and integrate the divergent aspects of Self as you connect divine wisdom to experiential knowledge through spiritual awakening and learning. Look back to see how far you’ve come, look around to enjoy the journey (insert eye roll), and understand the future will come when it damn well pleases.
July 6, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords, reversed. The deceptions found in the upright card are darker and more sinister in the reversed. Malicious gossip, calumny, conspiracy theories, aggressive ideas that could destroy the world, or other toxic knowledge are used for cynical purposes. But such dishonesty, betrayed confidences, cunning, and covert manipulation will be revealed. Fortunately, you’re too honest by nature to go along with such dubious deeds and you decide it’s time to come out into the open and call attention to the nefarious actions of others.
Good advice, instruction, observations, or public announcements regarding impending warnings or reprimands demonstrate to others you’re ready to listen and seek solutions for those problems. With the right attitude and putting energy into correcting any missteps, you’ll receive the help, support, and assistance needed.
Rather than working alone, you may join forces with others in an effort for more serious and meaningful social change. (Again, working with others for the greater good of all.)
June 29, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands, reversed. WHUT!?!? So, the Four is back, but reversed….
The Four of Wands is a very balanced and benevolent energy, but when reversed that energy can be a little disconcerted, thus allowing inhibitions and insecurities to surface. This might manifest as getting dissatisfied, disorganized, or there are delays to the completion of a project. Anxiety over incompletion because of unreliability, imbalance, or unreadiness has you rushing the work to be done. (Hmmm. Recall the reversed Wheel of fortune we had recently and it’s caution about letting negative thinking and poor attitudes seep in resulting in self-sabotage.)
The “community” aspect of this card can be disturbed when reversed. Somebody in the group may be ready to leave the fold to join a new community. That’s their choice and they’re not leaving in disgust but to further their own career and happiness. Wish them well and appreciate the blessing of having had them on the team. In the end, don’t be afraid to let down your guard and reveal feelings to others to resolve anything troublesome within the tribe.
June 28, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Wands, reversed. The already volatile energies of the upright Prince of Wands becomes completely unstable when reversed causing you to be foolhardy, charge ahead too fast, and indiscriminately scorch everything in sight. However, I feel the appearance of the reversed prince indicates you’re ready to rein in out of control fiery impulses and desires to make constructive use of them. All that energy can be effectively channeled if you try.
By stopping to enjoy the present, rather than perpetually focusing on future progress, you can see current small successes and appreciate them fully. This slower pace makes you more effective and allows for deeper experiences all around.
Review the reversed King of Wands from a four days ago. His message was similar in that tempering your aggressive energy and ceding control where you’re ineffective results in less waste and more focused efforts.
June 27, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands. On June 10th The Four of Wands appeared and it comes back to us today. If you recall, it encouraged you to join forces with others to be able to create something none of you could have done alone. Since then, we’ve received further persuasion to continue working with others despite the many pitfalls of blending ideas, egos, and abilities into what’s ultimately possible.
I’ll reiterate the key message from the previous post: [This card is] signifi[cant of] a heroic impulse that conquers fear and doubt and the courage and determination necessary to express the self. This card’s success comes from personal ability, driving ambition, and plans carefully laid and brought into being through great enthusiasm, strength, inspiration, intelligence, and self-assurance. It signifies particularly creative, balanced, and prosperous energy.
The cooperative and collaborative energy is still there, too: Upon the solid career/business foundation denoted by this card, you’re urged to consolidate personal ties and establish alliances with important contacts. A new direction is guided by passions and ideas to manifest in an external expression of success. Have confidence in the strong support system in place and take advantage any casual meetings to make more connections.
June 26, 2023: Card O' the Day: Temperance, reversed. When the card of balance and harmony is reversed, the most obvious definition is that something is out of balance, in conflict, or excessive and thereby creates stress. If your emotions are imbalanced and you’re overreacting, over compensating, lacking in compassion, or believing a situation has to be all or nothing (ahem…attitude?), such emotional turmoil could lead to quarrels, discord, and disagreements. When the harmony between different parts of Self or a group are disrupted, this could lead to lack of moderation, excess or deficiency, or disorder. You’re encouraged to calm down and avoid all extremes.
Alternatively, you may have an intuitive sense about the right combination of elements that are necessary to a situation, but are unable to put them into words or to convince others. Because of this, they may seem uncooperative and uncompromising, and that your interests and needs are competing or conflicting with everyone else’s. Such inability to effectively communicate may lead to discord, hostility, dissension within a group, or ugly competition between rivals.
On occasion, Temperance, reversed, may indicate you or members of your group are unwilling to discard something because there’s belief it may still be useful when it’s not. There’s danger present of failing to let old habits and fears die that must be allowed to leave. See the above paragraph about knowing what must happen but having trouble convincing others.
June 25, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Wheel of Fortune, reversed. The Wheel, reversed, is still a beneficial card, but its energy becomes unstable, and the unpredictability of outcomes increases. This could manifest in a superabundance of change with rapid growth, superfluity, expansion, and increases. It’s all happening too fast for any kind of planning and you may fear missing opportunities, have difficulty comprehending the inevitable sudden changes in life, or feel at the mercy of circumstances beyond your control.
You may be feeling anxious and ready for something new, but are blocked and stymied because a situation isn’t yet ripe and movement forward could be premature or reckless. Unfortunately, there is the necessity to move forward or risk stagnation or delayed changes that make circumstances even more precarious.
Mostly, the problem is with your attitude as negativity starts to creep in. Confusion, resistance to Fate, and an irresolute emotional core blocks vital action. Struggle against events is usually doomed, so stand firm, maintain courage and stamina, and learn from past rotations of The Wheel that nothing—good or bad—lasts forever.
June 24, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. Oh, well done! The reversed Fire King can be a total a**hole but on rare occasions, he can see the truth despite his ego.
It’s very difficult to recognize a lack of expertise and knowledge and relinquish control of a situation because your effective impact has been blocked, disturbed, or re-channeled, but the influence of this King is helping. If you’re feeling dissatisfied or uneasy about a situation, then continuing under those conditions is pointless as insignificant matters can become magnified or errors in judgment come to light that weaken your position further.
The reversal of this King indicates even without the loss of force, you can become tempered and more understanding. Bravo!
June 23, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Hermit, reversed. The Hermit, upright, indicates a desire for quiet alone time for reflection. Reversed means you don’t want to be alone. The appearance of this card is declaring the time has come to become more active and involved with others and enjoy the benefits of being more social.
The reversed Hermit is reiterating the need to be working with others to create something rather than trying to do it on your own. While you may have dreamed of accomplishing your plans by yourself, the cards of late suggest there’s power in numbers. After all, when you all succeed, you have each other to celebrate with! If you all stumble, there’s someone there to commiserate with you and lean on as you regroup and try again.
June 22, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles. All things are possible in this place of fertile energies and balanced power as unexpected gains of wealth and success in the material world come from concentration and focused labors. Through this unswerving self-discipline for long, hard work and the drive towards a goal with strength of character not to be deterred, you and your group can expect slow and steady success against strong odds and opposition. Receive this hard won material energy and enjoy it through a well-managed economy.
In addition to flowing material energy, this card represents the practical application of resources and energies to your dreams and the ability to have ready solutions to any problems before they arise. Understand that clarity in communication is essential, live by the motto “time is money”, establish a well-organized procedure to achieve your goals, and use caution with regard to speculation and other financial risks.
June 21, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups. So, our hidden fears and insecurities were brought to light with the reversed Emperor, but the Prince of Cups has come to our rescue! He offers the gift of absolute trust in moving on to the next thing without any reservations. His appearance is an invitation to challenges or initiatives to be taken on with strength and will.
People influenced by the Water Prince are great with people; have a subtle, sparkling, diplomatic wit; and are wonderful friends. You may take the role of helping others to promote harmony, compliance, or an accord (see group efforts a la the Four of Wands and Two of Cups). Such meaningful “socializing” could actually be valuable networking, and therefore you’re encouraged to participate and listen to the ideas and opinions of others when they’re presented.
Up to now, said “group efforts” haven’t been defined and could be in any field. This Prince suggests you could be participating in music, dance, poetry, film, fantasy entertainment, or other artistic and creative activities. The Water Prince is also a great healer and protector and thus may signify involvement in counseling, catering to the needs of others, missionary work or other humanitarian undertakings, and/or varied spiritual and devotional practices.
June 19, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Emperor, reversed. This card indicates you may feel overburdened, overwhelmed, and insecure, which then prevents you from asserting control, you might vacillate over a decision, have difficulty exerting authority, can’t enforce rules or bring structure to a situation, or back away from a challenge. It’s also indicative of undermined confidence, lack of self-worth or strength, ineffectiveness, or immaturity. The reversed Emperor can be the personification of a weak-willed, lily-livered, submissive, unmanly coward, or one’s false pride.
Actually, that may be overstating things a bit…I think it’s more like the big “thumbs up” we got from the Four of Wands and Two of Cups is just a bit daunting. All this apparent weakness really stems from a loss of direction. Therefore, don’t take on any more responsibility at this time because a possible loss of control may occur. BUT ALSO, remember the Four and the Two bring collaborative energy…you’re not alone! Ask your teammates for help and reassurance.
June 18, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Cups. It would seem the Four of Wands’ energy of the last card continues with the Two of Cups. Today’s card emphasizes cooperation, teamwork, partnership, and sharing of gifts to create a whole. We can expect congenial, satisfying, and agreeable partnerships in business, friendship, or social situations that bring comfort and security.
When respectful give and take occurs with others, the parties enjoy a strong connection of reciprocal respect, complementarity, comprehension, and mutual benefit as each gains equally from the exchange. Each wants to give to the other so there are no insecurity-inducing games or excuses. By uniting separate qualities and abilities, both parties have something to offer that’s different but equal in value. They're then able to produce something beyond what either could’ve done alone. Any situation where there’s a meeting of the minds, hearts, and souls creates a fertile working relationship and close and fruitful friendships.
The essence of true friends who are mature, natural, and easy with each other mean there’s no urgency about the connection, no neediness, and no desire to change the other into something else. This influence of mutual love is a fundamental motivator for cooperation with others about choices, options, pledges of mutual agreement, innovative ideas, or seeing eye-to-eye on a collaborative venture. There’s a strong bond of trust, dependability and goodwill, and the good communication that parts of a whole enjoy as minds and hearts with the same intent are able to combine ideas and plans.
June 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands.
June 9, 2023: Card O' the Day: Death, reversed. When Death appears upright, it indicates unavoidable, inevitable change and not that somebody is going to die. When it’s reversed, it indicates a great struggle with, resistance to, or worry and distress about said change. However, by delaying, avoiding, or refusing to accept the ending of something and engaging in self delusion, you only prolong pain, distress, or other strong emotions and prevent necessary new growth. You might also experience inertia, excess sleep, depression, lethargy, stagnation, or constipation. You won’t be able to solve anything unless you’re willing to initiate the process of recouping what can be and letting go of the rest.
On the other hand, you might be emerging from the “dead” and are coming out of a period of sadness as death/rebirth becomes necessary and not merely a possibility. Something once thought to be over may show new life or what was considered “dead” could resurge or reemerge. While change is indeed coming, the reversed card indicates it’s not yet time or you’re blocked, thus giving you time to plan ahead and removed obstacles. (The “not just yet” energy continues….)
June 8, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords. Under the influence of the impatient, impetuous, and headstrong Prince of Swords (coupled with the recent Wands energy), you may charge ahead without clear intent, not look where you’re going, and speed towards a goal or go for the quick fix. New ideas, relationships, or interests can suddenly supplant what was there before without thought for the ensuing disruption as you abandon current responsibilities for the next adventure or vision. You’re called to measure everything critically, think, analyze, and use discernment.
Therefore, we’re reminded to ground ideas in reality and be responsible for what’s created because the Sword Prince represents the struggle to sustain the plodding grunt work some projects require. Use subtlety in endeavors to grasp opportunities with the help of sharp vision, controlled momentum, and precise timing (recall the reversed Ace of Wands). Maintain vigilance while proceeding with a plan, and don’t allow impulsiveness to revolt against ideological compliance. Lastly, consider carefully whether you’re willing to see a project through to its end, otherwise time and resources will be wasted.
June 7, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. Even when reversed, the Ace of Wands indicates new beginnings are afoot and you’re ready, desiring, and yearning for change. However, the right opportunity has yet to come, a situation may be premature, or you’re not energized or prepared enough to move forward. (Check to be sure you don’t already have too much on your plate to start yet another thing.) You’d do well to reconsider plans and goals or set something aside for the time being because impatience is not the answer.
This might cause you frustration, doubt, hesitation, or a feeling of powerlessness, which leaves you reluctant to take on more work. Conversely, if you’re overly enthused, stimulated, or impulsive, it could lead to rash decisions or false starts. Such disordered energy can cause career delays, postponed decisions, or compromised situations unless steps are taken to readjust the governing energies.
June 6, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands. Honor the conscious mind and unconscious soul, which are working in harmony and giving you clear direction for the future. Through self-examination, you’ll see beneath the surface lies and deceptions (including oyour own). Once you’re confident with plans, it’ll still be essential to maintain control. Scrutinize outside proposals offered and securely oversee projects and interests. Moderation and negotiation can put things in order and into a state of readiness with your determination to succeed. The resulting mature, advanced wisdom could possibly indicate stepping into a guardianship or leadership role.
Training, development, and discipline result in moral and spiritual character and courage in the convictions that’ll aid in handling any hardships. Caution, judgment, and wisdom suggest the need for careful assessment, reevaluation, and attentive pruning to determine whether walls are blocking the good as well as the bad.
Have faith, pay heed, protect yourself, and persevere, because you’ll come out on the other side both internally and externally accomplished. Fulfillment, inspiration, and purpose are just ahead so keep going!
May 28, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Magician. Recently, we’ve had a lot of Pentacles and have been urged to find the spiritual aspects contained in the material world. We’ve also been advised to get our ducks in a row and try to focus energies and thoughts. Apparently, The Magician has been at work this whole time.
As the director of the quest for “Self”, this card is the basis of “me”, “myself”, and “I” as you learn to contact the Life Force, find the hidden parts of yourself, and come to understand them to create your best life. The Magician helps us with self-knowledge, direction, conscious awareness, concentration, unity of thought and emotion, and the transformation that comes with all that juicy information. He represents our own gut-level “knowing” that helps us discern what’s really important—which isn’t necessarily what you think is important. Once you drop useless burdens and reminders of the past, fear of the future, and are absolutely present in the moment, you’ll find the concept of “home” as a quality of inner acceptance and relaxation rather than a place.
Making life choices in harmony with your deepest will shall bring an awareness of personal power and Spirit. This card is indicative of beginnings with very strong forward motion so it’s a good time to organize your thoughts and put a sense of determination and order into any plans. You’re urged to act now and not procrastinate as you have the option of going beyond possibility and moving into the reality of deeds and necessary choices or decisions.
May 25, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Empress. Representative of physical care and nurturing of the Self and others through love, acceptance, and forgiveness, this card encourages us to go back to basics by eating right, sleeping more, and enjoy life. Take family time, relax, and allow Earth’s energy to heal and balance life’s chaos. (Go hug a tree, run barefoot in your backyard, and/or hike a bit!) All things in nature are interconnected and Earth always supports the evolution of the soul.
The appearance of the Empress expresses our desire to protect and defend those who are important to us, show kindness to those less fortunate, learn to be emotionally available, and look to where we may be of assistance. All this can start with absorbing negativity and transmuting it for the good of the whole through your own Divine Light.
May 24, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Star, reversed. When upright, The Star asks you to get in touch with your inner guiding light, emotions, and sense of Self in order to understand how the outside world affects your psyche. Once reversed, you indeed recognize how the outside influences have injured you and so you react by holding back, have difficulty opening up emotionally, hide feelings, or turn away from offered calm and hope.
Bottling up emotions and closing yourself off can lead to skepticism or disbelief about the good in the world. Uncertain and thinking you lack talent, grace, or beauty, you deny your true gifts. Furthermore, self-esteem sinks and you’re unable to see yourself as a star.
This card indicates a loss of touch with sources of inspiration and that the imagination has dried up. Your clarity of vision is lacking, thereby making decisions scattered, unfocused, or delayed. Which then puts you in danger of allowing opportunities to pass out of inertia or lack of self-worth.
May 19, 2023: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles, reversed. Lately, we’ve had a bunch of Pentacles in a row that ask you to reconnect with Spirit and your spiritual self as you reevaluate what you truly NEED to keep your skin suit safe and fed while you figure out what happiness means to you. But when you ignore all that and just pursue money and stuff, you risk the dangers of the reversed Eight of Pentacles.
Lack of a sense of spiritual purpose leads to meaningless, dead-end jobs or unsatisfying work that calls for no skill, personal involvement, or pride. It’s only redeeming value is the paycheck. In this atmosphere of spiritual lack, bills begin to weigh heavily, worry sets in, and you run up credit cards for retail therapy.
The good news is this card can indicate you’ve considered, or are engaged in, treatment to examine and work through old patterns that keep you stuck on the material treadmill. The mere act of reaching out to talk to a professional about any career dissatisfaction indicates your psyche recognizes you aren’t happy and are looking for answers on how to become so. I highly encourage this search because life is too short to stay stuck running after money and never achieving happiness.
May 18, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles. In addition to all things material, Pentacles represent the spiritualization of the material world. The suit’s Prince offers a bridge to higher dimensions and freedom, safety while traversing space and time, and going beyond matter into creativity. In making something new or finding a new purpose beyond material considerations, you can achieve a higher state of awareness that opens new horizons.
The Prince of Pentacles represents being self-contained and free of attachments, letting go of expectations about self and others, and acceptance of what “is” and being okay with it. He has no need to hurry or seek shelter elsewhere because he recognizes he’s already “home” as he rests in the fullness of who he is.
His appearance today encourages you to make space for a new quality of stillness, take responsibility for any illusions you may be carrying about yourself, and, at the deepest core, remain at ease and centered. Don’t lose sight of the source and meaning of your strength of understanding abstract or metaphysical concepts that allow you to stay centered and connected to the material world while the mind and thoughts are free to roam.
May 17, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles, reversed. When the Four of pentacles is reversed, material slavishness is relinquished as you release earth energies, become more generous, and risk change. You let go of the need for absolute power, responsibilities that have been all-consuming, or strip away protections to express your true feelings.
It is time to reconsider what's really needed to feel secure. I’ll bet you’d be surprised at how much you can let go of and still have an abundant life. And I’m not talking just material wealth. Reconsider the need for control by being the chair of every committee in town, status by having the latest in fashion or electronics, or complete authority at work and at home.
No, you don’t have to let go of dreams and ambitions. You can still work towards becoming partner at your firm, getting a plumb promotion, or retiring early. What I’m suggesting is that you place less importance on material goals and spend more time gently being you. That’s truly enough!
May 16, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Because the suit of Pentacles represents the spiritualization of matter and sevens are imbued with serious magic, when the Seven of Pentacles is reversed, it brings out the worst in both symbols. This reversed card indicates a fracture between body and spirit and slavery to economic voraciousness (meaning: greed for “stuff”). Destruction of the environment, drug cartels, and Big Pharma are a few examples of rampant scorn of Spirit and the overvaluation of material life on a global scale. It’s beyond time to return to work in being of service to Mother Earth.
You may think you, personally, can’t really make a difference but you can. Join volunteer groups that periodically clean up trash from roadsides. RECYCLE!!!! Not only household goods but used paint cans, tires, old solvents, etc. at the appropriate places. (Look for the “special recycle events” in your local newspaper.) Vote for green environmental legislation. Save water in drought stricken areas. If everyone does a little, collectively it becomes a lot
May 14, 2023: Card O' the Day: Princess of Pentacles, reversed. Today is my birthday so I asked Universe what I could draw for my coming year AND that which I could share with all of you. (Reminder: It’s also Mother’s day; call your moms.)
This card invites you to turn away from material matters and shift focus to the spiritual and ephemeral thereby giving your own inner sight more importance. You might do that through learning scrying, crystal gazing, how to use Ouija boards, or other esoteric studies. If you’re shy about this new passion, you may indulge it quietly by yourself. In any case, there’s a declaration of independence from trivial fixations to seek and find a new world of perception.
Now, the messages typically heralded by the appearance of the reversed Earth Princess include cancellation of plans or bad news, which actually would then allow relaxation after a difficult task has been completed! Nap time!!!!
May 12, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords. Oh THANK you, Universe. I was getting worried about our recent trend of demanding autocrats, divided loyalties among people who should be working together, and power struggles. The Four of Swords signifies calm, order, and the experience of things coming back to center to integrate and create a state of tolerance and serenity.
When you have the the intellectual maturity to know when vulnerability and surrender are more productive than argument and debate, you’re able to mindfully respond to the world rather than being governed by reaction. Take a step back from any conflicts to reassess the situation from a place of equanimity rather than the heat of contention.
With steady fearlessness, remove outside influential energy by working on breaking the ties that connect you—emotionally—to toxic people. Meaning, if your job depends on working with toxic people, CARING less about what they think of you will make their shenanigans less painful. Ditto with regard to people you must have in your life. For those you DON’T have to have in your life, dump ‘em.
May 11, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant, reversed. Whereas The Emperor is a leader of Earthly endeavors, The Hierophant is the leader of spiritual and cultural norms of civilizations. Think religious superiors, town managers, educational figureheads. But, of course, all such people are mere humans and when reversed, The Hierophant’s energy can go awry just as The Emperor’s. It would seem our trend of being challenged to swim against the tide continues.
This reversed card indicates someone with more power than you is being too rigid, dogmatic, or is clinging to outdated ideas or inappropriate principles. By clinging to unproved or improvable tenets with sheer blind faith, it shows ruts in thinking and rusty intellectual habits. You may be judging yourself harshly or are allowing others to judge and are accepting their censure or negative viewpoint. Beware of being dominated and manipulated.
Sometimes people are not the oppressors but circumstances or ideas create the prison. A path to a new venture, which looks exciting, might prove to be limited and restrictive and you’re cautioned not to get locked into a commitment. Listen to the whole story before making a decision because extra time and concentration is needed. This card may represent the concepts of hypocrisy, fanaticism, false knowledge, mistaken beliefs that interfere with the resolution of an issue, or rigid religious or spiritual dogma that stifles development and learning.
May 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Emperor, reversed. The Emperor, reversed, represents the autocratic, self-righteous tyranny of a not-so-benevolent “dictator” in your life who’s oppressive, totally self-centered, overly critical, and/or competitive. The boss/authority/team leader figure represented by this card leaves no room for alternate opinions. Expect from this person betrayed trust, abdication of support, inability to protect those they should, or not standing for important principles.
All the negative characteristics of power are present in this card and someone is misusing their superior position or intellectual strength to dominate others. Regardless of who or what is abusing power given, expect degeneration of the current circumstances.
You’re being faced with making a harsh decision and are struggling to carry it through (yesterday’s Two of Swords, reversed).
May 9, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords, reversed. We seem to be picking up right where the Two of Wands left off…
There’s been an uneasy balance of power, which you’ve been resisting, contained in the group dynamic of late. When this Two is reversed, you break the status quo, take action to end complacency and superficial accord, and tear off the blindfold to look at disturbing issues that require decisions. During the ensuing kerfuffle, deeper truths will be revealed as you open your eyes to reality. You might discover you’ve been living a lie, but at least now you can get on with seeing the truth and begin the process of authentic communication.
Loyalties within the group will become divided (some will want to keep the “same old, same old” just so they don’t have to change). This can result, intentionally or not, in lies, deception, treachery, superficiality, or misrepresentation among false “friends.” If disagreeable opposites are confined too rigidly without integration, those opposites become irreconcilable. The ensuing indecision and frustrated efforts may force you to take sides. To ensure you don’t pick the losing team, act only when fully satisfied with the facts and keep moving forward to put space between this energy and yourself.
May 4, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands. The number 2 suggests a conflict; the suit of Wands signifies fiery action and determination. You actually have the power to resolve this conflict through a new approach or well-timed, bold move. The necessary vitality and inspiration is present to find novel solutions around obstacles and you have ample inner resources to make wise, informed decisions. (See the recent Queen and Prince of Swords.) Doing nothing isn’t an option.
Unfortunately, an accumulation of desire has caused rivalry and opposing forces to arise thus creating the conflict. Someone may be trying to intimidate or influence others or cause confrontation in your work. Because this card indicates a collaboration, partnership, cooperation, alliance of forces, connection, or balance of power, one must use tact and be prepared to be open to discussion and negotiations (much like yesterday’s Three of Pentacles). Flexibility will bring the most promising results.
If there is any uncertainty when deciding about the next project, it’ll be cleared by careful deliberation, strategic planning, and evaluation. Gather important details regarding any agreements or transactions to establish your position now that can be expanded later. Look at several alternatives, pause, consult instincts, and consider all options before making the choice
May 3, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles, reversed. In the midst of all the soul-searching and mental gymnastics of the past few days, we’re also suffering job-related problems such as criticism, interviews and presentations going poorly, trouble with coworkers or superiors, plans and diagrams that contain mistakes, or having insufficient data or information. But because we ARE currently exploring within, we’re more likely to discover what, exactly, is unsatisfying in out lives.
Under the Queen of Sword’s nit-picky influence you may be polite to the point of abasement and approach all work with fussy meticulousness and intricacy in an effort to show off your superlative work ethic or brilliant ideas. However, due to a conflict between those who should be working together, you’re acting alone and feel unseen or unnoticed. Inexperienced or inefficient management means you’re asked to do the impossible, something dishonest, or hazardous or has you constantly looking over your shoulder.
Consider the intangible value of your livelihood and whether you’re doing what you love. Is it time to dust off your resume?
May 2, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords. The Queen of Swords combines an ability to focus the mind with a powerful intellect capable of useful and effective ideas that are rational, astute, and scientifically sound. Personal strength, freedom, and independence of thought give you the feeling you can change the world as new concepts take form and plans begin developing. Fortunately, you’re capable of expressing yourself clearly and defending those plans with great stubbornness and conviction of beliefs.
The Queen’s (as well as the King of Cups’) influence allows us to temper honesty with wit, the ability to understand others’ emotions, and insight gained by courageously learning from one’s own painful experiences. But the incredibly high ideals inherent in this card are often used as a defense against being human and vulnerable to hurt. However, we have an immense capacity to bear sorrow without breaking! Through experiencing pain and facing it with courage, acceptance, and honesty, you’ll find the connection between sorrow and wisdom.
May 1, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Cups. This card calls you to see clearly, assess honestly, know yourself, and claim authority. It champions self-exploration and encourages all to learn everything about themselves. So, while diving deep into your own emotional realm, stay present, maintain a no-nonsense approach to sentiments, strive to remain steady amidst natural waves of emotion, and keep an open mind in all things along the way.
Similar to the King of Wands, this card represents responsibility or commitments to society and leadership as the “maintainer of society.” Unlike the Fire King, the Water King places human relationships and love above all else and understands there’s no greater wisdom than kindness. His appearance today is encouraging us to accept people for who they are, take a mature and committed approach to relationships, and feel warmth and affection for others simply because they’re fellow humans.
The King is seen as a source of excellent advice and wise counsel. Therefore, receiving this card indicates you have the opportunity to act in a dependable, sensitive, loving, and compassionate way, or serving as a genial host, good friend, and confidant to others. You’ll anticipate and satisfy the needs of others, be a source of comfort, and give back what you receive
April 30, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords. This card is indicative of revolutionizing energies, quicksilver ideas, sudden shifts in perspective, rapid thoughts, quick answers, brisk insightful commentary, and a penetrating wit with clarity that cuts to the chase. Therefore, prepare for “a-HA!” moments that blow up your world. This card represents the very essence of the mind cleansed of all parasitical concepts that weigh you down and prevent you from going beyond mere thought.
But under the influence of the impatient, impetuous, and headstrong Prince of Swords, one tends to charge ahead without clear intent, not look where one is going, and speed towards a goal or go for the quick fix. Therefore, you’re called to measure everything critically, think, analyze, and use discernment because health wise, the Prince signifies a proclivity to accidents and wounds—especially to the arms and legs and where speed is involved.
April 28, 2023: Card O' the Day: Justice, reversed. Upright, Justice represents equilibrium or balance. However, when reversed, it can indicate internal struggles with a divided self or faithlessness in yourself as you navigate a difficult circumstance. This may result in indecision and inaction because of over-reliance on rationality or facts or ignoring them altogether. Sometimes we get stuck for fear of mishandling a situation but further delay would only hinder it more.
Often people who have a run of perceived misfortunes will develop the attitude that “life’s unfair and I’m always the underdog.” This displays an unwillingness to see the meaning of events, dishonesty with self and others, and missing an opportunity for a greater understanding of life and it’s Cosmic Lessons.
Therefore, skip the pity party and ask for advice. Your own brain seems a bit muddled and you’re reacting with what your emotions dictate.
April 27, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Moon. The appearance of this card can indicate a difficult emotional or psychological process ahead. Lack of clarity, hampered vision, loss of control and feeling adrift, disconnection between emotion and understanding, or the interference of the unconscious results. But like the Moon, your life goes through phases and cycles, and such unsettling experiences will come to a natural end.
Much like The Hermit, The Moon signifies a time of passivity rather than action, turning away from outer concerns to become more introspective and reflective, and a period of withdrawal. Use the moment to rest, recuperate, and regenerate through awareness of the body’s needs.
Spiritually speaking, under the Moon’s influence we’re asked to take a leap of faith into the void of unfulfilled dreams. Surrender and trust; you’re stronger than you realize.
April 26, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant, reversed. The Hierophant, upright, is indicative of societal rules, but when reversed, you’re ready to question conventional mores, disobey rules, and/or reject religious training. You might be bucking traditional “authority”, choosing your own standards, and going your own way rather than just accepting the dictates of the “powers that be” (especially if the those “powers” are like yesterday’s reversed Sword King!).
Rather than rebelling from someone or a situation, it could be your sense of creativity and inspiration is being unleashed and recognized. Such freedom and expression of original ideas shouldn’t be limited, and you’re encouraged to do your own thing, be your own person, and allow the restrictions to melt away (as in, “what would the neighbors say if you did..?”). Revel in this personal sense of the avant garde because when it’s within the bounds of laws and ethics, prosperity results.
April 25, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Swords, reversed. Just when we get a card encouraging us to be a little softer and nicer, our egos freak the eff out and scramble to protect us. Just look where that’ll get us if we go there:
The reversed Sword King will take “his” version of order and discipline to extremes with excessive rationality and methodicalness. (Nit pick, much?) When energies are restricted with all this micromanaging, it could lead to limited choices and feelings of helplessness because you’re so mired in place with minutia. The normally strong mind and voice of the King can manifest, when reversed, in not being able to clearly and concisely assert beliefs or express feelings. You might be sharp in some areas and totally oblivious in others or completely lack any intellectual ability. Faulty thinking can lead you to accept prejudice as fact.
Worst of all, when your ego is in the way, getting any power or authority under your wings will lead to temptation, corruption, or trying to avoid consequences for actions.
April 24, 2023: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups. So our recent cards have represented the need to reach out to others with love, compassion, or in the spirit of collaboration. The Tower appeared a couple times to kick you towards changing your mind about how you relate to your fellow beings.
The Princess, as a romantic dreamer who tends to idealize relationships and likes to bring joy and pleasure, promote harmony, good feelings, and friendship with everyone she meets, is here to lead the way. Significant of the fantasies and expectations of love and intimacy, the appearance of this card may represent a longing for romance or openness to any type of relationship at this time. This discovery of emotions both tempts and terrifies and leaves you caught between the the desire to give all and live fully and the fear and anticipation of refusal or hurt. In the eagerness to avoid conflict or unpleasantness, the chance of running away is great.
Self love has also been on our agenda. Therefore, it might be time to take a breather to renew yourself, listen to your heart, and discover your worthiness of being loved. Following a little self-care, you’ll be more energized, inspired, refreshed physically and spiritually, and have the inner confidence to serve those in need. Remember to take time to enjoy simple pleasures in life, and enjoy being human. Create your own situation of happiness, loving relationships, and success.
April 23, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Tower, reversed. We received The Tower a couple days ago and today’s reversal indicates it can lessen the degree and impact of the upright meanings OR increase them! Swell…. Even reversed, receiving this card is always a divine kick in the butt and it’s pointless to try to stop the inevitable transformation that’s already begun.
Some of you are unwilling to heed warning signs, prefer to cling to established structures and the status quo, or believe the needed change is unnecessary. But crisis and true catastrophe come if the energy of The Tower and its inevitable and obvious changes are resisted. Without forward motion and the required change, you can expect continued oppression or entrapment in old ways or habits.
The stagnation inherent in the reversed Tower may be on the psycho-emotional plane rather than the physical. In that case, you’d tend to deny responsibility for, or knowledge of, any tensions with others; turn a blind eye to oppression; refuse to accept a shocking discovery; or insist there are no problems through ignoring reality and self-deception even though life is crumbling before your very eyes. Y’all reeeeaaaalllly need to allow the full release The Tower promises!
April 22, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords, reversed. The mental energies of the upright Swords is being stymied in the reversed card thereby making one resistant to new perspectives, stuck mentally, and clinging to prejudices for the security of the “known.”
This tells me some of you’re shying away from the “union” concept because you’ve been burned in the past by a lover or partner (back to the recent Cups and the residual emotions thereof). However, being resistant to anyone new or new collaborations smack of holding a grudge…not against a specific person but against the IDEA of joining with another.
But by perceiving everything subjectively from within, with no external verification of the facts, it’s easy to stick to what’s true in YOUR mind and ignore energy shifts that result in entirely different circumstances. In truth, all this stems from a lack of self-confidence and only makes your journey that much harder and emotionally difficult. Refuse to give in to the negative thoughts and release the past to begin again.
April 21, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands. Again, the number 2 suggests a conflict, decision, or union. The suit of Wands signifies fiery action and determination. And while this energy is still passive and contained, it’s nevertheless quite intense and in need of direction. Since yesterday’s Two of Cups suggested the “2” energy was leaning towards unions, I want to stay with the union idea rather than get caught up in conflict or decisions.
Regardless of the reason for the union, opposites come together with a shared passion as one mirrors another to allow both to channel efforts in a common direction. The suggested union could be a meaningful but short-lived connection with someone or a strong and equal creative partnership. Perhaps you develop a union with your higher Self (as represented in the Two of Cups) and grow more loving to yourself and more self-contained, which results in the ability to work more easily with others.
At this time, you have ambition combined with talent and determination and enough power, influence, control, and dominion over resources to do anything you want in the world. What’s desired is defined, and action has begun as passions unite with gestational creative potential to manifest concrete results. As mental cloudiness and confusion disperses, you’re fortified and validated in ideas and encouraged to be fearless in decisions.
April 20, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Cups. The energy of the 2 creates the possibilities of conflict, decision, or union. However, the suit of Cups means those dynamics are explored within relationships with Self or others. By learning to let love from others into your life and to allow that intimacy to heal, uplift, and open your heart, you actually learn to love Self. Having received this card, Universe is reassuring us we’re now ready to follow impulses to reach out to others who’re different from ourselves to explore how they can add to our lives what’s otherwise missing.
When respectful give and take occurs with others, each enjoys a strong connection of reciprocal respect, attraction, affection, complementarity, comprehension, and mutual benefit as each gains equally from the exchange. By uniting separate qualities and abilities through love, both parties have something to offer that’s different but equal in value. They’re then able to produce something beyond what either could have done alone.
April 19, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Tower. If you’re not willing to move on voluntarily, the The Tower is here to kick your ass into gear and maybe do it FOR you. But trust me, you’d really rather do it on your own terms…. Each of the major Arcana have three levels of impact; the following are those of The Tower:
Physical—represents the breakdown of physical health and personal wellbeing. View this not as a failure but as a reconstruction. Sometimes death energy needs to be forcefully removed. This is a hard transition; take it slowly but nevertheless, DO it.
Emotional—deep emotional breakdown and loss. It is time to admit to a certain amount of failure. You may feel lost in despair, depressed, and down. This is okay; just let it all out. Once the suppressed pain and emotion is released, you’ll see a way out of this mess but you don’t need to have it all figured out with all the answers right this minute.
Spiritual—one’s spirit seems broken. Disillusionment is the key teaching point of this card. Let go of old pictures of the Self and look at the ugly, yet divine, True Self. Do you have the guts to find your true path and come to love the True Self?
With the world swept clean, you can rebuild upon truth without false consciousness and depression.
April 18, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups, reversed. Limits, barriers, or boundaries have been set on emotional, psychic, mystical, intuitive, or dream-time experiences because you don’t believe them trustworthy or have lost faith in them. Meaning, you’re in denial about your feelings or the messages Universe is trying to send.
Preoccupation with your past emotions about unfortunate events can leave you feeling adrift and unable to focus or commit to any one direction or goal. These unpleasant memories of old disappointments make you resistant to new ideas or relationships.
Clinging to these old sentiments or melancholy leaves you unable to shake off deeply held grudges or with a neediness that smothers anyone who comes near. When being so unwelcoming to change and unwilling to let go of past emotional pain, you risk delays and loss of forward motion.
TLDR: What’s done is done. Move on.
April 12, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords. Okay…second queen…what’s up with the queens? Queens wield a formidable behind-the-scenes influence and power. Tread lightly, however, because they can be manipulative and smothering (thus the need to master queen energy lest you become an asshole). Their suit will give you a hint at the area of opportunity that must be tended. In today’s case, we’re looking at intellectual energy and rationality. Representative of a thinking, decision making function, Swords asks “why?” or “what is reality?”
The Queen of Swords combines an ability to focus the mind with a powerful mind capable of useful and effective ideas that are rational, astute, and scientifically sound. Therefore, now is the time for you share opinions and perspectives. Personal strength, freedom, and independence of thought give you the feeling you can change the world as new concepts take form and plans begin developing.
However, this card is also indicative of being in a situation of uneven power. Therefore, this card’s appearance may indicate you’re trying to present your brilliant ideas to rather closed minded higher-ups. Therefore, knowing how it feels to be in a lesser position, you’re encouraged to be dead sure of the viability of your plans and be WELL prepared to be tested and questioned. (Go back to the Four of Swords for this one; April 10th)
April 11, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands (again). I think the Queen of Wands has shown up again today to offer a couple more caveats regarding her powerful influence. It’s not that you’re meant to be “less”, just be careful with this energy; it can easily overwhelm you and everything you do.
The Queen of Wands denotes strength of character, a likable person who gets along well with others, and someone who’s interested in spiritual growth, philanthropic works, and inspirational philosophies. Analytical and self-motivated, such persons governed by the Queen hold themselves to the highest ethical and professional standards. However, there’s a tendency for perfectionism and dogged determination so be sure to be mindful of when to take a break and draw personal boundaries carefully.
Go ahead and stir passions and assert your enterprising spirit to inspire whatever you do! But MASTER your personal boldness, courage, and power. (Read: train and harness those qualities very well lest they become obnoxious.)
April 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords. The changing, eclectic, and highly charged positive energies right now haven’t yet solidified and you might be suffering too much “what if” activity in your mind. Resist the urge to become attached or committed to anything at this moment and hold off until more information is gathered.
Fortunately, the Four of Swords advises contemplation before action and quiet preparation because it’s through centered stillness that you can best prepare to manifest your projects. Quiet the mind for reflection, perspective, and contemplation of the world. You already have the inner knowledge to solve any problems so pay attention as it’s revealed through intuition, visions, and dreams. Balanced and useful introspection involves contemplation, a safe foundation of solidly positioned thought, a practical mind capable of acting usefully upon reality, and an intellect that’s organized and stable.
April 7, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. When the Queen of Wands appears, it signifies things “coming together” and you’re encouraged to let the abundance within overflow! With a deep inner conviction that things will turn out okay, the Queen supports intuitive faith in your own abilities and limits.
It’s perfectly okay to know what you want and how to get it and this card provides a gentle force that allows changes to proceed with the least disruption. However, always use this ambition and passion inventively while offering courteous understanding to others. Be careful of holding grudges or undermining the plans of colleagues. (The Queen of Wands can be kinda pushy.)
Receiving this card may signify hosting or attending a party, social gathering, business opportunity, chairing a committee, overseeing a big project, volunteering, or engaging in charitable work. Regardless of the form such connecting takes, it’s an opportunity to share joy, love, laughter, and feeling more blessed and full because of it.
April 6, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles. Today is the anniversary of my father’s death. I asked him to step in a choose our card for the dad.
This card encourages you to seek the divinity present within the Self and acknowledge the beauty of your inner child. See yourself as perfect without guilt, shame, judgment, or disappointment. The wild and vibrant Universe exists in the center of all that’s ordinary and you’re blessed to be experiencing it. (* All references to “family” below don’t necessarily mean blood relatives. You have the power to create your own “family” with whomever you choose.)
The Ten of Pentacles signals harmony and the growth of spirit that comes from deep sharing and communication between family and friends so that many enjoy the abundance of a good life instead of just a few. Your labors have provided for a good harvest, which allows you to be generous with wealth and establish a comfortable position and home in the world. Therefore, you’re able to meet responsibilities, loyalties, or the need to care for an elderly parent and provide a stable, secure, and supportive environment that offers emotional and financial security.
The appearance of this card indicates it’s time to become more aware of the familial environment, to devote time to celebrating or resolving the past, tracing the family tree or examining archives, or attending a reunion as all matters involving your clan, friends, community, domestic affairs, and relationships become important. Traditions, convention, values, stories, wisdom, and knowledge handed down creates a heritage in the sense of family/tribal continuity and represents subtle forces that prevent the everyday world from devolving into chaos.
April 5, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ten of Wands, reversed. The reversed Ten of Wands is giving us two roads to follow. It’s your choice how you want to handle it.
The most obvious interpretation of this card is that you lay down your burdens, walk away from difficulties, get relief from the pressure, and generally get out from under oppressive situations. Sometimes this involves getting help or asking others to take a greater role. Once you realize you can use energies for a better purpose, it opens a clear path to a new start or lease on life.
Conversely, your actions could enhance your burdens in weight and number to the point you can’t maintain footing physically or emotionally and you become trapped in obstacles, difficulties, inconvenience, petty squabbling, or complaints. Oppressive feelings of despair, hopelessness, bitterness, loss of energy, or failure keep you preoccupied with self-interest, indecision, and doubt leading to lack of faith in your path.
April 4, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. With the reversed Seven of Wands, you’re ready to overcome fears and objections and participate in negotiations to gain favor or popularity (Ooo, your Sun’s nerviness is stepping forward but Virgo is saving you from being too pushy).
Defenses, walls, and barriers between yourself and others come down as you discover inner resources and refuse to be intimidated. Certain minor victories may require conforming to established procedures and protocols or seeking an otherwise more co-operative approach (I can so hear Sun’s eye-roll!). Don’t be shy about accepting assistance when navigating these diplomatic waters (again with the Virgo…).
If you can come to a clear course of action, natural self-confidence will return because you’re truly stronger than you think!
April 3, 2023: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles. Astrologically, this card is governed by the Sun (star of light and clarity; ego, identity, radiant spirit, and individuality) in balance with Virgo (sign of perfection and details). However, a conflict between the two lies in the urge of ambition and the restrictions of a prudent, analytical mind. To minimize the conflict, plan ahead (Sun) and prepare for the future with perseverance (Virgo).
In Tarot, the Eight of Pentacles represents the celebration of the natural creative flow to all life and all things, and having it in a reading indicates you’re in tune with this flow and the importance of said flow isn’t lost. It signifies an ideal situation of harmonious balance of accumulation, wealth, and prosperity wherein all needs of the mind and body’s health are met. (Caveat: “needs are met” does NOT equate huge house, fancy car, or lavish life-style.)
It’s sometimes said that work is love in action. Meaning, it’s the work that matters, not the result. This “work” includes your actual J.O.B. but ALSO your hobbies, mundane chores, and any personal journeys on which you work at being a better version of your highest Self.
April 2, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands. This card echos the gifts and warnings of the Nine of Cups we had a few days ago but also acknowledges the work you’ve been doing to get here.
Optimism has allowed you to triumph over forces that were trying to stop progress and growth and you’ve come out ahead after your labors. But be careful of arrogance or conceit. Pride in accomplishments must always be tempered by humility and respect with recognition of the role of advocacy and support from others when achieving supremacy.
As you learn to appreciate the small victories attained during the long haul to the “big goal”, you can begin to enjoy the journey more rather than fixating on The Goal and seeing nothing else. The triumph inherent in this card comes from loving who you are, being happy in your skin, and doing work that’s joyful creation rather than stultifying toil.
April 1, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands, reversed. The Four of Wands is a very fortuitous card. The stability of the number 4 balances the fire element of Wands and the Wands’ fire livens up the dull 4. However, when it’s reversed, all bets are off and it slides into the familiar territory we’ve been dealing with for the past few days.
The reversed Four of Wands signifies becoming too attached to material concerns or allowing complacency to slow your progress as you falls into a boring routine. Artistic creativity (if you can still tap into it) is reduced to commercial manufacturing or intimacy with your partner becomes mere sexual gymnastics. Such monotony leads to dissatisfaction and ennui and the desire for “more.”
Thus the necessity of learning to appreciate all blessings no matter the shape or form they take. As in, do you have transportation? It might be a Lexus, a beat up Ford, the bus, a bicycle, or your own two feet. Be thankful. Do you have shelter? Mansion, that beat up Ford, tent, or cardboard box? Be thankful. Etc., etc. Rinse and repeat every single damn day.
March 31, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Devil. As one struggles to control the material world and lets desire rule, this card appears as a test of personal will, determination, and internal discipline. The Devil represents the shadows of one’s psyche as well as the most negative and inferior qualities of one’s personality and behavior such as lying, ignorance and wanting to stay ignorant, doubt, pessimism, greed, pride, seeing only the surface, acting without discernment, and being superficial, materialistic, and overly dogmatic.
Materialism can also represent a prison-like commitment to something all-consuming, oppressive, and limiting that one can’t imagine life without: an unfulfilling job or loveless relationship, an endless cycle of despair or bad habits in one’s emotional life, undesirable burdens, compulsions, self-preservation, rigidity, or self-righteousness. One can become so obsessed and attached to things, others, or activities that define oneself that one struggles not to lose control over them.
Part of The Devil’s power rests in the illusion of materialism—that nothing exists beyond the world of the senses. The materialist pursues only personal desires for tangible wealth or possession, denies any spiritual component to life, and disconnects from Divine Source. This narrow view seeks to prevent the light of the spirit from being actualized and focuses solely upon “having” at all costs
March 30, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles. …And here we have the card illustrating of the down-side to the Nine of Cups: greed, hoarding, and defending your position at all costs.
Fours are about stability, and Pentacles, being of the Earth, are also stable; combine the two and such compounded stability can become too confining. While selfishness is sometimes necessary and an orderly mind gives structure and meaning to the chaos of the material world, good working order in all things is assured by NOT allowing anything to stagnate. This overly stable combination of elements isn’t ideal.
Under the influence of this card, your feelings of safety and security are linked to the accumulation of material goods, public power, and wealth and your efforts to keep them. Amassing assets becomes paramount as the need to collect things and property possesses you more than you possess them. But focusing too much on material gain thwarts creativity and joy. Earth energy that’s too heavily grounded becomes an obstacle rather than an asset and thereby works directly against your best interests. Loosen your grip to feel freedom and expansiveness.
March 29, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups. Receiving this card in a spread indicates you’ve found the secret to emotional happiness by taking full responsibility for and control of it and realize others can’t fill all your needs. You’ve entered a period of gratifying emotional fulfillment and satisfaction as the weight of the past has been lifted, you let go of what’s already been lived, and proceed with confidence. By cultivating inner harmony, energy will increase, physical health will glow, and you’ll experience true joy, liberation, and a readiness to give of yourself as you’ve come to understand being “you” is enough.
The only caveat of this card is you must be careful for what you wish. “Having it all” can be very lonely as you defend your position “at the top.” Although all success brings contentment, this card is a warning that everything is ripest before it rots (think bananas and avocados). There’s the danger of becoming smug, self-indulgent, self-righteous, greedy, and flaunting your triumphs. Don’t gloat or overindulge now that you’ve received a clean bill of health and wellbeing because it’s quite possible you’ve swept that embarrassing thing under the rug to keep it hidden lest it mar your “perfect image.”
TLDR: A very satisfying bowel movement will nevertheless stink. Spray and turn on the fan.
March 23, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles. The suit of Pentacles is concerned with all things of the material world including money and your way of earning it, the Earth itself, and your physical body and health. Therefore, look to protecting and conducting wise distribution of your financial and personal resources and investments because rapid and dynamic gain is indicated by this card. Also, you’re called to pay attention to improving physical health and wellbeing through exercise and nutrition.
The Prince of Pentacles represents being self-contained and free of attachments, letting go of expectations about self and others, and acceptance of what “is” and being okay with it. He encourages one to make space for a new quality of stillness, take responsibility for any illusions you might be carrying, and at the deepest core, remain at ease, calm, cool, and centered.
This sounds like solid advice for navigating the ups and downs of the reversed Wheel of Fortune.
March 22, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Wheel of Fortune, reversed (again). Welp. I dunno what to tell you. I shuffled, cut, asked Universe to help me choose a card, and we got the same card as yesterday. So, whu’d’I miss?
Yesterday I spoke of scattered and unpredictable energies, which may lead to small gains and short-term success (yay!) but just as easily to failure, bad luck, and unexpected losses (boo!) I did mention “unpredictable” did I not? I also spoke of how your negative attitude can cause you trouble. You might be feeling anxious and ready for something new but are blocked because a situation is not yet ripe and movement forward could be premature or reckless.
Nothing stays the same, fortunately, so this period of upset won’t last. It’s much like early spring weather…warm and sunny one day and cold and sleeting the next. Now it’s true that premature warmth can cause the trees to blossom and the late frosts then kill those blooms, thereby dashing all hopes for fruit later in the summer. What to do? Ride it out and make your decisions based upon the best knowledge you have at the moment. Adjust later when your data changes. That’s why it’s good to have a Plan B.
March 21, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Wheel of Fortune, reversed. The Wheel, reversed, is still a beneficial card, but its energy becomes unstable, and the unpredictability of outcomes increases. This could manifest in a superabundance of change with rapid growth, superfluity, expansion, or increases. It's all happening too fast for any kind of planning and you may fear missing opportunities, have difficulty comprehending the inevitable sudden changes in life, or feel at the mercy of circumstances beyond your control.
Mostly, however, the problem is with your attitude as negativity starts to creep in. Confusion, resistance to Fate, and an irresolute emotional core blocks vital action. Struggle against events is usually doomed, so stand firm, maintain courage and stamina, and learn from past rotations of The Wheel that nothing—good or bad—lasts forever. Know that your individual, responsible efforts will allow you to overcome the forces that seem to be against you.
On the physical plane, you may experience delays, petty annoyances, or issues with your travel plans. Alternatively, the thrill of a whirling social life could start to feel hectic and unrelieved. (I hear tell Spring Break in Miami isn’t going well….)
March 16, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Cups, reversed. When I think about the big “love card” of the Tarot deck being reversed, I’m feeling like many people are struggling with the whole concept of love. Not relationship “love” but “love thy neighbor” love. And if you can’t wrap your head around loving your neighbor despite the differences between you, then how are you ever going to be able to love in a relationship?
If you’re hoping to find love but are hitting a dry spell, you’re advised to use this alone time to think about how you feel about yourself. Does your self-esteem and willingness to relate to others hinge upon how you’re treated by them? Unless someone’s kissing your ass, do you think they’re not worthy of your notice? Do a random act of kindness and see how that makes you (and the recipient) feel. That’s the first step towards opening your heart to loving—and being loved by—others.
March 15, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. Reversed, the King of Wands represents an arrogant tyrant with exaggerated regal tendencies, and pride that becomes over-bearing. The tender ego and vanity depend on bluster, show, and flattery. But all that hot air is really hiding weakness and insecurity as that person may be having difficulty adjusting to obstacles, defeats, or changes and he/she grows cynical or frightened. Such persons may become ineffective, excessively lenient, or retreats from a position of authority, shirks power, moves away from responsibilities, and lets others take charge. If expectations of leadership cannot be deferred, he/she is resentful of those demands.
More favorably, it’s also possible the reversed King has recognized a lack of expertise and knowledge and relinquishes control of a situation because his/her effective impact has been blocked, disturbed, or re-channeled. If this is you feeling dissatisfied or uneasy about such a situation, then continuing under those conditions is pointless as insignificant matters can become magnified or errors in judgment come to light that only weaken your position further.
March 13, 2023: Card O' the Day: Judgment, reversed. When upright, this card indicates big changes (similar to “Death”); when reversed, it signifies difficult transitions, hesitation, or resentfulness towards or doubting the value of the necessary changes. All such objections are excuses that become dominant as you attempt to work toward improvement or correct past mistakes.
You may have difficulty believing the changes have already begun and reject new laws, lack perspective, or be unable to see the big picture. This puts you at risk of bad judgments, poor decisions (or avoiding them), confusion, and delays from missing (or being resistant to) new information. As the feelings of overburden dull the desire to correct the situation, you fail to face facts and dig in refusing to move forward. Stagnation, disappointment, and impeded creative output may follow.
March 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: Death. The Death card rarely shows up in these daily picks—or even in a client’s spread—so I feel like we need to sit up and listen. Death represents an ending that allows transformation, clearing of the old to make way for the new, letting go of unneeded stuff, and the catalyst for a metamorphosis.
It’s an organic and natural conclusion to something that you’ve probably been feeling as coming for some time or it appears as unexpected circumstances that provide the impetus to bring something to a close. You might be uprooting yourself from a stagnant environment or phase of life or leaving outgrown or stale relationships. On occasion, the revolution necessary for renewal feels like unwelcome but it ends up being a “good thing.” Some changes come quickly and bring great relief with a liberating explosion.
Regardless of the forms the changes take—they may be dramatic or traumatic—the appearance of this card indicates changes are already at work or soon will be. Resistance means holding on to something that is not yours anymore and you’ll keep going in the same destructive circles or remain stuck in loss of hope, stagnation, or lack of growth. Conversely, acceptance leads to new life and beginnings.
March 9, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords. The Four of Swords signifies calm, order, and the experience of things coming back to center to integrate and create a state of tolerance and serenity.
Quiet your mind for reflection, perspective, and regard of the world; by doing so, you’re more likely to receive the inspiration of solutions to solve problems. Balanced introspection involves contemplation, a safe foundation of solidly positioned thought, a practical mind capable of acting usefully upon reality, and an intellect that’s organized and stable.
Take time to rest, retreat to an inner state, and find refuge from mental chaos. This withdrawal leads to healing and renewed strength wherein you leave muddled thoughts and feelings behind to find a place of calm beyond fears. With steady courage, remove outside influential energy by meditating on breaking the ties that connect you to toxic people.
March 8, 2023: Card O' the Day: Price of Wands, reversed. This card is explaining with whom you’re having a reversed Two of Swords moment and may have to walk the other way.
When reversed, the Prince of Wands indicates you’re having to deal with someone that’s a haphazard dabbler, smashing rogue, rebel/champion without a cause, self-serving thrill seeker, showoff, or a rowdy and contentious bully. Other unhealthy social interaction could include gang involvement or with someone who’s in a gang.
Such persons, male or female, are not people you can have meaningful and productive relationships with, especially since you’re rein in fiery impulses. You’re now in a place in your life where you want to enjoy the present, rather than perpetually focusing on future conquests. This slower pace will make you a more effective son/daughter, parent, employee, partner, and allow for deeper experiences all around.
March 7, 2023: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords, reversed. There’s been an uneasy balance of power you’ve been resisting and if disagreeable opposites are confined too rigidly without integration, those opposites become treacherous and irreconcilable.
When this Two is reversed, you finally break the peace, take action to end complacency and superficial accord, and tear off the blindfold to look at disturbing issues that require decisions. Deeper truths will be revealed as you open your eyes to reality. You might discover you’ve been living a lie, but at least now you can get on with seeing the truth and begin the process of authentic communication and actually fixing the problem.
Now, there ARE such things as lost causes and there may be no possibility of resolution to the current problem. If such is the case, walk away and chalk it up to experience.
March 2, 2023: Card O' the Day: Temperance, reversed. Temperance, reversed, can indicate you’re unwilling to discard something because there’s a belief it may still be useful when it’s not. Because of this hope/belief, there’s danger present of failing to let old habits, fears, or relationships die that must be allowed to leave. (We talked yesterday about letting some people in your circle go as you pursue more rewarding and important endeavors or relationships.)
This card can be associated with anything to do with churches or religions so your hesitation to remove such long-standing influence is understandable. However, all signs point to you having moved beyond what such perspectives can offer you.
In all likelihood, you have an intuitive sense about the right combination of elements that are necessary to your situation, but you’re unable to put this into words or to convince others abut your choices. Because of this, they may seem uncooperative and uncompromising, and that your interests and needs are competing or conflicting with everyone else’s. Such inability to effectively communicate will lead to discord, disunion, hostility, and dissension within your group
March 1, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups, reversed. …And THIS would be why you’re over the drama and feeling battle-worn.
You’ve become disenchanted with comrades or associates and are cutting back and no longer socializing with the old crowd. The usual pleasures seem empty and unfulfilling as they whine about their crappy bosses or partners, politics, or how they were “done wrong” in one way or another. It’s the same tired complaints over and over and they do nothing to fix their problems.
Your own beliefs have shifted and those of your usual associates haven’t as they continue to ignore the deeper values of life, society, and community. Whatever the reason you’ve separated from your group, the reversed Three signifies the end of empty celebrations and the need to look at some hard realities. As in, you’ve grown up but they haven’t.
February 28, 2023: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords, reversed. The reversal of the Prince of Swords might indicate you’re feeling battle-worn or wounded by sharp words. Drama at work, school, or within your tribe has left you so over it you want to just run away or stay in bed with your head buried in the covers. A better idea would be to try to overcome impulsiveness on your part and deliberately become more thoughtful, careful, and less hurried as you deal with the people in your life and the tasks at hand.
Also, if you have any travel plans this card does not bode well for transportation. Consider doing business by phone, remotely, or shopping on line. If you must, be extra careful and leave the house a few minutes early to allow for detours, traffic jams, or flat tires.
February 23, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups, reversed. The upright version of this card warns of the pitfalls of complacency; when reversed, the danger is real. With every wish granted, self-indulgence and a tendency to excess could dominate and thereby lead to reckless hedonism, debauchery, poor choices, selfish desires, all states of emotional crisis, irresponsibility, shallowness, etc. Conversely, you might wallow in self-denial of pleasure, unrealized happiness, fear of lack, or despair because you feel you simply can’t catch a break, you’re blocked at every turn, and wishes are never granted. Meaning, you could act like an ass if you don’t get what you want IMMEDIATELY.
Fortunately, someone is going to call you to account and give you a reality check. This intervention isn’t made through cruelty but rather sincerity, honesty, loyalty, and the good faith of another to show the error of your ways. This exposure, while possibly embarrassing at first, will provide you with a feeling of liberation as you’re released from superficial or false attachments and former attitudes of smugness and entitlement. Through such release, you’ll find inner—rather than outer—happiness and gratitude.
TLDR: Your shit will ALWAYS stink; count your blessings.
February 20, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups, reversed. The reversed Five of Cups can impart quite a hopeful outlook indicating recovery and renewal as you move away from upsets and get on with life. You become more aware that what remained after the recent distress is important and permanent even in the face of disappointment. The fallen Cups (usually depicted as three out of five) represent something less significant than what you originally thought and those still standing form a solid base that’s not easily knocked over. After making some very hard decisions, difficulties will be overcome, there’ll be a change in lifestyle, and an opportunity to share your abundance.
As you transforms resistance, disappointment, or prudence into something better, you’ll develop emotional stability, coping skills, determination, and fortitude to conquer any future misfortune or anxiety. You’re urged to take control lest others take control for you; expect rewards for doing so. Now, move on; it’s time.
February 18, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. It being the third day in a row a queen has shown up, let’s explore what queens, in general, can mean in a spread. They can mark a time of inner growth or transformation and are linked to dreams and emotions (not just the Queen of Cups). Queens represent the fruits of your labors and validate the hard work completed thus far. While efforts are not yet complete, the appearance of a queen indicates you’re on the right track and you can feel confident in continuing your path.
The Queen of Wands is governed by the angel of Expansion of One’s Potential and her stone is Topaz. It’s supposed to inspire loftier thoughts, liberate the soul, and intensify concentration. Maybe keeping a piece of it nearby is a good idea…doesn’t have to be fancy.
When you receive the Queen of Wands, in particular, in a reading, it signifies things “coming together” and you’re encouraged to let the abundance within overflow! With a deep inner conviction that things will turn out okay, this card provides a gentle force that allows changes to proceed with the least disruption. The Queen indicates you need to rely upon, and trust, your own judgment and power without influencing or overriding others in the process (um, remember those personal boundaries we worked on with the Queen of Cups?).
February 17, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups, reversed. I shuffled and cut, I swear!! The reversal of the Queen is warning you about what could happen if you don’t develop and maintain practical personal boundaries.
The Water Queen has a tendency to merge psychically with the object of her desire, but when reversed she can become lost in her emotions—and those of others she feels empathically—and be so seduced that it leaves her subject to possession by evil entities, negative energy, or just really rotten people. On the other hand, be careful that you don’t deny emotions altogether and alienate yourself from others, thereby become indifferent, cold, and unfeeling in your efforts to have personal boundaries. Rigidity, lack of empathy, moodiness, and hypersensitivity to criticism also speak of too rigid boundaries. Charity of spirit and heart becomes false.
A healthier aspect to the upright or reversed Queen is being sharp and competent, letting no one take advantage, overcoming illusions, and refusing to be swept away by conflicting emotions or succumbing to feigning maneuvers. TLDR: Keep your kind heart but remember you’re not responsible for everyone’s success or happiness.
February 16, 2023: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups. The Queen of Cups represents warmth, kindness, affection, caring, loving, understanding, the willingness to help, being supportive, and accepting others. Her influence allows you to unite hopes, imagination, love, and creativity with vision, valuable action, and social usefulness. It also refers to professions in counseling and healing. Regardless of the form your endeavors take, this card indicates they will give lasting pleasure.
This card is a catalyst for the emergence of deep feelings and deepening development of your inner life and generosity of love. Representative of favorable emotional energy, you’re encouraged to make something whole and alive out of opportunities and elements given by life, including your emotional goals. However, this card has appeared to remind you to be self-aware, set personal boundaries, and protect personal sensitivity by becoming a bit reserved and more self-reliant. You’re urged to develop better physical and emotional limits with others in your life. Learn to say “no” and allow others to find their own way.
February 15, 2023: Card O' the Day: Wheel of Fortune, reversed. The Wheel, reversed, is still a beneficial card, but its energy becomes unstable, and the unpredictability of outcomes increases. This could manifest in a superabundance of change with rapid growth, expansion, and increases. You might be feeling anxious and ready for something new, but are blocked because a situation is not yet ripe and movement forward could be premature or reckless. In other words, plan well.
Mostly, the problem is with your attitude as negativity starts to creep in and you alternate between hope and despondency. Confusion, resistance, and an irresolute emotional core blocks vital action. Struggle against events is usually doomed, so stand firm, maintain courage and stamina, and learn from past rotations of The Wheel that nothing—good or bad—lasts forever. Know that your individual, responsible efforts will allow you to overcome all forces seemingly against you at this time.
February 14, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. Oh, lordy, lordy, lordy. Some of you may be involved with a reversed King of Wands on this Valentine’s Day. Check the following description…if 30% of it’s true, RUN for the door. If ANY of it’s true, get thee both in couples’ counseling to understand why the power dynamic is so off.
Reversed, the King of Wands represents an arrogant tyrant with exaggerated regal tendencies and pride that becomes over-bearing. Such people abuse personal power by self-righteously insisting on absolute authority even though they’re apt to make imprudent decisions. Just because they can, they’ll aggressively oppose others simply as a display of one-upmanship. A big bully on a small playground, they’ll focus all energies on dominating a tiny niche (or just one person) and will seek to overthrow any other leader or idea that’s not their own. Like all dictatorial autocrats, they’ll demand unquestioning obedience from those around them—including lovers. When in bed with this version of the “King”, expect sex without love. And not very good sex, at that.
If you’re feeling dissatisfied or uneasy about a relationship with such a person, then continuing under those conditions is pointless as insignificant matters can become magnified or errors in judgment weaken your position further. Because it WILL be “all your fault.”
February 13, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Wands, reversed. Well, for heaven’s sake! The last card I pulled at the end of January was the Three of Wands and now it’s back but reversed. Looks like some o’ y’all got a bit big fer yer britches.
There’s a tendency to be careless, overly confident, and allowing pride to interfere with goals that could lead to problems from this over-ambitiousness, arrogance, or obstinacy. Delusions of grandeur, abuse of power, and/or gratuitous performances are other presentations of excessive pride. Because you imagine yourself to be so impossibly fabulous, you may hesitate to ask for help from others. When reversed, the fiery energy of this card may cause you to become overly speculative and indulge in impractical schemes that suffer from scattered energy and lack of attention to important details. Lack of foresight, characterized by rash activity, will bring on exhaustion, mishaps, difficulty putting plans into action, or creative blocks.
In other words, cool your jets and get back to dotting i’s and crossing t’s because you’re not infallible.
January 31, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Wands. The Three of Wands bestows the necessary force, clarity, strength, authority, daring, confidence, and boldness to launch enterprises by bringing factors together to pursue adventures and opportunities. Such virile energy is a grand gift for the hidden potential spoken of yesterday in the High Priestess.
This card also represents collective energy as opposed to that of the individual and depicts the absorption of the individual into something greater. (Apparently, the difficulty interacting with others signified in the recent Five of Cups has resolved.) While on the lookout for new prospects and territory, work in harmony and bond with others as you take on business or creative undertakings. Such teamwork allows all involved to reap their portion of the rewards as you all achieve goals set by the group.
January 30, 2023: Card O' the Day: The High Priestess. The appearance of this card signifies you have a heightened awareness of secret or hidden information or are learning to see the light of a truth you’ve not been ready to see. You’re encouraged to be open to all sides of yourself and examine the things of which you’re afraid. Access the place of unconditional love for Self (the cellulite on your thighs is FINE!!!); this requires that you expand trust in your own process and ability to grow.
You’re encouraged to see hidden potential and reminded that negative mental and emotional patterns can inhibit or help self-expression and adjustment. Therefore, tap into the one place which has not been wounded, touched, or exploited and dream big dreams. This attitude of self-discovery is a pure, exalted, and gracious influence that may enliven the seed of change that’s waiting in the dark. There’s potential for very strong possibilities you’ve not yet realized!
January 29, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands. This card may indicate you’re feeling a bit hemmed in and limited by the routines of life and are experiencing rigidity in decisions that lead to emotional, physical, or financial stress. But the Four of Wands signifies a heroic impulse that conquers fear and doubt and the courage and determination necessary to express the self. Therefore, when you learns to love yourself, and act true to the heart, it allows healing that settles all conflict and crises will abate.
Though a recent phase of self-exploration may seem to have ended, the future calls you to continue. A renewed appreciation of life’s magic will awaken you to spiritual gifts, but try not to overwhelm others with your new-found passion for all things esoteric. Shine your light and let the natural glow attract what’s needed. This illumination will be a guide through confusion and will mark the beginning of a new path that leads to happiness and personal transformation.
January 27, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Devil. The soul is restless and furious; it wants to tear itself apart and cure itself from being human. —Unknown
The dualistic judgement of “right v. wrong” is actually an illusion and Capricorn’s lesson is about balancing one’s inner light (“right”) with primal life force (“wrong”). The Devil epitomizes the shadow aspects that are denied, unacknowledged, or hidden. This includes all the emotions rejected, repressed, deemed “bad”, and separated from Self such as fear, anger, shame, self loathing, childhood guilt, and lust. Obsessions, negative thoughts, and/or secret physical pleasures can also hold you hostage in your own mind. Self-punishing behavior, any form of self-imposed misery, feeling chained or imprisoned and believing the illusion there are no alternatives, worries that fill the consciousness and interfere with peace, wounds you were born with or were inflicted early and often, or any other negative aspects of the ego are all examples of the shadow side of the psyche.
However, your inner shadow aspects are not “bad” per se, and need to be integrated into the whole being because there can’t be light without dark. You’re advised to see yourself authentically, get to know the “devil” within, and identify the unconscious roots of all your physical/mental dependencies. Egotistical weakness and fears only intensify and become dangerous if not recognized and acknowledged. Certainly some of those weaknesses must be controlled to peacefully co-exist with others. But always remember that however “dark” you think a part of yourself is, there’s an equally brightly illuminated part, too.
January 26, 2023: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups. Interactions with others isn’t going well at this moment. You may have endured a friendship or partnership of some kind which ends unhappily. A marriage may be filled with bitterness or frustration as the “cup” of the relationship is viewed as half-empty. Old fears of abandonment are realized through said endings and you’re struggling with this difficult and painful experience.
However, valuable lessons often comes from such experiences if you’re willing to own your part in the circumstances. Failure or loss is more easily endured if it’s accepted as part of growth and change and you realize nothing is created without mistakes. There’s ALWAYS hope for better things to come and you must find the courage to continue. Therefore, view the current unfortunate situation as a turn in the road that ultimately brings good. (If you’re not willing to take responsibility for your actions and are reacting in anger, expect to be slapped with the fallout of rage-based decisions.)
Maybe cutting losses and making big changes are really necessary as you consciously let go of the old to clear the path for new possibilities. Sometimes “losing” something on purpose and disrupting your comfortable patterns is what’s needed to foster and encourage new growth. In this card, three of the five cups have spilled, representing the losses. But two cups remain standing and signify that ALL is not lost and there are new possibilities ahead.
January 25, 2023: Card O the Day: Queen of Cups. The Queen of Cups represents warmth, kindness, affection, caring, loving, understanding, the willingness to help, being supportive, and accepting others. She embodies fantasies of the perfect woman who personifies gratitude without expectations or demands. She's very desiring to please and because of that, loved ones can do no wrong in her eyes.
However, there’s great danger in being overly emotional and giving. One becomes cut off from one’s own feelings and becomes dependent upon others for one’s happiness. Because this type puts the spotlight on everyone else, neither duty, thought of merit, or reward are important, and such persons are self-conscious about taking up too much space.
The Queen of Cups identifies herself by caring for others and setting personal boundaries is hardest for her of all the court cards. By being so emotionally involved—and evolved—with everyone, it can be difficult to know oneself. Therefore, protect personal sensitivity by becoming a bit reserved, more self-reliant, and refrain from taking over what’s not offered. This card is a reminder to develop better physical and emotional limits with others in one’s life. Learn to say “no” and allow others to find their own way even if that means you must watch them fail.
January 16, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands, reversed. The emotion-based obstacles and difficulties of the upright Nine of Wands become more extreme in the reversal. When your basic defenses are weakened and impaired, you become overly defensive to prevent getting caught off guard. Rage or otherwise raw uncontrollable feelings directed in impulsive and negative manners only waste energy or force.
To cover those negative feelings of defeat, loneliness, or a sense of alienation that feels like banishment, you tend to put up a false front to reassure others and yourself that you’re all “good.” But you’re not and hiding or swallowing your feelings prolongs your upset and delays fixing the problem.
Receiving this card is a suggestion to let go of defensiveness and redo or reconsider the situation.
January 15, 2023: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups. Threes signify expansion, contentment, congenial relationships, and the synthesis of love. Receiving the Three of Cups is a sign you’re becoming more available to the many opportunities there are to explore the world with an open heart, precise intuition, and inquisitive mind.
As you mature and accept the feelings necessary for successful other relationships, you must widen interactions and make them more public. Receiving this card is a signal it is time to leave familiar ground and encounter life outside your safety zone. Therefore, allow yourself to receive this nourishment and positive energy that only true friends can give.
Appropriately for me today, this card can indicate single sex coming-of-age rituals or the bonding moments found in team sports. The Maiden, Mother, Crone triad is represented as a unity of women and could be pointing to a specific social event geared towards women such as baby or bridal showers wherein feminine energy and support are significant.
January 14, 2023: Card O' the Day: Temperance. Temperance is the card of Sagittarius and is all about tempering, management, refining, improving, and sharpening personal factors for better use and performance. The Death card is right before Temperance in the order of the Major Arcana and as Death brings about endings that make space for new beginnings, Temperance brings peace and light to fill that emptiness. As the primary healing card of the deck, it allows healing to occur holistically by concentrating on timing, temperature, pitch, and emotional disposition.
Reunification of apparent opposites through reconciliation comes from the sacrifice of ego. Once the rigid fixation of ego is broken, you can connect to the true heart and the capacity to discern and face reality is sharpened. Without ego shouting to be heard, you’ll renew the connection between the conscious and unconscious. This’ll aid in the ability to forgive, quell hysteria, diffuse volatility, enable creative problem solving, and allow for transformational giving and receiving.
TLDR: After all the hub-bub-ing of the holidays, the pendulum swung us into lethargy, crankiness, and stagnation. Now we’re swinging back to center with a balance of activity and rest.
January 13, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. Kings, in general, symbolize wisdom, power, outward manifestations (rather than inner journeying), stabilization, accomplishment, and success. Kings can be bossy, dominating, and controlling, and represent people with socially minded authority who will affect the outcome of a situation. They make decisions, delegate tasks, and take responsibility for society on a whole. More than the other ranks, they’re concerned with maintaining the status quo and community, and therefore, can get rather stuck in their ways.
When a King is reversed, (like the Sword King we had on the 8th) he’s apt to unwisely abuse power by self-righteously insisting on absolute authority. The reversed Wand King—just because he can—will aggressively oppose others simply as a display of one-upmanship. But being a big bully on a small playground, all that hot air is really hiding weakness and insecurity as he may be having difficulty adjusting to obstacles, defeats, or losses. Continuing under such conditions is pointless as insignificant matters can become magnified or errors in judgment come to light that weaken his position further.
Now, is this you, someone in your life, or someone you have to deal with often? Because you cannot control anyone’s behavior except your own, if this is NOT you, then avoidance of this energy is your best bet. However, if this IS you right now, you’re invited to become even tempered and more understanding of slight glitches in life. But this is a hard thing to do for such powerful personalities.
January 10, 2023: Card O' the Day: The Devil, reversed. Is the tide beginning to turn!? The Devil, reversed, shows greater extremes than any other card, i.e. black v. white or evil v. good. By suffering spiritual blindness, you may have been wallowing in a feeling of petty superiority to others’ weaknesses and frailties as you boast of being excessively upright, moral, and virtuous. (Again with the reversed Sword King!) However, such persons generally make excuses and blame everyone else instead of facing how bad they’ve become. But the soft underbelly of indecision is becoming exposed as you feel discontented and unhappy.
Fortunately, when The Devil is reversed, it can indicate a liberation from bondages that are holding you hostage or a respite from troubles. You’re ready to finally stop accepting a situation and move towards freedom as you begin to see through the illusions of material life to get to the truth. And as you become more conscious of your destructive behaviors and misuses of power, you experience a release from false inhibitions and patterns of manipulation and codependency.
January 9, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords, reversed. Upright, the Four of Swords signifies deep intellectual activity and productive thought processes. Reversed, however, it speaks of obtuse rationalism, fixed notions, and tyrannical intellect. (King of Swords, reversed, anyone?) The mind becomes a blind prisoner of its concepts and refuses to recognize and/or heed the intuition that whispers “you’re wrong.”
However, reversal can ALSO represent being stuck on the horns of a dilemma…like hearing that whispered “you’re wrong” while your ego keeps kicking and screaming. Which internal dialogue do you follow?
Take advantage of this moment of hearing to do some in-depth searching to find the way to truly solve the problem. As you recuperate from losses or personal difficulties, through prudent care and wise administration carefully resume activities with circumspection and precaution. Tread softly and look for clues regarding potential stumbling blocks that may set you back again.
January 8, 2023: Card O' the Day: King of Swords, reversed. Oh dear…. The King of Swords might just be my least favorite card in the Tarot Deck because he’s such a harsh truth-teller. When reversed, he skips the truth part and just becomes an asshole.
The reversed Sword King will take HIS version of truth, order, and discipline to extremes through anger or by becoming inhumane, unsympathetic, unfeeling, and unwavering in his actions. His forms of authoritarian power are excessively severe and without mercy. As a father figure or boss, the reversed King may be ill-natured, exact unreasonable punishments, be an excessive disciplinarian, or dominate with excessive rationality and methodicalness. (Think “hanging judge” who’ll throw someone in the clink for shoplifting a loaf of bread because they’re hungry.)
Persons under the influence of this card may act perversely or hurt someone intentionally without looking back. The sheer willfulness and arrogance of the reversed King represents a powerful mind turned in on itself that recognizes only the desire for control. He may imagine himself to be the most “interesting man in the room” but actually is just a vicious bully.
Steer clear of such persons for a couple days or—if this is YOUR current mood—go back to bed!
January 7, 2023: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands, reversed. A FB follower commented on Strength, reversed, yesterday. She suggested that a lot of our current inner torments could be attributed to Mercury being in retrograde. I reminded her that Mars is ALSO in retrograde until the 12th. And now we have the Six of Wands, reversed, for today….
When upright, this card speaks to personal victories. But when reversed, said perceived victory or success ends up being transitory as pride, arrogance, and condescending attitude towards subordinates causes an embarrassing fall from a pinnacle of achievement. Vanity, excessive narcissism, or self-complacency allowed you to overestimate your abilities, thereby making true and lasting victory elusive.
Such high expectations for yourself will have you running in circles, so you’d do well to consider plans and input from others or risk being all show with no substance. Now’s not a time for self-pity, ego-centricity, superficiality, or to let self-importance get in the way. (Ahem. Remember forever and always: Your shit stinks just as much as anyone else’s.)
January 6, 2023: Card O' the Day: Strength, reversed. This card, reversed, denotes inner torment or a fear of personal passions, urges, or instincts. Failure, cowardliness, emotionalism, doubt, insecurity, or personal weakness may also be manifestations of this reversal. In any case, you’re feeling fragile and “to blame” for a lot of things. (Maybe that’s why you can’t allow yourself to enjoy any good fortunes or think straight.)
Now might be the point in time when you’re called to account for all that you need to make restitution or amends. Because of that, feelings of guilt and fear of having to answer for actions are flooding your psyche. When struggling to deal with consequences, you’d well to recognize and accept mistakes with humility and acceptance of the Karmic lesson. Then forgive yourself for screwing up and move on.
January 5, 2023: Card O' the Day: Princess of Pentacles, reversed. The clarity of thinking and practicality of the Princess suffers when this card is reversed. You lose focus, stop being studious regarding something that previously held your attention, or have difficulty learning something new or grasping necessary information or facts. You might even change your mind about beliefs or ideals, which causes you to lose purpose or not know what your place in the world is anymore. When so easily distracted, practical matters and issues become lost in confusion or daily trivia.
However, when this card is reversed, despite the confused thinking represented here, it also suggests you’re on the cusp of declaring independence from trivial fixations to seek and find a new world of perception. A perception and discovery of deeper meaning and motives for this lifetime.
The messages typically heralded by the appearance of the reversed Earth Princess include cancellation of plans or bad news, which actually would then allow relaxation and shift of your focus.
January 4, 2023: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles, reversed. Okey-dokey…The feelings of ennui and “is this ALL there is to life?” continue. Like the previous cards, the reversed Nine indicates we should engage in inner work that would bring peace and serenity. Yeah, yeah, yeah…what else?
All is not well and you have a desire for freedom and to roam as feelings of entrapment grow. When not knowing what’s really wanted or matters in life, you may lack self-awareness or discipline, not be able to channel energy into useful purpose, or take up projects only to abandon them thus suffering failure through faithlessness to Self and others.
Prosperity still reigns in the reversed Nine of Pentacles (yay) but values seem false or cover up a certain disquiet because you can’t recognize what the concept of “enough” (money, stuff, friends, social media followers, etc.) means. In denial of personal wellbeing or good fortune, the good life seems just out of reach.
January 3, 2023: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups. While there’s sufficient external well-being, you still want something more and are restlessly looking for greener pastures because internal contentment is being questioned. And yet you continue to be uncertain about possible opportunities….
The “hurry up and wait” energy of the reversed Ace and the cautiousness of the sevens continues here with the Four of Cups. This card represents active waiting and contemplation as you take some time to reevaluate circumstances and shift perspectives. Keep in mind that your overactive imagination and needy ego are perfectly capable of turning a good situation into something awful by rushing or overthinking.
The Four represents the recognition of the role the unconscious plays in the physical world to hold you back from making bad choices or self-sabotaging. Something good may be on offer, but you shouldn’t rush to take it before considering all options carefully and looking for limitations you may not recognize immediately.
January 2, 2023: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. Even when reversed, the Ace indicates new beginnings are afoot and you may feel ready, desiring, and yearning for change! However, right this minute isn’t the most opportune time. Therefore, expect to be turned down, vetoed, forbidden to act as you’re left to stagnate or perish, or suffer setbacks or delays as the means of realizing goals or energies signified by the upright version of this card are blocked.
The right opportunity has yet to come, a situation may be premature, or you’re not energized or prepared enough to move forward. You’d do well to reconsider plans and goals or set something aside for the time being because impatience and pushing forward despite all the obstacles isn’t the answer.
Remember the messages of the past days’ sevens: consider possibilities carefully and take into account the spiritual nature of any projects and whether they align with yours.
January 1, 2023: Card O' the Day: Seven of Cups. Today we have another 7. Sevens generally indicate magic, spirituality, and development of the soul that requires complex choices. Coupled with yesterday’s Seven of Pentacles, it looks like 2023 is going to be a year of looking within for many of us.
Often this card signifies we’re lost in ungrounded, dream-like energy within our creative and cognitive world as we’re pulled and dazzled by many seemingly promising opportunities. When overwhelmed by the “beauty of the world”, we can’t differentiate between illusion or sound possibilities, try to avoid the real work of honestly exploring options, and drift off into fantasies thereby delaying reality. There’s a real danger of becoming so entranced by visions that we wallow in reveries and allow energy to dissipate and promises go unfulfilled. It can become difficult to trust our own judgment or that of others when we’re consumed by so many feelings without any focus and aren’t fully aware of our expectations or desires.
The appearance of this card is an indication it’s time for you to get real, grounded, and maintain perspective in this strongly idealistic energy. When faced with so many possibilities and opportunities, you should be cautious of relying too heavily on others for life direction because you’re choosing your own happiness. Ask within as to what it is you truly want for yourself, then reach for it, and ask for the best and most for and from yourself
December 31, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles. Yesterday, I learned dear friend of mine passed; I asked her to give us any wisdom she wished to pass on via today’s card. She chose the Seven of Pentacles, a card which has the quality of “inner work.” Appropriate since she was passionate about her own inner journeys and helping others with theirs.
We’ve come to a creative crossroads, with potential for revelations and possible changes of direction but inventiveness on this plane can only come from a relaxed and focused mind. Ignore the clamor of ambition for “greatness” or material wealth and truly listen to what experiences are being offered to you during your time here on this plane. Pause to ponder and look deeply within; explore daydreams, visions, musings that might lead you to inner-world treasure, and be open to internal guidance.
All that’s required right now is to be alert as you passively allow nature to take its course. Be ready for something momentous; in this silence and waiting, your authentic self grows.
December 30, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands, reversed. Any obstacles and difficulties of the upright card become more extreme in the reversal. Raw uncontrollable force directed in impulsive and negative manners continue to waste energy or force.
This energetic card, when reversed, suggests there isn’t enough substance to make ideas work, insufficient or impractical preparation negates an issue, or you may have to overcome someone else’s resistance. Seemingly constant adversity, hurdles, trouble, inconvenience, misfortune, uncertainties, delays, or disasters may feel like your personal “cross” to bear as you try to reach goals. With so many blockages, defenses fail and you might start to reconsider commitments, shirk responsibility, or allow rash impulses to overtake normal discipline. (Oh, hel-LO Prince of Swords!)
However, even though problems feel insurmountable, don’t give up fighting and look for a different approach or solutions. Receiving this card is a suggestion to redo or reconsider the situation. Even though this period of cleansing, complications, and protracted evaluations slow the process of expansion, a good harvest will come in the end. (Recall the reversed Moon and its promise that difficult times are out to end.)
December 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords. Good News: This card is indicative of revolutionizing energies, quicksilver ideas, sudden shifts in perspective, rapid thoughts, quick answers, brisk insightful commentary, and a penetrating wit with clarity that cuts to the chase. Bad News: Under the influence of the impatient, impetuous, and headstrong Prince of Swords, one may charge ahead without clear intent, not look where one is going, and speed towards a goal or go for the quick fix. New ideas, relationships, or interests can suddenly supplant what was there before without thought for the ensuing disruption as one abandons responsibilities for the next adventure or vision. All that speed may lead to injuries or accidents (especially to your arms and legs)!
Therefore, we’re reminded to ground ideas in reality and be responsible for what we’re trying to create because this Prince represents the struggle to sustain the plodding grunt work some projects require. Use subtlety in endeavors to grasp opportunities with the help of sharp vision, controlled momentum, and precise timing. Maintain vigilance while proceeding with a solid plan, and don’t allow impulsiveness to revolt against ideological compliance.
December 28, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Moon, reversed. The instability, error, and deception indicated in the upright Moon might not seem so threatening when The Moon is reversed. You’re actually able to face “perils” with calm and confidence. With the gift of insight into the imagery of the psyche and acceptance of that, you can digest and clarify certain experiences as you come to the end of a difficult time.
Hmmmm. Well, my family has cleared out after a long weekend. The weather is warming up. The leftovers in the fridge are steadily diminishing. Chores that were put off are getting done. I’d say I’m returning to normal! (Caveat: we still have Mars in retrograde for a couple more weeks. That could still put a stick in your spokes….)
December 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands. LMAO!!!! How appropriate to receive this card today. My family will show up in a few hours to spend the Christmas weekend with me.
There are times when one must find the courage to defend one’s position, principles, beliefs, or ideals using natural instincts and past experience. Perhaps one takes a stand against opposing views in a speech, discussion, or on the Internet. Resist aggression and paranoia and maintain a strong sense of self and inner strength to correctly see toxic energies or unhealthy competition as one separates from others and rises above the fray. Combat frustration and impatience with the complementary positive quality of kindness and understand that’s good for oneself and is aligned with one’s heart.
I don’t know what the rest of you have planned, but I think this card is good for us all. Try your best to remain diplomatic, even-tempered, and gracious at all gatherings. You have my permission to escort truly obnoxious guests to the door or walk away from people, but like Patrick Swayze said in “Roadhouse”, be nice. You’ll thank yourself later for keeping your dignity.
December 21, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Cups, reversed. By focusing too much on the past, you can become so preoccupied with family traditions/stuff or your childhood home that you can’t live fully in the present. I know this is true for me this Christmas as I’m forced to make accommodations for my weakened right hand. Therefore, I invite you to consider what you’re capable of NOW. Never mind what you’ve “always” done or what you did last year. What can you do NOW without losing your marbles or strength?
Another good idea is to release old emotional ties and destructive unconscious patterns to develop a healthy relationship with your past. Consider this a call to liberate yourself from former obligations and responsibilities, overcome past disappointments, and embrace new trust regarding what “is” today, the future, and your active participation in all of it.
December 19, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups. Receiving this card indicates you can find the secret to emotional happiness by taking full responsibility for and control of it and realizing others cannot fill all needs. You can have gratifying emotional fulfillment and satisfaction when the weight of the past is lifted, you let go of what’s already been lived, and proceed with confidence. By cultivating inner harmony, energy will increase, physical health will glow, and you’ll experience true joy, liberation, and a readiness to give of yourself as you come to understand being “you” is enough.
You’re called to listen to your accurate and strong intuition, learn to trust instincts, rely on inner strength, persist with courage and determination, and follow what attracts you. Take control of desires, observe what makes you happy, and find what it is that drives you forward.
Be aware of your thoughts and behaviors…are they directed from the outside or controlled by the feelings of others? If so, then your personal boundaries need a little TLC and remembering “you can find the secret to [YOUR] emotional happiness by taking full responsibility for and control of it.”
December 18, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords. The Ace of Swords is a dynamic card aligned with high ideals, pursuing truth, and maintaining balance. It’s also indicative of the need to resolve a pressing issue or commit to a new direction or specific action.
Focus attention, sharpen thoughts, and reason impartially to find the way, clear any confusion, or deliver an opportunity to cut free from attachments to beliefs that no longer serve you. Liberate energies for action, inspired ideas, and new perspectives as “aha” moments or epiphanies push aside outworn views. Replace old anxieties with a new belief and determination in yourself as you use the power of the intellect to triumph over obstacles through the application of sound judgment, careful planning, and mental agility.
Take advantage of this new way of thinking, understanding, and consciousness by using your mind for positive thinking, constructive ideas, and affirmations as you seek solutions that work best for you.
December 17, 2022: Card O' the Day: Temperance, reversed. When the card of balance and harmony is reversed, the most obvious definition is that something is out of whack, in conflict, or excessive and thereby creates stress and/or ill health. If your emotions are imbalanced and you’re overreacting, overcompensating, or believing a situation has to be all or nothing, such emotional turmoil could lead to quarrels, discord, and disagreements. You’re encouraged to calm down and avoid all extremes.
Ha! Does this sound like Holiday prep or what!?!?!? This year we finally have a little breathing room and feelings of safety with regards to getting together with friends, family, and colleagues. Parties are back on and we’re eager to let loose. However, just because you haven’t had or gone to a party in recent memory, that doesn’t mean you have to make up for lost time.
If you’re hosting, do what you always did. You don’t have to blow the bank on food and drink and decorate like it you’re in competition with Martha Stewart. When attending parties or going out, keep a balance between libations and hydrations. Step away from the food table and get out on the dance floor. Pick your parties carefully; you don’t have to attend EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Cheers!
December 15, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands. There are times when we must find the courage to defend our position, principles, beliefs, or ideals using natural instincts and past experience. Perhaps you’re taking a stand against opposing views in a speech, discussion, or on the Internet.
However, this card also demands honest self-reflection regarding your personal tenets; it’s fine to remain steadfast, but be open-minded, too. If you find yourself standing alone too often, maybe it’s time to reevaluate what you believe. (You could be wrong, ya know.)
While fighting for what you believe in is all well and good, just be certain you’re not fighting something that’s no longer a threat or that you even need to be so combative.
December 14, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles, reversed. Threes indicate a product from a “union”, and Pentacles, of the physical plane, most often represent money and work. Thus, the reversal of this card means trouble in this realm.
You may be stuck in a boring job for which you’re over- or under-qualified or in which you undervalue your own work and that of others. Hate or immaturity in management means you’re asked to do the impossible, something dishonest, or hazardous or has you constantly looking over your shoulder (recall the abuse of power in the reversed Ace a couple days ago). In any case, the work, whether physical or spiritual, goes badly from weakness within the work force.
Consider the intangible value of your livelihood and whether you’re doing what you love. To go further requires more effort to refine your ideas so look at the whole picture and then focus on the basics before moving forward or on.
December 12, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. The reversed Ace speaks of personal authority that has turned sour. You might be abusing your power in some way as you strive to get ahead. Be aware such actions bring severe consequences because Karma will catch up to you.
Emotionally speaking you may suffer frustration, rejection, or hesitation, which leaves you resistant, reluctant, or without interest to take on the vital work necessary to clean up your act (recall Mars retrograde…). Under these conditions, you can expect career delays, postponed decisions, or compromised situations unless steps are taken to readjust your governing energies.
All reversed cards indicate the possibility of illness, but the reversed Ace of Wands is particularly indicative of deflation or impotency. This may be manifested in a general loss of vital energy.
December 11, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. The Chariot contains high and directed energy. Once it is reversed, that energy becomes scattered, surges out of control, or restricted. Yesterday, the Princess urged us to learn…more about ourselves, a new skill, advancing what we already know, etc. But this card asks at what cost is this journey of self-discovery, overcoming obstacles, and/or achieving victory?
If you’re embarking on this “learning” path with a dangerously inflated ego, you may believe any means justify the ends. Such inflexible arrogance means you harbor no doubts about the validity of your actions. However, you must come to understand the “will power” approach is not and will not be successful. You need to solve problems rather than simply try to overpower them. Everything needs to change, so get busy and do what must be done to correct the many faults present.
December 10, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Pentacles. This card is indicative of abilities not yet discovered or a creative learner committed to the study of a new subject or art form. (On the other hand, learning and study are acquired skills, so one may be just learning how to learn.) You may be going back to school or getting additional training in your field (or at least thinking about it). You could take continued education classes or learn new skills during on-the-job training.
While the suit of Pentacles concerns money, the Princess teaches you the ability to have money but not be ruled by it and to use it for creating beauty and well-being. You’re invited to examine things with awe and wonder as you find novel uses for familiar objects and inventive solutions to new situations.
That said, the appearance of the Earth Princess is a reminder to live life fully and be present and aware of all possibilities—not just those of your own making or that which is tangible—because magic and opportunity surround us awaiting discovery!
December 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Emperor. The Emperor is the guardian of the realm who thoughtfully administers his family, community, and/or business while protecting his tribe and creations.
His appearance today reminds us it’s time to become responsible and understand there are consequences for all choices. The Emperor reminds all that as a global family, we must learn to work as a cohesive unit. While strength of will and self-determination is represented by this card and we’re encouraged to stand up for our beliefs, to be truly powerful, you don’t have to be a bully. When you stand in your power, you CAN show mercy and compassion as you come to recognize where the REAL threats lie.
Moving forward through Mars retrograde with The Emperor’s guidance means you’ll learn your lessons well, solve problems, and reap all the “gain” with less “pain.” After all, you know when you resist change and self-improvement, you only make things 10 times worse for yourself.
December 6, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Wands, reversed. A week ago we had the Prince of Wands, but upright. Today, he’s back but reversed…along with every other card in the past few days. In fact, just the day before the upright Prince of Wands, the Prince of Cups appeared reversed. I feel like we’re caught in a cycle of crankiness, self-pity, and PMS (gentlemen, y’all can have PMS, too). Mercury must be in retrograde or something for energy to be this pissy for so long. Yeah, no. MARS is in retrograde (I looked it up)!
When Mars is in retrograde, “it will force all of us to rethink the way we act on our impulses….. As a retrograde turns a planet’s energy inward, it forces us to retrace our steps, tie off loose ends and solve lingering problems….. In other words, retrogrades mean that life is about to get a little worse before it [gets] a *lot* better. After all, retrogrades force us to face the problems we’ve been avoiding so…we can finally put [them] behind us.
Mars retrograde is no exception, as this almost three-month-long [October ’22-January ’23] rollercoaster ride will lead to multiple breakthroughs and a deepened confidence in ourselves. But first, we need to be willing to step up to the plate and do the work. As with all things related to red-hot Mars, when there is no pain, there will be no gain. And because it happens to span throughout the entirety of the holiday season, you can expect the next few months to be incredibly unpredictable.”
Swell. To read more, see “How Mars Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign” by Roya Backlund at www.stylecaster.com.
December 4, 2022: Card O' the Day: Justice, reversed. Formerly held values, old rules of thumb, and social expectations are not reliable, and you must respond with few cues through a cloudy perception and uncertainty (echos of the reversed Ten of Cups). But when trying to justify your actions, you may be reacting emotionally when cool reason is required.
Now, if the imbalance isn’t external, you must assume it’s internal and you’re struggling with a divided self and are suffering the inner discord of intellect v. instinct. This mires you in indecision and inaction because of over-reliance on rationality or facts (or ignoring them altogether). Because of fear of mishandling a situation, you remain stuck but further delay would only hinder it more.
Often people who’ve had a run of misfortune will develop the attitude that “life’s unfair and I’m always the underdog.” This displays an unwillingness to see the meaning of events, dishonesty with yourself and others, and missing an opportunity for a greater understanding of life and Cosmic Lessons. (Damn those pesky “lessons” that make us so miserable!!!)
December 3, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups, reversed. This is the second 3 we’ve received in a couple days. The other day, the reversed Three of Swords spoke of having to deal with unpleasant truths. Yesterday, the reversed Ten of Cups called us out for some possibly bad behavior (that we didn’t really want to admit to).
However, self-indulgence or self-pity will inevitably lead to unpredictable circumstances that generate all around confusion and displeasure. What was once plentiful and alive (warm feelings among a group or tribe) becomes barren and dies as something hoped for doesn’t come about. It's important to maintain emotional control and further examination of the circumstances is required before moving on to prevent further loss of happiness, lack of cooperation, and loss of personal prestige.
The second three is reminding us it represents the Middle Way, or the harmonious synthesis that can arise when two apparently opposing positions are reconciled. Meaning, you’re allowed to have different opinions and/or ideas but you need to be gracious and diplomatic with them if you expect to keep the *peace.
(*In this case “peace” means cordial if only superficial relations. You can have deeper connections with those who’re like-minded and not apt to blow up in your face.)
December 2, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups, reversed. The instability and strains signified in this reversal are more likely to involve tribal or family values and beliefs, rather than individual ones. At any rate, this card indicates a highly charged situation gone wrong in which all emotion turns against itself.
If you’re the disruptive actor and have been given the role of scapegoat, expect feelings of shame and indignation as your reputation is trashed. Negative interactions with others has resulted in thoughtlessness and disagreement to the point upcoming celebrations are cancelled or emotionally draining.
Remember your Big Kid pants, take the high road, and make amends where you can. This doesn’t mean you have to grovel and debase yourself; just be the bigger person. The good news is this card is a 10, and that means this uncomfortable mess will end shortly and new beginnings can take shape.
December 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords, reversed. The reversed Three of Swords MAY bring relief after a narrowly averted disaster or old wounds heal and pain lessens as you accept your responsibilities for the part you played (recall the reversed Prince of Cups from two days ago).
However, unless you put on your big kid pants, you’ll have difficulty accepting an unpleasant truth, deny jealousy, sorrow, or inner pain. By not addressing the issue in an adult manner, expect escalating disaster and under such circumstances, nothing more can be gained by anyone. If you fight acceptance and don’t allow cathartic tears to flow, the healing process becomes blocked, which then keeps the pain within and increases its hold. You must let go of the hurt and begin the process of recovery before it creates an entirely different picture.
Tap into yesterday’s Princess of Wands’ energy and allow your Highest Self to step out of ego and take care of lingering business. It’ll clear the way for your blooming wonder.
November 30, 2022: Card O' the day: Princess of Wands. You’re experiencing a drive to know the self and are searching for new directions for self-growth and improvement. (Thus the recent withdrawal and self-protection.) You’re encouraged to feed creativity and inspiration, sharpen the senses, attune to nature, expand your outlook, and engage in life more robustly. Remain open, full of wonder, and joyful at simply being alive as you follow your spirit.
The appearance of this card may indicate the initial spark of a new career (or ambition for working your way up in your current career), project, or relationship, the beginning of a new phase of activity, exploring new territories, or gaining new responsibilities. The youthful, eager personality of the Princess acts as a dare and may represent someone—or yourself—with unusual ideas and original perspectives which encourage innovation and expression.
The appearance of this card is a reminder to be realistic in goals and remain authentic while reaching to attain them, however. Wisdom must be balanced with wonder as creative, passionate energy is expressed in a grounded, practical manner. This is a note to stay on your toes, appreciate humor, and to think outside the box. Be willing to try anything at the first opportunity for a little excitement, explore things that are close at hand with a fearless grace, and view it all as a catalyst for positive change.
November 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups, reversed. Becoming overtaken by moodiness, tears, and emotional insecurity, you’re submerged in an undersea realm of watery connections and beset by bad dreams and fantasy. The conflict lies between your inner fascination with self and real-world responsibilities.
Being psycho-emotionally false to your higher Self and others means you’ll continue to stagnate when it comes to having healthy relationships with others and wallowing in your own crap. This means you’re unable to honestly give to anyone else, will avoid commitments, and are moving away from emotional involvement.
And that’s very sad because if you continue to isolate yourself, know that such dodging may result in invitations being withdrawn permanently. If you can’t manage to see past your nose on your own, then by all means seek professional help to get you over the hump.
November 28, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. When a King becomes reversed, it indicates weakness and insecurity as one may be having difficulty adjusting to obstacles, defeats, or losses and this causes one to grow cynical or frightened. One may become ineffective when the world no longer operates according to one’s expectations. As one sinks into decline, the larger world may be ignored as one retreats from a position of authority, shirks power, and moves away from responsibilities. (Thus the Four of Pentacles yesterday.)
If one is feeling dissatisfied or uneasy about such a situation, then continuing under those conditions is pointless as insignificant matters can become magnified or errors in judgment come to light that weaken one’s position further.
Therefore, I encourage you to “Always remember the law of Karma: Each act of selfless protection and mercy for those in need revitalizes your spiritual center with a sense of peace and divinity. Therefore, find the stability to let go, be secure of your possessions, and embrace what you DO have.”
November 27, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles. Fours are about stability and Pentacles, being of the Earth, are also stable; combine the two and such compounded stability can become too confining and encourages stagnation. As we learn about personal power, force, and inner love for Self, we come to understand that manifesting integrity, strength of character, kindness, and generosity are actually somewhat self-serving in that they provide stability, focus, comfort, and security coming from our own body center.
However, in the need to feel psycho-emotionally safe, you may actually be strangling and blocking off yourself from the world by excluding others or withholding affection. Creating a closed structure, either of material things or by turning emotional and mental energy inward, you leave no room for abundance.
You’d do well to examine attitudes toward prosperity, monetary motivation, and what you tend to protect with fortress-like strength because greed and possessiveness don’t equal prudence. Always remember the law of Karma: Each act of selfless protection and mercy for those in need revitalizes your spiritual center with a sense of peace and divinity. Therefore, find the stability to let go, be secure ofyour possessions, and embrace what you do have.
November 23, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords, reversed. You may be the object of slanderous gossip that colludes with your own self-criticism, self-doubt, shame, mental uncertainty, and timidity. (Your turkey was dry last year and the gravy was lumpy.) Oppressed by troubles, feeling unfairly treated, one hides from “villainous” acquaintances and avoids public view or facing others. (You’re ready to un-invite EVERYone and regret you ever thought you could pull off a dinner for 30.)
Such shrinking from PERCEIVED dangers is reaction to something that weighs heavily on the mind and heart rather than an actual tragedy on the physical plane. (Who REALLY cares if the pie crust is soggy?)
It’s time to begin the process of climbing out of despair, come out of a depressive episode, and pull yourself out of the rut of self-doubt. Alleviate heavy guilt and self-blame and restore your reputation with patience and unselfishness. Do the very best you can and shut down any haters with the invitation for them to host next year.
November 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Wands. How appropriate as we head into the holiday season!!!
What started as a good idea has proliferated through overconfidence into too many projects or iterations of a single concept. Betrayed by your own ambitions and caught in a self-created or unplanned quagmire of problems and challenges, the responsibility and obligations of maintaining all that’s needed to keep things running smoothly depletes your energy and represses innate vitality. These unnecessary and distracting expectations will kill your enthusiasm and creativity for the original project.
Receiving this card indicates it’s clearly time to release current burdens and responsibilities. Reassess values and priorities to put what really matters first by generally simplifying and letting go. Certainly use discernment when deciding what to release, severing cords that bind, or discontinuing relationships with people who hold you back. But without making an effort to relieve the current oppression, you’ll be unable or simply too tired to celebrate or appreciate the success you earn.
November 18, 2022: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands. The number 2 suggests a conflict, decision, or union (but I’m not feeling a “union” issue here). The suit of Wands signifies fiery action and determination. While energy is passive and contained, it’s nevertheless quite intense and in need of direction.
If this card represents conflict, things aren’t going well. The question is whether the discord comes from within you or an outside source. Either way, a tremendous amount of energy is trying to move, but it’s blocked by something that needs to be overcome to claim the prize. You actually have the power to resolve this conflict through a new approach or well-timed, bold move. On the other hand, the Two may have appeared to demand a decision regarding which of several opportunities to pursue. (And therein may lie your conflict.) They’re all good, but you must choose what you hope to accomplish within a particular sphere of influence.
Once energies have been effectively harnessed and responsibilities managed, new possibilities or brilliant original ideas are released or current projects are given new meaning. In the process, you might need to fashion a new mental discipline or return to a previously effective one after applying lessons learned and skills honed.
November 17, 2022: Card O' the Day: The High Priestess, reversed. The reversed High Priestess indicates a period of coming out of your shell after a time of controversy and chaos. It was “loud” and messy and that kept you separated from your higher Self and instincts. Now that things are quieting down, go ahead and reconnect with your spiritual side, be self-reliant, and exercise your sense of independence as you set new standards.
This may look like becoming more business-like or formal as you discern who and what are really worth your time and attention.
November 16, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords, reversed. Much like the reversed Prince of Wands, this reversed Sword Prince is ready to settle down.
The reversal may indicate that you’re feeling battle-worn or wounded by sharp words after last week’s frenzy of decisions, debates, and verbose opining from all sides. This could render you fearful, doubtful, or cautious and you may want to fall back or hastily retreat rather than advance forward with an endeavor.
On a more conscious level, you might be trying to overcome impulsiveness and are deliberately becoming more thoughtful, careful, and less hurried as you wait for any opposition to move out of the way. And that’s okay because I think many of us could use a little quiet time before the holiday hub-bub is upon us.
November 14, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Wands, reversed. Another Prince reversed! Well… while the elections are over, the haggling and vote counting are not. However, I don’t think this particular card has anything to do with that chaotic energy.
This particular reversed prince may indicate you’re ready to rein in fiery impulses to stop and enjoy the present, rather than perpetually focusing on future progress. This slower pace could make you more effective and allow for deeper experiences all around. In fact I know that to be true.
Concretely, it could indicate you’re looking for a new job…along with lots of failed politicians!
November 13, 2022: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords. The journey to peace begins when you step out of judgment to see similarities rather than differences…especially between yourself and others. The Two of Swords comes to a reading when you’re feeling conflicted, are at crossed purposes, have complementary or opposing thoughts held in balance, or are holding two contradictory ideas or characteristics as true and valid at the same time (ex. He’s an asshole but still a really good dad.)
This might manifest in struggling with a personal dilemma or having a fear of someone unduly influencing you to make a choice. You’d do well to block outside opinions, listen to your intuition, and choose the path that’s best for YOU rather than what’s popular or recommended by others. Take the time to feel deeply and then choose wisely.
November 10, 2022: Card O' the Day: The World. The World is representative of all the elements of the material condition—earth, water, air, and fire—combined with the fifth essence of Spirit. One is imbued with limitless potential to achieve all things possible and is one with the creative force of Universe.
As the final card in the Major Arcana series of the Tarot deck, this card represents one’s arduous journey and the final completion of the work of cutting through illusions and falsehoods to perceive what one believes is the truth. That realization is the final experience of the original goal—though that goal is probably quite different from when one started. Be aware and receptive of this energy as one steps forward to see what’s next and dares to travel outside one’s previous comfort zone.
Now that our elections are over, I feel like this card is for all those running for office who were elected or not. It’s also for us “mere mortals” who only went to the polls to vote. The World is marking the end to a huge cycle in our country and now we figure out what to do with the end results of our efforts. I invite you to reread the first paragraph of this post and go from there
November 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups, reversed. Oof! More of the same with the reversed Prince of Cups!
Like a shadow on the water, the reversed Prince of Cups is constantly moving with, and adapting to, any situation in a pliant, liquid way, making him hard to define or grasp. He is emotionally dishonest, disingenuous, duplicitous, insincere, and can be quite the lying, conniving, deceitful schemer who uses flattery to achieve his opportunistic, fraudulent ends. The more secretive aspects of this reversal include cheating, manipulation, deception, and could indicate a situation is not as it seems. Trickery, mischief, baseness, idleness, hypocrisy, and artifice are other keywords associated with the reversed Prince. See also obstacles and unpleasant events.
Swell. If this describes your feelings regarding our current election cycle, be grateful it’ll end soon. However, if yesterday’s and today’s reversed Princes describe a person with whom you must deal with on a daily basis, may I suggest you do your best to remove him/her/them from your life? Or at the very least severely limit your exposure. You don’t have to suffer such oafs.
November 7, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords, reversed. Wow, this feels like 99% of the politicians out there as they frantically campaign down to the very last minute. Ditto the news pundits trying to predict the outcomes of every race.
The normally sharp intellect of the Sword Prince slides into the fanatical or ridiculous when reversed and he appears imprudent, inept, and full of hot air. One may argue theories that are impractical, irrelevant, or empty; one’s words sound like nonsense; or arguments are irrational. Impulsive or foolish incompetence may lead to stupid mistakes that waste time and/or endanger others. At worst, those under the influence of this card tend to carelessly and recklessly charge ahead without listening to advice in a wild response to a situation that calls for a quieter, more careful approach.
On a more conscious level, one would do well to overcome impulsiveness and deliberately become more thoughtful, careful, and less hurried as one listens to one’s own gut and makes choices according to the best knowledge one has at hand at hand. Vote tomorrow if you haven’t already!
November 4, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles.I’m not surprised to see the Four of Pentacles right after the King. Both of them can indicate hoarding or miserly tendencies, which is not necessarily a “bad thing.” This propensity can stem from sheer meanness (most definitely a “bad thing!”), but I’m feeling it’s driven by the need for stability and protection.
As you learn about personal power, force, and inner love for Self, you'll come to understand that manifesting integrity, strength of character, kindness, and generosity are actually somewhat self-serving in that they provide stability, focus, comfort, and security coming from your own body center. Greed for the sake of accumulation or grasping for power just to be the “big man on campus”, on the other hand, interferes with the creation of balance and community. By knowing the Self, personal protection is complete and others can’t take you down because you see yourself as beautiful and deserving of the things you earn.
While selfishness is sometimes necessary, this card is a call to learn the correct use of power and property for the sake of community and ultimately yourself.
November 3, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Pentacles. The King of Pentacles is governed by Taurus (my sign) and is steadfast and determined in all things. His greatest talents lie in organization and control of physical matter.
As with all kings, this card signifies the ambition, power, social responsibility, and integrity of good leaders who are strong and impatient to get things done. This particular king doesn’t struggle in his role of social leader or “benevolent ruler” the way the Kings of Wands and Cups do and is happily in charge of a settled world. A tireless worker himself who places an emphasis on quality and reliability, the Earth King rewards the loyalty of those who work equally hard for him.
This card is significant of good physical health and one is called to focus on one’s body, diet, and exercise, and apply energy to practical matters and physical wellbeing.
November 2, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords. Sorry folks…try as I might my current situation does intrude on my impartiality regarding the Card O’ the Day. This morning, my hand feels extra stiff and I’m fighting the “what if I never get my hand back” feelings. Thus the appearance of the Nine of Swords.
Often, this card indicates personal mental anguish, pessimism, or the tendency to brood or imagine the worst case scenario without any idea of how to avoid crashing. Perhaps the suffering stems from the feeling of being victimized or tortured by circumstances or that unwelcome energies are at work. This kind of hopelessness and overly active imagination with dark thoughts and visions predominating wreaks havoc on one’s peace of mind to the point that over-obsessing on all things fearful, negative, or anxious begins to infiltrate dreams and day-to-day life.
To be clear, this card signifies the mental discomfort one has created in reaction to a situation, not the situation itself. Therefore, one is advised to look at the problem giving one such anguish objectively because often one’s deepest fears or visions of terror are not real. Use the mind to separate each illogical fear or worry from the pack, cooly analyze it, meet negative thoughts with intellect, cease the mental punishment, and turn fear into positive daily action. (For me that means pressing forward with my physical therapy.)
November 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups. The other day we had the Ace of Wands, reversed. It was significant of new starts but the reversal meant we weren’t quite ready, the timing wasn’t right, or there were snags in the way. Today’s Princess signifies a timid beginning destined to evolve positively and therefore we’re encouraged to be more vulnerable and to embrace something of which we're a little unsure. Especially since that may be a phase of opportunity to follow an artistic, musical, or literary inspiration. (By definition such endeavors are always tenuous so that can make you feel even more unsure of yourself.)
And yet, the Water Princess is indicative of youthful energy and being lighthearted about the future. Her appearance is a reminder to let life flow as you learn to accept and incorporate feelings into reactions, contemplate things with a tender heart, trust, and serve with love. As you stand on the threshold of emotional maturation through relationships, struggles to develop your talents, or imagination regarding projects, you’ll discover new feelings starting with those of self-love and respect. (SUPER important right now lest you get discouraged.)
October 27, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. Even when reversed, the Ace indicates new beginnings are afoot and you may feel ready, desiring, and yearning for change. However, the right opportunity has yet to come, a situation may be premature, or you’re not energized or prepared enough to move forward. Alternatively, there may be simply too much activity and you’re engaged in too many “new starts.”
Emotionally speaking, this could cause you to suffer frustration, vexation, rejection, weakness, doubt, hesitation, ineffectiveness, or powerlessness. Which then means you fall into desperation that clouds your joy and prevents you seeing the parts that ARE going well. (Always, always, ALWAYS acknowledge the full part of your glass!)
Any one of these factors could lead to unrealized ambitions. You’d do well to reconsider plans and goals or set something aside for the time being because impatience is not the answer
October 26, 2022: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles. This card represents the celebration of the natural creative flow to all life and all things, and having it in a reading indicates you’re in tune with this flow and the importance is not lost. The Eight of Pentacles represents an ideal situation of harmonious balance of prosperity wherein all needs of the mind, emotions, and body’s health are met. This steadiness extends to your tribe in which all have found their place and the community is in full understanding of each other.
The appearance of the Eight indicates it’s a good time to have equal persistence and patience while you work together with your environment and improvise when necessary to build a strong foundation from which you can grow. Use all available resources with an eye for durability, conservation, and incorporating artistry with function as you meld inner vision with technical knowledge thereby applying your intelligence to material matters. Such endeavors will create inner happiness and satisfaction within yourself while bettering the world.
October 25, 2022: Card O' the Day: Judgment, reversed. When upright, this card indicates big changes; when reversed, it signifies difficult transitions, hesitation, or resentfulness towards or doubting the value of the necessary changes. This puts you at risk of bad judgments, poor decisions (or avoiding them), confusion, and delays.
The reversal of this card may indicate a deep dread of the ultimate and inevitable changes of old age, loneliness, sickness, and death. Such insecurities may tempt you to remain closed off or closeted from others. However, self-pity only makes things worse and feelings of unease and unrest will continue until you decide to do something about the circumstances.
Always remember and never forget, you’re in complete control of your life! React badly to unfortunate news or circumstances, and your “bad luck” will compound. React with objectivity and imagination, and you’ll remain in charge of turning your destiny towards all that you desire.
October 24, 2022: Card O' the day: Queen of Swords, reversed. It’s interesting that right after we’re encouraged to be more open and accepting of our emotions and to make certain decisions based upon what we desire rather than strict practicality, the Queen of Swords appears…and reversed no less.
The Queen’s feelings and feminine side can become buried under an aloof mantle of authority out of self-protection. (Read: super logical and NEVER emotionally out of control.) Because she showed up today in the face of Universe telling us to allow emotions free rein, it could be some of you are controlling grief, suppressing anger, resisting sorrow or an ending of some nature, or delaying an emotional decision. You may be having difficulty accepting a death, divorce, or separation. Such tight control of emotions will come across as coldness, a closed heart, distance, unreasonableness, or self-imposed solitude.
I agree emotions can be really messy. But they’re a vital piece of the human experience. Try not to miss that part of your earthly life.
October 23, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Empress. Apparently, The Empress wasn’t finished….
The Empress’s raw emotions combined with earthy sensuality make for an intensely passionate approach to life. Sometimes it’s necessary to make decisions based upon emotions and her presence signals a time of diving into life through feeling and pleasure rather than intellectual or moral consideration. In the right context, this allows for expression of desires with great confidence and prepares you to go beyond boundaries as you abandon yourself to the energy that fuels the birth of all things. This may lead to satisfaction and understanding gained, emotional wellbeing, and the ability to embrace life in hard times to trust that love will transcend suffering.
The Empress also signifies spiritual hope and awakening to the possibility of letting go of the concept of the solid world being all there is and accepting the wider, intangible universe. Tap into the area of the psyche where the Self is nurtured and where you receive your inspiration and self-aware intelligence.
October 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups, reversed. Oof. I’m afraid this one might be for me…. As I was choosing the card for today, bicycling flashed across my mind. It’s one of my hobbies and I haven’t been able to ride since I fell off a ladder in June and broke my arm. I’ve been working hard on rehabilitating my hand and wrist to previous levels of strength and flexibility but there’s a chance some of it won’t be recovered. Also, this card came to us on the 11th…just a few days ago. So, what are we (am I) NOT getting?
The reversed Ace of Cups signifies we’re sabotaging our hearts by not recognizing or being dissatisfied with the gifts and joy life offers. Examples of non-recognition include (but are not limited to) rejecting a friendly overture or emotional gift, turning down an opportunity, clinging to old sentiments or melancholy, or refusing to shake off deeply held grudges. But that’s not possible when we’re unwelcoming to change and unwilling to let go of past emotional pain.
I repeat my suggestion from the 11th: create a list of what’s going RIGHT in life right now; focus on that and not so much on all the “wrong."
October 21, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Empress. The Empress is significant of fulfilling relationships and a life enriched by spiritual awareness. She also represents physical care and nurturing of the self and others through love, acceptance, and forgiveness. We’re encouraged to protect and defend those who are important, show kindness to those less fortunate, and learn to be emotionally available to others.
The caveat here is you must also be as open to receiving as much as giving to retain one’s psycho-emotional and Karmic equilibrium. Therefore, step into Mother Earth’s energy to heal and balance life’s chaos at the first hint of personal depletion. (Tarot-speak for maintain your boundaries and don’t be afraid to say no when you need to.)
October 20, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles.The Ten of Pentacles signals harmony and the growth of spirit that comes from deep sharing and communication between family (“chosen” family counts, too) and friends so that many may enjoy the abundance of a good life instead of just a few. The appearance of this card indicates it’s time to become more aware of this communal environment and to devote time to celebrating or resolving the past as all matters involving one’s clan, friends, community, and relationships become important.
The stone associated with this card is Tiger’s Eye. It teaches the tolerance of different points of view, helps you see unity rather than “other”, and helps you be more flexible to attract the people and things which are important for your psycho/emotional and spiritual development.
October 19, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups, reversed. This reversal turns stagnation into a feeling of healthy restlessness that leads to thirsting for fresh experiences and new healthy relationships. You’re looking for new opportunities to overcome passivity and discontentment!
However, in that search for “better” you might become so eager to make new acquaintances that you’re not too discriminating about it as you get caught up in the newness of it all. Therefore, merely seeking mindless distractions among new people may lead to troublesome relationships.
You’re encouraged to make new friends, but cautioned not to go “all in” too quickly for or with them. Be sure they’re worth your loyalty, time, and energy.
October 17, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups. The Three of Cups is a card of joy, festivity, light, and energy. Threes signify expansion, contentment, congenial relationships, and the synthesis of love. The appearance of this card is a sign you’re becoming more available to the many opportunities there are to explore the world with an open heart, precise intuition, and inquisitive mind.
This card recognizes and luxuriates in the ties that bind and drinks deeply of the wine of friendship and those who’ll help navigate hard times as well as make good times that much sweeter. These are the people you call your posse, homies, or tribe with whom you have a soul-level connection and upon which you may fully rely.
Nature and sympathy help balance and control emotions as you release the need to impress others and trust in their essential goodness. Allow yourself to receive this nourishment and positive energy that only true friends can give. (If you don’t have a solid posse, this card is indicating the need of it.)
October 16, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Moon, reversed. When faced with confusion and perceived irrationality, you’d rather cling to what appears to be concrete reality, reason, literalness, and practicality. You may go so far as to block or resist all imagination, psychic information, or any intuitive impressions. Thus, you retreat within the bastions of conventionality and conformity, or withdraw into immobility or mental weariness to hide from all that’s challenging.
However, the instability, error, and deception indicated in the upright Moon might not seem so threatening when The Moon is reversed. You’re actually able to face perils with calm and confidence if you try. With the gift of insight into the imagery of the psyche and acceptance of that, you can digest and clarify alternative experiences, concepts, or choices as you come to the end of a difficult time.
October 15, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords. Like all cards in the mentally focused suit of Swords, the heart chakra governs, which illustrates how the mind can affect the heart and emotions…most often cruelly.
Emotional insecurity is often behind one’s greatest fears and self-destructive actions as we fake our way through life with bravado to appear independent and strong. But all that is just a cover for perceived deficiencies or inadequacies. Insecurity is often rooted in issues of trust and trustworthiness, and we must find the true cause of it and do the work necessary to stabilize life for ourselves.
Don’t allow your mind to hold you trapped and crippled in past trauma that stops you from making decisions lest you make the “wrong” one. While opposition seems to be coming from all sides, it’s really all in your mind and within your power to end the cycle of insecurity and futility.
October 14, 2022: Card O' the Day: Justice. I feel like we’re repeating messages here because we can’t quite “get it.” Justice appeared about two weeks ago and indicated potential for emotional disturbance. We were directed to look at life to see what could cause disruption, chaos, and recklessness (which we all know is rooted in ego and hubris).
“The notion of judicious or prudent intelligence applies to the Justice card in that it represents the power of the intellect and mental alertness to make choices based upon dispassionate, impersonal evaluation and fighting battles with strategy and skill rather than brute force. Conceptual thinking, fairness, and intellect become the arbiters between opposing ideas rather than desire (i.e. what you waaaaaant).” This advice from September 30th still holds true since we continue to argue with our egos, passions, and negative self-talk.
Again, it’s time to look at your life and see what you’re doing that doesn’t allow balance. Through lucid thinking, objective planning, and weighing all factors, you can reach fully informed and aware decisions using logic, reasoning, and fact-based evidence.
October 13, 2022: Card O the Day: Five of Wands, reversed. The internal conflicts present in the upright version of this card can also be represented in the reversal.
You may be so hesitant to create anything resembling controversy that your desires for personal evolution cannot be acted upon or are ignored due to crippling doubts and indecision. If you ARE capable of tapping into creativity, you can only do so with the help of unhealthy “crutches” like drugs, alcohol, excessive food, or pointless sex.
Go back to your list of what’s going right for you at this time. It may seem stupid to list your blessings but it actually forces you to think positively. And while you’re doing that, it’s impossible to kick yourself or indulge in self-destructive habits.
October 12, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Wands. You’re experiencing a drive to know the self and are searching for new directions for self-growth and improvement. However, the influence of the Fire Princess will will prevent you from living by someone else’s terms (think boss) or being told what to do. Ego becomes so important you can be crippled by it.
This card also represents young energy that by definition doesn’t have extensive experience upon which to draw. However, experience, knowledge, or skill aren’t specifically required, only openness and desire is needed as you take on life’s problems without worry about the likelihood of success. This lack of hands-on training is more than made up for in grit, intuition, and stubbornness…if you can control ego enough to accept advice and dare to make mistakes.
October 11, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups, reversed. Just as the Nine of Swords represented mental discomfort of your own making, the reversed Ace of Cups signifies you’re sabotaging your heart, too, by not recognizing or being dissatisfied with the gifts and joy life offers. Examples of non-recognition include (but are not limited to) rejecting a friendly overture or emotional gift, turning down an opportunity, clinging to old sentiments or melancholy, and refusing to shake off deeply held grudges.
To receive love, you must be willing to give love. But that’s not possible when you’re unwelcoming to change and unwilling to let go of past emotional pain. You also need to be sufficiently interested in others’ perspectives if you expect any kind of support from them.
Might I suggest you create a list of what’s going RIGHT in your life right now? Focus on that and not so much on all the “wrong."
October 9, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords. Back to Swords and the hard work it represents…. The suit of Swords, at its best, represents logic, rational thought, and truth and at worst a sharp intellect that can cruelly wound yourself when turned inward. To be clear, this card signifies the mental discomfort you’ve created in reaction to a situation, not the situation itself.
Often, this card indicates personal mental anguish, pessimism, or the tendency to brood or imagine the worst case scenario without any idea of how to avoid crashing. This kind of hopelessness and overly active imagination with dark thoughts and visions predominating wreaks havoc on your peace of mind to the point that over-obsessing on all things fearful, negative, or anxious takes over your life.
Therefore, you’re advised to look at the problems giving you such anguish objectively because often your deepest fears or visions of terror are not rational, logical, or real. Cognitively recognize negative thought patterns and observe how they’re affecting your life. Use the mind to separate each illogical fear or worry from the pack, cooly analyze it, meet negative thoughts with intellect, cease the mental punishment, and turn fear into positive daily action.
October 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles, reversed. Apparently, Universe wants us to take the “alternative approach” rather than just chucking the whole thing and escaping to Tahiti.
In order to change your luck, you’re required to create alternative structures and take a different approach because the “standard way” of doing things isn't working. The appearance of this card is an indication you’ve reached a turning point in facing material or spiritual troubles as you persist through transformations. The recent bad trend is reversed and the situation improves as problems are overcome and money is regained after renewed commitment to severe toil and labor.
Heretofore hidden possibilities become accessible and you’re encouraged to take a risk because these unexpected circumstances can reveal opportunity and gain. However, as your intelligence is applied to your work, be careful excessive “dynamism” and “velocity” (read: pushy and reckless) don’t make the situation unstable thereby causing worries, disorder, and going back to where you started.
October 7, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords, reversed. When Swords are reversed, it indicates mental balance is under stress and may manifest in inaction, self-destruction, denial of disturbing thoughts, difficulty in thinking clearly, or you might be resistant to a painful truth. At the same time, the suit of Swords also governs the heart and the darkness existing in the mind can easily break your heart.
Without a clear sense of logical reality, you fall prey to mistakes created by your emotions. When everything appears more important that it actually is, current problems could lie in how you’re reacting to them more than anything else.
If one approach is not working to solve an “unsolvable” problem, then logic dictates something new must be applied to find solution. One the other hand, you might just come to see a situation for what it is—a lost cause—and just walk away because sometimes you really do have to throw in the towel.
October 6, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Wheel of Fortune, reversed. The Wheel, reversed, is still a beneficial card, but its energy becomes unstable, and the unpredictability of outcomes increases. This could manifest in a superabundance of change with rapid growth, superfluity, expansion, and increases.
You could become anxious because you just don’t feel “ready” for what’s next. In attempts to slow it all down so you can think, you might become overly prudent, inflexible, or conservative. Unfortunately, there’s the necessity to move forward or you’ll risk stagnation that makes circumstances even more precarious.
Mostly, the problem is with your attitude as negativity starts to creep in and you alternate between hope and despondency. Confusion, resistance to Fate, and an irresolute emotional core blocks the vital action. Struggle against events is usually doomed, so stand firm, maintain courage and stamina, and learn from past rotations of The Wheel that nothing—good or bad—lasts forever.
October 5, 2022: Card O the Day: Death. Death heralds a major transformation…the ditching of an old way of being. We’re being asked to totally transform everything we believe ourselves to be. Surrender the self to the changes and release ego. Enormous energy is being used to maintain an illusion so simplify life and don’t allow ego to create power drains trying to “keep up with the Joneses.”
Keywords or concepts associated with Death: ending that allows transformation, clearing of the old to make way for the new, letting go of unneeded stuff, cleansing, a natural end, closure, release, essential movement, and deliverance.
With those dire proclamations made, understand creativity, nourishment, and growth occur when fears and attachments are released and the future is accepted. Don’t look at this as an ending; it’s a transformation. Nothing is ever destroyed but simply changes shape. Allow yourself to be fully conscious and aware as you leave one state of being and are simultaneously reborn into another.
October 2, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords. As with all the Swords cards, intellectual activity is present. The Three’s energy gives enthusiasm to your intellect that easily combines with a passion for studying, reading, and desire for intellectual development. In such an excited state, you might come to realize certain old belief systems no longer serve and are ready for the scrap heap.
However, the still immature and unrealized intellect and intuition act spontaneously and discern no difference between believing and knowing as fanatic primary ideas, lightning realizations, or first opinions rocket out your mouth. While the ideas and plans to be implemented are good, pay attention and make corrections when given the opportunity to do so.
If any of your bright ideas and grand plans involve money, be faithful in all promises and totally honest! This card can indicate trouble in business or financial situations if you’re not vigilant.
October 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Fool. The Fool returns, but upright this time. Now that Justice has helped us get our emotions in balance with our thinking, we’re ready for a change in environment, to evaluate the tangible steps necessary to make this change, and acknowledge all lessons learned from past failures and use them for future success. Don’t freak out about changes and taking necessary risks; change is good! Stay grounded and aware throughout the process as you look for any pitfalls.
Fortunately, in your balanced state, expect an expansion of awareness to new ideas, as your spirit looks forward to limitless opportunities. As the bearer of the original essential boundless energy, this card represents advancing towards developing all of your personal capabilities whether obvious or still latent.
However, this fundamental creative urge, potential of the spirit’s force, or need to take action has yet to be directed. Thus the need for grounding emotions and ideas in facts, concrete realities, and plausible possibilities. Use your intellect well and consider it a tether for your dreams and aspirations.
September 30, 2022: Card O' the Day: Justice. There’s potential emotional disturbance present; therefore, look at your life to see what could cause disruption and chaos (your own recklessness?). This card is here to bring you all things that help you feel safe and neutral.
The notion of judicious or prudent intelligence applies to the Justice card in that it represents the power of the intellect and mental alertness to make choices based upon dispassionate, impersonal evaluation and fighting battles with strategy and skill rather than brute force. Conceptual thinking, fairness, and intellect become the arbiters between opposing ideas rather than desire.
It’s time to honestly look at life and see what you’re doing that doesn’t allow balance in life. Through lucid thinking, objective planning, and weighing all factors, you can transform the untamed and nebulous to reach fully informed and aware decisions using logic, reasoning, and evidence.
That said, while there’s definitely a positive need for a balanced mind, true justice isn’t devoid of sentiment but integrates passion, ethics, logic, and experience that‘s all used to gauge a situation. Consider Justice to be the meeting place of emotional intelligence and critical thought.
September 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles, reversed. And the general mood of “I don’t want to grow up” continues with our reversed Queen. Normally indicative of nurturing, handling responsibilities, and maintaining resources, the reversed Queen ain’t havin’ none of it as she abjures security and family values and seeks to enjoy a more carefree, adventurous existence.
The Eight of Cups’ wallowing continues as the reversed Queen struggles with self-worth, feels that her efforts are never enough, and/or doubts her value as a person. She may be perplexed by basic management tasks, is indecisive and uncertain, fears failure, and lacks trust in herself.
Here’s the thing: no one is born KNOWING what to do. Being a grown-up is basically having the cojones to just give life a whack! You WILL screw up and fall down…just like you did when you were learning to walk. The trick is to learn from mistakes and try again. Trust me, everyone else is blundering through life, too. Your gaffes will hardly get noticed. Especially when everyone is watching and waiting for Kim Kardashian to mess up.
September 28, 2022: Card O' the day: Eight of Cups. The astrological combination governing this card causes destructive emotional patterns to surface. Saturn (planet of struggle and hard work) opposes Pisces (sign of emotional healing and life completion). This creates a conflict between logical, common sense and personal sympathy (i.e. wallowing).
You’re all ready to abandon what formerly attracted, nurtured, emotionally sustained, or fascinated you with regards to an enterprise, undertakings, or previous concerns. In an effort to avoid the real work of adulting, you’re indulging in changeability, romantic flitting from one idea to another, or pursuing amusing pastimes.
Your immature personality is unable to make permanent commitments, the intellect grasps at many subjects in a superficial way, and there’s little real mastery in anything. Such a variety of pursuits are unlikely to really succeed as you simply wander from place to place and idea to idea. It’s time to make some radical shifts in your mental processes to find a deeper satisfaction with your life.
September 27, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. The reversed Fool indicates a false carefreeness and happy-go-lucky attitude, which prevents you from taking a chance at a critical time because of fear or dependence upon plans or advice of others. Worse yet, you may engage in crazy, reckless schemes that come from a reluctance to listen to advice and a failure to act from your innate wisdom or to follow instincts. Bad decisions and the ensuing irresponsibility for your foolish—or downright idiotic—actions result in disorder and chaos.
The reversed Fool suggests it’s time to grow up, listen to your higher self, and take on adult responsibilities (I know, it’s hard). Take a period of reflection to contemplate and clarify what’s going on now and what has come to pass. If performances and events have not lived up to what was envisioned and you’re feeling overwhelmed, it would be well to discover why.
Only then will you have the awareness that big chances must be taken at the right time and when, precisely, that is.
September 23, 2022: Card O' the Day: Eight of Swords. Eights signify completion and manifestation and Swords signify the mind. Together, this card suggests the completion or the ending of a current problem exists in the correct use of the mind.
Without proper psycho-emotional tools, you can feel disoriented, trapped, powerless, and limited by fear. Negative thinking, over-analyzing, caving into anxiety, self-consciousness, or waiting for “rescue” only furthers the illusion of lack or imprisonment. When you perceive you’re in a bind, thoughts are stifled or short-circuited and the self-sabotaging, critical mind hampers every move as self-imposed beliefs, rather than objective circumstances.
While you can’t control what life brings, you CAN control how you feel, think, and react. The way you’re looking at problems exacerbates them; You’re not being kept down by direct force but your BELIEF that you’re helpless. When beginning the road to recovery, consider the reason for or actual source of the problem. Then use yer noodle to figure it out.
September 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: The World. As the final card in the Major Arcana series of the Tarot deck, this card represents our arduous journey and the final completion of the work of cutting through illusions and falsehoods to perceive the truth. We’ve successfully “danced within our limits” as we found individual freedom within the inescapable boundaries of like as a human.
Challenging, all-encompassing experiences were handled with aplomb and you might receive rewards, honors, or promotion for work well done. Your recognized expertise will lead to even greater responsibility and advancement. Relish this feeling of coming to a dazzling and exciting completion for as long as it lasts and congratulate yourself for this personal accomplishment after struggling to fulfill goals and attain objectives.
Prosperity and abundance is assured if you remember to pursue excellence of Self and wisdom of the soul. Therefore, because there’s more to come, you’re encouraged to perform a ritual of gratitude to celebrate the end of this cycle and joy of achievement, thank all those who have assisted along this road, and find a way to give back or help those in need. Acknowledge this happy ending or satisfactory outcome as a prelude to the next beginning because the journey of the Tarot will take place many times in life. Face the inevitable changes with hope and optimism.
September 21, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Cups. With this card, we’re faced with the Seven Deadly Sins, which can be fatal to our spiritual progress and it’s strongly advised to maintain balance between having fun and complete impropriety.
One might self-medicate and self-soothe with overindulgence in recreational drugs, food, or alcohol or abandon oneself in debauchery, sin, and corrupted sensual pleasure. Often this card signifies one is lost in ungrounded, dream-like energy within one’s creative and cognitive world in which one is pulled and dazzled by many seemingly promising opportunities.
When overwhelmed by the “beauty of the world”, one cannot differentiate between illusion or sound possibilities, tries to avoid the real work of honestly exploring options, and drifts off into fantasies thereby delaying reality. There’s a real danger of becoming so entranced by visions that one wallows in reveries and allows energy to dissipate and promises go unfulfilled.
September 19, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Moon. “Be careful, lest in casting out your demons you exorcize the best thing in you.” — Nietzsche
It's time to face any issues of insecurity or fear and trust a higher consciousness. Question: Are those fears real or created to keep you "safe"?
September 18, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles. Truly meaningful work generates more than material benefits and you’re being asked to take a step back to consider what those might be. A creative crossroads, with potential for revelations and possible changes of direction, is in the near future. But inventiveness can only come from a relaxed and focused mind, so you’re being asked to refresh yourself and appreciate each goal achieved thus far.
While a little self care is needed, it doesn’t mean you have to spend wads on a vacation, fancy dinner, or spontaneous plane ticket. Pause to ponder and look deeply within; explore daydreams, visions, and musings that might lead you to inner-world treasure and be open to internal guidance to see the magic taking root in your everyday life.
September 16, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles, reversed. Obstacles, delays, setbacks, and constraints aren’t of your own making or fault. Circumscribed by limits that prevent advancement, you’re being blocked at every turn, which means you can’t blossom through new challenges and grow.
Impracticality, lack of grounding, or powerlessness could hamper decisions. Obstruction may be tied to literal physical issues or something more intangible such as commitments or responsibilities. When falling prey to such superior external forces, life may feel overwhelming and you’re unable to give it structure.
It’s time to reconsider what you really needed to feel secure. Find where the center of your power lies and be patient because despite perceived opposition, you can still work towards goals.
September 12, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Magician. The card of The Magician represents the “magic” of Self. Everybody has this magic, whether you acknowledge it or ignore it. As the director of the quest for “Self”, you can learn how to contact the Life Force, find the hidden parts of yourself, and come to understand them to live your best life. After all, without you, there’d be something missing from existence and no other can replace it.
The appearance of this card may indicate you’re beginning a quest for wisdom. You’re encouraged to trust your own inner experiences, allow imagination free rein, and listen to higher planes of consciousness.
While The Fool signifies infinite hopes and beginnings, The Magician is the personification of those possibilities coupled with the energy of life in its most electric forms: consciousness, creation, intuition, intellect, desire, and action. Indicative of you on the rise, feeling confident and capable, and taking your rightful place in line, this card recognizes the awareness you have of everything unexplored.
Go get ‘em tiger!
September 9, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles. So, we JUST had the Six three days ago. However, today’s message is about balance, rather than reciprocity, and examines the equilibrium between our material, spiritual, and social life and the restoration thereof. Such balance within your environment would provide a happy, relaxed atmosphere in which you can enjoy the fruits of your labor with good company and job prospects.
Sometimes balance is not ideal yet is very stable. It could be you’re in a relationship wherein one party dominates the other by giving from a place of superiority. The hierarchy may not indicate a dominant person but a situation in which one party remains submissive. The circumstances offer just enough to keep you from looking for something better and you’re too passive or apathetic to endanger the little bit of security you have. In the end, nothing becomes truly reconciled and the situation remains static and continues.
Therefore, look for areas in your life where you’re not completely thrilled but put up with the situation just so you don’t make waves. You’re allowed to be happy, too, and don’t have to sacrifice it so everyone else is comfy. Speak up and claim your share of the pie.
September 7, 2022: Card O' the Day: Eight of Cups, reversed. We live in a society where striving and competing are rewarded and almost expected. But beware of using inner journeys (yes, it’s possible to try to be more “woke” than the next guy) or outer goals as escapism or flights from reality causing one to drift aimlessly and hopelessly searching for the ever elusive “more.”
This card cautions us to solidify goals first and not recklessly leap at or force changes just for the sake of doing something else. Changing “just because” isn’t the smart answer right now because what you’re thinking of leaving may still have some value. In actuality, there could be a new window of opportunity, being reinstated in a nurturing situation, or sticking with a current process will bring ultimate success, joy, and happiness after some corrections have been made.
Allow cautious optimism and creative impulses to flow…there’s potential for improvement.
September 6, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles. This card can be summed up in one word: reciprocity. It’s representative of the action of giving/receiving, never mind who’s the beneficiary or the benefactor. The rewards of such action—without regard for keeping score—connects society and uplifts all its members. Even the simplest acts of kindness are always affordable by the richest and poorest alike.
The makers of and believers in magic understand giving—even just a smile—to those in need returns spiritual benefits. Soul-based exchanges that flow from love embody true generosity, Spirit in all life, and strength through gentleness. Even though we’re grounded in the material/physical world, how we value and handle sacred spirit exchanges determines our future.
The main message for today is to accept gladly and give freely. Notice acceptance comes before giving. We’re taught that to give is “better” than to receive but if all you do is give, give, give, then you end up with the dregs. To maintain energetic balance, you must also accept gifts as they’re offered.
September 2, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords, reversed. The stability of the Four of Swords allows for a stilling of the mind; upon reversal, this recent period of thoughtful peace and tranquility comes to an end as concerns are resolved and one awakens from a literal or metaphorical sleep with more clarity or a different perspective. One exits self-isolation and reenters the world, begins to feel like one’s old self, and is again capable of feeling sympathy for others.
As one recuperates from personal difficulties, through prudent care, wise administration, and economies, carefully resume activities with circumspection and precaution. Tread softly and look for clues regarding potential stumbling blocks that may set one back again.
September 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. The reversed Seven of Wands is back but today it’s more aligned with yesterday’s reversed Ten…as in accepting assistance when navigating diplomatic waters. Furthermore, you may be ready to overcome fears and objections and actively participate in negotiations rather than accepting decrees or allowing others to make decisions for you.
Defenses, walls, and barriers between oneself and others come down as you discover inner resources and refuse to be intimidated. Certain minor victories may require conforming to established procedures and protocols or seeking an otherwise more co-operative approach. If you can come to a clear course of action, natural self-confidence will return.
August 31, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Wands, reversed. Sometimes a false front is assumed and one denies that a labor is too great, avoids issues, dissembles, or hides one’s light. This self-sacrifice or generosity in a destructive oppressive situation will lead to a painful surrender of power. So, don’t.
Instead, lay down one’s burdens, get relief from the pressure, and generally get out from under oppressive situations by getting help or asking others to take a greater role. Once one realizes one can use energies for a better purpose, it opens a clear path to a new start or lease on life.
August 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles, reversed. This prince, when reversed, may view work and/or life as useless or meaningless and become grumpy, antisocial, stubborn, complacent, intolerant, idle, stagnant, tired, listless, or apathetic. (Nice.) When not completely nailed to the sofa, one is a stick-in-the-mud deadweight at social gatherings. (Stay home.)
The appearance of this card may indicate one is stuck in a dead-end job or lack direction, which results in loss of persistence, initiative, or interest. Under the influence of this card, time, efforts, or resources may be wasted and opportunities are missed through inattention, negligence, or lack of courage. Such negativity is compounded as one abandons people, projects, or efforts through sheer inertia. (Swell.)
And thus the reason for keeping people at a distance…. It’s okay to take a personal day sometimes because it looks like y’all need one.
August 28, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. So, the reversed Seven of Wands appeared about a month ago but today I feel it’s more about the number seven rather than the Seven of Wands because we also had a seven yesterday. Therefore, let’s look more closely at the numerology of the number seven.
With sevens, each element is in degeneration and at its weakest on the material plane. It can represent battles, defense, and courage that lead to complex choices, change, experimentation, and risk-taking.
For protection, you may set up barricades to keep people at a distance. However, that’s not be such a bad idea since such barricades can allow you time and space for reflection before making decisions. You’ll be able to work out difficulties in isolation and make adjustments in peace.
August 27, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles. “I didn’t fail. I just found 10,000 ways that didn’t work.”—Thomas Edison The Seven of Pentacles represents the tendency to endure tough times in pursuit of a goal, the willingness to work hard for it (including the actual labor itself), and further prospects of growth.
During the journey, take time to assess and concretely evaluate growth and methods. All that has been earned, won, or generated comes in stages as you advance towards goals. Therefore, small adjustments may be necessary, and making minor tweaks now will save huge corrections later.
With the vast material power inherent in this card, ideas come to the physical plane successfully and you can enjoy the fruits of labors that bring long-term goals to fulfillment.
August 26, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups, reversed. Thanks to the recent Ace of Wands and reversed Five of pentacles, you’re going to be really busy with projects and the snags that are par for the course. This will lead to you having less time for hanging out with friends due to over commitments.
On the other hand, it could be you’ve become disenchanted with comrades or associates and thus are cutting back and no longer socializing with the old crowd. The usual pleasures seem empty and unfulfilling as you eat, drink, and play when there’s work to be done.
Also, the previous days’ cards indicate you’re growing up and are ready for some tough or new challenges. Your ideals have shifted and those of your usual associates haven’t as they continue to ignore deeper values.
August 25, 2022: Card O the Day: Five of Pentacles, reversed. Conflict inherent in the number five manifests on the physical plane when accompanied by the suit of Pentacles. It may manifest in suffering material losses through disorder or misuse and squandering of resources. If your own actions aren’t at issue, you may be the victim of another whose conduct isn’t honest. (Did I not say to “prepare well” yesterday?)
In order to change your luck, you need to create alternative structures and take a different approach because the standard way of doing things isn’t working. The appearance of this card is an indication you’ve reached a turning point in facing material or spiritual troubles as you persist through transformations, are determined to return to work after joblessness, or emerge from bankruptcy.
The recent bad trend will be reversed and the situation improves as problems are overcome and money is regained after renewed interest in material matters, severe toil, and labor.
August 24, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands. A couple days ago the Ace of Wands also appeared but it was reversed. That indicated whatever you might have had in the works was not quite ripe or an opportunity hadn’t arrived. Welp, hang on to yer hat….
Though you may’ve been yearning for a change, this passionate, transforming, irreversible, raw, and powerful energy is not for the fainthearted! This is a card of imagination, aspiration, adventure, excitement, invention, and inspiration as a sudden and unexpected magic spark within or around you gets things going and generates new ideas into movement. Expect action and confrontation that can be exhilarating or devastating.
The Ace energy has ignited something within, but it may not yet have a home or direction. The spark seeks what it needs to change your situation, so allow that spark all the fuel necessary by following impulses. But remember that with all aces, this moment is fleeting. You must prepare well for this willfulness that’s ready to be put to use. Be clear of your intent because that, more than anything, determines the direction events take.
August 23, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Hanged Man, reversed. When upright, The Hanged Man indicates a moment of pause and contemplation; when reversed, you’re on the verge of becoming unstuck and at a spiritual turning point. However, having just woken up to your situation, you’re not yet aware of options and are unsure where to start and thus looking for directions. There’s a readiness for action with nothing to do or a sense of moving quickly yet going nowhere as you want things to go right and are impatient to get going.
Once a decision has been made regarding next steps, however, slow down and take inventory, avoid leaning on unreliable sources, and establish a realistic plan. Doing what others tell or demand you to do or allowing others’ opinions to sway you, rather than listening to your own inner voice, means you’re in denial of a basic part of Self. Fighting this inherent guidance may lead to pointless sacrifice, suffering, punishment, a fall from grace that damages reputations and relationships, or being in a constant state of battling life.
August 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups. Okay, so I’m sitting on hold for some insurance claims issue and the hold music was a Mozart piano sonata. I LOVE Mozart! Because I had nothing better to do while on hold, I decided to start the Card O’ the Day. I shuffled and chose while listening to lovely Mozart. With my eyes closed and grinning from ear to ear over the music, I chose the Ten of Cups! Influence from the past!?!?! Who knows but I do see Spirit at work….
The Ten of Cups represents culmination of the Way of the Heart wherein you’ve truly connected with your heart and move into the world with playfulness and intelligence. Allowing yourself to be softer and more receptive to the inexpressible joy already present deep inside means discovering that solid grounded happiness does not come from possessions. At this apex of divine yin power, you finally bear witness to your own inner radiance and magnetism, understands personal value, and are secure in being “enough.”
August 19, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. Even when reversed, the Ace indicates new beginnings are afoot and you may feel ready, desiring, and yearning for change. But while the upright Ace is full of forward impulses, reversed, this card is a “thumbs down”, “no”, or “not now” and counsels inaction or reduced action.
Chin up, though. The right opportunity has yet to come, a situation may be premature, or you’re not energized or prepared enough to move forward. On the other hand, there may be simply too much activity and you’re engaged in too many “new starts.” Any one of these factors could lead to unrealized ambitions. You’d do well to reconsider plans and goals or set something aside for the time being because impatience is not the answer (Eye roll!).
Emotionally speaking you may suffer frustration, vexation, rejection, weakness, doubt, or hesitation, which leaves one resistant, reluctant, or without interest to take on more and burdensome work. (Yeah, when we get thwarted it IS kind of a buzz-kill.)
August 17, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups. I guess I got so excited about using my right hand on the computer for the first time since I broke my arm, the Princess showed up for me. However, we can all learn from her….
Her appearance is a reminder to let life flow as you enter into a phase of learning to accept and incorporate feelings into reactions and trust because she signifies a timid beginning destined to evolve positively (I had my first physical therapy appointment yesterday).
It might be time to take a breather to renew yourself if you’ve been working hard or recuperating from a serious illness. Following a little self-care, you’ll be more energized, inspired, refreshed physically and spiritually, and have the inner confidence to serve those in need. (YESSSSSSS! I’m getting my hair cut today!!)
August 16, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Wands, reversed. Oppressive feelings of despair, hopelessness, bitterness, loss of energy, or failure can keep you preoccupied with self-interest, indecision, and doubt leading to lack of faith in your life. In such a condition, chores and important tasks will not get done and the smallest stumbling block will be incapacitating. The misuse or neglect of skills and abilities result in tepid efforts rendering long-held dreams or ambitions fruitless.
However, this card is a ten! And just a couple days ago we also had a ten. As we all know, tens indicate endings that will allow new beginnings. Therefore, I’m inclined to think the current sh*t show is coming to an end.
The most obvious interpretation of the reversal of the Ten of Wands is that you’ll lay down burdens, walk away from difficulties, get relief from the pressure, and generally get out from under oppressive situations. Sometimes this involves getting help or asking others to take a greater role. Once you realize you can use energies for a better purpose, it opens a clear path to a new start or lease on life. (Caveat: In your efforts to gain relief, burdens may not be shifted conscientiously and you’ll just pass the buck. Be careful here…karma WILL catch up to you.)
August 15, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. The Chariot contains high and directed energy. Once it is reversed, that energy becomes scattered, surges out of control, or restricted. Forward motion is halted and you’re defeated through inaction, indecisions, impatience, or lack of energy.
You could be mired in a situation from which extraction is difficult. Nothing is working as originally planned and expected and life seems uphill with an obstacle at every turn. You’ve got to understand the “will power” approach isn’t and won’t be successful. You need to find ways to SOLVE the problems rather than simply try to overpower them.
But first ask yourself “Am I truly committed to the change needed at this time?” and “Am I willing to follow through?”
August 14, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. The normally bright energy of The Fool is lost in apathy, indecision, confusion, and hesitation to trust when the card is reversed. With no idea where to begin, you’re adrift in unfocused energy. Unfortunately, this may lead to not taking a chance at a critical time.
Furthermore, you may be averse to taking any risks at all for fear of looking foolish or making a mistake or excessive concern of doing something stupid and suffering embarrassment. You could be sticking to conventional and safe approaches, accepting limits as absolutes, being careful, and doing anything to avoid the possibility of a misstep.
Take a period of reflection to contemplate and clarify what’s going on now and what’s come to pass to make you so very cautious. Once you understand why you’re stagnating out of fear, you can do something about it.
August 13, 2020: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles, reversed. When the Ten is reversed, some shadows lift and you can gain relief from stress. Keep looking forward to liberation and exciting breakthroughs that are forthcoming because it’s time for recovery and rebirth now that you’ve turned the corner and things are looking up. After an extreme situation has cleared the way, the change in your cycle provides a new outlook and rightly has you on pins and needles about the future.
However, unless you take advantage of the reprieve in difficulty and makes REAL changes to prevent the situation from repeating, all gains and success will be fleeting.
During the sweeping alterations required by this card, your emotional reactions to the previous unhappiness or any disputes, ingratitude, and doubts will hamper true progress and make new gains precarious or impermanent. Therefore, it’s important to let go of the past, release the need to intellectualize what all went wrong, and concentrate on repairing any weak spots in your boundaries.
August 12, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles, reversed. As with all card reversals, the extremes of every card come into play. However, today, instead of grasping more tightly than ever (a common interpretation of the Four of Pentacles), I feel the opposite.
Some of you feel it’s time to reconsider what’s really needed to feel secure. You’re ready to risk change, find where the center of your power lies, and establish a realistic budget for the near future. Be patient with yourself because despite perceived opposition, you can still work towards your goals. Relaxation and relief of tensions is possible….
August 11, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands. Welp. It looks like y’all’s requests for power from Universe have been answered! The Nine represents perseverance, stamina, tremendous power, and heroic action. We have here driven and dynamic energy with a stronger and increased light. It’s your choice whether to accept them and the clarity that comes. However, these gifts can be fiery, unstable, and are potentially very dangerous.
Sometimes you can have trouble accepting the accomplishments that come with your hard work, determination, and independence intensified with good direction because it feels as though you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. Without a clear map, you can’t see the next steps necessary or feel uncertain or unstable about any possible avenues.
In moments of weakness, you want to cling to safe but unnatural routines that keep the chaos at bay in an effort to keep things familiar. However, training, development, and discipline result in moral and spiritual character and courage in the convictions that will aid in handling any hardships. (Meaning, you got this.)
August 10, 2022: Card O' the Day: Eight of Wands. The appearance of the Eight of Wands assures you something is being set in motion and change is projected for the future. It’s prime time to send out energy asking Universe for the power to meet the many new opportunities that are coming with great anticipation. Spirit is at work here, so ask to be moved in an unmistakeable direction, imagine anything is possible, and get out of your own way to follow creative forces and realize greatest passions. Instincts and intuition will enable you to get the job done and move through that which is immovable.
However, all the great ideas, enthusiasm, and the accompanying adrenaline rush could carry you away. Therefore, you must use caution, prioritize energy, and make sure to avoid hasty decisions that offer only temporary solutions without laying proper foundations for long-term gain. Balance and blend your passion and insight, trust instincts, and then weigh all dangers before moving forward.
August 9, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups. Nature abhors the vacuum of stagnation and many opportunities are within grasp. It’s time to shake things up, challenge previous assumptions and fantasies, and start something new to get moving again. You may hesitate when faced with fortuitous openings, but growth requires change. Life is urging you to participate, so take the time to commune with nature, purify yourself, use the comfort and safety of the inner world, and wait for the proper flow before moving forward to emerge at the best time.
Occasionally, you can be uncertain about an opportunity (perfectly normal). Keep in mind your own overactive imagination and needy ego are perfectly capable of turning a good situation into something awful. The Four of Cups represents the recognition of the role the unconscious plays in the physical world to hold yourself back from making bad choices or self-sabotaging. That said, even though something good may be on offer, don’t rush to take it before considering all options carefully and looking for limitations you may not recognize immediately.
August 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Pentacles, reversed. This is our second reversed Princess/Page in a row. In general, they represent exploration, beginnings, new situations, or that one is at the beginning of a stage in personal growth. However, when this court card is reversed, it tells me there’s lots of resistance to the “new.”
Specifically to the reversed Princess of Pentacles, clarity of thinking and practicality suffers as one loses focus or has difficulty grasping necessary information or facts. One may change one’s mind about beliefs or something previously though important and this may cause one to lose purpose or not know what one’s place is in the world anymore. This muddled mind might mean “dropping the ball” on something important so be aware of deadlines and appointments.
The good news is the messages typically heralded by the appearance of the reversed Earth Princess include cancellation of plans or bad news. But this actually would then allow relaxation after a difficult task has been completed. So, silver lining!
August 7, 2022: Card O' The Day: Princess of Wands, reversed. Out of fear of change or disappointment, those under the influence of the reversed Fire Princess may resist something new or reject an opportunity or plan. The needed details and drudgery are simply “too much” and the idea of starting over requires exhausting effort.
In a fit of resistance, energy goes awry like a bomb waiting to explode or a child throwing a tantrum because of not getting what it wanted or having had something taken away. Thoughtless, rash, and insensitive, one flails through busy work and snaps at colleagues. However, one doesn’t want to appear childish and thus affects a passive-aggressive attitude of superiority or disdain.
Once conscious of the challenges ahead, hesitation and clumsy uncertainty in one’s actions lead to excessive delay, inconclusiveness, and indecision. Therefore, one must either get away from complexity or develop the maturity to deal with it.*
*Meaning: suck it up, put on your Big Kid pants, and get to work.
August 5, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Cups. New relations, environments, and knowledge exist to open one’s mind and accept others as they are. Which will be highly useful when working with or leading others. These relationships are deeply felt and there’s sincere concern for everyone’s feelings. One is urged to nurture and celebrate these warm connections with sensitivity and kindness, for these connections may allow for manifestation of past dreams here in the present.
By working on integrating the gifts and experiences of the past with consciousness in the present, one receives reassurance that the correct path was taken and decisions were based on valid and honest instincts and motivations. Shift one’s view from linear to circular: remember the past, see the present, and envision the future. Former dreams will then seem possible, and achievable, after being tempered and strengthened by time.
August 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Cups, reversed. Somebody out there doesn’t feel like they’re worthy of or ready for the leadership position they’ve taken on or have been elected to. The reversed King often will fake a role to fulfill someone’s needs and gain credit for being a “good guy.” Secretly they feel their creativity—for which they were hired—is insignificant or immature or there has yet to be a proven body of work to prove abilities.
Because the King of Cups represents a leader/authority figure—as do all kings—in the realm of emotions, the reversal of this card may indicate you need to experiment with new approaches towards expressing your inner life and creativity. This may be manifested by breaking through societal or personal concepts about what a leadership role looks like. Meaning, you don’t gotta lead like the last guy or the person in the other department. You do you to get the results you need.
July 31, 2022: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles. With the help of your tribe, you may enjoy a position of prominence and authority earned through hard work and the acceptance of responsibility. An executive position, handled with discipline and thoughtfulness, will bring good results. Learn where trust is best placed, engage talents, and express oneself authentically.
This card can also indicate a transitory period in your life during which there’s a positive evolution towards the future (taking leader type roles has a learning curve). New interests on the material plane open up or you find new solutions for current problems. The transitions may also include moving to a new place, so be patient with yourself as you settle into a new space and routine.
July 30, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups. Is anyone else out there getting reeeeaaaallllyyy tired of all the bad news in our world? People often lose the ability to feel authentic joy in life because of the fear associated with loss or grief at the passing of said joy. Be strong and stoical enough to understand life’s trials and blessings are cyclic by nature. Thus, give yourself the permission to experience joy at the time it’s deserved.
Receiving the Three of Cups is a sign we could become more available to the many opportunities there still are to explore the world with an open heart, precise intuition, and inquisitive mind. It’s a reminder to enjoy the camaraderie of tribes, mixed friendships, or friendly work affiliations and to savor the good times as they come.
July 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. The Seven of Wands indicates strong interpersonal energies that are already a bit uncomfortable and confrontational when upright. But when it becomes reversed, that discomfort devolves into you feeling anxious, self-doubt, or feeling overwhelmed or tempted to back down. If one seems to be at a disadvantage or in an inferior position, one may become faint-hearted, overly cautious, and sink into cowardice or defeat. Such self-conscious distress, may lead to indecision, vacillation about what to do next, or discouragement. (Recall yesterday’s super confident and gung-ho Prince. Somebody or something has questioned his ideas and now he’s unsure.)
Sometimes an overabundance of brilliant ideas creates complications and in a fit of hesitation or uncertainty one becomes excessively conservative. Which then causes undue discussion, indecision, and friction.
What to do? TRUST your brilliant ideas! And trust that your nay-sayers aren’t putting you down but are seeing the problems you didn’t. Listen to them and don’t take it personally. With their help, you’ll get the bugs out of the system/process/idea and move forward with your plan.
July 28, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords. This card is indicative of revolutionizing energies, quicksilver ideas, sudden shifts in perspective, rapid thoughts, quick answers, brisk insightful commentary, and a penetrating wit with clarity that cuts to the chase. Therefore, prepare for “a-HA!” moments that’ll blow up your world. This is the very essence of the mind cleansed of all parasitical concepts that weigh you down and prevent you from going beyond mere thought.
However, you’re called to measure everything critically, think, analyze, and use discernment. New ideas, relationships, or interests can suddenly supplant what was there before without thought for the ensuing disruption as you abandon responsibilities for the next adventure or vision. The Prince reminds you to ground ideas in reality and be responsible for what’s created because he represents the struggle to sustain the plodding grunt work some projects require.
Therefore, maintain vigilance while proceeding with a plan, and don’t allow impulsiveness to revolt against ideological compliance. Lastly, consider carefully whether you’re willing to see a project through to its end; otherwise time and resources will be wasted.
July 25, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Devil, reversed. When The Devil is reversed, it may indicate a liberation from bondages that are holding one hostage or a respite from troubles. One has finally stopped accepting a situation as one’s lot in life and is moving towards freedom. Regardless of the depths of one’s problems, before slipping free of the chains that bind, one must first become aware of and acknowledge them.
Also, since the Devil represents, in part, illusions, when the card is reversed it could signify one is beginning to see through them to the truth. And as one becomes more conscious of destructive behaviors and misuses of power, one experiences a release from false inhibitions and patterns of manipulation and codependency.
This liberation and recognition of truths will allow one to begin the path to spiritual enlightenment and a new level of facing—and enjoying—life.
July 24, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Star, reversed. When upright, The Star asks one to get in touch with one’s inner guiding light, emotions, and sense of Self in order to understand how the outside world affects one’s psyche. Once reversed, one recognizes how the outside influences have injured one and reacts by holding back, having difficulty opening up emotionally, hiding feelings, or turning away from offered calm and hope. One may have the sense of being dammed or bottled up inside. Tired and depressed, one sinks into negative thinking and loses touch with sources of inspiration.
If one is able to recognize one’s own role in difficult periods, then acknowledge one’s mistakes and transgressions and do what’s necessary to atone for one’s errors. One is called to shed all false ideas of self. It’s not a time for recognition or external efforts but rather for inner contemplation—for “being” rather than “doing.”
GAH! There it is again! Being still and understanding one’s own perfection REGARDLESS of how much you can check off your “to-do list”! I wonder what would happen if I just embraced the boredom and stopped screaming at my bones to heal already? Spiritual epiphanies? Faster healing? Less pain? Probably just more patience and serenity. THERE’s a thought….
July 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords, reversed. When Swords are reversed, it indicates mental balance is under stress and may manifest in inaction, self-destruction, mental pain, denial of disturbing thoughts, or difficulty in thinking clearly. One may be resistant to a truth or suffer confused ideas. Without a clear sense of reality, one may fall prey to mistakes created by one’s emotions.
The suit of Swords also governs the heart because the darkness existing in the mind can easily break one’s heart. Thus nervous conditions may manifest in pessimism, lack of confidence, or overpowering or confused emotions. Tempers become quick and volatile and problems become more exaggerated.
However, current problems could lie in how one is reacting to them more than anything else…. Well, sheeee-it. You mean I can control all this drama merely by relaxing into the pain and actually figuring things out rather than hollering how “woe is me”? Crap. But inner work and facing truths is so haaaaaaard
July 21, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles, reversed. In denial of personal wellbeing or good fortune, a certain disquiet creeps in because one cannot recognize what the concept of “enough” means. Threats to contentment and safety, regardless of the source, make it difficult to relax. All is not well and one has a desire for freedom and to roam as feelings of entrapment grow.
Yep, yep, and hell yep! I’m counting the days when I see my doctor again to evaluate the progress on my broken arm! I’m soooooo done with sitting still, pain, and watching my summer slip by! AAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!
Or, spiritually speaking, this card could indicate one is called to engage in inner work that would bring peace and serenity…………………………… OH STFU AND LEMME BE CRANKY! Feckin’ Universe comin’ in wit’ its lessons and all….
July 20, 2022: Card O' the Day: Judgment. Recently, a new and improved telescope has been sending us stunning views of Universe! I mean, who knew? This leads us to our card today: Judgment.
When one focuses on Earthly trivia, one gets caught up in judgments of saintly/evil or desired/useless. But these judgements keep one trapped in the illusion of “good” or “bad.” With the appearance of this card, one’s Higher Self is at work to show one something not seen before. This revelation causes a paradigm shift, “aha” moments, startling or transfiguring revelations, and the sudden manifestation of a new perspective, meaning, or quality of life. The discovery one is important to Universe (yes, that enormous Universe shown to us in the telescope’s photos!) leads to an epiphany that creates deep significant change. In such an aware, “born again” state, one is able to embrace one’s destiny of a new path, intellectual idea, great truth, or mission in life.
By releasing assumptions and expectations and cultivating good judgment, one opens to beauty that results in an influx of psychic awareness, spiritual unfolding, opening of the mind, and understanding of the purity of one’s spirit. As one looks within to see what’s real, what is, steps beyond Earthly illusions of lack, and emerges from 3-dimensional thinking, one comes to recognize the True Self and that one actually exists along side the stars.
July 18, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Hermit. So, it looks as though the daily cards continue to be about me. Could it be the muscle relaxers keep me in this body and don’t allow me to travel too far away to choose a card from the ether? I dunno. I’m trying to reach for objectivity but I’m thinking Universe has something to say to me.
Keywords for The Hermit include retirement, repose, patience, and hibernation. (The “patience” part is reeeeeeeaaaaalllllly hard!) To any of you joining me on this path, we’re being asked to find our inner truth and identify with the Cosmic Self. To do this, we need solitude and retreat for self-reflection, meaningful self-discovery, and spiritual awareness to find the answers one seeks. Therefore, it’s important to withdraw from ordinary life, involvement in groups or organizations, or other distracting concerns and influences that may have once seemed vitally important to reevaluate and reconsider existence for clearer understanding, to gain introspection and wisdom, and have the time and clarity of thought to search for inner truth and guidance. (Have been forced to do that…..)
Now, for some of you, it’s possible you’re not undergoing any exercises in spiritual journeys at all and are merely spending more time alone and are trying to finding comfort and ease in that solitude. This solitariness may feel like a welcome rest or an enforced loneliness that’s partly protecting and partly imprisoning. Be aware of how you view aloneness and take responsibility for that choice. Loneliness is a negative state wherein there’s an absence of another; aloneness is a positive state where you’re happily present with yourself.
July 17, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords, reversed. Today’s card continues the crankiness of yesterday’s reversed King of Wands.
When reversed, the Sword Queen’s cool reserve devolves into downright bitchiness. Her cruelty, narrow-mindedness, and intolerance are not usually truly malicious but rather arise from deep disappointments, heartbreak, pain, pressure, and self-deception. The ill-temper and negative behavior connected with this card comes out of frustrated ambitions, ideals that have turned sour, or abilities that have been sacrificed or unused. One may be wallowing in despair and placing an overemphasis on sorrow. Life is made to seem vastly worse than it actually is by ignoring all the good things with which one is blessed. This excess of gloom and egoism indicates a lost commitment to truth and reality.
I can really relate to the part about frustrated ambitions as my brand new berry patch is mostly going to the birds, literally. Therefore, no berry jam this year. I had to cancel my bicycling tour with my brother and my Reiki 3 class. HOWEVER, I refuse to wallow or ignore my abundant blessings both tangible and intangible. I think being…erm…”presented” (slapped?) with these ever-so-cranky cards is a firm reminder to let plans go with minimum of whining and to accept life as it comes.
July 16, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. Three weeks ago I fell off a tall ladder while trying to put a baby bird back in its nest. The resulting broken bones have confined me to bedrest and severely curtailed my plans for the summer. The reversed King of Wands is kinda how I feel….
Reversed, the King of Wands represents an arrogant tyrant with exaggerated PRIDE that becomes over-bearing. The tender ego and vanity depend on bluster and an “I can do this” attitude. Absent proper deference, one will lose one’s temper at the drop of a hat. One unwisely abuses power by self-righteously insisting on absolute authority even though one is apt to make imprudent decisions under the influence of this card. (Thank goodness I have a sane and realistic person holding me down…)
All that hot air is really hiding weakness and insecurity as one may be having difficulty adjusting to obstacles, defeats, or losses and this causes one to grow cynical or frightened. In my case, I must become tempered and more understanding that resting long enough for broken bones to heal is my ONLY option right now. Once higher authorities (my doctors) have determined my injuries are healed, I can step back into my own power without limits.
June 21, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords (again). I guess the Nine of Swords had more to say…. The number Nine, with its association with idealism, altruism, and healing in its deepest sense, is often associated with leadership, moral authority, and high standards. However, true authority requires compromise during problem solving as well as idealism, otherwise self-righteousness can develop. Nine represents the balance one must maintain between idealism and realism. (Echos of The Lovers’ message of a few days ago.)
Specifically, this card’s an omen for change and you're challenged to find your path, speak your truth, and clarify your purpose as you gather and integrate denied aspects of Self to manifest the true, whole Self. Regardless of the form finding the path back to Self takes, dedication to any calling requires sincerity, discipline, and hard work. (King of Swords, anyone?)
The reward for all this “clean living” could manifest as better understanding and cooperation within a marriage or friendship, day-to-day activities comfortably shared with others, a well-meshing business partnership, or problems being solved easily and amicably. And who doesn’t want that?
June 20, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Swords. This king is a totem of strength, intelligence, and wisdom who sees clearly, thinks quickly, communicates well, and has the capacity to innovate changes through perception that penetrates to the core of an issue or idea. He wields discrimination, mental prowess, and knowledge together with logic and diplomacy. The appearance of this card is calling us to expand small-minded viewpoints, widen perspective, and champion new ideas. Critical, objective, and cool-headed examination of circumstances is required. To accomplish this, blend creative passion with existing knowledge and the willpower to act.
The first step to towards doing all this is to be responsible for yourself and your actions. To be so, use inner resources wisely and your gifts for the greatest good. Be professional, disciplined, and focused on what needs to be done. Set high limits and standards, operate under strict requirements, and enforce consequences for every action.
Finally, learn to trust your gut and strength and stop expecting the worst from others.
June 19, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords. The suit of Swords, at its best, represents logic, rational thought, and truth and is appearing today as guidance to help you find the path back from the extremes of yesterday’s reversed Queen of Cups.
This card signifies the mental discomfort you may have created in reaction to a situation, not the situation itself. Therefore, you’re advised to look at the problem giving such anguish objectively because often your deepest fears or visions of terror are not rational, logical, or real. Cognitively recognize negative thought patterns and observe how they’re affecting your life. Use the mind to separate each illogical fear or worry from the pack, cooly analyze it, cease the mental punishment, and turn fear into positive daily action.
Self or spiritual exploration can cause you to disconnect from others or your “normal” life. However, the resulting psycho-emotional unease isn’t meant to make you miserable but to make you face an injury or sorrow that must be acknowledged. Feelings of disquiet, refusal to accept an ending, or an impending sense of doom must move through on its way out. This great sorrow has the potential to be transforming but you must go very deeply to the roots of the pain to experience it as it is without blame or self-pity.
During the difficult process, calm the mind to find the courage to break old mental habits that don’t serve you and intellectually let go of them. The results will be illumination and new understanding.
June 18, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups, reversed. Oh, dear…. It would appear that some have gotten a little punch drunk on all the introspective psycho-emotional energy currently swirling about.
The Queen of Cups is already close to the spiritual world and when the card appears reversed, all those qualities are taken to the extremes as esoteric energies lurch out of control. So ethereal and angelic, those under her influence mentally leave this world, become oblivious to time considerations and regulations, and attempt such a deep mystical connection or devotion to God or Spirit that one denies the physical senses. In an effort to retreat further into unrealistic fantasy and the “woo-woo world”, one may abuse sex, drugs (including all plant-based hallucinogens, no matter how “organic” or “natural”), or alcohol or engage in other vices all in the name of spiritual expansion.
A healthier aspect to the reversed Queen would be approaching your spiritualism with a sharp and competent mind, letting no one take advantage, overcoming illusions, and refusing to be swept away by conflicting emotions or succumbing to the feigning maneuvers and manipulations of false gurus. Finding love and spirituality doesn’t mean you have to forsake your common sense.
June 17, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups. The Ten of Cups represents culmination of the Way of the Heart wherein one has truly connected with one’s heart to find lasting contentment. Allowing yourself to be softer and more receptive to the inexpressible joy already present deep inside means discovering that solid, grounded happiness doesn’t come from mere possessions. At this apex of divine yin power, you can finally see to your own inner radiance and magnetism and understand your personal value.
Under the influence of this card, the conscious and subconscious join to create a well balanced state of being where you have the ability to go into emotions and rise out of them without getting caught up in blame or guilt. Once you’ve learned to understand the emotional self and love all parts, there comes a feeling of deep inner satisfaction, all things possible, and being in a high cycle with much to look forward to. Trust in your feelings with confidence.
June 16, 2022: Card O' the day: The Moon, reversed. Upright, The Moon is significant of all things intuitive (subconscious or super-conscious); reversed, it indicates one is denying the possibility of the unseen world. And, when faced with confusion and perceived irrationality, one would rather cling to concrete reality, reason, literalness, and practicality (the conscious mind and ego). One may go so far as to block or resist all imagination, psychic information, or any intuitive impressions. Thus, one retreats within the bastions of conventionality and conformity, or withdraws into silence and intellectual immobility to hide from what’s challenging.
But when The Moon’s calming side isn’t allowed to emerge, one may suffer confusion, mental chaos, fear of the unknown, or poorly defined or other disturbed emotions. With the gift of insight into the imagery of the psyche and acceptance of that, one can digest and clarify experiences outside of said concrete reality, reason, literalness, and practicality.
Recall the lesson of The Lovers…listening to all levels of your human consciousness.
June 15, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Lovers. The Lovers represents all levels of human consciousness. First, there’s the conscious mind that leads to practical thinking. Then there’s the subconscious mind where dreams and images first take shape. Finally, the super-conscious is the realm of the spiritual source of all inspiration, knowledge, wisdom, and love. In practice, the conscious intellect appeals to the subconscious, which is intuitively aware of the divine guidance of the superconscious. The superconscious is free from ego, desire, and attachment and suggests a path of moral integrity where one makes choices from a spiritual level. This is where reality meets “ideal" tempered by common sense.
Great. Now what does all that MEAN?
It means you have to approach relating to others with your whole brain and not just the naughty bits. It means loving yourself enough to watch for red-flag deal-breakers and stomping your own heart to walk away when it’s not right for YOU. (News flash: when it’s not right for you, it’s not right for your partner either.) It means listening to your gut, daring to risk it all to get what you want, and compromising or sacrificing. I repeat: This is where reality meets “ideal" tempered by common sense.
June 13, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles. A couple days ago the Queen of Cups materialized to tell us it was a good time to open our hearts and experience love. Then we got the Ace of Wands, which indicates lots of creative energy that has yet to be directed. Today, the Queen of Pentacles shows up….
She’s significant of the ability of those in “power” to care for the less fortunate and think of others rather than oneself. Therefore, the appearance of this card suggests you might be coming into a position to help someone. Now, the Earth Queen breaks down all distinction between giver and receiver and understands to help others is actually helping herself; so, no skin off your nose. (Read: she understands being nice is a win-win.)
This card represents thriving in all areas that call for creativity (Ace of Wands), physical connection to others or the world, and elemental understanding (Queen of Pentacles). In the process of finding what you really want from life, develop truthfulness, overcome any conceit, be innovative with solving unexpected problems, and create your perfect dream (Queen of Cups).
June 12, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands. As a symbol of healing, restoration, and spiritual awakening, the root chakra is being grounded and centered. All the elemental qualities of Fire—enthusiasm, vitality, and intuition—are enhanced at this time as you feel a restlessness to get moving again.
This Ace assists in exploring the deepest parts of your Self to show truth and an authentic new perspective. It’s the basic life force energy of spontaneous generation that drives the flower to bloom or the soul to animate the physical body. As the spark behind all beginnings, it’s vital energy in the state of potential.
While the energy has ignited something within, it may not yet have a home or direction. The spark seeks what it needs to change your situation, so allow that spark all the fuel it needs by following impulses. But remember that with all aces, this moment is fleeting. Prepare well for this willfulness that’s ready to be put to use. Be clear of your intent because that, more than anything, determines the direction events take.
June 11, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups. The Queen of Cups is able to unite hopes, imagination, love, and creativity with vision, valuable action, and social usefulness and so the appearance of this card may denote a profession in the arts where dreams are turned into creative endeavors. It also refers to professions in counseling and healing. However, regardless of the form your endeavors take, this card indicates they’ll give lasting pleasure. (Thumbs up!)
We're being reminded to be self-aware and accept intuitive abilities to aid in any situation and explore natural rhythms, listen to intuitive knowing, trust inner wisdom, sense nuance and undercurrents, and deepen the connections with self and soul. By doing so, we can bring soulful feelings to the surface for healing and revelation and develop the “inner life.” As we develop and trust intuitive insights, we can use those psychic and empathic talents to better understand others. This may manifest as the ability to act on trust and see something through without having to know the outcome ahead of time or intuitively connect to any healing modality whether spiritual or otherwise.
This card is a catalyst for the emergence of deep feelings and deepening development of the generosity of love. Representative of favorable emotional energy, we’re encouraged to make something whole and alive out of opportunities and elements given to us in life including emotional goals such as creating a family unit.
TLDR: Don’t be afraid to open your heart. ’Tis better to love and get hurt than never love at all.
June 10, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Empress. On occasion, this card may indicate one has missed an opportunity through thoughtless actions and dangers not heeded. Today, this one’s for me because I played with fire and got burned. I didn’t wear a mask to a recent psychic fair and now I have Covid. While I’m not horrendously ill, I do have to cancel my next two shows in an abundance of caution so I don’t infect anyone else.
Bitter and resentful (yep!) of life’s required changes and separations that must occur, one becomes a hand that takes (nope! not gonna!). However, one may change one’s reactions to unfortunate events by creating one’s own reality of strength and calm (that’s my plan).
The Empress is masterful at self-care and knows her body to be a beautiful gift. Her appearance is a request that one be generous with care of self and others and forgiving of one’s own humanity (in this case, I’m trying to forgive my own hubris that I was somehow immune to The Big Bad Bug). Tap into the area of the psyche where the self is nurtured and where one receives inspiration and self-aware intelligence. (Tapping. And I’m reading “self-aware intelligence” as accepting my stupidity, taking my lumps, and staying home.)
June 9, 2022: Card O' the Day: The World, reversed. All the qualities of the upright card remain the same, but to a slightly lesser degree. Upright, The World represents that inner moment of perfection in which one releases what holds one back from participating in the divine dance of creation. But when reversed, such “letting go” may call for sacrifice, but any made will rise from wisdom and compassion. Meaning, you see the necessity and you can do it without too much disruption.
Responsibilities and obligations may feel restricting or energies are uncomfortably constrained, overly protected, and limited by your environment. Being so tightly leashed results in frustration and the sense that something is missing as movement and growth slow to a stop. As one of the “endings/beginnings” cards of the Tarot deck and as the last of the Major Arcana, this card carries a lot weight in this concept. When reversed, however, it may signify difficult beginnings or that too much is expected of a small beginning.
This is not to say things are going to absolute hell in a handbasket but you might have to redo something you thought was finished or suffer other setbacks.
June 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess/Page of Pentacles, reversed. When the Princess/Page of Pentacles is reversed, there’s a declaration of independence from trivial fixations to seek and find a new world of perception. As you turn away from material matters and shift focus to the spiritual and ephemeral, you’ll give your inner sight, hunches, and dreams more importance. You’ll change your mind about beliefs or something previously desired.
Now, this shift from the material plane to the more esoteric might temporarily cause you to lose purpose or not know what your place in the world is anymore. Without the sense of hard work this card normally carries, its energy gives way to dissipation and prodigality and because of that, plans could be canceled or you’ll receive somewhat lousy news.
However, this will provide space for you to relax and settle into to your more spiritual pursuits. It’s perfectly normal for such shifts in perspectives and rather radical changes of viewpoint to leave you feeling a little unbalanced. Receive the release from responsibilities as the blessing it is and find your footing on this new foundation.
June 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. The Chariot contains high and directed energy. Once it’s reversed, that energy becomes scattered, surges out of control, or restricted as you uselessly spinning your wheels. Nothing works as originally planned and expected and life seems uphill with an obstacle at every turn. Forward motion is halted and one is defeated through inaction, indecisions, impatience, or lack of energy or stamina.
Check your ego to see if unrealistic goals, uncontrolled ambition, rash actions, or insufficient expertise or experience are the reason you get deflected from your plans that result in incomplete work and loss at the last moment. Sometimes we can become caught up in a runaway idea that seems really good.
The solution? Do your research and don’t be too proud to ask for help with the parts you’re not too sure about.
May 30, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Swords, reversed. When the Ten of Swords is reversed, shadows lift and you can gain relief from stress. Add that to the Eight of Pentacles and we’re back on track, right? Unless some of you are clinging to negative energy and not accepting losses, setbacks, or new responsibilities. (To be fair, we all have good days and bad days. Nobody can be 100% on top of it all the time so do the best you can.)
Denial of problems and refusing to let go of what’s not working creates a psychic block that conflicts with your intellectual understanding of a situation. During the sweeping alterations required by this card, your emotional reactions to the previous unhappiness or any disputes, doubts, and/or low self-esteem will hamper true progress and make new gains precarious or impermanent. Therefore, it’s important to release the need to intellectualize what all went wrong and concentrate on repairing any weak spots
May 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles. The appearance of the Eight indicates it's a good time to have equal persistence and patience while you work together with your environment and improvise when necessary to build a strong foundation. Use all available resources with an eye for durability, conservation, and incorporating artistry with function as you meld inner vision with technical knowledge thereby applying your intelligence to material matters.
In addition to the obvious material rewards, such endeavors will create happiness and satisfaction within while bettering the world. Once the pace is set, your craftsmanship, punctuality, and precision means you’ll achieve goals, meet quotas, fill sales orders, amass stock and inventory, and develop efficiency and streamlined production. Through hard work, intent, and full application of yourself to goals, you can expect reward based upon the amount of effort and energy put in.
TLDR: The reversed Queen’s crankiness is shifting or you’re not letting it get to you as you work around those who’re just getting in your way. Today’s Eight represents how much you can get done if you put your mind to it.
May 28, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands, reversed. When the Six of Wands is upright, it indicates one is feeling pretty confident and ready to take on the world. Reversed, insecurity and doubt come into play. But that’s because you’re not getting complete information…like when you start to wonder if you’ve offended someone when they don’t answer your texts or calls right away.
The reversed Six indicates miscommunications that stymie your actions thus causing delays, deceleration, or abandonment of projects as important news or deliveries are messed up. Since 95% of the stuff we do hinges in part upon interactions with others, try not to jump to the conclusion that you’re being stabbed in the back and everything is about to collapse. First, find out if there’s an innocent explanation at the root of the problem because sh*t happens. Then carry on as normal.
IF, and only if, someone was acting purposely to undermine you, take the high road by NOT causing a scene and just don’t rely on that person again.
May 27, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords, reversed. After my last post, I went to Vermont for a little family vacation. While there, I picked up a bug (NOT Covid) and was down for a week upon my return home. Naturally, I gave my bug to my adoring husband as a token of my everlasting love and having missed him while I was away. In typical “guy” fashion, he’s been suffering said bug with…erm…the “masculine stoicism” all husbands have when catching a virus. Therefore, today’s reversed Queen of Swords might be reflective of what’s going on in my house.
The ill-temper and negative behavior connected with this card comes out of frustrated ambitions to carry on with one’s normal and desired activities that have been somehow thwarted. This excess of gloom and egoism indicates a lost commitment to truth and reality and life is made to seem vastly worse than it actually is by ignoring all the good things with which one is blessed. This causes an overemphasis on sorrow as one wallows in despair.
I get that when we feel sick or blocked in some way it can lead to crankiness. However, if you’re able to read this, you’re not three. Examine your problems, look for reasonable solutions, and set about implementing them. Now is not the time to be mean, snivel, or otherwise spread your pain. Big kid pants are your wardrobe choice for today.
May 12, 2022: Card O' the Day: Eight of Cups, reversed. Upright, the Eight of Cups represents the need to abandon what formerly attracted, nurtured, emotionally sustained, or fascinated one because those longed-for goals have ceased to matter as interest wanes and one has a yearning for something more meaningful. However, the reversal may indicate a new window of opportunity or that sticking with a current process will bring ultimate success, joy, and happiness after some corrections have been made. Allow cautious optimism and creative impulses to flow because there’s potential for improvement.
If you reeeeeeaaalllllyy feel like you’ve got to dump something that might still have value, solidify goals first and don’t recklessly leap at or force changes just for the sake of doing something else. Changing “just because” isn’t the smart answer right now. Beware of flitting from person to person or project to project as a form of escapism or flight from reality which then causes you to drift aimlessly and hopelessly searching for the ever elusive “more.”
May 10, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant. This card embodies the concept of a higher power for which there is no concrete evidence of existence. It represents simple faith or taking vows that commit you to a certain path of tapping into the collective universal wisdom and training your conscience. It reflects the need humans have for a strong spiritual foundation and the tendency to identify with a like-minded group.
By accepting this gift spiritual or inner hearing, along with natural intuitive perception, comes discipline and discrimination in following the dictates of the inner voice. Quenching spiritual curiosity—or at least exploring it—may bring you clarification, self-mastery, and more expansive views of the world around you.
The best part is you have the freedom to take knowledge and advice and decide what can be used or ignored on your journey. Cherry-pick what works for you and find the balance between spiritual awareness and wisdom. Feel the truth for yourself rather than mouthing the words of others without feeling or understanding. As you live your life from personal values, align the physical self around the moral codes that you adopt*. (Meaning, walk what you talk.)
*NOT meant as a “get out of jail free” card! Certain societal rules must be followed lest you end up having ALL freedoms revoked. Just sayin’….
May 9, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Cups, reversed. Out of the fog and indecision comes the reversed Seven of Cups. This manifests in battling any of the seven deadly sins with the opposing virtues: humility against pride, kindness against envy, abstinence against gluttony, chastity against lust, patience against anger, liberality against covetousness, and/or diligence against sloth. Desires of the past hold less appeal and you’re able to bypass temporary pleasures in favor of a greater reward, spiritual purpose, or to achieve some other goal.
This card stresses clear and logical thinking, making realistic plans, setting priorities and intentions, and finding solutions that are well-conceived. With resoluteness of purpose, determination, and premeditation, you’re asked to invest intellectually and emotionally on your goals.
TLDR: getting your sh*t together!
May 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. As previously mentioned, reversed cards represent the extremes of the upright card. This concept is illustrated again today with the reversed Ace of Wands.
Emotionally speaking, you may be frustrated or feel rejected, weak, doubtful, hesitant, ineffective, or powerless, which leaves you lethargic and resistant to taking on new projects. On the other hand, if you’re overly enthused or impulsive, it could lead to rash or false starts or your eagerness could be misplaced if a goal is illusory or criminal in nature. Such disordered energy can make you too milquetoast or overbearing in relationships because of your lack of finesse and sensitivity to the other’s needs. Under these conditions, you can expect career delays, postponed decisions, or compromised situations unless steps are taken to readjust the governing energies.
Now, I don’t feel this discombobulation is because you’ve planted your crown chakra up your root chakra. I think it has to do with dipping your toe into the realm of spiritual potential. But because you’re still new to the idea there IS such a “realm”, you’re not expecting any real results. You’re hoping…but not expecting. This waffling and believing/not believing is what has your head and heart so wonked and that’s okay! You’re exploring something new; see where it takes you.
May 7, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords, again. This is so weird…. A few days ago we were warned against the dangers of being a crap-nasty person (Prince of Wands, reversed). A stronger warning came with the Seven of Swords’ typical interpretation. Then The Star showed up to remind us of our Higher Selves and THAT’s who we’re supposed to be. And now we have the softer side of the Seven….
Even though this card is of the intellect, the heart chakra governs, which illustrates how the mind can affect the heart and emotions. The Seven’s intelligence doesn’t necessarily have to be used for sneaking and back-stabbing. It also represents ingenuity, resourcefulness, or strategic and prudent planning. Self-confidence and self-reliance bestowed by The Star clear the way for novel and grounded ideas and show the mental acuity and perception that allows for completion of challenging projects. Subtle action is necessary as you move forward and learn to maneuver in a new, self-effacing way that cultivates honest behavior, truthfulness, and generosity.
There are also deep spiritual components to this card and we’re called to pay attention and realign with our centers. Nothing is quite as it seems and you need be open to unusual ideas and divine sparks of insight such as leaving behind a part of yourself that was once useful but no longer serves. Beneath the surface may be found truth and hidden opportunities.
May 6, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Star. The Star represents a new cycle and bright prospects and receiving her is a good omen for renewed hope, optimism, and faith in life. As the light of your Higher Self—that part of you that’s beyond greed, petty ego, and knows what’s inherently right—The Star invites you to trust in Self and learn to be hopeful that at some point you’ll break through blockages and have the fulfillment and clarity that you want and need.
This is a sign you’ve learned (or are learning) to accept responsibility for actions and make the necessary changes to get back on the correct and true path. This beginning of spiritual adulthood includes increased awareness of Self, inspiration and regaining motivation, realizing inner strength, seeing clearly, and being stimulated on a higher level. When you understand your importance to Universe, you’ll feel self-respect, charisma, and confidence in the purity of the inner and outer qualities. This core of self-esteem and faith in the betterment of humanity makes wishes, hopes, and dreams come true.
In this revelation of the True Self, trust suggestions from Nature, Spirit, clairvoyance, and dreams as you develop the objectivity needed to be truly thankful for all that is your life.
May 5, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords. The most prevalent energy behind the Seven of Swords is sneakiness. Sometimes, in an effort to regain something lost, to pursue idealistic goals, or win a coveted prize, the ends may seem to justify any means. One may plan, scheme, play games, or otherwise dishonestly manipulate situations to gain advantages through the misfortune of others. However, such attitudes or schemes don’t really solve problems or create anything new and achievements made through double-dealing and chicanery generally turn to dust.
Sometimes people tell me I’m such a “lovely, kind person” like I’m some kind of saint for sacrificing myself for the greater good of others. I call bullsh*t. I’m not nice because I care so much for others; I’m nice because it’s EASIER FOR ME! Being an asshole is hard work and makes me feel lousy. I’m nice, fair, and honest because it makes ME feel good. Never mind how others feel! Yes! I’m a selfish bastard who is nice only because it serves ME well!
Remember how it is when you fall in love? You smile so much your cheeks cramp and your teeth dry out. Being kind to others gives you that same boost of dopamine and norepinephrine that you get when you’re falling in love. Who doesn’t want that? If this card indicates you’re being consciously and willfully a dishonest and rotten person, you’re actually lying to and damaging yourself the most. You’re depriving yourself of “happy brain”, which is directly linked to “squishy loving heart.” Therefore, it’s in YOUR best interests to be kind, honest, and generous—even just a little—to others.
May 4, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Wands, reversed. As we know, when a card is reversed, it pushes the “normal” attributes of the card to the extremes. We’ve got a couple of viable options here today with our reversed Prince.
Option A: The already volatile energies of the upright card become completely unstable when reversed causing one to be foolhardy and indiscriminately scorch everything in sight. One’s impatience, recklessness, and thoughtlessness bring discord, disharmony, and disunity to any situation. This may manifest as interrupted activity, disrupted projects, disagreements in relationships, or (worst of all) evil-mindedness, cruelty, bigotry, or brutality in general behaviors. In such a state of turmoil, desire seethes and simmers beneath the surface without focus or outlet and surfaces randomly as a frustrated and short-fused temper that flares into rage.
Option B: The reversed Prince may indicate one is ready to rein in fiery impulses and desires to stop and enjoy the present, rather than perpetually focusing on future progress. This slower pace could make one more effective and allow for deeper experiences all around. I highly suggest you choose this course of action lest you get yourself fired, dumped, or arrested. If you can’t help yourself from being an utter asshole, avoid everyone and spare them from your histrionics.
May 3, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups. Have you ever noticed that when others (or you) start to cry they’ll try to suppress and/or stop the tears and if they can’t, they apologize? It’s as if tears are a “bad thing” that shouldn’t be seen. However, we laugh openly; we let the foul language rip when we’re angry; we dab happily at our eyes when we’re overcome with joy. But crying because we’re sad is kept under wraps and is a cause of embarrassment.
The Queen of Cups is a reminder that though we may fear emotions getting out of control, it’s through emotion (good, bad, and ugly) that we’re fully alive. She represents kindness, caring, understanding, and the willingness to help and accept others regardless of whatever emotions are being displayed at the moment. This card is an invitation to “hold space” with someone as they process feelings and permit them to express themselves (without danger to you, of course) in whatever way they need to.
There is a caveat, though. Being a solid shoulder to cry on can wear you down if you don’t have good physical and emotional limits. Sometimes your job is just to pass the tea and tissues and then allow others to find their own way even if that means you must watch them fail. That’s the only way they’ll learn and you’re not responsible for their success or failure. Listen to the sob story, give pearls of wisdom gently, and then step back.
May 2, 2022: Card O' the Day. Ace of Cups. Dear Readers, I have (notice I didn’t say “suffer”) chronic clinical depression that I manage most of the time. I’m not embarrassed to admit this. My brain has a glitch and I consider it no more shameful than admitting I have diabetes or eczema. This past weekend I had a dip that left me inexplicably sad and psycho-emotionally weak. In the middle of the night, last night, I woke briefly and felt a new emotional balance. This morning I still feel a little fragile but Universe sent me the card I needed most and I share it most willingly with you all.
The Ace of Cups signifies the buoyancy and depth one feels as one attunes to Spirit and pursues heart-based meaning and purpose in life. Upon recognizing this gift of spiritual healing, with love, deeper compassion, and ever-flowing spiritual and material favors, one can achieve unity with Universe. Receiving this card is a call to more deeply explore the nature of one’s emotional landscape and spiritual experiences and initiate a search within the soul for one’s true purpose or desire.
In actions radiating out from the hidden center of the soul, one creates a more spiritually alive new world after the breakdown of the old. As one becomes available to the currents of life and is able to float trusting that life will support one in relaxation, believe one will be taken to where one is needed most. Allow these feelings of faith and peace because everything is happening as it should.
April 30, 2022: card O' the Day: The Devil, reversed. When The Devil is reversed, it indicates you finally stop accepting a long standing lousy situation or the liberation from internal beliefs that hold you hostage such as the self-view that you’re paltry, slight, or a failure. However, before slipping free of these chains, you first need to become aware of and acknowledge them. As in, “gee whiz! I’ve had enough of this crap” or “ya know, I’m not all that bad."
The Devil represents, in part, illusions, and when the card is reversed it signifies you’re beginning to see through them to the truth (I don’t deserve this!). And as you become more conscious of self-destructive behaviors and misuses of power, you experience a release from false inhibitions and patterns of manipulation and codependency.
Finally, you can turn away from “evil” and “bondage” to begin the path to spiritual enlightenment wherein you begin to understand your value as a person. By saying no to the temptation of just being nice so others like you (at your own expense), you remove tethers and escape an unpleasant situation.
April 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands. Well, SOMEbody was paying attention yesterday and took the significance of the Five of Pentacles to heart! The Six of Wands represents result of efforts, success through energy and industry, pride, and desires realized through the exercise of your personal power. Concretely, you can expect career advancement and interests long desired coming to fruition in the culmination of all your efforts towards defeating strife.
Following the successful completion of a quest, creative project, or job that has reached its goal comes being praised for the accomplishments or receiving recognition. Furthermore, you’ll receive a healthy boost in self-esteem due to feelings of aptitude, ability, and/or good financial returns. Finally, there’s a breakthrough, spiritual insight, or psycho-emotional expansion represented by this card wherein you realize you can actually come to like challenges that enhance your strength and quick thinking.
Astrologically, the Six is governed by Jupiter (planet of abundance) coming into balance with Leo (sign of authority and power). This is generally fortuitous but there’s a slight conflict between the desire to be generous and the necessity of being absolutely fair to yourself. Fortunately, the internal process of developing self-leadership will prevent you from giving too much away.
April 28, 2022: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles. The pervading energy of this card—living in any kind of lack, whether real or imagined—reduces what can be accomplished. Consider the whole issue and see what can be done to conclude and ease the difficult situation. You’re encouraged to shift perspectives and recognize your anxieties and fear are what keep you off-balance. Find the clarity and mercy to quit tormenting yourself with the idea that you’re not “enough.” (Ahem… Ellen.)
True charity is the recognition of your worth in your community/tribe/circle. When you need assistance during low periods, don’t be a martyr and turn away from those offering aid because of foolish pride, embarrassment, or fear. Help is available! Ask for support in hard times.
Lastly, take heart because the current situation is only temporary as hidden solutions will soon become evident. Patience and endurance is called for as change is indeed coming and you’re actually closer to goals than you realize. For a little crystal comfort, citrine stepped forward today. It’s supposed to bring protection and feelings of trust, security, and help you achieve objectives and overcome difficulties.
April 25, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles, reversed. Ha! Now that the lights are on and somebody IS at home, you are in the position of making discoveries others overlooked. (Or maybe YOU had overlooked….) With your heart moving into the right place and your mind getting on the ball, you might begin overturning materialist obsessions and focusing on inner worth, value, and security of spirit. (Didn’t the Ace of Cups say something about shifts in values and new feelings replacing old?)
This focus on Self has you questioning your commitment to a cause, duty, or career and seeking something new as you awaken to other concepts besides work and practicality. So take time to let yourself off the gerbil wheel and play a bit.
However, if significance in that play is lacking, it’ll only be an empty and meaningless diversion distracting you from a lack of self-worth or any sense of purpose. Meaning, solo hours and hours on your Play Station isn’t the “play” I’m talking about. Get with other people to share an activity. Even if it’s just to go to a movie and get a slice after, the interaction, conversation, and camaraderie will be good for all.
April 24, 2022: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords, reversed. The reversed Two might be an indication of a lazy or foolish mind. Inactivity, indecision, intellectual pessimism, or lack of concentration can trap you on a train of thought that makes no stops for logic or reason. Not to mention you stay stuck on the same old tracks with no thoughts of improvement.
However, the good news is the uneasy balance of power you’ve been ignoring comes to a breaking point. You have no choice but to take action to end complacency and superficial accord and tear off the blindfold to finally look at disturbing issues that require decisions. Deeper truths will be revealed as you’re forced to open your eyes to reality. You may discover you’ve been living a lie or have been stuck in a deep rut but at least now you can get on with seeing the truth and begin the process of getting your crown chakra out of your root chakra.
Once you’re emerged from the …erm… “darkness”, you’ll be able to see what must be done in your life to improve your heart, mind, physical body, and spiritual connections to Universe. And from there, the sky’s the limit!
April 23, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups. The Ace of Cups is considered the base of communication and religion, the source of emotional life, and the spiritual basis that gives meaning to and protection from corruption, society’s laws, moral order, and social structure. As the most auspicious card of the Minor Arcana, the Ace represents idealistic love, a gift of blessings, and spiritual nurturing. It’s the pure receiving and expression of the truest feelings of the heart through a relationship with the Divine.
As the first card of its suit, this Ace represents love in potential, a capacity for love that’s yet untapped, a fresh start emotionally, or new beginnings and abundance in love and spiritual wellbeing. Possibilities and endeavors will be rooted in emotions; therefore, allow your heart to speak rather than relying wholly upon intellectual analysis.
As the most powerful of the emotions cards, it can indicate upheaval, new feelings replacing old, challenge and transformation, turnabout in emotions towards another, and/or a total reversal of values. This may be very overwhelming. Stay calm and connected with your heart while you harness your emotions for positive ends.
April 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Wands. The Princess of Wands epitomizes boundless yet grounded and stable fire energy that's powerful when controlled and contained. However, this card also indicates indecision, unease, and lack of confidence, which shows how “young” and fragile the energy is despite all its brightness.
Those influenced by this card are experiencing a drive to know the Self and are searching for new directions for personal growth and improvement. Therefore, you’re encouraged to feed creativity and inspiration, sharpen the senses, attune to nature, expand your outlook, and engage in life more robustly. Remain open, full of wonder, and joyful at simply being alive as you follow your spirit on its latest path. (Caveat: be realistic in goals and remain authentic while reaching to attain them.)
The downside is the Princess’s impact can cause one to give too much away, expect the same in return, and then get cranky when taken advantage of. This will cause burn-out and cynicism unless you hold healthy personal boundaries. Fortunately, innate resilience will save you.
April 21, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Cups, reversed. The Queen of Cups can be a little “airy-fairy” because she’s so very connected to her feelings and to the feelings of everyone around her. People under the influence of this queen can also be super spiritual and delve into alternative beliefs and holistic healing and latch onto all the accouterments of that realm.
Reversed, she can go two ways: either she goes completely into “woo-woo land” or she becomes very rational. This second, clearer version is what I’m feeling today especially following on the heels of The Fool, who encouraged us to find our existential purpose in this life.
The reversed Queen is sharp and competent, lets no one take advantage, overcomes illusions, and refuses to be swept away by conflicting emotions or succumbing to faux maneuvers or manipulations. However, this somewhat out-of-character directness can catch people off guard when they’re so used to a softer mode of communication. Therefore, it may be best to keep feelings and opinions private at this moment rather than engage in petty contests of “who’s right.”
April 20, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Fool. The Fool personifies the youthful aspect of Spirit or Universe and is the divine light in human form. Bearer of the original, essential boundless energy, this card represents advancing towards developing all of one’s personal capabilities whether obvious or still latent. He personifies humanness, fallibility, and making mistakes. As an ambiguous symbol of ultimate wisdom and/or poorest folly, The Fool is symbolic of the wanderings of the individual towards spiritual wholeness. On this journey, you may feel ambivalent as you seek spiritual understanding and purpose while still being stuck in a “skin suit.”
As your awareness expands to new ideas and your spirit looks forward to the limitless opportunities, present beliefs and values may be challenged. This card speaks of being ready for new beginnings and embodies “all potential” or “all possibilities” as it addresses the totality of your capacity and the possibility of everything and anything…or nothing. Your choice. And that choice must be your true choice, the right choice for YOU, not the choice motivated by others’ opinions.
The stone associated with The Fool is sugilite. It’s said to help answer existential questions and open all your chakras in preparation for coming shifts in perspectives and paths.
April 18, 2022: Card O' the Day: The High Priestess, reversed. I see we have zero shift since Friday’s reversed Nine of Pentacles…. @!#%$
The High Priestess is representative of all things pertaining to inner sight and esoteric yin wisdom. But when reversed, this card is indicative of significant difficulties accessing or ignoring intuition, having clouded insight, remembering dreams, or knowing your own feelings as you lose touch with or deny inherent wisdom. Pure spiritual principles become corrupted as they conflict with ignorance, shortsightedness, and lack of understanding on the material plane (Hello reversed Nine of Pentacles and the reversed King of Cups). You could be mistaking the desires of the ego for the intuition of the unconscious mind and have severed the connection with and sense of your Higher Self.
If it’s not you who’s suffered a schism from the divine yin wisdom, be wary of plots in which you might be betrayed, secrets are revealed or denied, or confidences are broken. You could feel an increase in the superficiality or distance in a relationship or it feels like you’re doing all the work to maintain it. If you’ve acted as a muse or inspiration to someone else, there may be feelings of loss of Self or identity as your spiritual beliefs are manipulated for material gain. Such social plots or deceptions could disrupt personal or business interactions and therefore discretion in all things is advised.
April 15, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles, reversed. Prosperity still reigns in the reversed Nine of Pentacles but there’s a certain disquiet because you’re struggling to recognize what the concept of “enough” means. In denial of personal wellbeing or good fortune (as in, you DO have enough), the fine life seems just out of reach. When not knowing what’s wanted or what really matters in your life, you can’t channel energy into useful purpose. The responsibility for your possessions and the desire for more leave you feeling trapped.
Now, if you’re good with what you have and are capable of enjoying it, beware of those who aren’t. You’re cautioned against becoming overly involved in the difficulties of those with whom you have relationships. If you become financially embroiled (your good natured self just can’t say “no”), you may be taken advantage of or become an easy victim. (Didn’t we just talk about fraud or swindles?)
April 13, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Cups, reversed. Ugh. I loathe reversed kings. And when the “king of feelings” is reversed, emotions become artificial.
This very vibrant energy is turned away from helping others towards vice and corruption as egoism and hypocrisy allow one to rationalize one’s merciless actions. Someone like this tends to take advantage of others or indulge in embezzlement, shifty or double dealing, and dishonesty. They appear closed off from others or heartless and often escape into work, alcohol, and/or illicit drugs to basically sulk.
Now, this card may not represent an actual person but a situation like your work environment, company policies, or a firm you’re looking to hire to provide a service. If that’s the case, look out for false advertising, fraud, and/or swindles. Do your research and go forward carefully.
April 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: The World. Well, then. From The Fool to The World…and everything in between. This card encompasses all of the different aspects of The Wheel of Life (Karmic Wheel, Cycle of Life, etc.) and the human aspects of the Major Arcana. There’s a heavy emphasis on community to keep encouraging you to connect with others even though it sometimes can feel easier to do things on your own.
Emotionally, The World creates a feeling as if one has finally found the final pieces of the puzzle. As everything seems to makes sense and you understand the big picture of life, the positive and negative qualities within merge to create new form. The internal light and shadow enable you to cut through previous limitations and restrictions and allow forward motion. It feels as though the world holds infinite opportunities. Spiritually, though his moment may feel complete, there’s always more to learn. Remember, the goal is not the prize; it’s the journey that’s the true gift.
New ideas and creative projects are falling on fertile soil. You’re in the moment of reconciling your human self with the limitlessness of the spiritual self. You’re imbued with potential to achieve all things possible and are one with the creative force of Universe. Be aware and receptive of this energy as you step forward to see what’s next and dare to travel outside your previous comfort zone.
April 7, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. The reversed Fool may represent not taking a chance at a critical time because of fear or dependence upon plans or advice of others. Or you’re afraid to take any risks at all for fear of looking foolish, making a mistake, or excessive concern of doing something stupid and suffering embarrassment. Feelings of ineptitude increase your inability to produce anything of value (in your mind).
I mean, now that you’re working in a group setting, others can see you floundering and you have the unfortunate chance of letting others down, amirite? But in your hesitation to trust yourself (and your teammates), you’re actually dumbing yourself down and making yourself LESS useful, wasting resources, and reducing the entire group’s efficiency.
Therefore, it’s better to ask questions and seek guidance on stuff you don’t know how to do. Then you’ll know how to do it next time. Stride forward confidently on the stuff you’re sure of! And if you only kinda sorta know, give it a whack. Any small errors will only improve your performance in the future.
April 6, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands. And it seems those of you who’ve been trying to islands have paid heed to the suggestions of the Tarot. The Four of Wands is all about community, tribe, participation therein, and relief from being alone.
This card places heavy emphasis on families, tribes, teams, communities, or other groups of people who come together for a common goal. Receiving this card indicates it’s time to unwind and regroup for pleasure and social concord. Without rest and friendship to refresh your soul, you become stale and ground down. Add to your current circle by discovering a new friend who shares the same views and enthusiasms or reinforce casual connections into something deeper.
Also, by combining your creativity with many like-minded people, it allows all to take part in a unified and vital whole and each to make a unique contribution. By rejoining your group, you have an opportunity to participate with others and add a precious piece to something greater and more beautiful than each of you could have managed alone. Often, success is found in numbers.
April 5, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles, reversed. Interesting that the message from the reversed Hierophant continues today. I guess my Tarot deck wasn’t finished making its point.
When the “family” card—Ten of Pentacles—is reversed, it indicates you’re turning away from or rejecting the norms and values of your family/tribe/peeps. And, just as straying too far from the norms of society can get you in trouble, if you stray too far from the traditions and rules of your family, you might find yourself treated as an outsider and no longer welcomed into the fold.
Further indications of this card are that material resources are wasted and misused causing losses on that plane. But maybe you have so much in that department you really don’t care about any losses because you’re impatient and unsatisfied with it all anyway. Regardless of your level of abundance, concentrating solely on the material in your life will prevent you from noticing and/or accepting gifts of wisdom about yourself and your place in Universe.
Be very careful in your pursuit of doing it “my way” that you don’t end up feeling as though you’ve wasted your life.
April 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant, reversed. I see the reversed Prince of a couple days ago is getting another warning shot across his bow….
Somebody in your life (you?) is rejecting traditional “authority”, choosing their own standards, and going their own way rather than just accepting the dictates of the “powers that be.” The “shoulds" and “oughts” in life are wearing them down to the point they’re contemplating something immoral, unethical, or unprincipled. In fact, they may be past mere unorthodox expression, are ready for confrontation with responsibilities, and is moving into disobedience or outright rebellion.
However, you must realize that excessive individuality can be dangerous, uncontrollable, and disruptive to the order of your life. A path to a new venture, which looks exciting, might prove to be limited and restrictive in a whole new way that’s just as uncomfortable as what you’re trying to escape. Listen to the whole story before making a decision because extra time and concentration is needed before you leap from the frying pan into the fire. Be sure you’re aware of the nits and grits involved to avoid financial loss, mental struggle, career chaos, or emotional distress.
March 31, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords. The appearance of this card is letting you know it’s time to get your mind out of the destructive loop it’s in and stop reworking old issues (shoulda, woulda, coulda…). It’s completely pointless and only makes you miserable. Also, be cautious of developing a negatively idealistic or unrealistic approach to life during any “pity parties” and stay present with and rational about what’s bothering you.
This is where you get super dry and put all emotion aside. Coolly analyze your current upset: what’s your fault (apologize for it), what’s NOT your fault (refuse to take blame), and consider what you’d do differently next time. Notice the content of thoughts and how they make you feel and identify any painful life patterns. Then let it all go as you release upset emotions, move forward, and resolve lingering issues.
In other words, the Three of Swords is telling the reversed Prince of Cups from yesterday to pull his crown chakra out of his root chakra and up his game.
March 30, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups, reversed. The reversed Prince of Cups is constantly moving with, and adapting to, any situation in a pliant, liquid way, making him hard to define or grasp. He’s* emotionally dishonest and disingenuous—even to himself—by pretending he’s not as invested in something as he really is. This is an avoidance technique to prevent personal disappointment or public shame should that something fail. A conflict lies between one’s inner fantasies and outer attractions and/or real-world responsibilities.
Unable to honestly give to anyone else (or anything) at this time, people influenced by this card avoid commitments and move away from emotional involvement. They don’t like being pushed toward commitment or action and are resentful of those impositions. However, know that such dodging may result in invitations being withdrawn permanently. Therefore one may need to rouse oneself to act upon increased demands from the outside world or one’s own physical desires before one is forever side-lined.
(*Remember, no gender definitions with Tarot court cards; I’m just using this pronoun for convenience.)
March 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Judgment. I’ve discovered in my studies each of the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck impacts us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Today, those points regarding Judgment have stepped forward in a big way.
Physically, this card reminds us to become adaptable to changes in life. Review the mind, heart, and body to see where you’re inflexible. Take steps to change. When done, notice new emotional balance coming from that willingness to adapt. Take note of the calmness one feels and remember how to get there again during times of stress (because that’s when you’ll revert back to old ways). Spiritually, take pride in your accomplishment of physical/emotional change but remember there’s always another’s soul more evolved than yours and that your sh*t still stinks (but so does theirs…just sayin’).
The appearance of Judgment indicates you’re getting to a place of awareness, discernment, and adaptability where old belief systems no longer hold you rigid and inflexible thereby blocking your progress. Confident but humble, driven but not rushed, grounded but also divinely guided by sound judgment, and ego satisfied with the needs of lower self met, you’re becoming the truest, best version of Self.
March 28, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Wands. The King of Wands, an Aries (Duh!), is charismatic, intelligent, and dominant but also generous and kind-hearted. The energy behind this card gives one support to claim power and personal truth. It’s governing Angel is Expansion of the Individual’s Potential and you’re directed too see clearly, express truly, and take charge of yourself. Hematite is one of the King’s stones and is said to strengthen intellect; provide emotional, mental, and spiritual cleansing; and boost drive and will-power to carry out plans for a new project.
As a competent, dramatic yet brilliant and solid entrepreneur, King types dare to take risks and be creative, which will appear pushy and aggressive to others. You may try to do it all as you have a strong desire to express yourself and ideas in a constant quest for new adventure/challenges/goals. And, being intolerant of limits, a bad loser, and allowing little or no discussion about those goals, you’ll get in trouble if you don’t develop diplomacy and patience.
You’re being challenged to without doubt embrace power, creative energy, and your impulses to move into bold and daring action. It’s time to take charge, initiate new patterns, and aim high for complete success of anything attempted. RELEASE THE DESIRE TO FIT INTO A SPACE THAT’S NOT AN AUTHENTIC FIT and take control of yourself directly and simply on your way to the best version of Self.
March 27, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Empress and The Devil, both reversed. We got a two-fer today….
The Empress signifies feminine energy and all that it means to identify as female. When the card is reversed, it indicates ways feminine energy becomes blocked or generally negative images of women. You might want to follow the established practices of womankind but are constructively denied them because others don’t see you for who you truly are. This can lead to feeling slighted, alone, or useless because of gender or feminine traits. The Devil, reversed, continues in this vein as you view yourself as paltry, slight, and a failure, which leads to feelings of inhibition, unhappiness, and discontent.
Fortunately, both cards offer a light at the end of the tunnel. Literally speaking, The Empress represents the absence of light; reversed she signifies daylight, brightness, splendor, illumination, manifestation, and/or truth. Something is brought into light or into being (the real you?). When The Devil is reversed, it indicates a liberation from societal or internal bondages that hold you hostage. This card also signifies you’re beginning to see through to the truth. It’s time to remove tethers and access the guarded, hidden treasure of your own spectacular Self.
March 26, 2022: Card O' the Day: Eight of Wands. The Eight of Wands is a highly energetic card! Regardless of pushed you may feel, there's a quality of order, efficiency, synchronicity, and serendipity to the speed of events that confirms you’re moving in the right direction. Trust the forward motion and the frenetic energy flow of the activities because you’re headed for an end which promises assured felicity. If things still seem a bit slow at the moment, expect sudden progress, an unexpected breakthrough, great transformation, and advancement as progress is finally made.
It’s prime time to send out energy asking Universe for the power to meet the many new opportunities that are coming. Spirit’s at work here, so ask to be moved in an unmistakeable direction, imagine anything is possible, and get out of your own way to follow creative forces. Balance and blend your passion and insight, trust instincts, and then weigh all dangers before moving forward. However, use caution, prioritize energy, and make sure to avoid hasty decisions that offer only temporary solutions without laying proper foundations for long-term gain.
Pyrite, which is associated with this card, stepped forward today. It’s supposed to lead you to problems so you can recognize the only possible solution is to change your way of thinking and dissolve fixed ideas. It takes you beyond doubts and mental blocks and facilitates perception and further development. Flexibility in your mind will lead to ease of making necessary changes without freaking out.
March 14, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands. While I’m not one to argue and swing my dick around to prove my “superior knowledge”, there ARE times when you must find the courage to defend your position, principles, beliefs, or ideals using natural instincts and past experience. You might take a stand against opposing views in a speech, discussion, or on the Internet. You’ll develop confidence in your self-worth by handling problems, rivalry, competition, confrontation, or disapproval with cool persistence and restraint.
However, this card also demands honest self-reflection regarding your personal tenets; it’s fine to remain steadfast, but be open-minded, too. If you find yourself standing alone too often, maybe it’s time to reevaluate what you believe (you could be wrong…).
The best lessons are learned through struggle and knowledge, wisdom, character, and strength will grow with each example. Therefore, stay present and aware of all learning moments.
March 11, 2022: Card O' the Day: Prince/Knight of Swords, reversed. I’m wearing my late grandmother’s rose quartz beads right this minute so I asked her to help me pick today’s card. She was German and survived the two World Wars. My aunt and her family still live in Germany whereas my mother emigrated to the U.S. as my American father’s wife. I’m afraid Oma is reminding us of leaders of the past…and how history is in danger of repeating itself.
The normally sharp intellect of the Sword Prince slides into the fanatical or ridiculous when reversed and he appears imprudent and full of hot air. Those under his influence may argue theories that are irrelevant or empty, one’s words sound like nonsense, and arguments are irrational. Being excessively extravagant and impulsive leads to stupid mistakes that waste resources and/or endanger others.
At worst, one tends to carelessly and recklessly charge ahead without listening to advice in a wild response to a situation of one’s own making to deliberately cause pain, injury, or physical damage. Ruthless, tyrannical, and vengeful, one blames mistakes on others or uses cruel logic to destroy. Unprincipled, crafty, and deceitful, one’s ego leads the way to ruin.
March 10, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups. There are the people one calls one’s posse, homies, or tribe with whom one has a soul-level connection and upon which one may fully rely. The strength found in each other carries one confidently into the future. (If one does not have a solid posse, this card is indicating the need of it.) This protective environment is where all essential physical, emotional, and security needs are met and one finds protection. It’s the center of strength where one may safely withdraw.
However, such a secure environment with its inherent limits can be a blessing or prison. Be aware of how often one replays patterns of behavior to be part of the group. As one matures and accepts the feelings necessary for successful other relationships, one must widen interactions. The Three of Cups is a signal it’s time to leave familiar ground and encounter life outside one’s usual circle.
March 9, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords, reversed. The deceptions found in the upright card are deeper in the reversal of the Seven of Swords as compared to the upright version. But as such dishonesty or betrayed confidences is revealed—as it always is—one is inclined to deny those shameful acts or to say they were unintentional to save face. But you know, just don’t. Don’t “weasel” and squirm. Just come out into the open rather than living with the fear of secrets coming to light.
After raising your hand and saying, “Yep. My bad.” Accept good advice, instruction, observations, or public announcements regarding impending warnings or reprimands resulting from your mistakes. Doing so will demonstrate to others one is ready to listen and seek help for problems because one has nothing to hide. With the right attitude, willingness to make amends where necessary, and putting energy into correcting any missteps, one will receive the support and assistance needed to clean up your mess.
(And try reeeeeeeeaaallllly hard not to beat yourself up too badly. We all f*ck up.)
March8, 2022: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles, reversed. When the “work card” Eight of Pentacles is reversed, it indicates many of you may be having difficulty with your careers, jobs, or mundane daily chores. Tedious and boring tasks become deadening, which results in impatience, frustration, shoddy work product, cutting corners, and accidents. Lack of concentration or focus leads to procrastination or things falling through the cracks and going unnoticed. Wasted efforts and lack of enterprise drain resources thereby further squandering time and assets.
Sometimes the negative energy is external. You might feel like others are using you as an ATM of concrete resources like convenient possessions they don’t have (“Dude, can I borrow your truck to move next weekend?”) or “spare” cash. Intangible resources may also be milked such as your time or psycho-emotional energy or you’re constantly being asked for favors that are rarely reciprocated.
In this atmosphere of imbalance, do the best you can. Prioritize your tasks and do only what’s absolutely necessary until you feel more energetic and focused. If the negativity is external, now would be a good time to enforce your personal boundaries and practice saying “no.”
March 3, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Cups, reversed. The reversed Seven of Cups stresses clear and logical thinking, making realistic plans, setting priorities and intentions, and finding solutions that are well-conceived. With resoluteness of purpose, determination, and premeditation, focus on the goal of getting the team back on track and petty arguments solved.
The reversed Seven may represent battling any of the seven deadly sins with the opposing virtues: humility against pride, kindness against envy, patience against anger, and diligence against sloth. (The other three sins aren’t relevant here.) But notice you’re going to battle against the current adversary with the virtues of humility, kindness, patience, and diligence. With such true righteousness on your side, it should put some wind back in your sails.
This reversed card also advocates for physical relaxation, loosening up, and letting go. Take time out to decompress and recharge during a moment of respite. Looks like Friday night Happy Hour is gonna be a thing this week for you and the others on your team. (Direct the “pot-stirer” to the wrong bar. I’ll allow that much pettiness.)
March 2, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles, reversed. Threes also represent balance, understanding, cooperation, and the Middle Way, or the harmonious synthesis that can arise when two apparently opposing positions are creatively reconciled or transcended into the initial stage of a completion. Combine the number with this suit and we’re put on the physical plane that more than likely pertains to work/money. Reverse that puppy and we get trouble.
More than likely, there’s a boss-type person (immediate superior or team leader) who’s getting a little big for their britches and is causing conflict among the members of the main group. The person in charge is acting the tyrant and gives you impossible deadlines, cuts corners, and/or micro-manages everyone to appear more powerful and competent. (This person could also be a “mere” team member but has delusions of grandeur and is stirring the pot to try to get a promotion.)
This lovely atmosphere will have everyone sane hiding out in their cubicles or offices to escape notice. But that has the downside of making you feel alone and your work unnoticed. So, those of you who’re still giving it your A-game, work together behind the asshole’s back. Use extreme diplomacy when having to actually face the culprit. And, if it gets really bad, collectively go to HR or up the next rung of the ladder and state your case (with documentation, of course).
March 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups. Threes signify expansion, contentment, congenial relationships, and the synthesis of love. Receiving the Three of Cups is a sign you’re becoming more available to the many opportunities there are to explore the world with an open heart, precise intuition, and inquisitive mind. And all this is possible because of the recent resolution of problems with accompanying healing.
As you mature and accept the feelings necessary for successful other relationships (outside a close-knit family unit), you need to widen interactions into the general population. The Three is a signal it’s time to leave familiar ground and encounter life outside your safety zone and to enjoy the camaraderie of tribes, mixed friendships, or friendly work affiliations.
Such happy times aren’t merely confined to your interpersonal relationships and this card may be indicating career advancement, the completion of a project, or the successful conclusion of any work-related matter. With ample flexibility and helpful and supportive peers, all are profiting from shared advice and information as problems are solved and you all glide towards a happy outcome. If something is still in the latter stages of development, relish the process of working with others to attain a common goal.
February 24, 2022: Card O' the Day: Five of Wands. I don’t mean to interject my personal feelings into these daily cards, but sometimes world events upset me enough I can’t stay neutral. Or, the current war energy in the Ukraine is rippling all they way to Ohio and I’m picking it up. At any rate, I have nothing nice to say about the Five of Wands today.
This card is governed by Saturn (the planet of struggle and hardship) intersecting with Leo (the sign of power and authority). This clash foments conflict, cruelty, violence, deception, antagonism, thoughtless and aggressive actions, and rashness all driven primarily by pride. Fives have inherently chaotic energy and when the Fire element of Wands is added, things can get dangerous. All this tension is pure drama for the sake of drama and being right doesn’t matter.
If you’ve got war in your own life or are following the news, understand that we all must fight ego and the rampant desire for “more.” Your Higher Self abhors chaos and only desires growth to further the greater good. Tap into your heart energy and blast your immediate surroundings with warm thoughts of peace and love. While your efforts may not stop the conflicts in the next town over, never mind the Ukraine, I guarantee they’ll improve your own corner of Universe. Namaste.
February 23, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Devil, reversed. The reversed Devil is providing yet another caution against caving in when faced with unpleasant truths. Whereas the reversed Seven warned against being weak and retreating, The Devil, reversed, warns against another type of weakness: being an insufferable asshole who has feelings of petty superiority over others’ frailties and boasts of being excessively “perfect.” However, such persons generally make excuses instead of facing how bad a situation really is and doing something about it. Therefore, before you shrink and retreat or over-puff yourself, begin to make corrections and put back a sense of order to your higher Self (the place from where you act with intelligence, compassion, and truth).
Since the Devil represents, in part, illusions, when the card is reversed it could signify you’re beginning to see through them to the truth. (That “truth” the reversed Two of Swords first announced and that has proven to be so uncomfortable.) As you become more conscious of the destructive behaviors and misuses of power of others, you’re better able to release false inhibitions and patterns of manipulation and codependency in yourself. As in, you see how rotten “Bob” is and decide you’re not gonna be another “Bob.”
February 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. Did I not say reality and truth would suck? This reversed Seven indicates strong interpersonal energies that were already a bit uncomfortable and confrontational devolve further. Swell. In the face of all this “negativity”, one may be tempted to back down and return to the previous situation (that you hated enough to disturb in the first place) for the sake of peace. Because, after all, was it really that bad?
Oh no you don’t! Use the power of Wands energy to overcome fears and objections and participate in negotiations. You’ll have to eloquently defend your position (with facts and examples, which you’ve been documenting, right?). This will allow defenses between yourself and others to come down as you discover inner resources and refuse to be intimidated.
Now, certain minor victories may require conforming to established procedures and protocols or seeking an otherwise more co-operative approach. (True cooperation means nobody’s 100% happy but things do come out better for everyone.) If one can come to a clear course of action, your natural self-confidence will return and you’ll be seen as a “team player” who’s rapidly becoming a leader.
February 21, 2022: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords, reversed. Well, now. The Two of Swords has returned but reversed. The reversal, however, shows us progress is being made! It would seem the reversed Princess’s rash and hasty efforts actually did some good in that the reversed Two indicates we’ve broken the uneasy balance of a situation or an uncomfortable status quo. The tenuous “peace” is broken as you take action to end complacency and superficial accord and seriously look at disturbing issues that require decisions.
When we’ve been figuratively knocked over and the balance between the intellectual/emotional forces is disturbed, deeper truths are revealed as you open your eyes to reality. You may discover you’ve been living a lie but at least now one can get on with the process of authentic communication and living.
All this reality and truth might result in loyalties becoming divided. You may discover lies, deceptions, treachery, or superficiality among people you thought were friends or at least solid colleagues. This will suck. However, now you know where you stand with everyone and you can weed your contacts file accordingly. Furthermore, this harsh information will help you make decisions about your own future without worrying about how it may impact others.
February 20, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Wands, reversed. Obviously, I over-encouraged somebody because we went from the self-assurance and confident personal power of the King to the still clueless and finding-her-way Princess in just a day. And reversed no less! The King’s power is big and the reversed Princess can’t handle it. Yet.
When channeling the King of Wands, we can’t just dash forward on an adrenaline rush of taking risks or gambling on complete unknowns. Yes, you may want to try something new, like the upright Princess of Wands, but when she’s reversed it's done in a hasty, impatient, indiscriminate way that makes no time for good judgment. Basically, it’s like being a 16 year-old who got a very fast and powerful car before the ink is even dry on their license.
I suggest you allow yourself the power of “driving a car” but swap it out for something practical until you become a more experienced driver. Learn the ropes, don’t be too proud to do the grunt work, pay your dues on the way up, and foster sincere relationships with people who might be able to help you.
February 19, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Wands. So, about a month ago, the King of Wands appeared—twice!—reversed. This indicated a lot of blustering ego and hot air, which is a dead give away for feeling less than your best. Now he’s back, but upright. I see this as coming out on the other side of the previous reversed Queen of Swords (see the 14th’s post) with all her cranky indecision. The Four of Wands let us know things were looking up but yesterday’s Two of Swords was a remnant of that pesky Queen. However, y’all have done your homework and are ready for this upright King.
We’re looking at self-possessed will power with charismatic creativity. His governing angel is that of Expansion of an Individual’s Potential. As with the recent Four, where I mentioned assuming your personal power, the King validates that and encourages you to take on leadership roles. Be proactive…when you see a job that needs to be done, do it even if it’s not technically “your job.” Soon enough you’ll be promoted to more demanding roles. (And if you’re not, go to HR and ask for a promotion/raise. This is why you always document all your projects and the extra work you do. Presenting your boss/HR with black and white proof of your value makes it harder for them to ignore your work for the company.)
February 18, 2022: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords. This card really illustrates how deeply intertwined our heads, hearts, and guts are. What goes on in our heads can mess with your self-esteem, trust, morals and values…. But always remember and never forget: your head can and will lie to justify ANYthing whereas your gut instinct and more likely than not your heart will steer you towards your highest good. Therefore, this card advises you to feel around in your essential being and THEN go to your head and make wise choices.
How to do that? See similarities between choices rather than all the differences. Instead of considering a choice based on DOING, what does it look like NOT to do? You may have to face some awkward truths or fears so dig deeply and observe your inner rhythms to better know your Self.
Patience with this issue is necessary and you’ve got the time. If you can, take a step back from the decision making process to have things in place or ready to be implemented once the final choice is made. This preliminary “arranging” of nuts and bolts may help you decide or show you an alternate route. Wait until you’re clearly aware of all options and information before taking the plunge.
February 16, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands. The Four of Wands signifies a heroic impulse that helped you conquer fear and doubt and gave you the courage and determination necessary to express yourself in your interactions with that reversed queen of the other day. This success comes from personal ability and your subtlety in handling the situation.
In addition, the Four represents particularly creative, balanced, and prosperous energy. Thus your new diplomacy will work well for you regarding collaborative efforts, opposing factions, and agreements that need to be negotiated to maintain harmony and balance within a group. By assuming your power and pioneering the way with sincerity and honesty, you can expect respect, admiration, or elevation within the group with a promotion or new assignment.
Which is vastly helpful because this card places heavy emphasis on families, teams, or other groups of people who come together for a common goal. By combining creativity with many like-minded people, it allows all to take part in a unified and vital whole and each to make a unique contribution. You have an opportunity to participate with others and add a precious piece to something greater than each one could have managed alone.
February 15, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands. And here we have the results of being strong enough to be kind to cranky people!
Your efforts to be nice in the face of “un-nice-ness” has allowed you to triumph over forces that were trying to stop your progress and growth and to do it with personal power and dignity. The more often you can be nice with dignity you develop self-leadership, marshal skills, improve relationships, and achieve success according to your definition of it. The Six signifies the manifestation of Ki/Chi/Qi and you’re asked to align with Nature, Earth, and Spirit and share the sudden illumination and brilliance while remaining grounded. Meaning, you fold this new-found or enhanced personal light into your life without fanfare.
With the drama over, the sense of self is fortified for having had an experience in which you could prove your integrity by taking the high road. You may now congratulate yourself with a little private smugness and a high-five in the mirror.
February 14, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords, reversed. Well, SOMEbody is pissed about the Superbowl’s outcome! Or ya got out of bed on the wrong side. Or somebody you know and have to deal with on a daily basis is grumpy. Bottom line: this card indicates extreme crankiness.
The intolerance present rises from deep disappointments, heartbreak, pain, pressure, and/or self-deception. Also, ill-temper and negative behavior comes out of frustrated ambitions or relied-upon ideals have turned sour. Meaning, in all probability, you, or the person who’s in your life who’s like this, isn’t evil but just in a lot of psycho-emotional pain. The very rational and truth-oriented Sword Queen’s thinking also suffers. “Her” (remember, the Tarot’s court cards are genderless) strong mind has been turned away from clarity by personal biases and incomplete information. This mind-emotion discord then results in ignoring all the good things with which “her” life is blessed and the excess gloom and egoism stems from the loss of her truth and reality.
What to do? If it’s you, go back to bed or avoid everyone so as not to disturb the psyche of others. It’s the least you can do. If it’s someone else, avoid them until they feel better. If you can’t, you’ve got the inside scoop on why that person is so bitchy today and can be a little more compassionate by cutting them some slack. Be kind because you never know what sort of personal hell others are going through.
February 11, 2022: Card O' the Day: Justice, reversed. I think Justice, reversed, must be the Sword King’s worst nightmare. Something stable, ordered, or normally unvarying has been disturbed or disrupted and we’re having to adjust to imbalances in life and/or relationships. (Current events, anyone?) In order to limit mistakes or snags, you resist change or adjustment and attempt a “perfection” so rigid it hampers carrying on with daily life.
If you’re handling empty store shelves with a “c’est la vie” attitude, the imbalance may be internal and you’re struggling with a divided self as you suffer the inner discord of intellect v. instincts. Suddenly, formerly held values, old rules of thumb, and social expectations aren’t reliable and you have to respond with few cues through a cloudy perception and uncertainty. This leaves you mired in indecision and inaction because of over-reliance on the rationality that’s being proposed by others.
Go back to the King. Cool reason and thorough research of an issue through many sources (not just what your aunt’s best friend’s cousin’s trainer said) is required to navigate current times. Emotional reactions will not serve you well.
February 10, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Swords. I think the Sword King showed up today to help us know how to handle The World’s energy. This King is the epitome of integrity in all his material pursuits, equality, and fairness. He understands the first step to his success is to be responsible for himself and his actions. However, because he’s a king, he knows his responsibility also extends to others or society in general. As an impartial arbiter of truth and justice, he bases his choices on logic, rationality, ethics, and hard facts and not on what he may or may not believe.
The King’s dominance and control over emotions allows you to let go of defensiveness and see that logic, rather than your feelings, is needed when pursuing goals. Critical, objective, and cool-headed examination of circumstances and careful evaluation of any consequences of planned actions or strategies is required. Meaning, put your gut and heart on a time-out while you do your research through a broad spectrum of solid sources.
Finally, The King of Swords may signify good news or unexpected advantages regarding the ability to improve yourself. Thus, eyes and ears open to everything from LinkedIn to hair salon gossip.
February 9, 2022: Card O' the day: The World (again!). We just got The World on the 5th…four days ago. And at that time it felt like “completion” was happening for many. However, yesterday’s Nine of Pentacles tells me we’re not quite there yet. (Maybe I’m projecting with my own book thing….) Anyway, remember what I said the other day: Receiving The World in a spread is proof of a life filled with even more potential for major realizations. It represents the power of the will to manifest results, attain all that’s good or desirable in being, living, and behaving, practical use of knowledge, and learning to take control of your life. You’ve got limitless potential to achieve anything you want!
Prosperity and abundance is assured if you remember to pursue excellence of Self and wisdom of the soul. Therefore, because there IS more to come, face the inevitable changes with hope and optimism. Even though you’re never done done, there’ll be little completions along the way. Accept those endings because by reaching the goal, you've now cleared space for the next steps. (Face it kids, there will ALWAYS be next steps. *sigh*)
As you continue forward, you’ll learn more and more about yourself, how you operate, what you’ll stand for and what you won’t. This will help you define a personal “world” where you set physical and psychic boundaries, say “no” to what’s beyond your ability, and establish personal security and protection where necessary.
February 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles. During my years of studying the Tarot, I’m amassed a great deal of information that pertains to the symbology and ideology of the cards. They come from vastly different sources—ie. astrology, Feng Shui, numerology, botany, etc. and to organize all these concepts, I’ve written a book. I’m now in the process of editing and annotating it for publication.
Today’s Nine of Pentacles reflects the process of manifestation (publishing my book) through the ability to deal with the grunt-work details (editing and annotating). This card represents the ongoing struggle against all odds to produce a tangible, beneficial “thing” and completion of a journey before the more concrete establishment of the 10 wherein the “thing” is done and you can turn your attention to something else.
Good self-esteem from knowing your own value and worth will assist in reaching full potential, being content, and confident even if others initially aren’t as excited about your creation as you. You may very well have to make substantial changes and compromises and now is the time to do it. Remind yourself those alterations are NOT a reflection on you personally, but they are merely tweaks to perfect your “thing.”
February 7, 2022: Card O' the Day: Two of Cups. Another two…. The energy of the number Two creates the possibilities of conflict, choice, integration of experiences, understanding, and/or unions in truce. The suit of Cups means those dynamics are explored within relationships with Self or others.
When respectful give and take occurs with another, the parties enjoy a strong connection of reciprocal respect, complementarity, comprehension, and mutual benefit as each gains equally from the exchange. By uniting separate qualities and abilities through love (capital “L” love, not just bumping uglies), both parties have something to offer that’s different but equal in value. Together, they’re able to produce something beyond what either could’ve done alone.
Some of you may fear losing leverage through cooperation that allows the other to “win.” But remember, love isn’t pie! Imbuing a situation with your Love doesn’t diminish your power…it increases the overall power of the whole thing BECAUSE it’s infused with Love. Once you understand the incredible power of your Love, you’ll understand you can never be powerless about anything.
February 6, 2022: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands. The suit of Wands signifies fiery action and determination. This energy is quite intense and in need of direction. The Two signifies we’re in early days yet, still planning, and a decision regarding which of several opportunities to pursue is required. While they're all good, you’ve got to choose what you hope to accomplish within a particular sphere of influence.
Once energies have been effectively harnessed and responsibly managed, new possibilities or brilliant original ideas are released or current projects are given new meaning. In the process, you may need to fashion a new mental discipline or return to a previously effective one after applying lessons learned and skills honed. (This is where yesterday’s reflections and Monday-morning-quarterbacking proves useful.)
If there’s any uncertainty when deciding about the next project, it’ll be cleared by careful deliberation, strategic planning, and evaluation. Proceed with enthusiasm!
February 5, 2022: card O' the Day: The World. As the final card in the series of the major arcana of the Tarot deck, its presence today may indicate the finale of one phase of your life or an all-consuming endeavor. You can either despair at the ending or be grateful and accepting of the fact life is all about endings and beginnings and by reaching the goal, you now have cleared space for something new. Receive this break or moment of slowing down gratefully and relax for a minute.
During this down time, reflect upon what’s been done and integrate the perfection in each of the past missteps, mistakes, struggles, and wrong turns. Do a little Monday-morning-quarterbacking, review the films, and see where you can strengthen weaknesses or make better use of assets.
Receiving The World in a spread is proof of a life filled with even more potential for major realizations—physical, spiritual, and/or emotional. It represents the power of the will to manifest results, attain all that’s good or desirable in being, living, and behaving, and practical use of knowledge and learning to take control of your life. You’ve got limitless potential to achieve anything you want so be aware and receptive of this energy as you step forward to see what’s next and dare to travel outside your previous comfort zone.
February 3, 2022: Card O' the Day: Five Wands, reversed. With the reversal of the competitive Five of Wands, the tension of its energy is released allowing forward motion again or ends a period of conflict and stress so you can relax. Perhaps one recognizes and regrets one’s selfish and self-centered ways and returns to being more generous and aware of the needs of others. (ahem....) Either way, transformation of doubts, troubles, and glitches is imminent.
Having become stronger, focused your energies, and communicated effectively to avoid misunderstandings, you’re able to release petty concerns, concentrate on what truly matters, and let go of defensiveness. Once you’re not spoiling for a fight at every turn, you’ll find that working with others without hostilities is possible when you all look for common ground to better navigate any disagreements. Use the fire of Wands to energize, not consume!
February 2, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups, reversed. I never used to read reversals (many Tarot readers don’t) because I just didn’t buy that a reversal meant the opposite of the upright. The cards are waaaay more nuanced than that. Then I read a great book about reversals that explained it all to me and it made perfect sense. Tarot card meanings fall on a spectrum; the uprights are in the middle area while the reversals fit on the far ends. Therefore….
One of the energetic signatures of the reversed Four becomes more extreme: the ennui of the upright card deepens into restricted feelings of boredom, weariness, stultifying apathy, insecurity, lack of freedom, smothering, and burn out as one longs for something better. OR…. (and I much prefer this option but it’s your choice whether you want to continue to be “meh.”)
The reversal turns stagnation into a feeling of healthy restlessness that leads to the inability to sit still or meditate. Looking for new options to overcome passivity and break out of the fallow period of discontentment and thirsting for fresh experiences, we consider new events, ideas, relationships, and possibilities. Old problems can be tackled with new, unforeseen solutions or options formerly rejected can be reconsidered, slightly reworked, and applied in a novel approach. Past boredom is transformed as action overcomes passivity and we enthusiastically seize opportunities.
February 1, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Hermit. We got several Pentacles in the last few days that represent the physical plane where ego is primarily in control. Then we got the internal fire and enthusiasm of the Prince of Wands. The appearance of this card indicates it’s time to merge the ego with your soul (fire guy) in the opportunity to know yourself well and deeply. The Hermit acts as a bridge between the conscious and unconscious, a ligament uniting body and psyche, and the link between the mind and spiritual awareness.
Approach this time to work on self-development with patience and a sense of deliberate purpose. In order to understand all this and where you fit in the “big picture”, discover your own path. You might need help with figuring it out so don’t be shy about asking for a little advice from someone who’s been there or trained to teach what you want to learn.
It’s possible you’re not undergoing any exercises in spiritual journeys, are merely spending more time alone, and are finding comfort and ease in that solitude. Be aware of how you view aloneness and take responsibility for that choice. Loneliness is a negative state wherein there’s an absence of another; aloneness is a positive state where you’re happily present with yourself and appreciate your own company.
January 31, 2022: Card O' the day: Prince/Knight of Wands. The Prince of Wands represents the spark of enthusiasm, pure dynamism of all Fire signs, and spirit of enterprise that gives vigor, hope, optimism, and a positive boost of self-confidence—all the things you need to jump-start internal engines and achieve great things. His transformative power takes what’s poisonous and transforms it into beauty and is able to harness raw energy toward the mind and away from self-satisfaction or totalitarianism. We’re encouraged to renew our Qi through playfulness, laughter and a heart-centered life…. That’s the good news.
There’s all kinds of intuition and imagination present with this card but the limits of reality have been lost. Because the Fire Prince usually acts before thinking, he’ll have problems with details, routines, and the final follow-through. All that powerful, but unfocused, energy will dissipate if one tries—like the Prince—to fly in all directions at once. One would do well to cultivate reliability, use caution and thought, curb recklessness, pay attention to fine points, and develop commitment and the ability to deliver on promises. That’s the bad news.
Nevertheless, the appearance of this card could indicate leaving old ways behind or a chance for action and to shake things up. Therefore, go ahead and seek movement and new experiences; follow passions to find new flavors, textures, sights, and sounds; pounce on any opportunity to explore new realms; and rebel against stodgy or old-fashioned beliefs, mindsets, habits, or physical stuff.
January 30, 2022: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords. There’s a hard choice that must be made and your emotions won’t stay out of it. The Two of Swords shows up when you’re feeling conflicted, at crossed purposes, or are holding two contradictory ideas or thoughts as true and valid at the same time (i.e. your brilliant boss/spouse/bestie is an utter asshole in some areas).
Feeling unable to take action or make a decision, you deliberately avoid the problem through procrastination and a reluctance to commit to a choice. Feeling stuck between two equally unappealing options, you sit on the fence out of fear of upsetting the fragile balance you’re desperate to maintain. While a temporary, uneasy peace may be reached, to truly resolve the issue, the status quo must be broken before energy can move forward again.
First of all, step out of judgment to see similarities rather than differences (stop seeing things in a “me” v. “them” light). You’ll need to face some fears or admit some ugly truths to break through the stalemate and opposing forces. Then stop flailing and grinding gears, decide which way to go, and figure out how to get there. It’ll take less work than your current avoidance and floundering and you’ll release the stuck material energy we’ve been suffering with all the reversed Pentacles of late.
January 29, 2022: Card O' the Day: Ace of Pentacles, reversed. We continue on the material plane with another reversed Pentacle. There are warnings about becoming too focused on material gain and avidness for “more” in this card, as well. This current over-dependence on security and comfort might be in reaction to the current economic situation. The stock market is pretty yippsie, supply chains are rendering store shelves empty, and inflation is taking more from our pockets for the usual stuff we need. It’s scary, I agree.
However, Aces mean new beginnings (even when reversed!) and new beginnings require changes to your routine. Failure to recognize the need to adjust may be because you’re terrified of doing without that which you’re used to having. But choices will dwindle further as you fear ANY loss. To soften the blow, you’d do well to take material things more lightly and learn to do without (gracefully) until you can get on more solid financial footing.
The material plane includes your physical body, and the stifled energy flow of the reversal could mean that you’re losing mobility, flexibility, or require increased attention to the body. Check to see if your physical discomfort is due to ill health, physical neglect, malnutrition, or other limitations. Most bland of all, you may simply be stuck in a rut or literally constipated. So, in addition to pinching pennies harder, you need to bundle up and take a hike around the block.
January 28, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess/Page Pentacles, reversed. The influence of yesterday’s reversed Seven continues…. The clarity of thinking of this Princess suffers when she’s reversed. Loss of focus will lead to having difficulty learning something new or grasping necessary information. When so easily distracted, practical matters and issues become lost in confusion or daily trivia. (Social media or games on your phone anyone? [Hanging MY head….])
You may change your mind about something previously desired and this could cause you to lose purpose or not know where you fit anymore. Now, we all shift perspectives or outgrow interests—and that’s normal—but if your waining engagement stems from your mood slump, don’t throw in the towel just yet. However, remaining inactive will lead to premature waste and superficial investment in the “thing” you’ve worked so hard on up to now. Try to continue your work if only at a snail’s pace.
The good news here is the messages typically heralded by the appearance of the reversed Earth Princess include cancellation of plans, which actually would then allow relaxation during your slump. It’s like Universe is recognizing your need for a nap and is making things so you CAN have a nap.
January 27, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Sorry, kids, this one may be on me. We received the upright Seven of Pentacles just a few days ago and I was all encouraging about long-term goals and working hard for them. Today’s reversal might just be a reflection of my own ‘tude regarding a big project of mine. (I AM, after all, pulling these cards so it follows that my energies will interfere on occasion.)
The reversed Seven indicates I (and possibly some of you) are getting a little crispy around the edges when it comes to your goals and ideas for the future. We start out all gung-ho and work in high gear for a stretch making great progress. But none of us can keep up that pace for long before getting tired, bored, and dispirited about the long way yet to go.
Therefore, before you get bogged down in inertia and procrastination, take a conscious break. Rather than doggedly pushing forward and doing “just Part A at the very least”, chefs, put down your knives and step away from your station. Trust me on this: By continuing on in this mood, your work will be shit. Do something completely different (even banal busy work) to refresh your mind and regenerate your eagerness for the Major Thing you’re working on.
January 26, 2022: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles. We were just talking about the concept of “enough” yesterday but that was more along the lines of HAVING enough. This card is about BEING enough and equating your self-worth with your material abundance. The pervading energy of this card is about living in lack, whether real or imagined, and anxiety in general as one fears becoming (or being viewed as) a “have not.”
Experiencing poverty in the presence of plenty may signal it’s time for a mental, spiritual, and physical makeover. Engage your inner wisdom for solutions to see clearly the reason for struggles and to accept any responsibility for your role in them. (Are you un- or under-employed? un- or under-educated? spend more than you can afford on unnecessary things?)
To fix this, first release any victim mentality (I NEVER catch a break….), deal with issues, and discern the true cause of troubles. Lack of or thin resources will require adaptations so consider what can be done to ease the pinch. You’re encouraged to shift perspectives and recognize the easy path is not always your best path for long-term growth.
January 25, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles. While the Queen of Swords from the other day indicated an uneven power structure, today’s queen is significant of the ability of those in power to care for the less fortunate and suggests you’re in a position to help others. (Fortunately, we understand the sneaky concept that to help others is actually helping yourself. Karmic bonus!) Today’s Earth Queen is on board with the inner work stuff indicated by the recent Sevens and finds grounded and practical applications for her emotional energy with her reliability and resourcefulness.
This queen is a very capable business woman and her appearance represents running your own business from home, going back into the workforce, or furthering your education—which will go miles in developing your self-confidence and financial security. Speaking of which, as your business/career grows, take time to safeguard or improve your standard of living and start a prolonged effort to guarantee material wealth. Therefore, manage personal resources wisely and look to where you can weed out what’s no longer serving and to consider new directions to take to enhance your growth.
Lastly, while you’re certainly “permitted” to be happy and celebrate when you reach goals and everything to which you aspire, you’re asked to find satisfaction and contentment with those achievements and not be ever desperate for more, More, MORE. As I’ve said before, learn to know when enough is enough so you can turn your attention to other matters besides accumulation.
January 24, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles. Another 7…. Sevens indicate inner work that produce exciting thoughts and creativity that then leads to complex choices. Some of you might be embarking on a “learning path” (about anything) because this number is associated with study, research, knowledge, and analysis.
When combined with the earth element, this Seven indicates the tendency to endure tough times in pursuit of a goal, the willingness to work hard for it (including the actual grunt work), and further prospects of growth. Take your time to ponder all the creative possibilities and beware of difficult decisions. Your choices will be made upon the knowledge and information you have AT THE MOMENT but success isn’t guaranteed. Therefore, cut yourself slack if things don’t work out precisely as planned.
Small adjustments may be necessary and making minor tweaks now will save huge corrections later. This procedural inventory may show the need for purging or eliminating damaged goods, clearing out closets, dropping figurative “baggage”, or culling to ensure quality and make room for new growth. The project at hand is meant to be long-term, and though there has been some progress with slight and isolated gains, there’s still much work to be done.
January 23, 2022: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands, reversed. The last couple days’ cards indicated some of you are dealing with shake-ups in “personnel.” (This “change within a group” can mean at work, church, friends clique, book club, or anywhere you’ve been dealing with a set group that has recently changed where people left and/or new members joined. [You might be the leaver or joiner.]) I feel like this card speaks to the adjustments that happen when this kind of situation occurs.
Following the leaving/additions, you may feel overwhelmed by or tempted to retreat from the strong interpersonal energies that are foreign to you. The new pecking order seems to put you at a disadvantage or in an inferior position leaving you self-conscious, distressed, indecisive, confused about what to do next, or discouraged. For protection, you may set up personal barricades to keep the new people at a distance.
That actually may not be such a dumb idea since such barricades can allow you time and space for reflection and to observe the interpersonal dynamics from a safe distance. It also gives you room to work out any difficulties in solitude and make your own adjustments in peace. Once you’ve assessed the situation and come to a clear course of action, natural self-confidence will return.
January 22, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Cups. While the Queen of Swords spoke of separations yesterday, there’s still a special association where a group is of greater importance than the individuals in it. The relationships between the members are deeply felt, and there’s sincere concern for the feelings of others in the group that the person who left (you?) will be missed. However, if you shift your view from linear to circular and remember the past, see the present, and envision the future, you’ll understand the reason for the separation.
New relations, environments, and knowledge that come from the shifts in the group exist to open your mind and accept how things must change for the greater good of the whole. Enjoyment returns with your willingness to pass through heroic growth-building labors and difficulties. By working on integrating the gifts and experiences of the past with consciousness in the present, you’ll be reassured the correct path was taken and decisions were based on valid and honest instincts and motivations.
January 21, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords. This card is indicative of being in a situation of uneven power or alludes to a separation, breakup, or absence (personal or professional). The influence of the reversed King of Wands, perhaps? But by being the “clear-visioned” one of all the queens and embodying pure and absolute awareness of truth and knowledge, she encourages us to focus the mind with useful and effective ideas that are rational, astute, and scientifically sound.
When this card shows up, detach yourself from emotional influences—internal and external—and get to the point when discussing the issue. Speak frankly and honestly, cut away the inessential, and be meticulously clear and factual with any criticism you need to voice. (This is where documentation of events comes in handy.) Set clear ground rules and personal boundaries to avoid misunderstandings or being pushed into something you don’t agree with.
By being super calm, cool, and collected, you’ll be able to deal with unfortunate situations impartially and handle disappointment with dignity and integrity.
January 20, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed (again). Now, why would HE show up again? I mean, didn’t we get the memo to be chill, generous, and nice from the previous reversed King and Queen of Wands? We also heard the message not to get smug and rest on laurels after a big accomplishment. So…Mr. Crabby Pants is back?
The reversed King can get a little big for his britches and throw his weight around when he’s been given the lead with accompanying responsibilities. However, he doesn’t actually want the extra work and is secretly resentful when asked to do more. His pride, on the other hand, won’t let him show any weakness or insecurity he might be feeling over his new role. Thus he pushes forward with bluster and mucks up everything he touches.
Some of you may have gotten some big wishes (yesterday’s Nine of Cups) recently and now you have to live up to the expectations that come with the new position, responsibilities, or management necessary to keep the Big Wish going. Yesterday, I told you not to gloat about winning. Today’s reversed King is regretting having won.
January 19, 2022: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups. There’s danger of becoming complacent, smug, or lazy after you’ve achieved something big in your life when this card shows up. I don’t want to rain on your parade, but it can be easy to forget how hard you worked to get to the prize while you celebrate the achievement. Yes, enjoy and embrace this period of contentment and comfort and don’t apologize for or downplay your blessings. But in return, give back to Spirit, be honest and generous in your happiness (no gloating), share the wealth, and pay it forward.
Alternatively, you might be riding high because you found the secret to your emotional happiness by taking full responsibility for and control of it and realize others can’t fill all your needs. You finally understand being “you” is enough! This period of gratifying emotional fulfillment and satisfaction allows you to let go of what’s already been lived and proceed with confidence. When embracing your inner harmony, energy will increase and you’ll feel true joy, liberation, and a readiness to give to others.
(Coincidentally, I drew this card 20 seconds after I “loved” a post of my friend holding the new baby in her family. This 9 can also indicate literal babies coming into your life or regarding a pet project about which you’re passionate and care deeply.)
January 18, 2022: Card O' the Day: Temperance. In line with the reversed King of Wands, our message of peace, softening, and thoughtfulness continues. Receiving this card in a spread is a call to return to center: a place of compromise and where there is no room for extreme views or prejudice. This puts you in a position to sooth tensions, offer solace, or bring about reconciliation by maintaining a calm temperament and a relaxed energy. When you’re chill, you can see beyond the current chaos and recognize your own confidence and strength.
Once the rigid fixation of ego is broken (the desperate need to be right, in control, etc.), you can connect to your true heart and your capacity to discern and face reality is sharpened. Without ego shouting to be heard, you’re able renew the connection between the conscious and unconscious (the voices in your head v. the whispering truth in your gut that you really do have—and ARE—enough). This will aid in the ability to forgive, quell hysteria, diffuse volatility, enable creative problem solving, and allow for transformational giving and receiving.
January 16, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. Much like the reversed Queen of Wands from the other day, the reversed King represents powerful energy that’s gone awry. Expect hissy fits, tantrums, or feelings of weakness and ineffectualness from yourself (if the reversed King is you today) or from the people you have to be in contact with on a regular basis. (Avoid them where you can.)
Now, for those who’re really self-aware and have a healthy sense of personal power, they/you may recognize their/your lack of expertise and knowledge and relinquish control of a situation since their/your effective impact has been blocked, disturbed, or re-channeled. After all, continuing under those conditions is pointless as insignificant matters can become magnified or errors in judgment come to light that weaken their/your position further.
Such magnanimous, tempered, and well-adjusted persons know how to cede control or leave things for another day without losing face or personal force. Let us aspire….
January 15, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Wands. Recently, a high school pal of mine announced the death of her wife after an illness. Today, not even a week later, she announced the birth of another grandchild. The Four of Wands reflects my friend’s heroism that conquers fear and doubt and gives her the courage and determination necessary to continue her life as a widow.
This card represents happiness, hearth and home, fertility, successful birth, and rites of passage (such as death) and places heavy emphasis on families or tribes who come together to support each other in times of woe or to celebrate happy events. Having this card appear today indicates it’s a good time to unwind and regroup for pleasure and social concord. Join your besties or family this weekend to become immersed in joyful camaraderie or share burdens.
Such participation in your circle nourishes the individual and you’re encouraged to take part and not be a mere spectator. Wands energy actually finds its greatest fulfillment when you overcome your tendency to be alone.
January 14, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands, reversed. For the third day in a row we get a card with inherent dynamic energy that comes up reversed. Again, reversals of such cards indicate the energy becomes scattered leaving us with a tendency towards easy irritation, insecurity, and losing focus on our direction. Personal growth also suffers when you hang your hat too far in the future. Meaning, you’re so concentrated on your Five Year Plan and accompanying vision board you lose touch with the important foundation building of Year 1.
And like the other two cards (the reversed Wheel and Chariot), we’re advised to soften our approach. The reversed Queen asks us to get out of our heads by becoming involved with others. Offer your advice, consultation, wisdom, and emotional support that comes from a natural impulse rather than duty. This obliging and serviceable instinct is invaluable in a crisis or disaster and distracts you nicely from your own insecurities.
However, don’t sacrifice yourself by rendering aid for an extended difficulty (some people are just bottomless pits of need and angst). If your own needs are set aside or delayed too much while serving others, you’ll get burned out. Maintain personal boundaries even when offering assistance.
January 13, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. When I first turned this card over, my first thought was “huh-UNH!” Because the high and directed energy of The Chariot, when reversed—in theory—is scattered, restricted, or surges out of control as one is caught in the doldrums uselessly spinning one’s wheels. Sometimes conflicts and problems will arise due to opposing ideas and aims, counterproductive efforts, or one becomes caught up in a runaway idea.
Firstly, one must come to understand the “will power” approach is not and will not be successful. Meaning, you can’t force things to get better. You’ve got to SOLVE the problems rather than simply try to overpower them. Therefore, whether your energy is FOC or you’re blobbed out on your couch, conflicts are internal or external, or you just can’t keep it together anymore, stop trying to put a Band-Aid on your problems. Fix them already!
Now for what I REALLY felt when I turned over the card: the reversal of such traditionally yang-oriented strength may indicate that it’s time to be more yin-like. Use gentle influence, benevolence, charity, compassion, and commiseration to find answers to your conundrums. Put down the keys to the bulldozer, put on a pair of angora mittens, and try “nice.” You know, honey over vinegar and all that.
January 12, 2022: Card O' the Day: The Wheel of Fortune, reversed. The Wheel, reversed, is still a beneficial card but its energy is unstable and the unpredictability of outcomes increases. This could manifest in a superabundance of change with rapid growth, superfluity, and expansion (yay?) or only small gains and short-term success, bad luck, or unexpected losses (crap).
While you might be feeling anxious and ready for something new, changes are blocked because a situation is not yet ripe and movement forward could be premature or reckless. (You don’t want to have to redo or repeat something when you botch it.) Unfortunately, there IS the necessity to move forward or risk stagnation or delayed changes. (Conflicting information much? Yep. That’s the reversed Wheel for ya.)
Mostly, the problem is with your attitude. Confusion, resistance to Fate, and an irresolute emotional core prevents your best action. Struggle against events is usually doomed, so stand firm, maintain courage and stamina, and learn from past rotations of The Wheel that nothing—good or bad—lasts forever.
January 10, 2022: Card O' the Day: King of Pentacles. The King of Pentacles conveys the energy of Spirit, the feeling of connectedness to Earth, and embodies the dual nature of intuition and introspection. He’s also significant of good physical health and you’re called to focus on your body, diet, and exercise and apply energy to practical matters and physical wellbeing. (Have you, too, been ignoring your New Year’s resolutions about diet and exercise?)
As with all kings, this card signifies the ambition, prominence, power, social responsibility, and integrity of good business and financial leaders who’re strong, uncompromising, and impatient to get things done. This particular king’s greatest talents lie in organization and control of physical matter and he encourages us to become competent in personal financial management. (OMG!!!!! Ugh…. This guy is such an “adult.” My Mom AND Dad rolled into one….)
Because the Tarot cards are infamous for pulling up the rug, opening closets, and poking your mid belly muffin-top, I think we got the grown up of the deck to reiterate the message of the previous days to be grounded and practical. We are being human right now and that requires a certain level of maintenance. I, personally, would be happy to sit in front of a roaring fire, daydream or shop on-line, and eat grilled cheese sandwiches all day. But noooooooo! I have to be fiscally responsible, eat a balanced diet, and move my ass. (Eye. Roll.)
January 9, 2022: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles. As you learn about personal power, force, and inner love for Self, you’ll come to understand that manifesting integrity, strength of character, kindness, and generosity are actually somewhat self-serving in that they provide stability, focus, comfort, and security coming from your own body center. By knowing the Self, personal protection is complete and others can’t take you down because you see yourself as beautiful and deserving. (In other words, you’re worthy and you’re allowed to be worthy!)
These are valuable assets essential to accomplishing things on the physical plane and you’d do well to embrace them in order to motivate others through your skill in the direction and management of physical forces. By building on a stable foundation of ethical beliefs, personal limits, and skills, you’re self-assured and secure in your own knowledge and confidence during any tests in life as you watch, prioritize, and trust yourself and Universe during personal crises.
January 8, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Pentacles. Yesterday’s reversed Princess of Cups was introducing her sister, the Princess of Pentacles. This card reiterates the existence of magic and opportunity awaiting discovery and to live life fully and be present and aware of all possibilities. At the same time, we’re encouraged to pay special attention to tangible things such as your health, possessions, work, and other down to earth practical matters. Mix the magic with the practical and you can find wonder in and novel uses for familiar objects as well as inventive solutions to new situations.
Princesses/Pages, in general, represent exploration, beginnings, reflection, study, and a time in life where contemplation and fantasy are completely proper. They have the ability to experience something purely for the experience without external pressure that it “mean” something. A second Princess appearing so soon may indicated you’re beginning a stage in personal growth or you’ve nearly finished all your planning and are eager and prepared to see how ideas play out in the real world.
What does all that mean? It means dream big, determine whether it has real-world applications, study how to get it off the drawing board, and then make it happen!
January 7, 2022: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups, reversed. Shortly after Christmas we received the Princess of Cups in all her Pollyanna glory. A mere ten days later she reappears but reversed. Upon consideration, I see some may have taken yesterday's High Priestess’s esoterica a little too literally.
Finding nothing terribly interesting in the real world, you tend to withdraw into daydreams, romance, or a private kingdom filled with imaginary friends and lovers. Developing psychic abilities becomes all-consuming and you allow yourself to be utterly mesmerized by, or obsessed with, guides, spirits, and/or divination or exotic divinatory tools. But getting lost in the “woo-woo world” leaves you open to being easily swayed, influenced, and hurt by others. Some unscrupulous “fortune tellers” may make you their victim to deception, artifice, or false psychic messages and charge you a bucket load to mentor your development, remove imaginary curses, or sell you a “completely necessary $5000 candle (with embedded magic crystals, of course).
I think our good Princess has come to us reversed to remind us to calm down and ground ourselves in reality. Yes, there is magic in all of life. Yes, there truly is stuff that’s intangible and nevertheless important. But, no, you don’t get to ignore your human experience. Maybe in your next lifetime you can be a faerie but until then you’ve got to eat, sleep, and poop just like the rest of us.
January 6, 2022: Card O' the Day: The High Priestess. While yesterday’s Sword Queen is super “thinky”, the High Priestess is super “feely.” The Priestess has appeared today in contrast to the Queen to remind you to look past truth “on paper” and put some credence in what you know in your gut to be true. In other words, when faced with a problem, don’t think too much but let some natural flow happen. You may have to let go of some conventional mindsets and emotional habits as you dig around in your psyche to find the stuff you’re hiding from.
You already know on a subconscious level where things are unfair and imbalanced in your life. You’re now being asked to look at your patently obvious fears (being alone or unemployed, for example) and do some “what-if-ing” with regards to your life and happiness. Listen to deep feelings and instincts to recognize your emotional needs that aren’t being met because of the Sword Queen.
Since some truths can’t be explained or studied and are simply internally known, don’t ask why you’re not happy, just accept you’re not. With that acknowledgement comes the courage to do something about it and stop the excuses about how it’s good enough, you have no other choice, or this is your fate. You’re in charge of your own happiness. If it’s broke, you gotta fix it.
January 5, 2022: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords. As always, the court cards of the Tarot deck are genderless…anyone can have the attributes of the Queen of Swords. Also, today’s queen may represent you right now or someone you must deal with on a pretty regular basis. Meaning, their energy impacts your energy.
People under the influence of this card have very high ideals, perfectionist standards, and maintain a rigorous professionalism. Sword Queen types have finely honed, complex minds that allow them to deal with intricate situations but make them seem heedless of the feelings of others. Think Miranda Priestly in “The Devil Wears Prada.”
The appearance of this card indicates some of you may be in an unhappy situation of uneven power. The power dynamic might be caused by rigid beliefs regarding “good” v. “bad” or the view “it’s my way or the highway.” If the problem stems from your own convictions, you may want to rethink things to make your life a little easier. If power imbalance comes from an outside source, look for ways you can stick up for yourself or leave the situation. In the end, knowing how it feels to be in a lesser position, you’re encouraged to be mindful of developing compassion for others.
January 3, 2022, Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles. The Seven of Pentacles, reversed, showed up right before Christmas as I was prepping for my family to come for the Big Holiday Visit. I was frantically cleaning, decorating, and pre-cooking as a way to feel in control of my environment before other people—who I can’t control!—invaded my sacred space. The message of that moment was to freakin’ relax and let things just…be.
The upright version reminds us hard work brings results and that your mindset is you’re willing to put in the hours. Don’t lock yourself into one path, either, because you WILL need to make adjustments to your plans along the way. (Like if somebody brought a “plus 1” to dinner who’s vegan!) Don’t give up on your path even if it feels like you’re making so many detours and adjustments that your original plan is gone. Sometimes the end result turns out completely differently than we’d imagined and that’s okay!
At the end of the day, assess whether the whole effort was worth it to you. Did you receive more or less equal to what you expended? If not, where can you pare things down next time so it’s more equitable? Like, turfing the big celebration to your sister’s house next year. Which isn’t a failure on your part but more like prudent self-care of your sanity.
January 2, 2022: Card O' the Day: Six of Cups. This card signifies an invitation to remember, nostalgia, and fond memories of simpler, happier times of youth and childhood dreams. We’re still looking backwards and are not yet ready to move forward into the new year. It’s only Day 2, so it’s okay to take a minute before jumping into the “new me” mind set that often comes at this time of year.
Bouts of sentimentality and nostalgia, sometimes weepy and affectionate (or sobbing and regretful), can bring solace after having failed at or lost something in the present. Memories can help to distract just as much as fantasies of the future. Certainly, you might find consolation in old memories, but don’t hide from the future and dwell in the past because memories are illusory and can easily be over romanticized, idealized, or dramatized.
By meditating on an old issue with new wisdom, an acceptance of personal responsibility, and forgiveness, you can reclaim your peace of mind and heart with the knowledge you tried your best with the information and tools you had at the moment. Allow happy memories to come, once the grief and sadness are put behind you and you’re free from wistfulness for the past. In the reality of the present, soften your heart by forgiving what was and trusting what will be.
January 1, 2022: Card O' the Year: Nine of Wands, reversed. Today, I didn’t ask Universe for a Card O’ the Day but more for a lesson to consider for the coming year. I was expecting something profound like The World or the Two of Cups but the reversed Nine of Wands appeared. It’s not a romantic or “Kumbaya” kind of card yet it has depth and meat on its bones.
Rage or otherwise raw uncontrollable force directed in impulsive and negative manners is a colossal waste of your energy or force. Learn to tell the difference between situations that qualify for justified anger and petty snit fits your ego is having. Conversely, don’t “chill” to the point you’ve checked out of your life and then complain you’re bored or your luck never seems to change for the better.
This year, discover the inner knowledge or experience that’s not shareable on social media in a “profound” GIF. It’s bigger than that. Receiving this card is a suggestion to let go of your defensiveness about truly small inconveniences and reconsider your actual situation. We can wish and hope this coming year will be waaaaaaay better than 2021 and I promise it will be…and won’t. We’ll have new uh-MAZING relationships, get dream jobs, have babies, and get our books published. We’ll also crash our cars, lose loved ones, get passed over for the big promotion, and have painful break-ups.
The lesson here is not to waste your time and energy on bullshit but to save it for the important stuff where you need to truly mourn a loss or crushing blow. Or spend a goodly number of calories celebrating EVERY TINY LITTLE VICTORY as if it’s the best thing since sliced bread! You deserve it because you tried and won.
December 31, 2021: Card O' the Day: Judgment, reversed. When upright, this card indicates big changes but many of us loathe change and make excuses not to. When reversed, those excuses take over and hesitation or resentfulness towards, or doubting the value of, the necessary changes dominates making any transitions that much more difficult. It could be you simply feel overwhelmed and need more time to adjust but the longer you drag your feet, the longer you’ll stay stuck with nothing being gained or lost.
The previous days’ cards speak of a joyful attitude (Page of Cups), optimism and success on our physical planes (Nine of Pentacles), and wine and roses (The Sun). Some may have read those cards and thought, “yeah, but that never happens for me.” It could, though. If you made some changes….
December 30, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Sun. And the joy continues…. In my area, it’s foggy and gloomy outside and yet The Sun still shines!
The Sun imparts clarity that brings us joy, inspires us to find and accept our individuality and uniqueness, and points us in the direction of the soul’s fulfillment. It signifies a breakthrough, awakening of consciousness, understanding, and enlightenment stemming from an insight, new directions, or a suddenly realized inner truth…like that you’re actually something pretty special. With this mindset and view, you can now see, feel, and sense the great beauty of life and the world as spiritual and eternal rather than merely a day to day existence of drudgery and confusion.
Generally a card of health, vitality, and regeneration, this card indicates the easing of seasonal affective disorder, fear, and anxiety. The Sun also represents positive changes and you’re encouraged to share your abundance, light, and joy with others.
December 29, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles. Looky here what we found when turning love inwards and contemplating our worthiness! We discover actual happiness with Self and our unique places within Universe.
This card brings awareness to all the good things in your life. The people, your achievements, the discipline and training it took to accomplish those successes, and the self-satisfaction of having done well are recognized and appreciated when you just take a minute to observe. Nurture that warm glow into optimism for continued development and the seeds of future possibilities.
In this mindset, you’ll have a natural motivation for more growth that comes from your internal being and not from an external place of lack or scarcity. because Your inner Self is feeling rich and ready to share so allow this joyful flow of energy influence generosity of every kind and to every being.
December 28, 2021: Card O' the Day: Princess/Page of Cups. This Princess represents idealism and devotion to living life in pursuit of a higher, nobler cause than their own self-enrichment. Under her influence, you’ll tend to rely on feeling and intuition rather than logic when forming associations at work or in private life. Because she helps you see the best in others, you can be a miracle worker that inspires others to great achievements…which then reflects back on you very favorably. So, win-win.
However, this discovery of deep emotions both tempts and terrifies and can leave you caught between the desire to give all and love fully and the fear and anticipation of being ghosted or dumped. Because of that and the desire to avoid conflict or unpleasantness, the chances of running away are high. Nevertheless, you’re encouraged to let life flow as you enter into a phase of learning to accept and incorporate feelings into reactions, contemplate things with a tender heart, trust, and serve with love.
If you’re not turning your love outward to others, then you may want to explore your inner world through meditation with no outside demands or responsibilities that disturb your quiet contemplation. Take a breather, listen to your heart, and discover your worthiness of being loved. Following a little self-care, you’ll be more energized, inspired, refreshed physically and spiritually, and have the inner confidence to serve those in need after you’ve created your own situation of happiness, loving relationships, and success.
December 27, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Swords. Eights signify completion and manifestation and Swords signify the mind. Together, this card suggests the completion or the ending of a current problem exists in the correct use of the mind. But without proper tools, you can experience disorientation, powerlessness, and limits.
Feelings of being psycho-emotionally trapped can come from a lot of different places. Ordinary circumstances, negative thinking, over-analysis, caving into your anxiety or self-consciousness, a rigid belief system, and/or social conventions are to name only a few. And some of us, I’m sure, have been struggling with several of these during the last few days…amirite? Getting all wadded up means you’re allowing destructive, uncontrolled, or intense emotions to dictate your actions and form a barrier against rational thought so that you can’t see a clear path out of the quagmire.
Now, while you can’t control what life brings, you CAN control how you feel, think, and react. Don’t fear any necessary transformations, still the mind, and examine the circumstances that prevent you from being free. It could be there’s nothing you can really do to change things. But consciously thinking about what triggers your negative emotions and thoughts will help you take a step back, make corrections to your reactions, and bring your blood pressure down a notch or two.
December 23, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups, reversed. Holiday season generally means getting together with family and friends but when you get more than one person in a room, there WILL be differences of opinion. Once the rich food is served and the wine is flowing, people tend to get a little too comfortable and their thoughts are liable to be spoken aloud resulting in disputes, strains within the group, and interrupted peace. This stems from not fully appreciating what you all have. You HAVE a place to meet, food and drink, and each other. Why ruin it with nebby snark?
If you’ve been designated the family Black Sheep or Caregiver, you might easily drown in everyone’s needs, wants, and expectations. Such an emotional pounding from the outside can leave you feeling overwhelmed, saturated, and too stimulated by well-meaning suggestions and advice. Hold firm to your personal boundaries and refuse to allow everyone else to determine what’s best for you.
Despite all that, this card represents a psychic wholeness and harmony within. In the midst of the hubbub, get still and look around. Look at the people in the room—flawed and annoying as they are—but they’re YOUR tribe, for better or worse. Tap into your serenity and just love them for who they are (the way you wish they’d love you….)
December 22, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Pentacles, reversed. The Two of Pentacles heralds changes on one’s material plane. When reversed, it indicates the changes introduce inconsistency into one’s schedule and things can start to feel like a plate-spinning hamster wheel (hel-LOOOOO holiday season!). Numerous obligations make it difficult to establish a routine and it feels as though you can’t catch a break or a breath.
If you lack enthusiasm for these shifts or projects, others can too easily sway you to leave it for another day. The consequences of that include lack of focus in efforts and/or procrastination. On the other hand, some of you may be frenetically planning, organizing, and running in circles as you pretend everything is under control.
The current situation requires careful balance. Consider how to lighten your load and live within means and resources—including your time! There are only 24 hours in the day and you need at least 10 of those to eat, sleep, bathe, and poop. So, no, you can’t bake 47 dozen cookies for the Christmas bazaar. To achieve YOUR goals, the order of things must be changed and the whole schedule reorganized…and a lot of stuff dropped altogether.
December 21, 2021: Card O' the Day: Judgment, reversed. Oh for Pete’s sake! Why are our tiny little brains so fearful all the time? Because, dear Readers, we’re basically still cave men ruled by our primitive lizard brains and haven’t TRULY evolved enough to trust Universe and see the big picture.
When upright, Judgment indicates big changes; when reversed, it signifies difficult transitions, hesitation, or resentfulness towards or doubting the value of said necessary changes. If you’re having difficulty believing the changes have begun and lack perspective about them, you’re in danger of making bad judgments, poor decisions (or avoiding them), confusion, and delays from missing important information. As the feelings of overburden dull your outlook, you fail to face facts and dig in refusing to move forward. Stagnation, disappointment, and impeded creative output result. Furthermore, this card may indicate a deep dread of the ultimate and inevitable changes that advancing time demands. Fear of failure, lack of success, defeat, not meeting goals, crisis, or other unnamed insecurities may keep you closed off from others or behave with weakness, cowardice, and/or ignorance.
What to do? Keep putting one foot in front of the other and try your very best to adjust to new circumstances and situations. Choose to be happy with what you have even while you strive for a little more. And resign yourself to the fact our worlds and The World are in constant flux. Fighting it only makes you nuts.
December 20, 2021: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Sorry to butt in personally here, but today this card feel like it’s coming directly from my heart…or rather my anxious, nervous, afraid-of-change root chakra. It’s probably due to the relatives coming for Christmas…extra cooking (I panic-made casseroles in advance to freeze them), spit shining the house and making extra beds (I’m NOT the best housekeeper, so added stress there), and decorating everything (and keeping the cat from climbing the tree).
No wonder I feel there’s more to do to the point of exhaustion and overwhelm! Which then makes me unwilling to work toward my goals, become impatient, restless, or inert in procrastination (my favorite!) when faced with the expectations I pile on myself.
Despite such delays and poor prognoses, there will be growth. Meaning, I really am getting things done and checked off my list in a timely manner. The question is, is it enough? Will I be satisfied with all my preparations? Will I be able to enjoy my family’s company, the lively conversations, the puzzle building, and the shared meals? Or will I be constantly nervous that people are noticing the cat hair on the sofa, think my decorations are tacky, or my cooking lacking in some way? Or MAYBE (here’s a wild-ass thought) I should just let all these old ideas and fears go and just be me. Ya think?
December 19, 2021: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. If anyone can handle the volatile energy of yesterday’s Nine of Wands, it’s the Queen herself. She’s the strongest of all the queens with a depth, reserve, and patience juxtaposed with vigorous, unpredictable, and spontaneous action. She’s also kindness, responsibility, helpfulness, courtesy, and understanding personified, which means she plays well with others. The fully well rounded Queen of Wands denotes strength of character and someone who is interested in spiritual growth, philanthropic works, and inspirational philosophies.
Her appearance today indicates you need to rely upon, and trust, your own judgment and power without influencing or overriding others in the process. It’s perfectly okay to know what you want and how to get it—just don’t be an ass about it. And because you know what you’re doing, you can understand what others can’t see and easily overcomes obstacles. Being like the Queen means you sustain visions with constancy and strength and use your resources wisely.
This queen is also super social and she just may be indicating going to or hosting parties. Either way, it’s an opportunity to share joy, love, laughter, and feeling more blessed and full because of it. (However, right now you may want to do those parties via ZOOM or abstain from the goodies table and keep your mask on. Ask your host/hostess if you can take home a doggy bag for later. Party responsibly.)
December 18, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands. This card represents driven and dynamic energy with a stronger and increased light shone upon your weaknesses. As you come to know, learn to accept, and love those weaknesses anyway, healing can take place, which results in great strength. Unfortunately, these gifts can be fiery, unstable, and are potentially very dangerous to your emotional state.
The Nine indicates achievements through hard work, determination, independence, force, or great power intensified with direction but you’re having trouble accepting your accomplishments and feel as though you don’t know what the hell you’re doing. Without a map, you can’t see the next steps necessary or feel uncertain about the possible avenues you do see. Out of fear you cling to safe but unnatural routines that keep the chaos at bay in an effort to make things stay the same.
However, training, development, and discipline will give you the moral and spiritual character and courage necessary to help you handle hardships. Look deeply into the meaning behind forces that block you and examine how you might have contributed to the problem and/or attracted the negative energy through psychic wounds (victim mentality, living in lack, etc.) or past mistakes. An evolved spirit can acknowledge past failures without bitterness and self-torment and move forward grateful for the learning experience gathered during the test.
December 17, 2021: Card O' the Day: Three of Wands. This card encourages personal improvement and virtue through the ability, under all circumstances, to practice the following things: generosity of the soul, sincerity, and kindness. When you’re able to do this, you’ll have explosive, vital energy and space inside to be generous and permit an outpouring of benevolence and charity. (Remember, it’s not pie. It’s really quite selfish to help and create happiness for others because of how good it makes YOU feel.)
In addition to becoming a really awesome person, you’ll find fortune as you follow visions—especially in the areas of business, career, communications, writing, and invention, and put new plans into action through creativity or study. Sometimes an initial completion leads to larger goals. Through the exploration and discovery process of the original “thing”, you can see how it can be improved upon and made “more.”
Be open to additional and unexpected resources and listen to hunches to broaden your perspective. Magic really is out there. You don’t have to understand, believe, or do any special rituals to tap into it. Merely accept when wonderful things happen and don’t worry your pretty little head about where it came from.
December 16, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups. I think the qualities of the Ten of Cups represent what CAN happen when you embrace your personal power and strength represented by yesterday’s Magician.
This card’s implied happiness—and not just lack of pain—is inspired from Universe. It’s a vital energy that gives you playfulness and intelligence allowing you to connect with the heart and move into the world from there. Your heart contains inexpressible joy waiting for discovery and to be shared fully. And don’t worry, it’s not pie…sharing such joy will NOT deplete you or leave less for your loved ones. In fact, the more you give, the more you have.
As you bear witness to this personal radiance, you begin to understand your own infinite value. This allows you to recognize the up-sides of ANY situation and continue to be joyful under all circumstances.
December 15, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Magician. I’m so excited for The Magician to appear today! The Five of Pentacles was all about fear, doubt, and lack; today’s card reminds us as long as we’re breathing there’s unlimited possibility and potential for any beginning you desire. This card is ruled (in part) by the planet Uranus—the first ruler of the universe—that creates upheaval that forces you to look at things from another angle. The Magician represents the magic and director of “Self”, helps you to contact the Life Force, find the hidden parts of yourself, and come to understand them to find your best life.
I read somewhere recently there’s a belief when the Big Bang that created Universe, all that light and energy was too much for Universe to hold. So bits of that light had to be put into every living being to handle the overflow! This concept gives me great joy and fulfillment to know we’re ALL related to existence and existence cares for each of us.
This card is indicative of beginnings with very strong forward motion so it’s a good time to organize your thoughts and put a sense of determination and order into any plans. The strength and power here imbues you with the willingness and motivation to embark in any new direction alone or where you’re solely responsible for an outcome. Feel, trust, and use the force within yourself!
December 13, 2021: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles. The pervading energy of this card—living in lack, whether real or imagined—allows nothing to be accomplished. Broodiness, pessimism, and anxiety keep you off-balance and in danger of becoming paralyze by worries, which prevent you from making the necessary changes to solve problems. Therefore, stop wallowing in self-pity, release any victim mentality, discern the true cause of troubles, and deal with those issues.
If you allow our fear to control your life, it’ll affect how others will want to interact or communicate with you (nobody likes a Debbie Downer). So, when you need assistance during your low periods, don’t be a martyr and turn away from those offering aid because of pride or embarrassment. I’ll bet you’ve helped your friends a bunch and they’ll be glad to have the opportunity to balance their Karma with you. Ask.
December 12, 2021: Card O' the Day: King of Wands. When the King of Wands shows up, it might be that you’re being “kingly” right now or there’s someone in your life who is. Forceful, charismatic, and intelligent, he/she’s all about his social responsibility. But also difficult, impatient, and domineering so he/she must hold himself to the HIGHEST standards of honor to stay in integrity and find healthy outlets for his/her excess energy. This type tries to do it all him/herself, is intolerant of limits, unquestionably a bad loser, and allows little or no discussion about goals, which can be exhausting or inspiring for those who work with him/her. This king defines him/herself through work and actions, and therefore doesn't permit his/her authority to be questioned.
I think this card has shown up to challenge us to without doubt embrace power and creative energy and move into bold and daring action. It’s a blatant push to aim high for complete success of anything attempted because this is where fire meets structure. Step up to the challenge, believe in yourself, and learn to motivate and inspire others. When your path is directly following convictions and energy is controlled, it’ll be turned into useful projects or long-term careers.
Just be careful that power is used appropriately and self-confidence doesn’t turn into arrogance.
December 11, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups, reversed. The Nine of Cups gets reversed when we’re just a wee too full of ourselves. It indicates irresponsibility, complacency, and poor choices, which lead to problems and road blocks that you’re causing with your behavior.
What to do? Slap your ego up-side the figurative head, eat a slice of humble pie, and start being nice, diplomatic, cooperative, and a lot less of an asshole. Clear communications, sincerity, honesty, and apologies will get you off the hook and help you repair any damage to your reputation as a stand up sorta person.
Bonus: a little embarrassment in the short term leads to deeper and more meaningful relationships and your higher purpose. Who doesn’t want to be better at being a human? Those miserable cows you know and avoid like the plague are miserable INSIDE, too. Trust me, being an irritating, contemptible person sucks for you as much as it does for everyone around. Maybe even more….
December 9, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Emperor. The Emperor reminds us all that, in this family we call “humans”, we must learn to work as a cohesive unit. The Emperor is the basis for authority, regulation, organization, government, administration, and/or bureaucracy and represents the natural function of yang energy structure that maintains order so others may succeed within it. This includes the rules of fairness and honesty because a just and truthful society allows a stability that nurtures and foments new life.
As a compassionate champion of the weak and oppressed, he provides support, comfort, and strength and works tirelessly and transparently so others can feel safe. His rule/leadership is without ego or hunger for power and comes from loving responsibility and the understanding of the importance of a healthy social order.
The appearance of this card indicates it’s time to become responsible for your failures, learn from them, and understand there are consequences for all your choices. Yes, you may make choices that are for your own good, but The Emperor asks you to also consider whether any of those choices hurt others or Mother Nature.
December 8, 2021: Card O' the Day: Strength, reversed. This card reiterates the message of the Princes and the cards of the past week. All the fighting, self-doubt, etc. have culminated in this card today.
Strength, reversed, denotes inner torment or a fear of personal passions, urges, or instincts that may result in timidity or submissiveness. Failure, cowardliness, over-emotionalism, insecurity, or highlights on your personal weaknesses may also be manifestations of this reversal. See also: lack of enthusiasm or passion for, or pessimism about, upcoming events or matters. (None too excited about this year’s company Christmas party, huh?)
In the end, my best guess is you’re overwhelmed and burned out and simply need time to rest and regenerate. Have you got any sick or personal days left?If you do, TAKE THEM.
December 7, 2021: Card O' the Day: Seven of Wands. Thanks to the good Princes and recent Sword energy, you might be having a crisis of your own judgment (IF you’re self aware) or are feeling completely overloaded by aggression, defiance, struggle, defensiveness, confrontation, and/or perceived opposition. Astrologically, this card is governed by Mars opposing Leo (swell). This opposition indicates you’re struggling against yourself or forces in the external world. This creates a conflict between a desire for supremacy and the tendency to scatter, or diversify, interests.
When defending your convictions, you may take on a survivalist’s approach in this individual action—“me against the world”—in a quasi-military manner. With a charge of adrenaline and the expectation of winning, you only end up waging a disorganized and disordered battle with an uncertain outcome.
The work required by this card demands honest self-reflection regarding your personal tenets, as in it’s fine to remain steadfast but be open-minded, too. If you find yourself standing alone too often, maybe it’s time to reevaluate what you believe. (Could it possibly be that you’re wrong or under-informed?) While fighting for your truth is all well and good, just be sure you’re not fighting something that’s no longer a threat or that you even need to be so combative about it.
December 6, 2021: Card O' the Day: Prince of Swords. It’s so interesting to me how the Tarot cards come to us in sequences when I do them one at a time like the Card O’ the Day. Last Wednesday we go the Two of Swords, reversed, followed by the Prince of Pentacles. Yesterday, the Two reappeared upright and got a little more forceful with its message. Today we get ANOTHER Prince. Princes are indicative of huge bursts of outwardly directed energy—even the relatively stodgy Prince of Pentacles. I think he was the hint but Universe decided we didn’t get the hint so he sent the wilder Prince of Swords to shout a little louder at us.
The Sword Prince signifies impatience and holding a grudge when things don’t happen fast enough for your tastes. Expect revolutionizing energies, quicksilver ideas, sudden shifts in perspective, rapid thoughts, and quick answers to all your burning questions. However, those answers may not be the correct ones so prepare for “a-HA!” moments that blow up your world. You must measure everything critically, think, analyze, and use discernment because under influence of this card you may charge ahead without clear intent, not look where you’re going, and go for the quick fix.
These new ideas, relationships, or interests can suddenly supplant what was there before without thought for the ensuing disruption as you go all in for the next adventure or vision. Your singularity in focus, urgency in mission, and tendency toward fanaticism is unlimited. You’re being reminded to ground ideas in reality and be responsible for what is created because this Prince represents the struggle to sustain the plodding grunt work some projects require.
December 5, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords. The Two of Swords has circled back around today (last seen on Wednesday, the 1st) only this time it’s upright. That’s because some of you looked at the work required, thought about it, and then said, “Nah. Don’t wanna.” Upright, the Two slaps you in the face with the problem (as if you already didn’t know).
This card comes to us when we’re feeling conflicted, are at crossed purposes, have opposing thoughts held in balanced, or are holding two contradictory ideas as true and valid at the same time. You may be struggling with a personal dilemma or have conflict with people in your life.
But because you “don’t wanna”, you deliberately avoid the problem through procrastination, ambivalence, vacillation, and a reluctance to commit to a choice. You feel stuck between two equally unappealing options and so sit on the fence out of fear of upsetting the fragile balance you’re desperate to maintain. Waiting for the circumstances to change before taking action is pointless because the unresolved issues have to be dealt with eventually. Therefore, stop flailing and grinding gears, decide where you want to go, and then figure out how to get there. It’ll take less work than pretending and floundering.
December 4, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Fool. The Fool represents the Soul at the beginning of its journey that contains a guiding light, indicates new experiences, ideas, and adventures, and urges you to step out of what’s known. It embodies all duality within itself and is infinite in its possibilities. It represents the essence of life, the divine light within the human form, and the secret of reincarnation.
However, while under the influence of this card we tend to be more concerned with trivia than substance and/or are blissfully unaware of Life’s initiations and the lessons lying ahead. Like a newborn entering the world of experience, we can feel the need to act spontaneously, rashly, without plans or thoughts, and forge ahead. Too uninformed to be afraid and without real knowledge, forethought, or discipline we fearlessly dive into the new obsession that’s calling. However, just as The Fool has no direction for his energy, he also lacks assertiveness or follow-through.
Thus, the appearance of this card ask you to prepare for a change in environment, evaluate the tangible steps necessary to make this change, or acknowledge lessons learned from past failures and use them for future success. Don’t fear those changes and taking the necessary risks because change is good. Stay grounded and aware throughout the process and look forward for any pitfalls. Embrace expansion of awareness to new ideas because your present beliefs and values are going to be challenged.
December 3, 2021: Card O' the Day: Temperance. Receiving this card is a call to return to your center: a place of compromise and where there’s no room for extreme views. With a lack of prejudice, you’ll better find your way between the opposite ends of the dinner table where you can correct imbalances and reconcile opposing beliefs between reality and idealism…or at the very least eat in peace without flinging the mashed potatoes. Practically speaking, this translates into good people skills and the ability to effectively communicate with others while you sooth tensions, offer solace, or bring about reconciliation.
The appearance of Temperance may indicate forced compromise or the addition of something that avoids traumatic cuts when you’re stuck between two points of view with no way of uniting them. Patience and diplomacy will be required to bring forth the problem, and solution, in a way that can be understood by all involved. This will allow you to act based on accurate calculation, intelligent faculty of choice, and assessment of feeling as opposed to wild reactive emotions.
Reunification of apparent opposites through reconciliation comes from the sacrifice of your ego. That’s the reeeeaaaaallllly hard part. To be clear, I’m not saying you have to become a doormat. I’m saying you have to listen to the “other side” and possibly admit you’re a little bit wrong.
December 2, 2021: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles. The Prince of Pentacles represents being self-contained and free of attachments, letting go of expectations about self and others, and acceptance of what “is” and being okay with it. He has no need to hurry or seek shelter elsewhere because he recognizes he’s already “home” as he rests in the fullness of who he is. He encourages you to make space for a new quality of stillness, take responsibility for any illusions you may be carrying, and at the deepest core, remain at ease, calm, cool, and centered.
However, this card also represents skepticism of spirituality because of the above mentioned deep rooting to the outer world and simplicity. Enjoyment of such non-tangible blessings could be blocked by self-consciousness, embarrassment, guilt, or shame if you identify yourself only through your visible functions. By becoming overly grounded in and dedicated to purely practical matters, you’re in danger of cutting yourself off from the deeper, more magical things Earth offers.
Concretely, this card may indicate overland travel or a move by truck, bus, or train. Fortunately, it could also represent a more esoteric journey or quest connected to the body, creativity, and your place in Universe. Might I suggest you put away the truck keys and take the second alternative?
December 1, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords, reversed. The cards of the past few days have indicated clouded thinking, indecisiveness, and/or feeling lost and getting your shorts in a twist over it. Today’s reversed Two is telling you you’re ready to be done with the unpleasant status quo that’s been lingering for a while. It’s time to break the peace, take action to end complacency and superficial accord, and get your crown chakra out of your root chakra to look at disturbing issues that require decisions.
When you’re figuratively knocked over, aroused from deep contemplation, and the balance between the intellectual/emotional forces is disturbed, deeper truths will be revealed as you open your eyes to reality. You could discover you’ve been living a lie, but at least now you can get on with seeing the truth and begin the process of your authentic life.
Prepare for loyalties within a group to become divided because not everyone is going to be happy with the bright lights of truth. The ensuing indecision and frustrated efforts may force you to take sides. To ensure you don’t pick the losing team, act only when fully satisfied with the facts. Remember, there ARE such things as lost causes, and there could be no possibility of resolution to the current problem. You may have to move forward to put space between this energy and yourself.
November 30, 2021: Card O' the Day: Queen of Swords, reversed. All the court cards in the suit of Swords have a bit of a chip on their shoulders and when reversed, the chip becomes downright defensive hubris. With the Queen, her cool reserve devolves into malvolence.
Her cruelty, narrow-mindedness, intolerance, ill-temper, and negative behavior arise from disappointments, pressure, and self-deception. Because the Queen of Swords represents centered analytical discernment, the reversal indicates extreme resistance to intellectualization or reasoning. As a strong mind is turned away from clarity, there is a danger of personal bias.
In other words, the Queen is much like the Princess of yesterday…she’s just older and had more time to pickle in her own acid. It’s time to close your mouth and open your ears, mind, and heart. You don’t know everything (nobody does!). If you can get your head out of your ass and allow that stellar brain of yours to work, you might just see some light that will allow you to soften and dump the bitchiness.
November 29, 2021: Card O' the Day: Princess/Page of Swords, reversed. When faced with the challenges of changes, endings, and sacrifices, yesterday’s Hanged Man asked you to handle them gracefully. For those of you who can, this card is mostly not for you. (Notice I said “mostly.” Read it anyway and look for read flags or inklings of such behavior in yourself.) For those who can’t, make some personal space around you and warn others you’re not at your best right now.
The intellectual and language oriented energy of Swords can be very caustic, vituperative, and scathing when reversed. Under the influence of this card, you might be apt to lash out unexpectedly, derive immature satisfaction from hurting and belittling others, seek revenge, or enjoy argument or verbal aggression for its own sake. (Didn’t we just have “drama for the sake of drama” with the Five of Wands?) And when I say “others”, include yourself in that group because you might be keeping your yap shut and putting on a polite face but those words are dancing in your head and aimed at yourself.
Halting and poorly organized thought and intellectual confusion can make you obsess over your problems and leave you too weak to actually do anything about them. On the physical plane, there may be oral or written misunderstandings, stalemates, frivolous changes of plans, or the inability to form commitments. A project or process at work could lack logic or planning, fall into disagreement and thus remain unfinished, corners are cut, or there is a buildup of tensions between coworkers because you think you’re too stupid or underprepared to do your part.
November 28, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Hanged Man. The gist of yesterday’s Ten continues with The Hanged Man. This guy falls right before Death in the order of the Tarot’s Major Arcana and invites you to see something is over, has run its course, or is dying and ready to go. You’re not abandoning anything; it’s just that in order to grow and find the freedom of expansion, you have to leave behind the original and let it end.
While your mind wants security and stability, your soul yearns for liberation and renewal. You're about to experience or are experiencing a period of enlightened “suffering” that will lead to a new phase, inner peace, and long-term gains following the pause. This suffering is caused by the upheaval of your “normal”, the sadness of having to admit some things are over, or that you realize you’re just not into “that” anymore. Making a choice, even a difficult one, is now necessary. Sacrifice will be required; try to do it gracefully.
Now would be a good time to become “snowed in”, catch a “cold”, or otherwise remove yourself from society for a moment. This self-imposed isolation will turn out to be a meditative way to remove yourself from worries and racing thoughts in order to gain objectivity and spiritual perspective. Only in blocking out the daily noise can you attain peace of mind to prioritize and plan.
November 27, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Swords. After all the lead ups and prepping and cooking and eating, now that Thanksgiving is over, you might have a case of the post-holiday blues. It could also be you over-spent yesterday during the Black Friday sales and you’re now dreading next month’s credit card bills. Generally speaking, this card represents hitting bottom and smacking up against a lot of limits…literally or the figurative kind you have swirling around in your brain.
The good news this is a ten, and tens mean endings that allow for new beginnings and transformations. This weekend you’ll probably wallow a bit. But while you’re flat out on the sofa eating leftover stuffing, think about how you got to this low point. Then start taking steps to actually SOLVING your problems rather than just living with them or making half-assed temporary fixes.
The Ten of Swords brings clear vision and productive ideas so you’ll be able to see the way forward…which is up because there’s nowhere else to go. First of all, though, you need to forgive yourself for any perceived failures, faults, or lacks. This is the very first step towards healing what ails your heart.
November 26, 2021: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles. The fear of failure is something we all must grapple with during our lives. For example, did my first time ever Thanksgiving lemon tart turn out flawlessly? No. Nevertheless, we ate it and it was darned tasty. Don’t allow the performance anxiety surrounding your project or endeavor freeze you into the self-sabotage of unobtainable perfectionism or procrastination that doesn’t even allow you to get started.
Some could have called my tart a failure but I just considered how I would tweak the recipe because those “failures” of mine taught me how to do it better the next time. I don’t hold regrets or blame myself over the soupiness of the glaze or the too many lemon slices on top (in my defense, the recipe CALLED for that many!). I’ll just cook the glaze longer and use fewer lemons.
This card is also about having the willingness to work towards a goal but knowing when to let things just go at their own time. A tart crust will only bake so fast and the one hour required for the lemons to sit in their sugar syrup can’t be made to elapse any faster. In fact, I think I’ll let those lemon slices sit in syrup over night….
November 24, 2021: Card O' the Day: Five of Wands. The Five of Wands indicates a great deal of tension, anxiety, conflict, or contests in your personal or professional life. Personally, you may feel pissy-cranky and want to kick a puppy (figuratively) or break dishes. An unfocused superficial argument leads to chaos and anger, which has no base or use, and you’re spoiling for a fight that will just lead to a lot of negative energy. This is pure drama for the sake of drama and being right doesn’t matter.
Professionally, what may have started out as a collaborative effort, with differing methods, styles, and approaches to the common goal, have become tangled as strong personalities vie for leadership. Comparisons and opinions grow heated and assertive people become downright aggressive as they jockey for position, engage in power struggles, or compete for contracts. All constructive impetus is lost as cohesion and organization falls apart.
Fives have inherently chaotic energy wherein creative vision collides with earthly reality. When the Fire element of Wands is added, things can get unpredictable and dangerous. This is a card of action, assertiveness, and clearly expressed decisions—and perhaps more than a bit of combativeness. Diplomatically speaking, we’re talking “competition” or “contest” but which can slide into confrontation and conflict if you’re not careful. For all you astrology people out there, this card is governed by Saturn, the planet of struggle and hardship, coming together with Leo, the sign of power and authority. Sheesh!
November 23, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Devil, reversed. When The Devil is reversed, it may indicate a liberation from bondages to obligations, responsibilities, belief systems, family values, etc. that’re holding you hostage. Perhaps you only get so far as attempting to break loose from misery or have finally stopped accepting a situation and are moving towards freedom. For that I applaud you because first steps are first steps and not to be ignored.
Since the Devil represents, in part, illusions, when the card is reversed it, could signify you’re beginning to see through them to the truth. As you become more conscious of destructive behaviors and misuses of power (yours and those of others), you’ll experience a release from false inhibitions and patterns of manipulation and codependency.
This card could indicate you’re turning away from your “evil” ways to begin the path to spiritual enlightenment. By saying no to temptations, you remove tethers and escape unpleasant situations to access the guarded, hidden treasure of your own creativity and spontaneous delight.
November 19, 2021: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups, reversed. This is the third three we’ve had in a week; the first two came on the 12th and 13th. I noticed but didn’t think much at the time but this third one is giving me pause. Threes can mean integrations, combinations, or the middle way when two apparently opposing positions are reconciled. However, with all the other less-than-roses energy we’ve been getting lately, I feel like these threes are more like irreconcilable differences. Last week, those differences were in our minds (Swords) and energetically (Wands); now we’ve gotten the emotions involved (Cups).
For some reason, you’re not associating well with your usual crowd. As the Holidays approach, you may be crunched for time, but I feel it’s more like you’re easily annoyed and so any get togethers aren’t fun for you. Self-indulgence, self-pity, or worry about the future mean everybody is stuck in a complaining rut. Not that you’re a whole lot cheerier, but to hear it come from everyone else, too, it just gets a bit much with the gloom and whining.
It’s important to maintain emotional control and further examination of the circumstances is required before moving on. Meaning, don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Everybody’s on their very last nerve these days. Give your peeps the benefit of the doubt and don’t permanently break up with them in a snit. Just back off for a while and see if they (and you) can get into a slightly more positive headspace. Once you’re all feeling better, try once more to have a good time like you did before disease and pestilence blew up our lives.
November 18, 2021: Card O' the Day: Five of Swords, reversed. Even when reversed, the Five of Swords is still a suck-ass card (reversals usually lighten them up a bit). Weaknesses will be tested and you could suffer stagnation from fear of failure. Though you may experience despair after a bitter defeat, we’re actually moving towards the recovery and aftermath of the situation.
But the good news is an uncertain outlook may turn more favorable as bothersome issues, conflicts, or disagreements are resolved. As rifts are repaired, amends are made, and the air is cleared, look beyond losses and see what can be salvaged from the situation. Each person involved must determine their obligations and liability to the recent unfortunate events and own them. Correct any misunderstandings to avoid emotional upsets and recognize the potential for spiritual growth after such strife.
However, the energy here is STILL not conducive to new ventures due to the underlying motivational factors or remaining discord between the material and spiritual facets of involved parties. Therefore, concentrate on mending fences right now and save the forward actions for another day.
November 17, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands, reversed. The reversed Two of Wands appeared two-ish weeks ago on the fifth, but my previous reflections don’t hold true today. The “not at this time” energy of yesterday’s reversed Ace of Wands continues with this card.
You could be feeling hemmed in or frustrated by a previous decision that seemed good at the time but is now limited by low energy and scarce resources. Processes lack direction, which make the goal seem unattainable so you don’t carry on with your responsibilities for that end result and just give up because it’s too hard.
However, it’s often through loss, sadness, trouble, and fear that the best lessons are learned. Therefore, reorganize this turbulent energy, awaken to inner possibilities and resources, and become more self-sufficient. (This is a polite way of saying SUCK. IT. UP.) Sometimes retreat is necessary and a sagacious withdrawal could be your best option right now. But don’t hide under the covers and lick your wounds (okay, you get one day to do that). Instead, figure out why things aren’t working and then make the changes necessary to get the show on the road.
November 16, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. While the upright Ace is full of forward impulses, reversed, this card is a “thumbs down”, “no”, or “not now” and advises inaction for the moment. Expect to be turned down, vetoed, forbidden to act, or suffer setbacks or delays as the means of realizing goals or energies signified by the upright version are blocked. (Swell. Just as you were getting yourself in gear.)
Even when reversed, the Ace indicates new beginnings are afoot and you may feel ready, desiring, and yearning for change. However, the right opportunity hasn’t arrived, a situation may be premature, or you’re not fully energized or prepared enough to move forward. With your jets on fire, getting the no-go signal is going to be very frustrating and leave you feeling doubtful and hesitant about taking on more work. On the other hand, you might not be able to get your jets to cool and you’ll forge ahead…right into a train wreck.
Therefore, reconsider plans and goals or set something aside for the time being because impatience is not the answer.
November 15, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Star. Right after The Tower comes The Star in the sequence of the Tarot’s major arcana. Kinda funny that she showed up for us today…but we need her. The Star represents hope, trust, and freedom from pain. She is the light of the Higher Self, which is asking you to learn to be hopeful that at some point you’ll break through blockages and have all the fulfillment and clarity you want and need.
The Star is the epitome of Dorothy learning from Glinda she had the power to go “home” at any time. It represents the unknown part of Self in which you can have faith and provides the light and incentive to achieve your purpose. As you become aware there’s a greater destiny or providence working through your being, you comes to understand all power, peace, love, joy, prosperity, etc. are found within your own spirit.
When you trust Self to make it through all challenges, then you’re truly free to release self-judgment, acknowledge your perfection and uniqueness, and reclaim inner beauty.
November 14, 2021; Card O' the Day: The Tower, reversed. Even though the cards have been urging you to let go of certain stuff and habits, sometimes we’re unwilling to heed warning signs, prefer to cling to established structures and the status quo, or believe ourselves to be untouchable and thus needed change is delayed or denied. You may have acknowledged collapses, setbacks, and that things are not right, but have lived with them for so long they’ve become your “normal” and you’re too inert to do anything about them.
However, crisis and true catastrophe come if the energy of The Tower and its inevitable and obvious changes are resisted. Without forward motion and the required change, you’ll stay stuck in continued oppression, subjugation, or tyranny or entrapment in old ways or habits. The stagnation inherent in the reversed Tower may be on the psycho-emotional plane rather than the physical. In that case, you’d be denying responsibility for, or knowledge of, any tensions with others; turning a blind eye to oppression; refusing to accept a shocking discovery; or insisting there’s are nothing wrong through ignoring reality and self-deception even though your life is obviously crumbling.
Look around yourself. What ideas, people, relationships, jobs, and/or stuff are you hanging on to or allowing to take up space in your head, heart, or life? If it’s not serving you well, you’ve gotta let go, make a clean break, and allow the full release The Tower promises.
November 13, 2021: Card O' the Day: Three of Wands. Following all the learning and letting go involved in the past few days, we get to explore, learn, and discover what can come next. Use foresight in determining the future needs of your endeavors by keeping a view of the big picture. At the same time, assess what’s already been set in motion by past actions. While this card suggests favorable financial returns, productive ideas, and the ability to envision long-term dreams, active waiting (rather than immediate action) is sometimes necessary for goals to come to fruition. Meaning, large, high-risk ventures, if successful, may take months or years to fully bloom and show profits.
Integrity is especially important right now, and you’d be wise to see others’ viewpoints as valuable as you begins relationships that could lead to further business. With the wind in our sails and bees buzzing in your bonnet, it’s super tempting to get full of yourself and let your pride and arrogance ruin new connections. Reaching this level of inner strength and diplomacy can only be achieved by constant re-appraisal, vigilance, and commitment to goals.
November 12, 2021: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords. Sometimes our emotions aren’t backed by practical instinct as we wallow in selfishness, allow energy to become dissipated, our confidence fails, and/or we’re easily deterred or detoured. Such self-doubt is an internal dialogue of the mind that causes depressive thoughts that fuel suffering and sorrow, which come when the mind can’t let go of an event or perspective. The appearance of this card is letting us know it’s time to let our minds out of the destructive loop it’s in, stop reworking old issues, and clinging to pain and anguish of the past. These kind of stressful thoughts can result in physical illness, so it’s super important not to stay stuck here.
Believe it or not, misery leads to greater wisdom and you should approach experiences of suffering with determination in order to benefit from them. Out of heartache can come healing, liberation, growth, and the maturity of your emotions. So, while you’re having a hard time, it’s ultimately a valuable experience in life. After all, if it ain’t broke, you’re not going to try to fix it. But it only hurts when it’s broke…and the “discomfort” is what drives you to repair or change a situation.
Now, I’m not minimizing your pain, and neither should you! However, notice the content of thoughts and how they make you feel, identify painful life patterns, feel emotions fully, and find reconciliation through mourning. Love and loss are intertwined, and to experience true love, one must acknowledge any loss, grief, tears, unhappiness, self-pity, confusion, and disappointment in one’s mind and heart. Once you’ve cried every last tear and broken every dish, dump the snotty tissue and shards in the trash, and move on.
November 11, 2021: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles, reversed. When the normally self-assured and down to earth Queen of Pentacles is reversed, her self esteem is showing wear and tear. She’s not taking time for or proper care of herself because she doesn’t think she’s worthy of it, doubts her abilities and value as a person, and feels like her efforts are never good enough. Confused and perplexed by basic management tasks, decisions are met with inability, fear of failure, indecision, uncertainty, irresolution, and hesitation. Feeling helpless and in serious need of care, she reacts to everything with timidity and self-abasement.
In addition to emotional weakness, the reversed Queen of Pentacles signifies psychic weakness in the form of phobias, mistrust of self, or suspicion of the motives of others. Dissatisfaction with the environment or the inability to appreciate what it has to offer causes her to cut herself off from the connection to Earth so vital to her. This may result in nervousness and loss of rhythm in life.
If you recognize any of these conditions in yourself, call in sick, draw a hot bath, and take a minute for yourself. The housework, laundry, shopping, etc. can wait. If you’re not able to take today off from work, then take this evening off. Order a pizza and do the absolutely bare minimum of chores. Then take your slice outside and sit under a tree. Contact with Nature will help.
November 10, 2021: Card O' the Day: Five of Cups, reversed. The reversed Five of Cups can impart quite a hopeful outlook, indicating recovery, charity, kindness, and renewal as you move away from the losses of the reversed Six and get on with life. The Five of Cups is often depicted with five vessels of some sort—three of which are overturned and two still upright. Those fallen Cups represent something less significant or important than what you originally thought and those still standing form a solid, permanent base that’s not easily knocked over.
After making some very hard decisions, understand difficulties will be overcome, there will be a change in lifestyle, and the ability to share abundance. As you transform your resistance, disappointment, or prudence into something better, you’ll develop emotional stability, coping skills, determination, and fortitude to conquer any future misfortune or anxiety. Now, move on; it’s time.
November 9, 2021: Card O' the Day: Six of Cups, reversed. When the Tarot’s “nostalgia” card is reversed, it means many of you are working to release old emotional ties and destructive unconscious patterns in an effort to develop a healthy relationship with the past. Consider this an invitation to liberate yourself from former obligations and responsibilities, overcome past disappointments, and embrace new trust regarding the future and your active participation in it. (Because, really, there’s nothing to be done about it except learn your lessons and move forward. It’s over, after all.)
Now, here’s the caveat: When taking a more honest look at the past, be aware that idealized recollections can disintegrate in the face of harsh reality. This results in rude awakenings when you realize nothing is as you remembered it. You’re going to have to be brave, but do it anyway. It’ll be good for you…like a colonoscopy is “good” for you. However, ugly truth will help you let go faster.
Concretely speaking, when this card is reversed, it could indicate involvement with new technologies, science fiction, or other futuristic endeavors. Good news for all those techie nerds out there!
November 5, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands, reversed. Two’s can signify conflict, and when connected to the energy of Wands, the conflict prevents energy from flowing smoothly and with purpose; it’s much like the jerky motions a car makes when its gears slip. When the gears do catch, an otherwise dead-end situation may suddenly change as “miracles” jet you past limits. New perspectives and horizons, which you didn’t previously know existed, (or notice) may suddenly open up and become obvious. You might be just daring enough to jump directly into a new experience thereby leaving safe situations and modest success to enter the unknown.
Such reversals of fortune aren’t achieved through willpower but through receptivity to the unexpected. These surprises in your situation could either awe with wonder, enchantment, and amazement or overwhelm with confusion, embarrassment, or distress. (In which case the restrictions aren’t coming from outside circumstances but from within your own damn self.) Therefore, try to receive them regardless of fear because at the speed they’re coming, there’s a real danger of opportunities passing by. Your choices become more immediate and you’ll regret not taking action.
November 2, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Empress, reversed. Divine feminine energy is blocked when The Empress is reversed. This can manifest in maternal sacrifice, being jammed into a negative and/or traditional female role, and/or being viewed as “less” because of one’s gender identification. If you’re not being repressed, maybe you’re the one suppressing yourself with ideas of what women “should” do in society. It could also be you’re bucking the gender system entirely and are now facing condemnation and disapproval for traditionally “unacceptable” behavior. This disruption of energy may leave you feeling like no one truly sees you for who you are—they just can’t look past your appearance, how you behave, or what you do for them.
No one belongs in the confines of a specific, society-created category. We’re all so incredibly unique and that’s what makes each of us uh-MAZING! It’s time to embrace a new intellectual awareness of who you are and what roles you want to take on in your community. Calmly think through any complicated emotional problems that may arise from choosing your place and identity. There are support groups, like-minded people, and therapists to help you sort things if you can’t on your own. I see you in all your perfection!
November 1, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Lovers, reversed. So it looks like we’re back to the thread regarding sour relationships and emotional turmoil we were experiencing before the break for Hallowe’en….
When reversed, The Lovers card indicates romantic or sexual problems that dominate life. You could be be entangled in an inharmonious, challenging, or unhealthy relationship where there’s disagreement, mistrust, deception, quarrels, temptation, infidelity, incompatibility, or struggle for power. Communication is a key component of this card and the reversal indicates communication problems or not knowing how to approach someone with whom you really need to talk.
A non-romantic union or merger (work, roommates, etc.) can be just as energy sucking and distracting when it’s not going well. This card may indicate a situation that suppresses your individuality or creates a need for personal space that’s not available or granted. I’ll ask you to recall the card we got on the 30th…the Eight of Cups…and its message about leaving….
October 31, 2021: Card O' the Day: Queen of Wands. On this day of increased magic and the thinnest veil of the year between what we see and can’t, the most powerful queen of all has come to center stage—which is where she likes it! The Queen of Wands has depth, reserve, and patience juxtaposed with vigorous, unpredictable, and spontaneous action. Unwilling to censor herself or conform to societal norms, she intimidates others intentionally to make them do what she wants…because, well, she can. As a magician who contains and disperses energy, she consistently and directly generates whatever she chooses when she sets her mind to it.
This queen represents prophetic and intuitive creation and motivates others to reach their fullest potential by relying upon, and trusting, your own judgment and power. We’re reminded to stir passions and assert our enterprising spirits to inspire whatever we do and to master personal boldness, courage, and power. Receiving this card is an indication of leadership ability, independence, self-possession, practicality, and fierce determination to make decisions, get your own way, or pursue your interests.
It’s my best guess that most of the “witches” burned at the stake in days of yore were Queens of Wands. Can you imagine such power encased in a female body being tolerated? I’d say not…. Happy Hallowe’en everybody!
October 30, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Cups. The Eight of Cups is here to tell you it’s time to take a walk. Either just to cool off or more permanently. Based upon the gnarliness of the reversed Three of Cups followed by the Five of Swords, I’m thinking it should be a permanent walk. Who needs that kind of snark from their “friends”?
To be clear, this leave-taking isn’t flouncing off in a huff; you’ve come to understand you need something deeper and which aligns with your higher purpose. Self-examination and careful consideration have brought up the question of why you allow yourself to continue putting up with emotionally draining and/or abusive situations. You’re at the point of being so tired of trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear and you’re ready to hang it up. There’s no reason that you can see to keep the connection.
When you swan off into the sunset, BE SURE not to carry any negative crap with you. That will require letting bygones be bygones. But trust me, that’s a lot easier than schlepping this garbage on your back for all of eternity.
October 29, 2021: Card O' the Day: Five of Swords. And here we see why the Three of Cups was reversed yesterday and relationships are souring….
This card can represent psychic attack or negative mental energy from outside sources in your home, workplace, or community. While someone may think they’re acting with a sense of righteousness, they’re actually approaching the volatile situation with with cruelty, abuse, or malicious gossip. This nonproductive influence can leave you feeling blamed, used, put down, or disgraced. So, look carefully at these conflicts because you might come up on the losing side thanks to manipulation, bullying, or underhanded tactics.
If you seems to be “winning” despite all, look beyond the immediate success because this victory may end up costing you more than it’s worth. Current advantages may have come from crushing adversaries mercilessly in the same manner they tried to crush you. As promises or contracts are broken, emotions clash and those who used to be closest to you fall away as the war grinds on at a higher cost than you’d like. One would do well to remember that what is done to others, ultimately is done to oneself…
October 28, 2021: Card O' the Day: Three of Cups, reversed. What was once plentiful and alive becomes barren and dies as you come to outgrow certain companions or friends. It seems you have nothing in common with them anymore or values and ideals have changed and now clash uncomfortably, which makes it hard to socialize.
It’s sad that these friendships seem to be dying and the old activities together can’t happen but it’s time to face some facts and the truth about how the relationships have evolved. While this separation is happening, it’s important to maintain emotional control and further examine the circumstances before moving on completely to prevent further loss of happiness or waste of anything salvageable.
October 27, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands, reversed. Are we still in Mercury retrograde? If not, it’ll certainly feel like it after you hit snag after delay after setback.
Whatever project or goal you’re working on right now doesn’t have enough substance behind it to make it really work. Probably insufficient or impractical planning went into it and this fly-by-night, give-it-a-whack leap of faith just isn’t going to cut it. You need a solid outline and realistic expectations to get where you want to go.
I’m saying you need a new or alternative approach to your “thing”, NOT tanking it all. First, cleanse, prune, and purge the wasteful parts—especially your anger and frustration over the complications. Re-evaluate everything. You’ve got time because progress will be slow but in the end you can expect a good outcome.
October 21, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Wands. Looks like the concept of the reversed Nine of Pentacles from yesterday is getting further validation from the Ten of Wands today. This card is pointing to a single, brilliant idea that’s proliferated to the point of overwhelming you and becoming oppressive. Whether the stress is self-imposed or comes from your boss, creativity and enthusiasm for what you’re doing dies under the duty and weight of it all.
The result of the constant grind is that you eventually come to resent the wonderful thing you’ve built or are building and burn out. If you do keep going, you’re too busy or tired to celebrate, appreciate, and enjoy your success. It’s time to simplify, hire minions, or ask for help before you blow up or collapse.
October 20, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Pentacles, reversed. This card signifies the problems we face on the material plane. We like nice stuff. We work hard to have it. But when is it “enough”? When do you have enough so you feel comfortable taking time off to enjoy it? Are you sure you know what you want and how much? Some of you are in danger of pursuing the “good life” to your detriment. If you feel it’s forever out of reach, you can’t be happy until you achieve X, Y, or Z, or you’re afraid to relax for one second, then you’re in denial of your current wellbeing and good fortunes.
Your soul NEEDS to take a vacation and be free to roam! Even if you only set up a tent in your backyard and turn off your phone for 24 hours, that’s a vacation from the gerbil wheel of accumulation and “more.” Continued work towards expansion threatens to overwhelm what you already have and trap you ever deeper in the urge to “have.”
October 18, 2021: Card O' the Day: Seven of Cups, reversed. It looks like some of you got the memo with the reversed Ace yesterday and have yanked on your Big Kid pants. With intention and determination, you’re ready to doing something about your dreams and fantasies rather than just letting them pass through your brain.
This card stresses clear thinking and logic to find solutions to problems. Those solutions may not be the most elegant or cost effective, but it’s better than just drifting along and getting nothing done. Sometimes we have to resolutely drag ourselves forward by the scruff of the neck and consciously focus on a goal. Kind of like cleaning the bathroom…you don’t want to but it needs to be done.
This kind of deliberate energy bodes well for achieving goals. Forward ho!
October 16, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ace of Cups, reversed. This card is the most powerful of the emotions cards and when reversed, it indicates a few problems in your emotional realm. More than likely, unhappiness has been brought about by not recognizing what life offers. Because of that pessimistic or doubtful mood, you might reject a friendly overture or emotional gift, turn down an opportunity, or completely distance yourself from a situation to avoid disruptive influences. Whether you want more than you have or don’t trust what you have, the effect is the same: you’re unsatisfied and not happy.
On the other hand, you may be getting all kinds of “I should be happy” signals from your gut or Universe and yet you deny them. Instead of welcoming emotional, psychic, mystical, intuitive, or dream-time experiences, you set psycho-emotional limits or boundaries because you don’t or won’t believe in them.
There’s an old adage that one shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. (You can tell the age of a horse by its teeth, so assessing the value of a horse is often based on its age.) Meaning, when you receive a gift, no matter how small, you need to allow yourself to feel gratitude and happiness for it. Because that emotional boost is the true gift. Therefore, decide to be happy with what Universe is giving you.
October 15, 2021: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles. For those of us who are NOT the reversed Prince of Cups, the Six of Pentacles represents a place of abundance where you can enjoy your money and spend a little on yourself for pleasure. There’s balance between your resources, social connections, and responsibilities and you can be happy and relaxed for a moment.
In this time of material balance where physical energy flows smoothly, you’re in a position where you can be generous not only with your time and love for others, but with your money, too. Now would be a good time to send a check to your favorite charity or a roll of laundry quarters to a friend living on the edge.
Continued practical application of all your resources will keep you in physical and economic stability while you work for even more abundance (and not just money). What I mean by this is the rent and the light bill will be paid while you take care of a relative, volunteer at a shelter, or campaign for better societal rules and laws.
October 14, 2021: Card O' the Day: Prince of Cups, reversed. The reversed Prince of Cups is constantly moving with, and adapting to, any situation in a pliant, liquid way. He* tends to exhibit the attributes of an overly sensitive “artiste” who chases illusions, wears his heart on his sleeve, hides his affections, and suffers unrequited love. However, fawning and obsequious, in love with love, he’s narcissistically in love with only himself. This personality type is being (or has been) overtaken by poetic fancies, moodiness, tears, nostalgia, and is submerged in an undersea realm of psychic significances and watery connections and is beset by dreams and fantasy. That’s why you can’t pin him down on any of his opinions or feelings because he’s so apparently passive yet hates to be pushed towards commitments or actions.
Where does all this come from? Emotional insecurity and immaturity. Great conflict lies between his inner fascination, outer attractions, and real-world responsibilities. This guy is living in la-la land and expects everyone around him to take care of things while he “finds himself.”
Good luck in dealing with such a person. (You’ll notice I don’t suggest anyone should search their souls for similar behavior because the reversed Prince doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with himself.) *The Tarot’s court cards are genderless. I used the masculine pronouns merely to stay consistent in my writing.
October 12, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords, reversed. The Four of Swords is generally a card of contemplation and rest. Reversed, this recent period of thoughtful peace and tranquility comes to an end as concerns are resolved and you awaken from a literal or metaphorical sleep with more clarity or a different perspective. Health wise, you may have been sick and needed to rest.
After recovering, you can come out of your shell and reenter the world to start to feel like your old self and regain your confidence. As you do, you may have to recover from business losses, lay-offs, or personal difficulties that had occured. Through prudent care, wise administration, and economies, carefully resume activities with circumspection and precaution.
Tread softly and look for clues regarding potential stumbling blocks that may set you back. Ideally, one does not want to do “that” again…that which had put you down in the first place.
October 11, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Moon. Alone time continues with The Moon as it signifies a time of passivity rather than action, turning away from outer concerns to become more introspective and reflective, and a period of withdrawal. Because this card heralds the uncertain time between the end of one world structure and the beginning of another, you may experience confusion, anxiety, bewilderment, elusiveness, and fluctuation as the seeds for your next actions are sown. Right now, though, there’s nothing to do but wait, allow natural gestation to occur, follow your gut, and hope for the best.
While you’re waiting, don’t resist instinctual forces that allow the animal Self to take over. Ego is set aside, shame is left behind, and you don’t give a damn what the neighbors say! In this state of completely releasing self-regulation, you can embrace the Higher Shadow Self and all the remaining mysteries about yourself still locked away. (But do keep it legal folks!)
Going this deeply into your Shadow Self may be difficult psycho-emotionally and you might be swamped by highly charged emotions and insecurity. This is the ultimate test of reclaiming the True Self: to be able to walk through all aspects of life of which you’re afraid, ashamed, and embarrassed about; don’t know how to deal with; fears that can’t be shown to the world; or your deepest emotional patterns, needs, and rootedness in the past. If you need help, ask for it.
October 10, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Cups, reversed. As the big “love” card of the Tarot deck, when reversed, it represents the harsher aspects of love or the breakdown of ideals present when upright. Now, I’m not necessarily feeling the “romantic” or sexual love generally associated with this card, such as the emotionally immature, commitment-phobic, and/or infantile or sophomoric fantasies of love one finds in the average bodice-ripper romance novel. I’m feeling like we need to have a talk about love for ourselves and/or our fellow humans.
When you tend to reject any connections by self-isolation, acting alone, or cutting off all cooperation with others, it can mean you’ve given up on the “love” I mentioned above. You’ve probably experienced conflicting messages and emotional misunderstandings due to breakdowns in communication…with yourself and your prospective partners. But in order to have effective communication, with ANYone, you need to speak up about your wants and needs. And then LISTEN to the other person’s wants and needs and see if you can meet in the middle.
So, take some “alone time” to think about how you feel about yourself. Does your self-esteem and willingness to relate to others hinge upon how you’re treated by them? Are you the type to say nothing lest you rock the boat and then quietly seethe about it? NOBODY can read your mind and NOBODY can “make” you happy. Decide to be happy and open your throat chakra for effective communication.
October 8, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ace of Pentacles. The suit of Pentacles represents material energy in all its potential forms: the body, resources, the position one holds in the world, territory, etc. It also orients one in relationships with incarnation, family life, the home, money, and health and directs all existential questions to the concrete aspects of life. It’s also symbolic of the spiritualization of the Earth element; in its completeness and solid reality, it bears its own magic. Pentacles are an active principle operating upon all tangible aspects of existence that bring happiness and triumph. Such things hold heart and are not just material trappings.
The Ace of Pentacles represents physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional balance leading to bliss, wellbeing, and absolute wholeness of Self. With patience, diligence, and attention, this inner flowering and fullness affords the possibility of unlimited movement in any direction making it possible to go beyond and fulfill the prophesy of magic. One has become unified and is willing to bring all of Self onto the physical plane to have a complete and genuine experience as a human.
Consider the reception of this card a signal one has entered into a spiritual spring time bringing a shift in consciousness, new wisdom and knowledge, and joyful life.
October 7, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles. Recently, a very beloved cat of mine transitioned to the great beyond. When I drew this card, a card symbolic of the life of the body, I knew exactly the message it’s sending. This time the Four of Pentacles has absolutely nothing to do with hoarding wealth but rather it’s about turning your emotional energy inward. Some seek solace from others in times of grief and loss; I do not. Instead, I exclude others through a need for personal security and block myself from everyone. If I must be out in public, I put on a facade and reassure those who ask I’m fiiiiiiiine.
But you know what, selfishness is sometimes necessary and for me it’s vital right now. No one’s grief is expressed the same. There’s no timeline for it or a “correct” way to do it. Therefore, you do you to the best of your ability today.
The stone associated with this card is blue tourmaline. It’s said to offer a message of peace, balance the spirit and mind, teach one to achieve harmony with one’s circumstances, and promote inner perspective to easily understand nature and destiny.
Rest well my little flea.
October 3, 2021: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords, reversed. This card indicates some may be attempting to release past problems and begin again, but are struggling with the resulting new perspectives and would rather just stay put in the “known.” This desire to cling to the same old, same old stems from a lack of self-confidence that you really can do something different.
Now, attacking a long-standing problem that’s been accepted as the norm is going to cause some agitation. Others don’t want to change any more than you do, so expect some push-back as you set new boundaries, learn the value of the word “no”, and take a new path for yourself.
Stand strong and refuse to give into the negative thoughts thrown at you and coming from inside your own head. There’s a deep need to address and handle turbulent situations rather than let them ride. While you’re at it, evaluate your intentions surrounding the need to hang onto old stuff that no longer serves.
October 1, 2021: Card O' the Day: Five of Wands. Okay, the standard interpretation of this card is fighting and quarreling and not-so-friendly competition. It’s true the number five can indicate volatility and coupled with the Fire energy of Wands things might get explosive. HOWEVER, I’m not gettin’ that today.
What I’m feeling is a time of personal empowerment, determination, commitment, and personal reorganization. You’re finally ready to break the status quo and evolve with the new energy coursing through your veins. This might feel rather “zippy” and make it hard for you to harness it for solid use. Muster the concentration and courage necessary to be decisive, clever, and forceful with yourself and others who might get in your way.
The creature associated with this card is the ant. It’s representative of discipline, order, and goals. Think like an ant and move that freakin’ rubber tree plant already. Also, the stone for this card, kunzite, is said to help one achieve a healthy degree of assertiveness that allows one to stop avoiding problems, assists in pursuing objectives with diplomacy and endurance, and grants resolution and the necessary capability to finish tasks. (I’m gettin’ me some o’ that as soon as I can because I STILL haven’t cleaned my bathroom!)
September 30, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups. We just had the Nine of Cups on the 27th, but it was reversed. Upright, it brings us a brighter message. (Not that its reversed message was not helpful; it was just a bit more of an ass-kicker.)
Nines are about coming to completions and being a Cup, this Nine is signaling the end of an emotional cycle encouraging you to let go of what’s already been lived. The resulting good decision making brings hope and improvement to your circumstances as you develop the ability to imagine and visualize what you want so you can go forward and make it happen.
Furthermore, releasing old crap helps you cultivate inner harmony with “me, myself, and I” and come to understand the secret to emotional happiness: Taking full responsibility for and control of your own happiness! Nobody else can fulfill all your needs. Once you get that concept nailed down, expect personal satisfaction and positive expansive feelings as you ably and confidently surmount all difficulties. BOO-ya.
September 28, 2021: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords. Under the Seven of Swords one struggles with clouded and distorted thought patterns and emotional insecurity that’s driving self-destructive actions. Such insecurity fuels futile struggles to cleverly fake one’s way through life to appear independent and strong when actually life is falling ever deeper into disorder and instability.
There’s a very great need to forgive yourself for past failures so you can heal from guilt, shame, and self-recrimination. However, the greatest obstacle to that forgiveness is your stubbornness at admit having made a mistake and allowed things to get as bad as they have.
This card does speak of new plans, but you’re going to try to implement them on your own. More power to you if you can, but it’ll be a whole lot easier if you get help at this point instead of tackling this crisis all by yourself.
September 27, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups, reversed. The force of the King is lifting the carpet and exposing all you’ve swept under it to force you to really look at all you’ve been hiding from yourself and others. This is done with love, sincerity, honesty, and the good faith of outside energies that show you the error of your ways.
While this exposure might be embarrassing at first, it will provide you with a feeling of liberation as you’re released from superficial attachments and the need to keep up the facade, lies, and hiding. With that new space, you’ll have the time and energy to work on your inner peace and happiness and become more aware of the truth about you and why you got distracted from your Highest Path. And armed with that truth, you can then go deeper into your Spiritual Self and find greater meaning.
September 26, 2021: Card O' the Day: King of Pentacles. The King of Pentacles is supporting, loyal, dependable, and trustworthy with everything you ask him to do or help you to do. However, he’ll also be demanding and ruthless as he sinks his teeth into a project. His ambition, power, social responsibility, and integrity makes him strong, uncompromising, and impatient to get things done. It’s no wonder the animal associated with this card is the bull!
The King’s greatest talents lie in organization and control of physical matter. Closeness to nature and total comfort with the physical world allows him (and you when you channel him) to be a minimalist when it comes to possessions with usefulness, the value of all things in their place, and nothing wasted. A tireless worker himself who places an emphasis on quality and reliability, the Earth King rewards the loyalty of those who work equally hard for him. If you’re not yet the boss, trust the leadership capabilities at hand because they’re strong and solid. Allow this card to be a catalyst for your own evolving material self-confidence and mastery of the sensation function that brings satisfaction to life.
The King, coupled with yesterday’s Ace of Wands, may be a little to hot to handle for some of you. This card’s stone stepped forward to help mitigate all this force. Amber is said to fortify inner vision, increase mental wellbeing, absorb negative energy, and bring strength and wisdom as you move forward with your endeavors.
September 25, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands. Receiving this Ace in a reading indicates it’s time to try new things and change your responses to the world. New opportunities or potential await but expect action and confrontation that can be exhilarating or devastating.This raw, transforming, irreversible, and powerful energy is not for the fainthearted but it needs firm and concrete guidance.
Representative of the birth or seed of an idea or project, this card is perfect for encouraging beginnings since the environment is stable yet flexible and fluid. As you become grounded and centered, you have the opportunity to harness and express your will. But be super careful not to let your ego get carried away and hubris take over.
The Ace of Wands can also signify the quality of taking responsibility for an idea and putting it into practice with optimism and passion. The appearance of this card signifies an aptitude for leadership and the courage to overcome any difficulties.
September 24, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Moon, reversed. Upright, The Moon is significant of all things intuitive and of common sense; reversed, it indicates one is denying the possibility of trusting your own gut as to what seems reasonable.
When faced with this confusion and perceived irrationality, one would rather cling to literalness or what another tells you so you don’t have to think for yourself. You may go so far as to block or resist all your intuitive impressions and questions and just hide from what’s challenging. The irrational worry of conspiracies or illegal acts may increase your delusional behavior as your imagination runs amok.
On the other hand, you could be feeling psychologically drained and exhausted as you encounters facades, delusions, manipulation, suspicion, illusion, and impractical ideas. Therefore, get the real facts and use your own noodle to make your important decisions.
September 23, 2021: Card O' the Day: Justice, reversed. Something stable, ordered, or normally unvarying has been disturbed or disrupted and you find yourself having to adjust to imbalances in life and relationships. But at the same time, you don’t wanna and are resistant to change or adjustment because of fear of mishandling the situation.
If the imbalance is not external, I must assume it’s internal and you’re struggling with a divided self and suffering the inner discord of intellect v. instincts. You may be mired in indecision and inaction because of over-reliance on rationality or facts, or ignoring said facts altogether. Furthermore, formerly held values, old rules of thumb, and social expectations are suddenly not reliable, and you find yourself responding with few clues that come through cloudy perceptions and uncertainty. And when you try to justify your actions to others, you’re reacting emotionally and not using your common sense or logic.
All this displays an unwillingness to see the meaning of events, dishonesty with oneself and others, and missing an opportunity for a greater understanding of life and Cosmic Lessons. I suggest consulting an expert about your problem to get the truth about the situation and valid answers—and not your cousin’s boyfriend’s hairstylist.
September 22, 2021: Card O' the Day: Six of Wands. The Six of Wands signifies victory and recognition of your achievements. With such a wave of dynamic energy under your feet, you’ll feel ready to step forward and take on the role of leader as you overcome all difficulties.
HOWEVER (and this is a very big fat hairy “however”), we ain’t talkin’ about becoming CEO of a Fortune 500 company. This is INTERNAL triumph that comes from a true faith and belief in yourself that brings about the energy to accomplish what you want. This is about being happy in your own skin and loving what you do. And when others see you being so successful and full of joy over being you, they’ll follow your example of finding triumph in where and who they are, too.
The caveat to this card? Competitiveness. Be cautious about becoming “holier than thou.” You’re not trying to “out happiness” everyone else because then it just becomes another race to keep up with others. This internal happiness stuff is a one lane road with only you on it.
September 21: Card O' the Day: Seven of Swords. This card represents new plans, roads, or projects as you aim to take action against current problems. However, there’s an element of sneakiness surrounding these new avenues. Ethics are shaky and such underhanded schemes won’t really solve your issues…they’ll only delay the inevitable and things will stay out of balance until an alternate, more truthful route is discovered. Anything you DO manage to achieve under such a cloud won’t be to your best interests and will eventually turn to dust.
(That said, there ARE occasions where we have to tell a white-washed version of the truth. But be absolutely CERTAIN your reasons for skirting the truth are ethically sound and relieve more pain than they cause.)
With all the shadiness inherent in this card, you may be hesitant to ask for help and prefer to act alone. But when alone, we tend to beat ourselves up over past failures much more brutally than if we shared our burdens. Forgive yourself for having erred (we have ALL f*cked up!) so you can heal from the guilt and self-incrimination.
September 15, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles. Most often the Four of Pentacles is interpreted as indicating miserliness and obsession with material possessions. This is only one facet of the card and I’m not feeling that today.
The animal that represents this card is the turtle (ahem…) and they symbolize security, abundance, defense, and protection. More broadly, the card itself signifies safety and physical health and the respect and appreciation we have for the bounty within our souls. It’s about understanding selfishness is sometimes necessary to maintain healthy personal boundaries as you recognize the difference between your inner values and outer possessions.
The Four also represents making a sound decision with the intention to follow through (recall the Two of Swords a couple days ago). Therefore, while you’re minding your own business and being a bit more thrifty with your resources, consider it not so much hoarding but more like gathering strength. This is the mind’s way of giving you structure and meaning to the chaos of the material world.
September 14, 2021: Card O' the Day: Prince/Knight of Swords, reversed. The conundrum announced by the Two of Swords has the good Prince’s under armor all in a twist.
His normally sharp intellect slides into the fanatical or ridiculous when reversed and his solutions become imprudent and useless. Furthermore, he’s too stupid right now to understand he’s being stupid and will argue theories that are impractical, irrelevant, or irrational. At worst, those under the influence of this card tend to carelessly and recklessly charge ahead without listening to advice in a wild response to a situation that calls for a quieter, more careful approach.
The reversal may also indicate you’re feeling battle-worn or wounded by sharp words from another or from inside your own head. Out of fear, doubt, or caution you may want to fall back or hastily retreat rather than advance forward with an endeavor. And that might be a good idea as you try to overcome impulsiveness and fear to become more thoughtful, careful, and less hurried as you wait for opposition to move out of the way.
September 13, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Swords. Some of you may be suffering conflict that lies between the desire to follow your intuition and the tendency to yield to what others say or do. This leaves you in with a tenuous equilibrium with your outer and inner struggles. Your journey to finding peace between this rock and a hard place begins when you step out of judgment to see similarities rather than differences.
The Two of Swords comes to a reading when you’re feeling conflicted, are at crossed purposes, or are being forced to hold two contradictory ideas or characteristics as true and valid at the same time. This may manifest as a personal dilemma or you fear someone unduly influencing your choice…to the point you feel like you’re being told what to do.
Because you’re feeling unable to take action or make a decision about the situation, you deliberately avoid the problem through procrastination, ambivalence, and a reluctance to commit to one choice or the other. Being stuck between two equally unappealing options plops you square on the fence out of fear of upsetting the fragile balance you’re so desperate to maintain. While a temporary, uneasy peace can be maintained for now, to truly resolve the issue the status quo must be broken before energy can move forward again.
September 10, 2021: Card O' the Day: Prince/Knight of Wands, reversed. Obviously The Princess of Cups is being out-voted with all her “live, love, laugh” bullsh*t….
The already volatile energies of the upright card become completely unstable when reversed causing one to be foolhardy, arrogant, fickle, impulsive, and indiscriminately scorch everything in sight. Your (or somebody’s with whom you have close contact) impatience, recklessness, and thoughtlessness bring discord, division, disharmony, and disunity to any situation. In such a state of turmoil, desire seethes and simmers beneath the surface without focus or outlet and surfaces randomly and unpredictably as a frustrated and short-fused temper. This card also indicates one is behaving in the manner of, or must deal with someone that is, a haphazard dabbler, self-serving thrill seeker, showoff, or a rowdy and contentious bully. Passions for people or projects may be faked or flash-in-the-pan, which portends badly for any commitments.
I suggest you take a “sick day” to remove yourself from the culprit or save others from you.
September 9, 2021: Card O' the Day: Princess (Page) of Cups. The Water Princess is indicative of youthful energy and being emotionally vulnerable. Her appearance is a reminder to let life flow as we enter into a phase of learning to accept and incorporate feelings into reactions, contemplate things with a tender heart, trust, and serve with love. Act lovingly by supporting and nurturing others with caring concern and a willingness to be involved in their lives.
Some may be unwilling to be open to such feelings for fear of being hurt. But this suffering stems from the illusion of separateness and if we can understand it’s a misconception, we can realize we’re not isolated beings in an uncaring world. This card signifies the dawn of a new understanding the cage around our hearts has always been open. We’re being invited to spread our wings, walk through the open door, and be free to experience light-heartedness, love, and those adventures of imagination and fascination being offered.
September 7, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Chariot, reversed. The Chariot contains high and directed energy. Once it’s reversed, that energy becomes scattered, surges out of control, or restricted. Sometimes conflicts and problems will arise due to opposing ideas and aims, counterproductive efforts, or insufficient expertise or experience. All this means you can be easily deflected from the course resulting in incomplete work and loss at the last moment. In the end, nothing is working as originally planned and expected and life seems uphill with an obstacle at every turn.
What to do? Firstly, you need to come to understand the “will power” approach is not, and will not, be successful. You’ve got to find another way to solve the problems rather than simply try to overpower them. (There are elements of ego contained in this card…when reversed, it means healthy self-assurance becomes blatant hubris. Just sayin’.)
Most literally, you might experience car trouble, problems on the road, or with travel arrangements. Therefore, maybe it’s time to get your car in the shop for a quick check before something goes wrong during rush-hour traffic. Also, triple check your packing lists (what, you DON’T make a list when you pack for a trip!?!?) and get to the airport three to four hours early for your flight.
September 6, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Moon. This is a good card to anchor the past few days’ cards. Maybe I’m projecting my own current energy pattern or the cards have been for me as much as everyone else. I’ve been pretty pissy, cranky, and useless for the last day and a half. But last night, before I went to bed, I gave myself a shake and worked on getting my ‘tude straight. Today SHALL be productive!
The Moon is speaking to feelings of weak will and inconstancy that lead to unrealized plans. However, it’s ruled by Pisces, the sign of compassion. With compassion, we allow ourselves to step out of illusion and into the true meaning of our inner magic, which may contain some pissiness and periods of uselessness! Giving yourself permission to be less than perfect every single day gives you room for change, growth, evolution, and development that leads to the peak of fulfillment and achievement or a valley of slothful inertia.
The herb associated with The Moon is lemon balm. It’s said to be calming and relaxing and it counteracts moodiness, broodiness, and melancholy. (Guess who’s going to be drinking lemon balm tea all day?) The body aspect of this card is the large/small intestines. Our literal guts represent the energy and determination it takes to do something extraordinary. But along with everything else in life, our energy and determination waxes and wanes just like the moon. Depending upon your own “moon cycle”, you might be up and running today or you still need another moment of quiet. Either way, Universe recognizes your needs; you should, too.
September 4, 2021: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. The reversed King is reiterating the message from the reversed Ace of Wands from a couple days ago regarding abuses of power, except the King is the one abusing his power by having an ego-driven snit fit. Difficulty accepting and adjusting to obstacles, defeats, or losses has him wanting to save face and hide his weaknesses through finger-pointing and arguing with obvious facts. He becomes resentful when called to account and asked to take responsibility for his mistakes.
Now that we know what NOT to do…. Recognize any lack of expertise and knowledge and gracefully relinquish control of a situation. Your effective impact has been blocked, disturbed, or re-channeled and continuing under those conditions is pointless as insignificant matters can become magnified or errors in judgment come to light that weaken your position even further. Delegate the problem to another to fix but pay attention to the process so you don’t make the same mistake again.
This may seem like quitting and slinking away with your tail tucked. But a wise leader knows they cannot be experts at everything and so they find the best in the business to handle things they can’t
September 2, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Pentacles, reversed. Upright, this card represents the intricacies and balancing act life requires and heralds coming changes on your material plane. But when reversed, attempts at balance become a treacherous, plate-spinning hamster wheel and the changes seem disharmonious. Therefore, consider how to lighten your load and live within your resources of time, money, and energy.
While you may think you’ve shifted perspective and are on board with your new reality, it’s not yet evident externally and inflexibility and challenge to structure still remains. And because you’re really not happy about this, others can too easily sway you to procrastinate on projects and decisions you need to address sooner rather than later.
This sounds like a lot to do, and it is, but if you pick one thing and do that before attempting anything else, the small accomplishments will give you energy and momentum for handling the bigger things. So, cancel that subscription you don’t really use, don’t volunteer your time to someone else, and be a little more thrifty with your psycho-emotional energy while you get your own ducks in a row.
September 1, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Swords. Another 10 (recall we had the reversed Ten of Cups the other day). Tens are indicative of endings/beginnings. The 10s bookended a reversed Ace, which also represented a beginning, but an awkward one. The Cups signified an emotional struggle, the reversed Wands an energetic one, and now the Swords take us to our thought processes. However, I don’t feel this card is standing alone but is an addition to the previous two day’s cards.
The Ten of Swords offers you a chance to evolve into something new mentally/rationally and heralds a time of growth and change. If you allow it, clear vision and productive ideas will carry you forward to healing. But there’s a strong undercurrent of denial and resistance to harsh truth that you’ll have to fight and overcome. It’s absolutely necessary to let go of what has finished, ended, died, or was destroyed. Allow the extreme situation to wipe the slate clean.
August 31, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands, reversed. Even when reversed, the Ace indicates new beginnings are afoot and you may feel ready, desiring, and yearning for change. However, the right opportunity has yet to come, a situation may be premature, or you’re not energized or prepared enough to move forward. This translates into setbacks or delays as the means of realizing goals or energies signified by the upright version are blocked.
The reversed Ace also speaks of personal authority that has turned sour. This means you may be abusing your power or being subjected to someone else—boss, spouse, friend, relative—abusing their power over you.
In either case, feeling glum and shat upon is a real danger as you’re prevented from seeing what’s still working well. You’ll need to readjust your attitude regarding the governing energies and turn this card right side up again in order to move forward with a lighter step and stronger heart. Remember, some circumstances are beyond your control, but your reaction to them is ALWAYS your own.
August 30, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups, reversed. Just a mere 20 days ago we had the Ten of Cups come to us. Today, it’s returned, but reversed. The reversal of this wonderfully auspicious card indicates peace has been disrupted within your family or tribe. Also, you may be having difficulty recognizing and appreciating the abundance and blessings in your life or the marvelousness of your True Self.
I realize just as things started to look up, there’ve been major setbacks. War, hurricanes, famine, disease…they all seem to be piling on at once. However, we MUST count our advantages and concentrate on what we DO have rather lament what is not there or lost. (Easier said than done, I know, but try.)
The only way forward is with the strength Universe provides and your perseverance. Face the hard times and keep plowing forward.
August 18, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Cups, reversed. This card is also about leaving a situation…but because it’s of Cups, it focuses on the heart and an emotional situation such as a relationship or something about which you’re passionate. When the card is reversed, though, you’re tempted to stay because of comfort, familiarity, or sheer inertia even though you know you’ve gotten everything out of this that you can.
But you really do need to go for the sake of self-preservation and to end the perpetual dissatisfaction. Either the love you think is present actually isn’t, you’re giving waaaaaay more than you’re receiving, or the love is confining and stifling.
Follow your creative impulses with optimism and move on.
August 17, 2021: Card O' the Day: Six of Swords. A shoutout to my pal CMP in Chicagoland….
The Six of Swords is about acceptance of limits and recognizing the stagnation of a current situation. There’s wisdom in giving up because you’ve realized you can’t stay without suffering. To be honest, you’ve already got one foot out the door anyway and have come to realize the bonds that held you are broken.
The transition and changes necessary will be painful but you’re encouraged to face everything with focus, calm, and optimism as you move towards new ideas and solutions without knowledge of the outcome. By being receptive to new impressions and accepting of what’s happened and what may soon be, you’ll gain needed perspective and find healing as you rediscover parts of yourself which’ve been quiet too long.
There’s heavy emphasis on journeys or travel over water with this card.
August 12, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Pentacles. The Two of Pentacles is linked to The Magician and Strength through the infinity symbol depicted on each. So, even though this card is of the very practical and earthy Pentacles, there’s magic here!
Adaptability and resourcefulness go with you to a doorway to something new; have the courage to walk through to the unknown and a bright future. Remain focused on the process and enjoy the journey rather than worry about the final end result. To do this, you’ll need to forge a relationship between commerce and creativity—i.e. the daily grind and the true purpose of life. If synchronizing the whole mess feels precarious, full of obstacles, and worry, it could what you think needs to be balanced may be only an emotion-based reaction.
The Two suggests that a sense of optimism, grounded playfulness, and a deep trust in life is a better approach than adhering to a rigid schedule. Live in the moment and be present to it without ambition for it to be more than it is. Find appropriate balance in all of life, seek the hidden magic in ordinary pleasures, and remember to celebrate simple joys along the way.
August 11, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Fool, reversed. The normally bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Fool becomes overly-cautious when he’s reversed. This card may represent not taking a chance at a critical time because of fear or dependence upon plans or the advice of others. Maybe you’re hesitating to take any risks at all for fear of looking foolish, making a mistake, or excessive concern of doing something stupid and suffering embarrassment. If you’re not afraid of making mistakes, perhaps you’re hidebound by conventional and safe approaches, accept limits as absolutes, are too careful, and do anything to avoid the possibility of a misstep.
All this hesitation means you don’t trust…yourself, others who’ve promised to help, or the process you’ve devised. None of us can do EVERYthing all by ourselves. I mean, if you’ve got a craving for an orange, unless you’ve got a tree in your backyard, you need to trust the growers, shippers, and stores to have them available for you to buy. It’s the same with any other item you want that you can’t make yourself or any creative process that requires the input of others.
If you find yourself approaching your life timidly and with 1,000 safeguards in place, this restriction or denial of your innate free-spiritedness could lead to regrets. Remember, you have to break eggs to make an omelet. Don’t be afraid to make messes, screw things up, and start over again.
August 10, 2021: Card O' the day: Ten of Cups. This is a card of potential: lasting happiness and joy lifting your heart if you choose it. It’s inspired from above, through Divine Universe, and from within, through Divine Self. This kind of happiness has nothing to do with your material world…your job, house, friends, possessions, bank accounts.
This kind of happiness and joy cannot be taken from you due to unfortunate circumstances, break-ups, or losses. Yes, you can be shaken and your happiness can take hits and bruises. But this is a state of mind and being wherein you decide your level of happiness and if you can be determined enough, nothing will break your happiness.
Hang tough and fight for your joy.
August 9, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords, reversed. When Swords are reversed, it indicates mental balance is under stress and that stress may manifest in difficulty in thinking clearly. You may be resisting a hard truth, caught up in fanaticism or illusion, or suffering confused ideas. Without a clear sense of reality, you may then make mistakes created by your emotions.
The suit of Swords is governed by the heart chakra. As in, those mean or muddled thoughts running through your mind can easily break your heart or make you seriously moody. While everything appears more important that it actually is, current problems could lie in how you’re reacting to them more than anything else. You’d do well with a little cold objectivity about the situation so you can see it for what it truly is and then make choices based on facts and not your runaway emotions.
August 6, 2021: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles, reversed.Energy flow is still blocked, but more specifically it’s on the physical plane. The feelings of being unheard continue with the additional perceptions of being shortchanged, denied, neglected, and overlooked. A disparity of power drives these feelings and increases your insecurity that you’re not “enough.” And the cherry on top of all that is jealousy.
But what’s REALLY true here? In all probability, you’re looking at what others have that you don’t. But what about what you DO have? Are you practicing gratitude for it? (Because yet another little shadow word for this card is “ungrateful.”) And did you know that your power is your own and no one can take it unless you let them? So the “power disparity” is how you perceive yourself as compared to others.
Stop comparing; you are enough. Be grateful for what you have. Take your colossal power and move mountains. Or not; your choice.
August 5, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Magician, reversed. W.T.F….. Okay, THIS doesn’t happen often…if ever. Yesterday we get The Magician and today he reappears inverted.
Personal communication or expression and proper energy flow is still blocked or misdirected and you’re feeling “unheard”, which then makes starting something new more difficult than anticipated or necessary. Combined, these inhibitors could lead to hesitation, insecurity, self-doubt, or vacillating certainty and cause you to lean too heavily upon someone for validation and support. It would be prudent to consider who and why.
It could help a different outlook on life—like, you’re actually worthy—and to analyze your approach. Dive deeper into the psyche and ponder what is actually happening because The Magician wants you to find your personal magic.
August 4, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Magician. Well, looky who I found while contemplating my navel and rebooting my brain! Because of the need of the soul to journey inward for answers, yesterday The Hermit told us we needed contemplation and inner stillness in which to find our self-knowledge and equilibrium. The Magician represents the “magic” of Self, primordial Man, Earth’s mystical energy, and spiritualization of matter. The Magician is the director of the quest for “Self” and therefore, this card is the basis of “me”, “myself”, and “I” as you learn to contact the Life Force, find the hidden parts of yourself, and come to understand them to find your best life.
You may not know how to communicate what you want and are frustrated by this block. But you can prepare physically for what you’re asking, face any fears of not being “good enough”, and reconnect to the part that turns fear into success while you sort out the brain-mouth connection. Be patient, allow things to develop naturally, and permit yourself to make mistakes. Magic will happen when you don’t force it.
August 3, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Hermit. I don’t read the Tarot cards for myself. I’m just as lazy as the next person about facing my flaws, worried about how I measure up, and all the other stuff I talk about in my readings and posts. I avoid doing my “work” unless NOT doing it is making me severely depressed. However, when a card that’s UNDENIABLY for me pops up, I’ll pay attention. (Albeit grudgingly.)
The Hermit is for all those introverts out there (the sociable ones, too) who need some alone time to regroup, recharge, and generally shut out the world for a minute. It’s the “cntrl+alt+del” button for your brain. Whether you dive into a nap, hike, book, or pool, it’s a good time to just be. Let the dust bunnies breed, the dishes pile up, and the laundry sit. Do only what you have to do to keep the lights on and your dependents fed. The rest can wait until you’ve rebooted. Namaste.
August 2, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Cups, reversed. This card signifies many are still blocked by their own resistance to life or sheer inertia. And that’s caused by struggling to fit in and conform to “normal.” Who says you have to!?!? To be clear: I’m talking about being your own creative muse, love who you want to, expressing your personality as you see fit, and basically doing your best “you.” I’m NOT suggesting total ignorance and flouting of societal laws and taboos! If we all did that, life would devolve into a Mad Max or Water World movie. Just sayin’.
There’s all sorts of potential to improve yourself until you take your last breath. Therefore, go ahead and be optimistic about your creative impulses…if you’re alive, then it isn’t too late. Motivate yourself to live out loud every single day because it isn’t time for most of you to leave this physical plane just yet.
However, out of self-preservation, take time to solidify goals and don’t recklessly leap at shiny objects. For example, if you’re going skydiving, take a couple lessons and dive with a partner the first time around. This goes for drastic and permanent changes, too. Don’t make big shifts “just cuz” without carefully weighing the pros and cons.
August 1, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands, reversed. Two’s can signify conflict, and when connected to Wands, the conflict prevents energy from flowing smoothly and with purpose much like the jerky motions a car makes when its gears slip. When the gears do catch, an otherwise dead-end situation may suddenly change as “aha” moments jet you past previously perceived limits. New perspectives and horizons, which you didn’t know or believe existed, may suddenly open and become obvious.
This in turn may allow you to be daring enough to jump directly into a new experience, thereby leaving behind safe situations to enter the unknown. Such reversals of mindsets are achieved not through willpower but through receptivity to the unexpected…like, maybe realizing you’re “enough.”
These surprises in one’s beliefs about self could either awe you with wonder, enchantment, and amazement, or overwhelm you with confusion, embarrassment, or distress. Try to receive them regardless of fear, awaken to all your inner possibilities and resources, and become more self-sufficient and fabulous.
July 31, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords. So, we received the Four of Swords on July 22nd and we were encouraged to ponder circumstances without overreacting, bashing ourselves over our heads with the “Failure” cudgel, or shifting blame all over the place. This was followed by the Five of Pentacles on the 23rd which indicated worry about not having or being “enough.” Then came the reversed Devil on July 29th (a bit of a time gap because I got busy) that continued the thread of self abuse by imagining OTHERS don’t view you as being “enough.” Finally, we get yesterday’s reversed Ace of Swords that speaks of resisting new concepts—like that you actually ARE enough.
Notice we’ve come full circle.
Let’s recap what I wrote about the Four on the 22nd: It’s healthy to digest what’s happened and consider alternative ways of having handled a difficult situation. However, it’s NOT a good idea to over-analyze yourself with blame games or the “shoulda, woulda, coulda thought train.” I’ll remind you this card represents stabilization of the mind, asks you to still your thoughts, and allow the inner knowledge that you are enough in all ways to come to you quietly, truthfully, and peacefully.
July 30, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ace of Swords, reversed. The suit of Swords governs the heart (as well as the mind) because the darkness existing in your mind can easily break your heart. The Ace indicates the possibility of new points of view or ways of thinking. When reversed, it indicates your mental balance is under stress, which may manifest in inaction, self-destruction, mental pain, denial of disturbing thoughts, difficulty in thinking clearly, and generally resisting the “aha” moment that could change everything for you.
In addition to resisting new concepts or ways of seeing your life, you may be caught up in fanaticism, illusion, or suffer confused ideas. And without a clear sense of reality, you can become prey to mistakes created by your emotions. Thus, nervous conditions may manifest in pessimism, lack of confidence, fear of condemnation and punishment, or overpowering feelings.
Here’s a little clue: When everything appears more important that it actually is, your problems could lie in how you’re responding to them more than what’s actually happening. Certainly many have been suffering emotionally, physically, and economically for the last 18 months (and counting…)! However, look to how you can mitigate your situation by adjusting your reactions to problems.
July 29, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Devil, reversed. As instincts take over and temptations become too powerful to resist, you may begin to suffer “spiritual blindness” in which you view yourself as a failure. It is tempting to turn to others to feel validation that you’re not the big loser you think you are, but beware of putting yourself in a vulnerable position by leaning on others too heavily or relying too much on what others think. Return to your spirituality and mental resources to regain your balance and use your own strength to nurture self-sufficiency. Once you release yourself from the bondage of “what will the neighbors say”, you can break loose from misery and finally stop accepting a crappy situation as your lot in life.
Since the Devil represents, in part, illusions, when the card is reversed, it could signify you’re beginning to see through them to the truth. And THAT’s important because before slipping free of the chains that bind, you first have to become aware of, and acknowledge, what you’re allowing to hold you back.
July 23, 2021: Card O' the Day: Five of Pentacles. This card indicates worry about money and physical resources. Feeling “not enough”, one is self-conscious about perceived flaws and thinks one is alone and unsupported. However, this lack is only an illusion! It’s YOU who’s so blocked and defeated that you can’t see the rich environment all around.
Firstly, shift your perspective so you can see the abundance and fortune. No “yeah, but….” Let go of all the psychic weight that keeps you bogged down and focus on what you DO have, never mind what you don’t. That’ll be a goal for later. While there might be actual material poverty, you have oodles of spiritual wealth that shouldn’t be sneered at. Lean on that spiritual treasure because it’ll give you endurance and strength as you toil for those physical rewards you so desire.
July 22, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Swords. The Four of Swords can be looked at a couple different ways today. First: rest after strife, healing of battle wounds, peace after war, etc. Or, you can consider now to be a good time for contemplation before action, meditation, careful consideration of plans, or that type of thing. Either way, there are a lot of “what ifs” swirling in your head. It’s healthy to digest what’s happened and consider alternative ways of having handled a difficult situation (for those in the first camp). It’s also healthy to ponder various options if you’re the planning group.
However, it’s NOT a good idea to over-analyze yourself into a frozen mess where you can’t move forward with plans or away from mistakes. Blame games or the “shoulda, woulda, coulda thought train” need to be avoided at all costs.
Fortunately the Four represents stabilization of the mind and becoming aware of how you respond to circumstances in your life rather than being governed by knee-jerk reactions. (Isn’t it interesting that little phrase meaning “to respond without really thinking about” it includes the word “jerk.” Could it be many of our instinctive knee-jerk reactions indicate we’re acting like jerks? But I digress….) This card asks you to still your mind and allow your inner knowledge to come to you quietly, truthfully, and peacefully. This day is one of careful thought, not quick action.
July 18, 2021: Card O' the Day: Queen of Pentacles, reversed. Rather than being the “queen of the castle”, the reversed Queen of Pentacles wants to become more involved with people, social structures, and communal activities outside the limited scope of the “home” of safe and familiar routines. (Remember, the Tarot cards are genderless….) This makes sense when coupled with the fiery, volatile energy of yesterday’s Nine of Wands where one looks to buck the traditional system and seeks to enjoy a more adventurous existence.
However, like the Nine of Wands, the reversed Queen speaks of difficulties…more to the point, financial difficulties or a general lack of resources and necessities. In an effort to stay secure and keep things afloat, one may hold onto money fearing to re-invest it, hoard useless things, resist forward motion, or consider other aspects of reality.
Unfortunately, success requires risk, eating Raman noodles so you can plug more money into the project, and picking up an extra shift at the local burger joint. Keep at it; your efforts will eventually bear fruit.
July 17, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Wands. The energy of this card is pretty intense. It’s exhilarating and you’ll learn a lot if you don’t crash and burn. Think along the lines of taking a job that’s two notches above your skill level or riding a motorcycle that’s bigger and heavier than anything you’ve ridden to date.
Your strength, dynamic force, and courage have put you on that bike or in that job and your training and discipline will keep you committed to developing the skill to handle the challenge. This is relatively dangerous ground you’re stepping on and you can expect to get a bit bruised in the process. Remain flexible to changes, relax, and hold firm. You’ll come out the other side having conquered the mountain!
July 16, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Cups. Well, helloooooo sunshine! The Ten of Cups is right up there with The Sun when it comes to happiness, peacefulness, and contentment. Being a Cup, though, it really emphasizes the joy comes from inside you and not from an outside source…like winning the lottery, a fab dream job, or new dynamite lover. This kind of “happiness from within” indicates you’re truly comfortable in your own skin and you’re allowing yourself to experience the wonders of love fully and openly without fear of getting hurt.
This kind of fulfillment puts you in the best position ever to give as you receive because you’ve come to recognize the valuable qualities everything and everyone has. We are all interconnected and just as worthy of joy and abundance as anyone else. EACH of us has a place in Universe.
The darkness that brings balance to all this light is that this card is a 10. Meaning, an ending is near (but which will then clear space for a new beginning). Does this mean all the sunshine will end tomorrow so what’s the point of being happy for a minute? No. The Ten of Cups promises this period of jubilation can last IF YOU DON’T WASTE IT by becoming detached, satiated, and complacent. Continue to recognize your fortunes and be grateful to keep the good times rolling.
July 6, 2021: Card O' the Day: King of Cups, reversed. This card actually turned up on Sunday, but I wasn’t able to put its energy into words at the time so it’s back again today to be heard. King personalities are generally dominating and self-assured, but when they become reversed, their normal characteristics will be pushed to the extreme ends of a spectrum.
To avoid being perceived as wimpy, weak, or ineffectual, one may act very macho, take risks, puff up one’s experience (about anything), and/or over-sell oneself just to feel “bigger.” The normally helpful and caring aspects of this very vibrant personality type and energy is turned away from helping others in an effort to hoard emotional resources. The reversal also applies to pushing feelings to the ends of the normal range. Some appear closed off from others or heartless as they plumb the depths of their own psyche at the expense of outward relationships. Becoming sentimental, maudlin, melancholic, depressed, or disappointed in oneself can result from this withdrawal from social networks. Escape into work, alcohol, and/or illicit drugs are also possible avoidance tactics.
The bottom line is that one needs to experiment with new approaches towards expressing one’s inner life. It’s okay to admit you’re not okay!
July 5, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Star. The Star is fast becoming my favorite card of the Tarot deck…. It reminds you to trust in yourself and learn to be hopeful that at some point you’ll break through blockages and have the fulfillment and clarity that you want and need. It represents new perspectives that help you see unexpected correlations not seen before and seeing the world’s patterns rearranged into new forms. Meaning, you can see what you once thought was an insurmountable problem is only an obstacle you CAN, in fact, get around. When you trust Self to make it through all challenges, then you’re truly free of the mentality of “I can’t.”
Once you learn to accept responsibility for actions and make the necessary changes to get back on the correct and true path, you’ll find the infinite avenues available. And that’s not because suddenly your luck has changed but because you’ve become more awake and open to all the options and not just those that seem convenient or easy.
This card signifies the unknown part of Self in which you can have faith and that provides the light and incentive to achieve your purpose. Now, go make it happen.
July 2, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Pentacles. The Four of Pentacles represents the stable combination of elements that help you create the earthly safety and security the reversed Seven indicated you needed. From this place you can build the foundation to support the PHYSICAL aspects of your life.
However, there’s a real danger with this card that you’ll get too comfy and just squat there. The point to having this solid base is so you can do hard psycho-emotional and/or spiritual work whereby you discover the beauty of and love for Self. And, no, I don’t mean preening like the latest social media influencer. I mean acknowledging your flaws, accepting your limits, and recognizing your imperfections and being okay with them. I’m talking about understanding you’re enough and getting off the mental “shoulda, woulda, coulda” train, being happy in your own skin, and cutting yourself some slack for past failures.
We know ALLLLLLL about the Kardashians’ wealth and success. But they’ve also failed, gotten divorced, and they need Febreeze in their bathrooms just like the rest of us. They do NOT live perfectly charmed lives; they just have gobs of money. How nice for them…but one has to wonder if they’re truly HAPPY within. Otherwise, why the constant and desperate bid for attention and validation?
June 30, 2021: Card O' the Day: Seven of Pentacles, reversed. Pentacles represent all things on the physical plane and the reversal means it ain’t goin’ well. Unspecified worries, vague fears, restlessness, impatience, and pervasive dissatisfaction about everything have you living on the edge of wanting to run away from your life. Your unsatisfying J.O.B. doesn’t help either since you’re overworked and under paid for your endless efforts.
I’m going to put one more thing on your plate and that is to take a hard look at your reality. Start searching for ways you can to make cuts and changes to save time and money. Who can you get to help you? What can be let go? What can you really live without? Start small so the changes aren’t completely overwhelming and set you up to fail.
By pinching every penny until it screams and streamlining life to a smooth hum, you’ll find the time, energy, and money needed to make the really big changes…like going back to school to retrain or increase your skills to get a better, more rewarding job, comfortable accommodations, and a few nice things to validate all your sacrifices and work to get there.
June 29, 2021: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups, reversed. When the Princess of Cups (one of the more passionate and sentimental cards of the deck) is reversed, there could be a fear or aversion to feeling difficult emotions. Timid and fearful of having her sensibilities wounded, the reversed Princess no longer trusts life and relationships and represents a denial of emotional vulnerability. This might result in holding grudges and becoming pessimistic about any type of softer feelings for others.
This card also represents dreams and creative fantasies that act as the germs for new inventions, concepts, or ideals. Reversed, practicality and common sense go out the window, meaning the dreams and fantasies are just that…cloud shapes in the sky that have no basis in reality at all. Acting upon such make-believe or following dreamy inclinations without thinking may lead to mistakes, making promises that cannot be kept, or commitments that mean nothing.
June 25, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant, reversed. The inherent strength of The Hierophant is diminished when the card is reversed and it indicates a lack of conviction or timidity in upholding beliefs, resistance to change, and failing to accept responsibility of truly finding one’s way and Self. Such mental weakness and intellectual lethargy can lead one to become gullible or unsure about the difference between right and wrong and one is now caught in a foolish exercise or dilemma. Sometimes weakness manifests as hubris and one may be making pronouncements with pompous, arrogant, righteous, and absolute assurance they are correct.
Possibly one is clinging to outdated ideas or inappropriate principles. But by adhering to unproved or improvable tenets with sheer blind faith, one shows ruts in one’s thinking and rusty intellectual habits. The reversed Hierophant may represent a false and intolerant “guru” who’s in their leadership position just for the money. Beware of being dominated and manipulated, whether by oneself or others.
Lazy thinking may have escalated as one rejects traditional “authority” and chooses one’s own standards to go one’s own way. One may be contemplating something immoral, unethical, or unprincipled. Or one is past mere unorthodox expression, is ready for confrontation, and moves further into civil disobedience or outright rebellion.
June 24, 2021, Card O' the Day: Three of Swords, reversed. Ooo! Some are struggling with yesterday’s Death. There’s difficulty accepting an unpleasant truth, or a denial of jealousy, sorrow, or inner pain. Dwelling on a quarrel that caused alienation and breakdown of a relationship and then refusing to believe that it’s gone sour is another example of trying to negate circumstances. Blaming others for troubles and refusing to acknowledge your own role in a situation is the “grand prize” of deflecting responsibilities.
But by not addressing the issue, expect escalating disaster; the situation declining into chaos, disorder, and misrule; or mere quarrels multiplying into violence. With your crown chakra stuck in your root chakra, nothing more can be gained by anyone. Blocking the healing process by refusing to deal keeps the pain within and increases its hold.
You’ve got to get ego under control, let go of the hurt, and begin the process of recovery before it creates an entirely different picture. To salvage the situation, careful analysis is required to understand your contributions to the sh*t show, accept that you went off the rails, and cut your losses. (A slice or two of humble pie might be involved….)
June 23, 2021: Card O' the Day: Death. We all know Tarot’s Death card doesn’t mean you’re actually dying but it does represent some sort of natural end, closure, or release. It also signifies an essential movement forward, which requires a certain risk for renewal, a leap in the dark, and trust. The body aspect of Death is “exhaling lungs.” This makes sense because when you’re afraid, you tend not to breathe fully. So, INHALE and be present to make the necessary changes.
You’re using enormous power and energy to maintain an illusion for yourself and others. When you know and believe in yourself, there’s no need to bolster or exaggerate the truth of who you are. Therefore, simplify life and don’t allow your ego to create power drains.
Not an ending, but a transformation; nothing is ever destroyed, it simply changes shape. Meaning, as you leave one state of being, you’re simultaneously reborn into another. Creativity, nourishment, and growth occur when fears and attachments are released and the future is accepted.
June 22, 2021: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups. This card’s relevant keywords for the day are self-development, idealism, and fearlessness. The Princess signifies a timid beginning destined to evolve positively. Therefore, you’re encouraged to be more daring and to embrace something of which you’re a little unsure.
A phase of ample opportunity to follow an artistic, musical, or literary inspiration or begin a project is waiting for you to take the leap. With a goldmine of unharvested talent available, use the power of the imagination to dream of and integrate ideas, ambitions, and creative visions with sensible business skills, attentive observations, and grounded practical ways.
But also remember to take time to enjoy simple pleasures in life, enjoy being human and lighthearted, and that it is okay to pamper oneself once in a while. Manifest your own situation of happiness, loving relationships, and success.
June 20, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Lovers, reversed. When The Lovers is reversed, it indicates trouble in a relationship, whether business, familial, or romantic. The relationship is inharmonious, challenging, or unhealthy for anyone involved. Look out for disagreements, mistrust, deception, quarrels, temptation, infidelity, incompatibility, or struggles for power.
The joining into partnership may suppress one’s individuality or create a need for personal space that isn’t available or granted. Communication is a key component of The Lovers, and when the card is reversed, it can indicate communication problems or not knowing how to approach someone with whom one wishes to engage. Resulting miscommunication can cause confusion regarding your real intentions and put a damper and stress on any connections you might want.
If no relationships or partnerships are at issue, another facet of this card is a choice or decisions that need to be made. However, the reversal of the card indicates you may experience a dilemma, have trouble making a decision due to over-thinking, or delay the next move thereby ruining opportunities. Perhaps the tough choice is between devotion to another person or your own higher Self. Take a hint from the appearance of this card because it represents a time to act alone rather than be party to a bad relationship.
June 16, 2021: Card O' the Day: Six of Cups. Today, the Six of Cups is reiterating yesterday’s concept of examining past methods to see if they worked. The added twist here is checking to see if they not only worked, but also whether you enjoyed that particular process. Look at it this way: you CAN take I-70 straight across the country from Columbus to Denver, OR you can take Route 40, which is lower but more scenic. What’s the point of the trip? to “get there” or enjoying the drive along the way?
The Six also offers good will, optimism, and creative imagination and the staying power to make your ideas concrete. New relationships, environments, and knowledge encourage you to accept others as they are, slow down and balance work with play, and explore your world with glee and wonder as you find pleasure in simple things. CHOOSE peace.
June15, 2021: Card O' the Day: Two of Wands. The Two of Wands is a very dynamic and exciting card. It represents personal power, a doorway, or exploration and you’re being encouraged to take a risk and choose what you really want. What’s desired is being defined and action has begun as your passions unite with gestational creative potential to manifest concrete results.
As mental cloudiness and confusion disperses, you’re fortified and validated in ideas and urged to be fearless in decisions. This is a point where a world of possibilities is open and you don’t want to settle. Once energies have been effectively harnessed and responsibly managed, new possibilities or brilliant original ideas are released. In the process, you might need to reorganize your plans or return to a previously effective one after applying lessons learned. Therefore, look back and see what patterns have worked before and use them again. (No sense in re-inventing the wheel, am I right?)
With the self-willed focus on new experiences and outgoing activities, creative inventiveness may be expressed boldly or rashly as a product of a tremendously free, independent, and intelligent mind. If there’s any uncertainty when deciding about the next project, it’ll be cleared by careful deliberation, strategic planning, and evaluation of all steps and procedures.
June 11, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Hierophant. This card embodies the concept of a higher power for which there is no concrete evidence of existence. It reflects the need humans have for a strong spiritual foundation and the tendency to identify with religion, culture, or race and thus is representative of all the positive aspects of religions and the organization of spiritual practice and laws.
Whereas The Emperor represents a person who hands down traditional laws and norms within the family unit, The Hierophant does so on the societal level and upholds the laws of organizations. He’s the power of structure that creates comfort and security, the familiarity of the routine, and the conformity to the social norms that imbue a sense of peace and common ground for all in the community. This card may represent not a person but the “shoulds" and “oughts” in life that link one to traditional values and established knowledge that attempt to mediate and hold in balance opposing poles in life. These are the laws by which one must live in order to be aligned with the Divine, that make moral judgements such as “right” v. “wrong.”
The appearance of this card may indicate you are being directed by your inner sense of obedience and conformity to find lessons in traditional teaching, societal ideals and codes of behavior, or toe the line of convention.
June 10, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups, reversed. I thought this card looked familiar…it came for us on the 1st of June, too. Also, I noticed we’ve had THREE eights between then and now. If you recall, 8s represent diligence, pursuing goals, progress, and inspiration. The reversed 4 indicates we’re ready to seize the new opportunities arising as we get off our butts and get ready to move.
I invite you to go back and re-read the cards of the last week in which we are reminded work is a spiritual thing, intuition is working in over-drive and we should listen to it, pruning and dead-heading is a good idea to keep things sleek and up-to-date, and a rewarding work product wherein YOU enjoy doing what benefits others is going to feel the best.
Happy and heartwarming news for this rainy June day….
June 7, 2021: Card O' the day: Eight of Pentacles. Two 8s in a row…eights can denote diligence, pursuing goals, and progress. But they also signify inspiration, which segues nicely into the root meaning of Pentacles: the spiritualization of the material plane. This card takes labor in the physical world and charges it with esoteric elements.
You’re being called to continue with your individual work as you apply your skills and talents to a soulful vocation; one that probably involves healing. Now, this doesn’t mean just nursing or other caregiving roles but can include inventing new medications or gizmos that save lives or make life easier for those who’ve been afflicted with disease or disability. Ditto making others happy.
In the current harmonious energy flow, focus on tasks with self-assurance and confidence. (You’re on a roll right now.) Pay attention to details but try not to overly sweat the small stuff. This card reminds you to find the value of your work and be proud of your contributions.
June 6, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Swords. This card denotes something being trapped, blocked, or hemmed in, and I think it’s your spirit. You’re inclined to do some self-exploration but your attempts to gain clarity, see facts, or use natural instincts are met with inside and/or outside interference. Nevertheless, access your inner sight anyway even if you feel like a fool (ask me how I know this….) or others sneer at your efforts (hello, Mom?).
Seekers of spiritual wisdom always undergo sacrifice and ordeals through tests of ingenuity, trust, and faith. (Consider everyone who ever contemplated the concept of God and organized religions or other practices based on beliefs. Since the dawn of time, there have been arguments about who to worship and how to do it “correctly.”) As your mind roams about and ponders the new insights coming in, use the power of YOUR intellect, emotions, and spirit to find liberation via YOUR truth. Learn to trust your intuition and just wait until it’s clear what to do next. It’ll come.
June 5, 2021: card O' the Day: Queen of Cups. Emotionally mature, virtuous, and with a strong sense of right, wrong, and order, this queen represents a shrewd businessperson and the most successful and balanced of the Queens. (In Tarot cards, court cards are gender neutral.) Possessed of a strong will, this type of person directs and molds creative forces without suppressing them and gets inspiration for future endeavors from imagination and past achievements. (Read: be self-aware and accept any type of intuitive abilities to help you.
The appearance of this card may denote a profession in the arts where dreams are turned into creative endeavors because of the ability to unite hopes, imagination, love, and creativity with vision, valuable action, and social usefulness. Alternatively, you would do well in professional counseling and/or healing. Regardless of the form your endeavors take, this card indicates they will give lasting pleasure.
Now that we’re considering spiritually and emotionally rewarding work, just be careful with your boundaries. It’s a slippery slope into giving too much and then burning out
June 4, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Cups. And THIS is just what I was talking about yesterday: bringing abundance to the other parts of your world! Inner awareness takes over for the outer-directed activity as you develop a deeper sense of Self and seek your higher purpose through self-examination. This can be done through therapy, talking with dear friends, solo vacations, or just looking at your life with fresh eyes.
During this process, you’ll figure out what/who doesn’t serve you anymore and can be let go. I suspect you’ll also shift some of your physical situations like jobs or living situations to something more meaningful. For example, leaving your J.O.B. to join the Peace Corps or work for a non-profit. Yeah, you’d suffer a pay cut, but the work would be so much more rewarding spiritually and emotionally. Or you down-size to a tiny home that leaves a smaller carbon footprint.
Regardless of what this energy actually looks like in your daily life, it’s good to contemplate your navel, clean out the closets, and do more than just amass stuff.
June 3, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles. I think this is a card for the future that promises contentment, satisfaction, security, and the building of something lasting after you’ve put in your time to develop the skills mentioned in the Three of Pentacles yesterday. But there are a couple caveats you need to keep in mind as you build your “empire.” Firstly, there’s way more to life than stuff and this card warns against pursuing material wealth to the point you no longer see the magic in life. So, look beyond the material world to bring a different sort of abundance to the other parts of your life, too.
And the best way to do that is to share your accomplishments with your peeps, tribe, posse, and/or family. Throw a party for yourself and invite everybody because it’s really hard to celebrate a promotion or new patent alone. It might seem a little braggy, but with the support of your community you were able to birth these new things. They should be in on the good times after all the hard work of encouraging you.
June 2, 2021: Card O' the Day: Three of Pentacles. A few days ago the Princess of Wands came to us and reassured us no one is born knowing and lacking skill and expertise is okay. The Three of Pentacles tells us how to get it through accepting guidance and teaching from another who already has the abilities you want to develop. You might even have to suffer some form of apprenticeship to get needed experience and some form of credentials proving your required training. The good news is that it’s investing in yourself as a craftsperson…no time or money is ever wasted on self-improvements.
The intangible side of work is reiterated here as with all the Pentacles. Your hard work and dedication will result in the mastery of a technical skill. But it also will serve as a vehicle for self development and further spiritual understanding. So, pick up a book, go to a class, or watch a You Tube video. Never stop learning!
June 1, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups, reversed. Activity and creativity continue. When the Four of Cups is upright, it can indicate apathy and lethargy. But reversed, it indicates a healthy restlessness that has you looking for new opportunities and fresh experiences. At the same time, your value systems might be shifting, so old problems get tackled with unforeseen solutions and you may re-consider options or relationships that seemed off target before.
Fortunately, your psychic potential is enhanced with the arrival of this card. (Read: your gut and “Spidey senses” are awake.) This will help you be discerning when meeting people and taking on projects and not just jump at them merely because they’re new. (This is a different way of reminding you to ground your ideas in reality and don’t trust every Sank Oil salesman you meet.)
May 31: Card O' the Day: The problem with being all fiery and enthusiastic like the Princess of Wands is that sometimes your gut and the energy goes faster than your brain and mouth can keep up. When Temperance is reversed, you may have an intuitive sense about the right combination of elements that are necessary to a situation, but you’re unable to put this into words or to convince others.
Because of this, they may seem uncooperative and uncompromising, and that your interests and needs are competing or conflicting with everyone else’s. Such inability to effectively communicate may lead to discord, disunion, hostility, dissension within a group, or ugly competition between rivals. Projects and experiments can turn out to be impractical, require more time to complete than originally thought, or be out of sync with other aspects of the whole picture. Any one of these situations may cause impatience and frustration on all fronts.
Again, remember to ground your ideas in reality and thoroughly plan the steps to look for the parts that won’t work.
May 30, 2021: Card O' the Day: Princess of Wands. All four of the Princesses signify potential in their elemental spheres and this one represents the birth of Fire and Nature bursting at the seams with growth, potential, light and warmth, innocence, fullness of life, and abundant creativity, artistic talent, and flair. She represents action for the sake of action, adventure, single-mindedness, and one gear: forward.
Now that you’ve dumped some baggage and are freely acting on your own, you’re experiencing a drive to know the Self and are searching for new directions for growth and improvement. Therefore, feed creativity and inspiration, sharpen the senses, attune to nature, expand your outlook, and engage in life more robustly. The appearance of this card acts as a dare to remain open, full of wonder, and joyful at simply being alive as you follow your spirit.
Experience, knowledge, or skill are not required, only desire is needed to take on life’s problems without worry about the likelihood of success. This lack of hands-on training is more than made up for in grit, intuition, and stubbornness. (But remember, be realistic in goals and remain authentic while reaching to attain them.) Nevertheless, be willing to try anything at the first opportunity for a little excitement, explore things that are close at hand with a fearless grace, and view it all as a catalyst for positive change.
May 29, 2021: Card O' the Day: Three of Swords, reversed. Well, no wonder the Prince and reversed Six of Pentacles want you to work on your own. The reversed Three is indicating conflict between those who should be supporting each other through difficulties. It could be time to distance yourself from somebody or a group. This isn’t the best news, but by removing such “troubling aspects” from your life, the old wounds can clear and psycho-emotional pain lessen.
Accept reality. Address the situation now to prevent further deterioration and save yourself from more hassles.
May 28, 2021: Card O' the Day: Six of Pentacles, reversed. The relaxed but steady and diligent energy of the Prince continues today with the reversed Six of Pentacles. Don’t rush as you work. You need the time to evolve carefully. Think crockpot rather than microwave.
As you work, you’ll be overcoming obstacles by yourself. You don’t need the help and it’s good for you to sort and solve your own snags this time around. Some of that sorting will include reconsidering how time and money is spent. The solutions will be to streamline and upgrade your processes to meet the growing demands on your output.
May 27, 2021: Card O' the Day: Prince of Pentacles. I don’t know if this card is for me or for everyone else. I just got back from a vacation visiting my brother and as we all know, there’s tons to do once returning home….
And the good Prince is telling me it doesn’t all have to be done TODAY. I’m allowed to complete tasks slowly, patiently, practically, methodically, calmly, and persistently. (I’ve got a list of things that are most obvious to do first. I’ll figure out what needs to happen later as I plow through the list.) I’m being called to pay attention to improving physical health and wellbeing through exercise and nutrition. (I ate VERY well on my trip and sat in the car A LOT. Oof!)
The Prince of Pentacles also represents being self-contained and free of attachments, letting go of expectations about self and others, and acceptance of what “is” and being okay with it. He has no need to hurry or seek shelter elsewhere because he recognizes he’s already “home” as he rests in the fullness of who he is. He encourages you to make space for a new quality of stillness, take responsibility for any illusions you may be carrying, and at the deepest core, remain at ease, calm, cool, and centered. In other words, chill. It’ll get done when it gets done.
May 19, 2021: Card O' the day: Judgment, reversed. When Judgment appears, any resistance to or objections you may have about its advice are considered excuses in Tarot Land. When the card is reversed, it means those objections are very loud and whiny as one attempts to work toward improvement or correct past mistakes.
Judgment is yet another of the “big changes coming” cards. Reversed, it signifies difficult transitions, hesitation, or resentfulness towards or doubting the value of the necessary changes. One may have difficulty believing the changes have begun and reject new technologies, lack perspective, or be unable to see the big picture. (Hello, coming back out of our caves with or without masks, with or without vaccines….) Unfortunately, this puts you at risk of bad judgments, poor decisions (or avoiding them), confusion, and delays from missing (or being resistant to) a new, important communication or information.
Now, it could be you’re unable to detach from old ways or merely need more time to adjust. (I know I do.) But we DO need to get back out to the world and interact with others, carry on productivity, work towards goals, and basically live rather than just circle the airport. So, get your information from several reliable sources (not just your aunt’s hairdresser’s cousin), be careful, and take on only what you can handle until you get used to being around a lot of people again.
May 18, 2021: Card O' the Day: Princess of Cups, reversed. For the last card, I wrote “IF your emotions are imbalanced and you’re overreacting….” Well, yep, they are, according to the reversed Princess of Cups. After being wounded, one retreats from one’s feelings and swears never to be vulnerable again.
But when cut off from all the “feels”, one cuts oneself off from creativity, too. Projects become shapeless fantasies with nothing to motivate one into actually DOING something productive towards those goals. Sure, you may be “in the planning” stage, but it’s really just daydreaming and wandering through an imaginary kingdom where nothing ever goes wrong.
The problem with emotional constipation is the emotions stay bottled up and not processed. You’ve got to FEEL the pain so it can be moved along. Otherwise it sits in the back of your mind taking up space and generally being a wet blanket on everything in your life. Don’t be surprised if friends become scarce and family a bit terse with you. The best thing you can do for yourself is have a really good cry or see a therapist to move that sh*t outta there!
May 16, 2021: Card O' the Day: Temperance, reversed. We seem to be flip-flopping between balance and not. Something is out of whack, in conflict, or excessive and thereby creating stress and/or ill health. If your emotions are imbalanced and you’re overreacting, over compensating, lacking in compassion, or believing a situation has to be all or nothing, such emotional turmoil could lead to quarrels, discord, disagreements, and feeling out of the flow and disconnected from your sense of Self as energy dissipates. (We talked about obsessing over that wrinkle yesterday.) One is encouraged to calm down and avoid all extremes. (Which is a polite way of saying “chill out!”)
Now, you might have an intuitive sense about the right combination of elements that are necessary to a situation, but can’t put it into words or to convince others. Because of this, they may seem uncooperative and uncompromising (but they can’t read your mind!), and that your interests and needs are competing or conflicting with everyone else’s. Projects and experiments can turn out to be impractical, require more time to complete than originally thought, or be out of sync with other aspects of the whole picture. Any one of these situations may cause impatience and frustration on all fronts. (Oh, ya think?)
Therefore, change is not recommended at this time and I wouldn’t rush into any important decisions.
May 15, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Pentacles. This card shows that many are returning to work, but that it’s more individual than team efforts. I feel like you’ve all been given your tasks, you’re off doing them with diligence, and are making steady progress. There’s a nice energy flow which creates a balance between living life well and accumulation and prosperity. Long-term projects are nearing completion and fruition as intelligence is being applied to material things. You’re doing what you love.
However, (notice I DIDN’T say “but”) when your nose is to the grindstone and you’re clipping along without glitches, it’s very easy to laser focus on a minute wrinkle and overwork yourself fiddling with it. Step back a moment to see the bigger picture. Does the “wrinkle” REALLY matter or is it an OCD thing that’s making you spend too much time and energy on it? Maintain your common sense to preserve your spirit and sanity.
May 13, 2021: card O' the Day: The World. Something earthy, practical, and sustaining in your divine play and cosmic dance is at work as you whisper to the stars, “may I come to the knowledge of my own radiant truth!” This connection to Source gives you the capacity to perceive with the imagination, have knowledge animated by enthusiasm, and hold obedience graced by joyous acceptance. This place of inner perception is home.
This card is proof of a life filled with even more potential for a major realization and culmination of goals. It represents the power of the will to manifest results, attain all that’s good or desirable in being, living, and behaving, and practical use of knowledge and learning to take control of life and determine your destiny. You becomes aligned with Spirit when there’s a totality of balance between the mind, physical expression, and intuition; unification of your inner sense of being with outer forces of life; the unconscious is known consciously; and you’re able to perceive the whole picture from a composite of all the small pieces.
This union of all opposites—relationship and solitude, spirit and body, conflict and harmony, maternal care and paternal ethics—is the moment of perfect integrated wholeness of Self and one-ness with Universe. You’re now capable of knowing, forgiving, and loving everything with the freedom that comes when you connect with the inner kernel of the Divine that’s present in everyone.
May 11, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ten of Pentacles. After all that exciting Wands energy, the Ten of Pentacles brings us back to grounded reality where we can flex those creative muscles in a secure environment. That includes not having to worry about pecking order. Judgment has been released and there’s no one person superior to the rest of the plebes. We’re all linked together in this thing call Life.
The only caveat we have with this card is it’s easy to concentrate too hard on the material things. The solid practicality of this Ten can come at the expense of magic. Therefore, remember the other corners of your world (mind, heart, spirit) and use the Wands’ energy to keep the enchantment alive.
May 10, 20201: Card O' the day: Seven of Wands, reversed. This is our third Wand card in three days. The main attribute of this “youngest” of the four suits is creative making…of anything. All these Wands appearing indicate a great flowing of energy, but that’s not enough to actually get anything done. Keep dreaming but find small goals along the way to accomplish. Remember, inches make miles.
The Seven reversed can mean you’re butting heads with someone. You may feel like you’re in the “inferior” position and should back down, but don’t. Refuse to be intimidated! Find another way to charm your opponent into understanding your way of thinking. First, get your idea well fleshed out in a powerpoint presentation or a solid 15 second elevator pitch. This will get the person who needs to listen to give you time to present your case. Your clear course of action will restore your self-confidence and impress others.
May 9, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Wands. This card has a strange mix of high velocity, movement, and pushing to complete a goal combined with spiritual contemplation of your navel. What I interpret this to mean is psycho-emotionally, creatively, and esoterically there’s a big shove forward but you’re not going to physically see much difference. In other words, this is a big—but important—head trip.
During this time, energies will be well aligned and problems easily solved. You don’t have to plan details too carefully…just feel the flow and trust your power within the grand scheme of things. Even though this is subtle stuff, you’ll experience growth and adventure during this physical pause. Make the most of what you already have at hand because you don’t need more stuff.
What you do need, though, is to understand this head-trip/journey is important. Each step of the way has meaning and significance. Focus on those moments and enjoy them because this journey is the actual goal. This is akin to a “bucket list” trip with your dying best friend. Doing the things on the list isn’t why you’re going, it’s all the little blinks and last pictures created between. So take a breath and see the beauty of life.
May 7, 2021: Card O' the Day: Ace of Wands: This card is asking you to be bold, daring, and let your inner light shine. As the guardian of sacred spaces, this Ace assists in exploring the deepest parts of your soul to show truth and an authentic new perspective of who you really are. Self-realization, clear intentions, tranquility, and purity help you remove all limits to playfulness.
The current environment is stable yet fluid, which is perfect for new endeavors or beginnings, new found passion or direction, and evolution and growth. Allowing yourself to blossom into the real you and follow your bliss will lead to intimacy, happiness, and being present to life right this minute.
The stone associated with this card is fire opal. It’s said enhance your personal power, awaken your inner fire and revitalize your mind and body. But it’s also a protective stone for helping you do your deep inner work to find that new perspective I mentioned above. If you’ve got a chunk, now would be the time to keep it close.
May 6, 2021: Card O' the Day: Strength, reversed. The Strength card in Tarot represents sexual energy: literally (the urge, pleasure in, and act of “bumping uglies”) and figuratively (as in the force behind all urges forward to create, succeed, and conquer). Your urges to create and succeed could be to do something “less than practical”, like pursue a career in dance, or you could be struggling with your literal sexual expression.
Regardless, whether we’re talking literal or figurative sexual energy, some of you are afraid of your personal passions, urges, or instincts, which leads to inner torment and severely repressing and denying yourself. Defective expression of this energy results in inhibition, impotence, and frigidity in the sack or on the platform of what you’re trying to do.
At some point the “reversed Emperor” in your life will want to have a sit down with you and “discuss” (read: harangue you) certain choices you’re making in your life. This may deepen feelings of shame or guilt and cut you off from that which nourishes you. I repeat yesterday’s advice: Let the haters hate. Find a tribe that welcomes you in all your glory. And get help.
May 5, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Emperor, reversed...again. The minute anyone takes a step onto a “different” path, there will be those who’ll be overly critical, censorious, disapproving, and judgmental about it. Despite it being NONE of their business, they have no space for alternative opinions or beliefs in their tiny little minds. Prepare for betrayed trust, the removal of support, or both.
In the face of such push-back, you may become insecure about or doubt your new choices and explorations. It might be difficult to stand up for yourself and your self-confidence and esteem may take a hit.
Let the haters hate. Find a tribe that welcomes you in all your glory.
May 3, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Emperor, reversed. When The Emperor, the stereotypical “father” figure of the Tarot deck, is reversed, its inherent macho-ness and other yang/active energy characteristics are being rejected. One may be breaking through traditional or cultural clichés surrounding how male identifying people should behave to define new possibilities of self-expression. This may manifest as benevolence or compassion that you haven’t allowed yourself to offer others before now. It could be you’re ready to explore alternative sexual interests or gender identities or are ready to accept them in someone else.
At any rate, this softening of rigidly held beliefs and norms is a beautiful thing and will bring you new opportunities for relating with and to others that couldn’t happen before.
May 2, 2021: Card O' the Day: Three of Wands. Well then! Now that we’ve jettisoned a few attachments, we’re enthusiastic about getting going! The active, positive, and dynamic energy of this card gives you the courage to leave certain securities to venture forth into the unknown and commit to a new path. It’s not as dramatic as The Fool, but nevertheless you’re ready and feeling more resourceful than usual. Follow those visions, especially in business matters, because the beginnings of success are there.
However, to differentiate your true visions from mere “hey, this sounds fun” whims, you’ll need to tap into your inner stillness and focus on what’s next. Listen to the whispers of wisdom coming from Nature. Feel the purity in your heart and the power of creativity. When you invite your higher consciousness to the table and really pay attention to its input, your path and projects will feel “truer” and more aligned with who you are and what you want to accomplish.
May 1, 2021: Card O' the Day: The Devil, reversed. The Devil largely represents all the material trappings of human life that can become a barrier between oneself and one’s higher, spiritual Self. When the card is reversed, it indicates a liberation from something that has been taking up too much space in your head, heart, and spirit.
As you free yourself—or are freed—you’ll come to understand how wrong the attachment was in the first place. It may have started out feeling like a good idea, but it then took on a life of its own and overwhelmed. Seeing the truth helps you let go so you’re then available for better. A better job, relationship, connection to Universe, or anything that lifts you higher than you are right this minute.
April 23, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Swords. The second 9 in a row….Nines can indicate culmination, end of a cycle, letting go, but also greatness. Nines are also associated with healing in its deepest sense on the spiritual level.
Specifically, the Nine of Swords can represent anxiety for a loved one, grief, sickness, and the power worry has over us. While some of us may be facing a great sorrow, this card promises transformation after that suffering. Immediately following comes peace to the heart. Ego will kick and scream a bit, but in the end, as sorrow is acknowledged and allowed to flow through you (rather than getting stuck in a pity party), you’ll come out the other side.
Pain (physical, emotional, or spiritual) is not meant to simply make you miserable. It’s there to make you aware. Aware of having had that blessing that’s now leaving. Aware of the remaining blessings that still fill your life. Aware of fond memories. Or aware it’s time to make some changes to become happier.
April 22, 2021: Card O' the Day: Nine of Cups, reversed. The Nine of Cups is considered to be the “wish” card of the Tarot deck. All wishes come true, rainbows and cupcakes, etc. However, when it’s reversed, it shows you what’s really in those pretty, pretty cupcakes: tans-fats, sugar, and artificial everything.
This reversal brings a greater awareness of what’s true, which then brings you liberty from the gerbil wheel of constantly trying to pursue, and achieve, material pleasures that may appear to be “happiness” but aren’t. Look deeper and reject the trivial surface values that require you to keep up appearances. As you become free from false attachments and former attitudes of smugness and complacency, you’ll find your inner bliss. (Go for the plain, organic bran muffin. It ain’t pretty but it’ll make you poop!)
April 21, 2021: Card O' the Day: King of Wands, reversed. One has come to recognize lack of expertise and knowledge in something. This can cause feelings of dissatisfaction or uneasiness uneasy about the situation.
What NOT to do: Try to cover up your shortcomings with bluster, excuses, and blaming of others.
What TO do: You should relinquish control because your effective impact has been disturbed, blocked, or weakened and insignificant matters can become magnified. Continuing on as leader is pointless. But because you’re understanding of your own flaws and well tempered, you’re able to step back and wisely say “I don’t know how.” Such courage to do so does NOT diminish your force but actually increases it since you’ll be respected for allowing someone else better qualified to take the lead rather than ruin it all with your flailing.
April 20, 2021: Card O' the Day: Four of Cups, reversed. When the “boredom card” (Four of Cups) is reversed, it indicates we’re itching with a healthy restlessness for new opportunities to overcome that boredom and apathy. As we break out of the fallow period of discontent, the literal spring time offers new events and plenty of outdoor activity. Stuff you may have rejected last fall as not possible or not interesting may come back around. This new mood of yours enables you to see the advantages, and you might be more willing to give it a go.
Now, with all that said, be careful of your choices! Don’t become besties with new acquaintances just because you’ve been so isolated for the last year. And for heaven’s sake, don’t “fall in love” just because you’re horny! Be just as discerning with your new people as you were before. This also goes for new activities. Is this really what you want to do or is it a mindless distraction? For example, don’t join the local softball league—even though you’re totally “meh” about it—and then flake on your new teammates.
April 15, 2021: Card O' the Day: Eight of Swords, reversed. Oh, THANK you! Finally some relief from the righteous arrogance of late.
The reversed Eight recognizes the intellectual blocks and ego that led to difficulty, thoughtlessness, resistance, and squabbling. But it also promises clear sight and the first steps towards liberation from this awful